MIGO acc posting

Dear All,
During migo, where to define what accounting document to create? Like FI document, profit center doc, cost center doc.
Need your kind advice.

All posting of in MIGO depends on nature of procurement where PO creation involved with special vital character in the PO like account assignment category,item category & tax code.
Case-1:MIGO entry without tax on standard procurement of material
Inventory A/C: -Dr
GR/IR Material :-Cr
Control & assignment in OBYC with BSX & WRX keys
also same accounting entries,if excise tax inventoried
Case-2:MIGO entry with tax on standard procurement of material(excise set off)
Inventory A/C: -Dr
GR/IR material  :-Cr
CENVAT Input BED: u2013 Dr
CENVAT Input CESS: u2013 Dr
CENVAT Input HCESS: u2013 Dr
CENVAT Clearing: - Cr
Control & assignment in OBYC with BSX & WRX keys and for excise taxes respective keys assigned  in OB40
Case-3:MIGO entry with service procurement
Service Exp.A/C: -Dr
GR/IR Service :-Cr
Control & assignment in OBYC for  WRX key and  OKB9 /KA01/KS01but involved service tax will trigger in MIRO transaction.
Biju K

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    for migo
    do following
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    reward if useful

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    Best regards

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    Thanx & regards,

    When it is return delivery tranaction and if you don't select no excise entry system by default captures all data from original document except quantity field and hence all the fileds will be non modifiable. However it is better to select 'No Excise Entry" at the time of Return Delivery and then go for "create excise invoice for other movements" T Code "J1IS" so that you could enter all the duties correct based on the qty rejected in return delivery.
    Hope it would suits you.

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    <<Text removed>>
    Thanks in advance.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Edited by: Matt on Apr 7, 2009 9:12 AM - Do not offer rewards

    in the method IF_EX_MB_MIGO_BADI~LINE_MODIFY get the purchase order value enterd on the
    screen to memory id
    import the po value from memory id and do the corresponding validations and display the message.
                      TITEL     = 'ORDER'
                      TEXTLINE1 = V_TEXT.                "order number
    Shailaja Ainala.

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    Which procedure you are following,
      Check the following ,
      1.Create material Material Document   for posting change ,
    2. Create posting chenge Notice LU01--  Create
    Here you can clearly check to which storage type you want to post.
    3.  Now Create TO by LT05
    4. Confirm By Lt12

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    Need some advice on SAP MM MIGO GR 101 with reference to Purchase Order.
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    However, during MIGO GR screen on this PO, system prompted a message below where it took a while (long respond time) and then only post to material document successfully.
    Read planning situation for material XXX in plant YYY
    XXX = material code
    YYY = plant code
    From where this message is triggerred? It is not error, warning, or information message. However, it only appear when we post GR against 3rd aprty scenario purchase order
    Please advise

    Dear Lyonie
    This message seems to be generated dynamically during the save process of GR.
    When we click save button in MIGO GR button, there will be number of BAPI/FM will triggered to validate/check and post the data. During this process, some dynamic messages will be displayed for the user about the process. It is very difficult to find out the message triggering point.
    Example I can provide , not sure about relevancy , We can observe start of application: Good movement  message initially while we execute MIGO. 
    Still you need to find out about the message, please take help of technical ABAP consultant help to trace out the message triggering point.
    warm regards
    Ramakrishna Ponnapati


    Hi All,
    When I am posting GR against PO in MIGO Screen,
    The system is not excuting 'J_1I7_MIGO_SAVE' .
    "In Program SAPLJ1IEXGM  in the function module J_1IEXGM_UPDATE_EXCISE there is a "CALL FUNCTION 'J_1I7_MIGO_SAVE'.
    can u pls help me on this.
    Message was edited by:
            Ameen Basha Md

    It seems like the answer to your problem is in SAP note n° 636102

  • Modification of MIGO Financial Posting from Custom Pricing Conditions on PO

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    Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.

    in the condiion type remove the Quantity scale basis and try

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    My company wants to put the plants in the header level,because all the line items in a one document is alway refer to same plants(that is we are not using different plants for different line items)
    We do tranfer posting using 303 movement type to sent to another plant,here we are sending all the line item from same plant to a same destination plant,but now we have to enter the plants to all line itmes and when using this document in 305 same problem comes becuse we always need to change the destination plant.(destination plant is not automaticaly taking)
    Is thr any way to do this.
    Thanks & Best Regards,

    If you are using MB1B , in that case Receving plant needs to be entered only once for while document.
    If using MIGO , In item overview select the Destination plant in the 1st line item of the document & click on "Content "Symbol,
    It will copy value of the 1st line item to all the below fields .
    Hope this serves your requirement.
    Edited by: Manish Kumar on Dec 2, 2010 12:40 PM

  • When MIGO Doc posting Excise Invoice BED,AED,SED,ECS,CESS Not displayed

    dear Gurus ,
    i have one problem when i and posting the document through MIGO T-code the doc is posted but these values is not appearing in the screen
    Click on bottom of Excise invoice then put data on each of the fields for ex :- BED 
    Then this data will be print on top window of the Excise invoice column .
    BED   0.00                SED    0.00             SECess 0.00          
    AED   0.00                ECS    0.00                                  
    NCCD  0.00              CESS   0.00            
    but this data is not displayed in the screen but doc is posted successfully .
    we are upgrading the system for 4.7 to ECC 6.0 after that this problem comes kindly send me the solution or is there any configuration wise changes or some support package or note is applying kindly send me the details and feedback
    ritesh sharma
    SAP ABAP Consultant

    In my opinion you have not maintained the Excise details.
    Chapter ID
    Material & Chater ID Combination
    Assesable Value
    Cenvat Determination
    Vendor Excise Details ( Check the Excise Indicator) as 1
    because of not maintaining these Excise details, values are not caluclated in the Purchase Order.
    Due to this reason while doing Goods receipt, system is not getting the Excise Values.
    Please maintain and let me know.

  • PO or MIGO Error - Posting to GL marked Automatic Posting

    Hi Users
    I have a GL account which is a P&L account and not a Reconciliation account. The same has been configured in OBYC under GBB-VBR. The account has been marked as automatic posting.
    Now, Iam trying to create a Purchase Order for a material with Account Assignment category 'Q', with Account Assignment to a WBS Element and the GL account will get determined automatically (as mentioned above through OBYC). It is at this time that Iam getting this error message.
    Further, for Purchase orders already created before (when the account was not marked as automatic posting), the error gets populated at the time of MIGO. In order for me to post to this account, I have to remove the automatic posting tick.
    So the query is that, though the account determination is happening automatically through OBYC, still the system is throwing the message that GL account cannot be posted because it is automatic posting.
    Let me know in case you require any further details.
    Abhishek Kumar

    Hi Kishore
    We have created certain service materials which material type SERV and hence we are creating purchase order (actually work orders in business terms) using ME21N. The Account assignment category is 'Q'. I need to post the services directly to a P&L account called 'civil works account'. This posting needs to be assigned to the WBS element and hence the AA category 'Q'. The account I have maintained in OBYC under GBB-VBR for valuation class 3200 (which is assigned to the service material).
    I need to maintain this account as automatic posting due to business requirement as no user should be able to post to it directly.
    Hope you understood my query now. Kindly assist in resolving the issue.
    Abhishek Kumar.

  • User Exit  for MIGO(Transfer Posting)

    Is there any user exit for transfer posting by MIGO?
    if so plz give the names of user exits related to it.....
    Awaiting for ur reply..............

    Transaction Code - MIGO                     Goods Movement
    Exit Name           Description
    MBCF0002            Customer function exit: Segment text in material doc. item
    MBCF0005            Material document item for goods receipt/issue slip
    MBCF0006            Customer function for WBS element
    MBCF0007            Customer function exit: Updating a reservation
    MBCF0009            Filling the storage location field
    MBCF0010            Customer exit: Create reservation BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE1
    MBCF0011            Read from RESB and RKPF for print list in  MB26
    MB_CF001            Customer Function Exit in the Case of Updating a Mat. Doc.
    No of Exits:          8
    Rewards if useful.........

  • Pgi acc posting

    1) may i know when doing pgi, accounting doc to be created, right? this type of acc doc is goods issue?
    2&#65289;to see this accounting doc generated in point 1, get the material document from doc flow, hit display document pushbutton and in display mat doc screen click accounting doc, right&#65311;
    3) the double entry in this acc doc is DR cogs (81) and CR inventory (99) ?
    4) the debit entry coming from OBYC/GBB, may i know the credit side gl account coming from where? i do not see the credit side gl account in OBYC.

    PGI - Post Goods Issued.
    Your points 2 and 3 are right.
    Warm Regards,
    Sivakumar Sathiyamoorthy

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