Migrate wiki data

How do you migrate wiki data from Yosemite Server 4.1 to a different Yosemite server?

Still need some handholding ...
macserv:~ administrator$ sudo wikiadmin import -path /tmp/wikiadmin-export-administrativeprocedures
2015-04-22 15:28:49.208 wikiadmin[6731:55385] ==> Importing Project...
macserv:~ administrator$ sudo wikiadmin import -path /tmp/wikiadmin-export-deploystudio
2015-04-22 15:29:41.101 wikiadmin[6773:55659] ==> Importing Project...
macserv:~ administrator$ sudo wikiadmin import -path /tmp/wikiadmin-export-knowledgebase
2015-04-22 15:29:59.216 wikiadmin[6791:55840] ==> Importing Project...
macserv:~ administrator$ sudo wikiadmin import -path /tmp/wikiadmin-export-staffprocedures
2015-04-22 15:31:38.085 wikiadmin[6847:56563] ==> Importing Project...
macserv:~ administrator$ sudo wikiadmin import -path /tmp/wikiadmin-export-windowsimaging
2015-04-22 15:32:09.678 wikiadmin[6873:56725] ==> Importing Project...
macserv:~ administrator$ sudo wikiadmin import -path /tmp/wikiadmin-export-workprocedures
2015-04-22 15:32:31.712 wikiadmin[6901:57024] ==> Importing Project...
macserv:~ administrator$ sudo serveradmin stop wiki
wiki:state = "STOPPING"
macserv:~ administrator$ sudo serveradmin start wiki
wiki:state = "STARTING"
But nothing is there in the new wiki.

Similar Messages

  • Wikiadmin does not seem to migrate wiki data

    I recently upgraded from lion server to mountain lion server. Wikis did not automatically migrate. I saved old wiki data in ~/server.library.backup/Wiki/ and I tried using wikiadmin to migrate the data:
    1. stop wiki service
    2. sudo wikiadmin migrate -r server.library.backup/Wiki/
    3. start wiki service
    Now there was something moved to:
    [root@truffula]FileData# ls -l
    total 0
    drwxr-x---+ 3 _teamsserver  _teamsserver  102 Dec  6 10:10 3d
    drwxr-x---+ 3 _teamsserver  _teamsserver  102 Dec  6 10:10 50
    drwxr-x---+ 3 _teamsserver  _teamsserver  102 Dec  6 10:10 c3
    drwxr-x---+ 3 _teamsserver  _teamsserver  102 Dec  6 10:10 d1
    drwxr-x---+ 3 _teamsserver  _teamsserver  102 Dec  6 10:10 e4
    drwxr-x---+ 3 _teamsserver  _teamsserver  102 Dec  6 10:10 fb
    However, it does not show up when I log into the wiki, and it is far too small
    original files du -h
    new files du -h
    Any advice on what to try next would be most appreciated. And by the way... I can create a new wiki, so I know that the sevice is working properly.
    Here is a copy of the output form running wikiadmin migrate:
    [kirkw@truffula]~$ sudo wikiadmin migrate -r server.library.backup/Wiki/
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [main.m:189 72665180 +0ms] Repository location appears to be a relative path (server.library.backup/Wiki), prepending --sourceRoot ()
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [main.m:192 72665180 +0ms] Repository location is server.library.backup/Wiki
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [CSConfig:54 72665180 +0ms] Reading plist at /Library/Server/Wiki/Config/collabd.plist
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:61 72665180 +4ms] -[PGCConnection connect] with [user=collab dbname=collab]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +5ms] Executing update [SET bytea_output TO escape]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [BEGIN]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:388 72665180 +0ms] Executing scalar query [SELECT true FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid='global_settings'::regclass AND attname='value_int']
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +2ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=1/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:388 72665180 +4ms] Executing scalar query [SELECT value_int FROM global_settings WHERE key = 'com.apple.setting.schema_version']
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=1/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [SchemaMigrator:148 72665180 +0ms] Updating schema...
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [SELECT * FROM entity_acls WHERE entity_uid_fk = '19A307C1-82BC-45C7-845A-21839FB222C7']
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:388 72665180 +0ms] Executing scalar query [SELECT true FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid='global_settings'::regclass AND attname='value_int']
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=1/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:388 72665180 +0ms] Executing scalar query [SELECT value_int FROM global_settings WHERE key = 'com.apple.setting.schema_version']
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=1/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [SchemaMigrator:442 72665180 +0ms] Schema updates completed.
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [COMMIT]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [MigrationController:770 72665180 +0ms] Migrating...
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:205 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [SELECT uid FROM entity WHERE uid = $1::UUID OR tiny_id = $2 LIMIT 1] with params [(
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:205 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [SELECT * FROM user_entity LEFT OUTER JOIN entity ON user_entity.entity_uid_fk = entity.uid WHERE external_id = $1] with params [(
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=1/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [UserMigrator:66 72665180 +0ms] found already migrated user 9762a4b8-713d-4336-a3a4-d24b84149828
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:205 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity (uid, tiny_id, entity_type_fk, long_name, ownedby_uid_fk, createdby_user_fk) VALUES ($1::UUID, $2, 'com.apple.entity.Migration', $3, $1::UUID, $4::UUID)] with params [(
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +5ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:205 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO migration_entity (entity_uid_fk) VALUES ($1::UUID)] with params [(
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM entity WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +4ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [ALTER TABLE master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 ADD COLUMN original_location varchar]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE document_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM document_entity WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE page_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM page_entity WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE user_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM user_entity WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE project_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM project_entity WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE blog_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM blog_entity WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE entity_attrs_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM entity_attrs WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +2ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE entity_private_attrs_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM entity_private_attrs WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE entity_acls_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM entity_acls WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE file_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM file_entity WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +2ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE file_data_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM filedata_entity WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +2ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE entity_changesets_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM entity_changesets WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +2ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE entity_comment_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM entity_comment WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE saved_query_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM savedquery_entity WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE relationship_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM relationship WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +2ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [CREATE TABLE subscription_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM subscription WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [MigrationController:776 72665180 +0ms] Migrating known users
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Warning>: [UserMigrator:269 72665180 +0ms] No Users directory found. Skipping.
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [MigrationController:778 72665180 +0ms] Generating placeholders for all known pages and wikis
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Warning>: [ProjectMigrator:267 72665180 +0ms] No Groups directory found. Skipping.
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [MigrationController:780 72665180 +0ms] Found 0 pages belonging to 0 wikis and 1 users.
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [MigrationController:783 72665180 +0ms] Re-scanning 0 pages for pasted image/attachment URLs
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [MigrationController:536 72665180 +0ms] Copying content to real tables...
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [BEGIN]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [SET maintenance_work_mem TO '1GB']
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:205 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DELETE FROM migrationplaceholder_entity WHERE entity_uid_fk IN (SELECT uid FROM entity WHERE ownedby_uid_fk = $1::UUID)] with params [(
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:430 72665180 +0ms] Executing count query [DELETE FROM entity WHERE entity_type_fk = 'com.apple.entity.MigrationPlaceholder' AND ownedby_uid_fk = $1::UUID] with params [(
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [UPDATE master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 SET revision = 1 WHERE revision IS NULL]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [UPDATE master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 SET is_hidden = false WHERE is_hidden IS NULL]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity (uid, tiny_id, entity_type_fk, short_name, long_name, description, create_time, update_time, createdby_user_fk, updatedby_user_fk, ownedby_uid_fk, owner_entity_type_fk, is_blog_enabled) (SELECT uid, tiny_id, entity_type_fk, short_name, long_name, description, create_time, update_time, createdby_user_fk, updatedby_user_fk, ownedby_uid_fk, owner_entity_type_fk, is_blog_enabled FROM master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 WHERE entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.Project')]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity (uid, tiny_id, entity_type_fk, short_name, long_name, description, create_time, update_time, createdby_user_fk, updatedby_user_fk, ownedby_uid_fk, owner_entity_type_fk, revision) (SELECT uid, tiny_id, entity_type_fk, short_name, long_name, description, create_time, update_time, createdby_user_fk, updatedby_user_fk, ownedby_uid_fk, owner_entity_type_fk, revision FROM master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 WHERE entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.Blog')]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO blog_entity (entity_uid_fk) (SELECT entity_uid_fk FROM blog_entity_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity (uid, tiny_id, entity_type_fk, short_name, long_name, description, create_time, update_time, createdby_user_fk, updatedby_user_fk, ownedby_uid_fk, owner_entity_type_fk, revision) (SELECT uid, tiny_id, entity_type_fk, short_name, long_name, description, create_time, update_time, createdby_user_fk, updatedby_user_fk, ownedby_uid_fk, owner_entity_type_fk, revision FROM master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 WHERE entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.Page')]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO document_entity (entity_uid_fk, original_location) (SELECT uid, original_location FROM master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 WHERE entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.Page')]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO page_entity (entity_uid_fk, is_detail_page, is_blogpost) (SELECT entity_uid_fk, is_detail_page, is_blogpost FROM page_entity_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO project_entity (entity_uid_fk, detail_page_fk) (SELECT entity_uid_fk, detail_page_fk FROM project_entity_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity (uid, tiny_id, entity_type_fk, short_name, long_name, description, create_time, update_time, createdby_user_fk, updatedby_user_fk, ownedby_uid_fk, owner_entity_type_fk, is_hidden) (SELECT uid, tiny_id, entity_type_fk, short_name, long_name, description, create_time, update_time, createdby_user_fk, updatedby_user_fk, ownedby_uid_fk, owner_entity_type_fk, is_hidden FROM master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 WHERE entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.FileData')]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO filedata_entity(entity_uid_fk, size, uti, content_type, data_uri) (SELECT entity_uid_fk, size, uti, content_type, data_uri FROM file_data_entity_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity (uid, tiny_id, entity_type_fk, short_name, long_name, description, create_time, update_time, createdby_user_fk, updatedby_user_fk, ownedby_uid_fk, owner_entity_type_fk, is_hidden) (SELECT uid, tiny_id, entity_type_fk, short_name, long_name, description, create_time, update_time, createdby_user_fk, updatedby_user_fk, ownedby_uid_fk, owner_entity_type_fk, is_hidden FROM master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 WHERE entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.File')]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO document_entity (entity_uid_fk, original_location) (SELECT uid, original_location FROM master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 WHERE entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.File')]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO file_entity (entity_uid_fk, content_type, data_uid_fk) (SELECT entity_uid_fk, content_type, data_uid_fk FROM file_entity_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity_changesets (uid, entity_uid_fk, entity_revision, change_user_fk, change_action, change_type, change_time, change_comment, change_fields, change_data_bin) (SELECT uid, entity_uid_fk, entity_revision, change_user_fk, change_action, change_type, change_time, change_comment, change_fields, change_data_bin FROM entity_changesets_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity_attrs (entity_uid_fk, attrs_bin) (SELECT entity_uid_fk, attrs_bin FROM entity_attrs_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity_private_attrs (entity_uid_fk, attrs_bin) (SELECT entity_uid_fk, attrs_bin FROM entity_private_attrs_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DELETE FROM entity_acls WHERE entity_uid_fk IN (SELECT entity_uid_fk FROM entity_acls_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity_acls (entity_uid_fk, eval_order, login, external_id, action, allow) (SELECT entity_uid_fk, eval_order, login, external_id, action, allow FROM entity_acls_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity_comment (uid, parent_uids, entity_uid_fk, title, body, author_user_fk, is_approved, approvedby_user_fk, approval_time, create_time) (SELECT uid, parent_uids, entity_uid_fk, title, body, author_user_fk, is_approved, approvedby_user_fk, approval_time, create_time FROM entity_comment_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO savedquery_entity (entity_uid_fk, query_bin) (SELECT entity_uid_fk, query_bin FROM saved_query_entity_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO relationship (uid, source_uid_fk, target_uid_fk, reltype, create_time) (SELECT uid, source_uid_fk, target_uid_fk, reltype, create_time FROM relationship_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO subscription (user_uid_fk, entity_uid_fk, notification_type) (SELECT user_uid_fk, entity_uid_fk, notification_type FROM subscription_scratch_20121206T102050)]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [SELECT uid, avatar_uid_fk FROM master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050 WHERE entity_type_fk != 'com.apple.entity.User']
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [COMMIT]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [MigrationController:641 72665180 +0ms] Destroying migration entity and scratch tables...
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE master_entity_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE document_entity_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE page_entity_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE user_entity_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE project_entity_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE entity_attrs_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE entity_private_attrs_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE entity_acls_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE file_entity_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE file_data_entity_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE blog_entity_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE saved_query_entity_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE entity_changesets_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE entity_comment_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE relationship_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DROP TABLE subscription_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:205 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DELETE FROM migration_entity WHERE entity_uid_fk IN (SELECT uid FROM entity WHERE ownedby_uid_fk = $1::UUID)] with params [(
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:205 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [DELETE FROM entity WHERE uid = $1::UUID] with params [(
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +7ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [MigrationController:669 72665180 +0ms] Done
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity_attrs (entity_uid_fk) (SELECT uid FROM entity WHERE uid NOT IN (SELECT entity_uid_fk FROM entity_attrs))]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO entity_private_attrs (entity_uid_fk) (SELECT uid FROM entity WHERE uid NOT IN (SELECT entity_uid_fk FROM entity_private_attrs))]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [UPDATE entity SET is_hidden = true WHERE entity_type_fk = 'com.apple.entity.User' AND is_hidden = false AND (short_name = 'unauthenticated' OR short_name = 'authenticated')]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [MigrationController:793 72665180 +0ms] Importing user preferences
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [CSWorkerPool:151 72665180 +5ms] All workers finished, continuing
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [MigrationController:702 72665180 +0ms] Rebuilding search index...
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [SELECT true FROM entity WHERE false]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [CSConnectionPool:95 72665180 +1ms] Opening DB connection
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:61 72665180 +0ms] -[PGCConnection connect] with [dbname=collab application_name=wikiadmin client_encoding=utf-8 options='-c bytea_output=escape' user=collab]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:233 72665180 +2ms] Executing query [SELECT oid FROM pg_type WHERE typname='hstore']
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=1/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:388 72665180 +0ms] Executing scalar query [SELECT array_agg(uid::varchar) FROM entity]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=1/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [CREATE TABLE search_index_scratch_20121206T102050 AS SELECT * FROM search_index LIMIT 0]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +3ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=0
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [CSWorkerPool:151 72665180 +177ms] All workers finished, continuing
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [BEGIN]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:456 72665180 +0ms] Executing count query [SELECT true FROM search_index_scratch_20121206T102050 LIMIT 1]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=1/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [TRUNCATE TABLE search_index]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +3ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [INSERT INTO search_index SELECT * FROM search_index_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +6ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=139
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [DROP TABLE search_index_scratch_20121206T102050]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [COMMIT]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +3ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [SET maintenance_work_mem TO '1GB']
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [VACUUM FULL ANALYZE search_index]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +29ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [CSConnectionPool:291 72665180 +0ms] Closing DB connection
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:469 72665180 +0ms] -[PGCConnection close]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:469 72665180 +0ms] -[PGCConnection close]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [MigrationController:728 72665180 +0ms] Done
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [MigrationController:799 72665180 +0ms] Migration complete
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [BEGIN]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [SchemaMigrator:457 72665180 +0ms] Running post-migration updates...
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [SchemaMigrator:106 72665180 +0ms] Executing migration SQL script /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/share/collabd/server/sql/migra tions/36.sql
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:388 72665180 +0ms] Executing scalar query [/**
               * Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
               * IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is licensed only for use on Apple-branded
               * computers and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Apple Software
               * License Agreement accompanying the package this file is a part of.
               * You may not port this file to another platform without Apple's written consent.
               * IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is licensed only for use with the Wiki Server feature
               * of the Apple Software and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Apple
               * Software License Agreement accompanying the package this file is part of.
              UPDATE entity e
                 SET blog_uid_fk=(SELECT uid FROM entity b WHERE b.ownedby_uid_fk=e.uid AND b.entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.Blog' LIMIT 1)
               WHERE e.blog_uid_fk IS NULL
                 AND (e.entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.User' OR e.entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.Project')
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [SchemaMigrator:106 72665180 +0ms] Executing migration SQL script /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/share/collabd/server/sql/migra tions/48.sql
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:388 72665180 +0ms] Executing scalar query [/**
               * Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
               * IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is licensed only for use on Apple-branded
               * computers and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Apple Software
               * License Agreement accompanying the package this file is a part of.
               * You may not port this file to another platform without Apple's written consent.
               * IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is licensed only for use with the Wiki Server feature
               * of the Apple Software and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Apple
               * Software License Agreement accompanying the package this file is part of.
              INSERT INTO user_activity (user_uid_fk, action, entity_uid_fk, entity_revision, action_time, parent_uids, container_uid_fk)
                  SELECT cs.change_user_fk AS user_uid_fk,
                         CASE cs.change_type
                           WHEN 'create' THEN 'com.apple.activity.EntityCreated'
                           WHEN 'edit' THEN 'com.apple.activity.EntityUpdated'
                         END AS action,
                         cs.change_time AS action_time,
                    FROM entity_changesets cs
                      LEFT OUTER JOIN entity e ON (e.uid=cs.entity_uid_fk)
                   WHERE cs.change_type IN ('create', 'edit')
                     AND e.uid IS NOT NULL
                     AND cs.change_user_fk NOT IN (SELECT uid FROM entity WHERE entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.User' and short_name='serverhomeu')
                     AND NOT (cs.entity_uid_fk IN (SELECT entity_uid_fk FROM page_entity WHERE is_detail_page) AND cs.change_type='create')
                     AND e.entity_type_fk IN ('com.apple.entity.Page', 'com.apple.entity.File', 'com.apple.entity.Project')
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=3
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [SchemaMigrator:118 72665180 +0ms] Executing migration block #58
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:205 72665180 +0ms] Executing query [INSERT INTO session (uid, user_uid_fk, auth_token) SELECT uuid_v4(), entity_uid_fk, $1 FROM user_entity WHERE external_id='unauthenticated' RETURNING uid] with params [(
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_TUPLES_OK] rows returned=1/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:289 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [INSERT INTO preview_queue (entity_uid_fk, session_uid_fk) SELECT entity_uid_fk, $1 FROM page_entity] with params [(
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=6
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [SchemaMigrator:106 72665180 +0ms] Executing migration SQL script /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/share/collabd/server/sql/migra tions/68.sql
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:388 72665180 +0ms] Executing scalar query [/**
               * Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
               * IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is licensed only for use on Apple-branded
               * computers and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Apple Software
               * License Agreement accompanying the package this file is a part of.
               * You may not port this file to another platform without Apple's written consent.
               * IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is licensed only for use with the Wiki Server feature
               * of the Apple Software and is subject to the terms and conditions of the Apple
               * Software License Agreement accompanying the package this file is part of.
              UPDATE entity e
                 SET blog_uid_fk=(SELECT uid FROM entity b WHERE b.ownedby_uid_fk=e.uid AND b.entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.Blog' LIMIT 1)
               WHERE (e.blog_uid_fk IS NULL OR e.blog_uid_fk=e.uid)
                 AND (e.entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.User' OR e.entity_type_fk='com.apple.entity.Project')
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +1ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=1
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [SchemaMigrator:464 72665180 +0ms] Post-migration updates completed.
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [COMMIT]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +0ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Info>: [SchemaMigrator:469 72665180 +0ms] Performing a VACUUM FULL ANALYZE of user_activity
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:320 72665180 +0ms] Executing update [VACUUM FULL ANALYZE user_activity]
    Dec  6 10:20:50 truffula.fr.umn.edu wikiadmin[26344] <Debug>: [PGCConnection:181 72665180 +8ms] Query result is [PGRES_COMMAND_OK] rows returned=0/updated=

    Interestingly, the same app seems to deploy to a stand alone OC4J(9.0.4)server without any problems. The version of 9ias that I'm working with is
    David R

  • Migrating wiki from Leopard Server (10.5) to Lion Server

    Is there any way to migrate Wiki Server data from Leopard Server (i.e. 10.5 not 10.6) to Lion Server without upgrading to Snow Leopard first. I'm happy to set up everything else afresh but I've migrated wiki data before and it was a nightmare.
    The situation we'll soon be in is needing to migrate wiki data on a PowerPC mac running Leopard Server to a new Power Mac pre-installed with Lion Server.

    From: http://images.apple.com/macosx/server/docs/Upgrading_and_Migrating_v10.7.pdf
    Need to set up Lion Server first, then:
    Copy the wiki data located in /Library/Collaboration/ by default or in the location specified in Server Admin on the v10.5.8 or later server to a local volume Lion Server can access.
    Use the following steps to manually migrate your Mac OS X v10.5.8 or later server’s Wiki data to Lion Server.
    If you are migrating a v10.5.8 wiki server’s data, make sure Lion Server is bound to the same Open Directory master as the v10.5.8 server, so the ACLs for wikis can convert. If not, wikis are only readable or writeable by admins, and ACLs must be reset.
    To migrate wiki data:
    1 Start Wiki service in the Server app.
    2 Enter the following command.
    sudo wikiadmin migrate -r /path/to/collaboration/folder

  • Repost: Migrating Wikis from 10.5.8 to 10.6.4

    This topic was originally posted here: http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=10479747 It is marked as "solved" so no new posts permitted- but I'm having further issues not covered in that post so I'm reposting.
    I too am migrating wiki data from 10.5 to 10.6. I followed the instructions posted by skip:
    sudo serveradmin stop teams
    sudo mv $GROUP_DIRECTORY /Library/Collaboration/Groups/
    sudo chown -R 94:94 /Library/Collaboration/Groups/$GROUP_DIRECTORY
    sudo rm /Library/Collaboration/dataVersion.plist
    sudo rm /Library/Collaboration/globalIndex.db
    sudo rm /Library/Application Support/Apple/WikiServer/directoryIndex.db
    sudo serveradmin start teams
    But now when trying to navigate to the "groups" area from the home page, or directly to any group directory via a web browser, I get a page with the spinning throbber graphic surrounded by a square with the title "Server Starting..." This icon refreshes every few seconds, but never goes away.
    I assumed perhaps the OS was taking some time to rebuild the DB, so I waited a day and tried to navigate to the groups listing again. Same results.
    I've now restored everything back to defaults. I can create new wikis, but can't seem to figure out a way to import data from our wiki pages from 10.5. There is a lot of data here that I'd hate to lose.
    I have an Enterprise Support Agreement, but the techs there say that this issue is not covered.
    Thoughts anyone?

    It is really a mess. When this happens, we start over and try again. Either there are issues with file copies that don't work right in the system (pick your method, rsync, finder, yadda yadda) or the wiki system is a wee bit on the hobbyware side of things.
    I have moved the wiki several times and this is what I end up doing:
    • on both servers, stop the wiki server via sudo serveradmin stop teams
    • copy the entire contents of the collaboration folder to the new server
    • on the new server trash file:///Library/Collaboration/globalIndex.db
    • on the new server trash file:///Library/Collaboration/dataVersion.plist
    • on the new server trash file:///Library/Application%20Support/Apple/WikiServer/sessions.db
    • on the new server trash file:///Library/Application%20Support/Apple/WikiServer/directoryIndex.db
    • on the new server start the wiki server sudo serveradmin start teams

  • Problems Migrating Wiki Calendars

    We upgraded a 10.6.8 server with several wikis to OS X Server 10.8.2. The wikis appear to have imported ok, except for the calendar information. When accessing the calendar page, an error is returned saying File Not Found.
    There are no obvious errors in the migration log. If I make a new wiki, the calendar works ok on that wiki so I'm pretty sure CalDAV Server is working ok. 
    I found the migrated data in a migration folder on the 10.8 server. I even found the wiki's .ics files tucked away in a subfolder. I could probably find a way to re-import those files if I could blow away whatever problem the migrated wikis have.
    I've deleted the wikis, re-imported them (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5082) from the old Collaboration folder and they come back with the same problem. Documentation on this product is pretty light. Does anyone have any beta on the relationship between the wikis and their calendars? If the migration won't work, I'd be glad to just reset the calendars and work on a way to import the .ics files.

    Some further input. I have created a clone HDD to play with.
    On Snow Leopard, I have done unbind from Active directory, set up Open Directory as a local master, change permissions on all wikis to have everyone read and write permissions without login.
    then Reboot, checked that wiki is accessible without any password, then upgrade to Lion on that partition.
    Everything went fine, but I still get same result.
    There are no wikis in wikiserver.
    When I check the info in /Library/Collaboration/Groups/ all info is there, also it is in /Library/Server/Wiki/FileData
    But I still can't see anything when I launch wiki

  • Migrating Wiki Calendars from Lion from Lion

    This was an information article, since I spent a few hours on this one and there was no documentation and may help someone one day!
    Description: This article was a guide on how to move a Wiki Calendar form a Lion server to another Lion Server.
    Problem: Wiki Calendar Service wasn't running properly, and the service was stopped / restarted and never came back on. There was a few errors on our XServ regurading this, but since there was no phone support, I created a work around by migrating the data to another mini, to get calendars back up and running. This may come in handy for someone to migrate servers.
    Another problem that came into factor here was also we upgraded from Snow Leapord, so instead of all of your files being in 1 place like they would be on a lion machine they were in multiple directories, which made the process more difficult.
    Process: A few steps will have to be done in order for this to work. As our configuration was binded to AD, in a multi domain forest. Also remember the wiki calendars are inbended into the wiki, so not only moving the calendar files are enough to get it working on a different machine.
    1) Bind to AD and get your 2nd machine up and running
    2) Migrate the Wiki Calendars over using the KB article on apples forumn. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5082
    3) Copy the config files for the Calendar - I included the default folders for this below.
    /Library/Server/Calendar and Contacts/Data ---> /Library/Server/Calendar and Contacts/Data on the new server
    If you came from a snow leapord machine you will have a folder called migrated-data / .calendarserver_version files stored in a different place, once found it will have to be copied to /Library/Server/Calendar and Contacts/Documents
    Both of these files need to be in this folder on the new server if your using the apple defaults ---> /Library/Server/Calendar and Contacts/Documents
    I also had renamed my calendars-migrated to calendars-migrated-old after they were moved to the proper location.
    The folder calendars-migrated will also have to be copied over via a USB drive since hidden attributes are embedded and any sort of network sync drops these files. (rsync / sftp) If you navigate into the calendars-migrated data, you will see filse like this with permissions drwxr-x---@ and you need to retain the @ if you have multiple calendars in 1 wiki.
    Once the folder calendars-migrated is moved to the new location in /Library/Server/Calendar and Contacts/Documents/ you will have to use a chown to change the ownership of the permissions for the calendars-migrated folder
    # sudo chown -R root:_calendar calendars-migrated
    4) Next we will have to export the database for caldav
    Stop the calendar / address book services
    # sudo serveradmin stop calendar
    # sudo serveradmin stop addressbook
    Export the Database to the /tmp folder (file will be called caldav.pgdump)
    # sudo pg_dump --format=c --compress=9 --blobs --username=caldav --file=/tmp/caldav.pgdump caldav
    Move the file /tmp/caldav.pgdump from the old server to the new server on /tmp/caldav.pgdump.
    One the new machine wipe the database so you can import it with the correct version (form moving the .calendarversion file over)
    # sudo dropdb -U _postgres -i caldav
    Create a new database on the new machine
    # sudo createdb -U caldav caldav
    Import that database to Collab so it can be used in the wiki
    # sudo -u _postgres pg_restore -d caldav -U collab --single-transaction /tmp/caldav.pgdump

    I'll just say my try of wiki migration from SLS(MacPro) to LS(MacMini with Internal Disk1&2).
    1)Fisrt I made a bootable backup of SLS to Disk2 of MacMini.
    2)Second I booted from Desk2.  MacMini was  running as SLS.  After that, I installed Lion and LS from App Store.
        Wiki migration was successful. So Disk1 is an original LS and Disk2 is LS with wiki migration.
    Good luck!

  • Not latest Wiki Data after Time Machine Restore

    System Info: Mac OS X 10.9.5 and Server Admin 3.1.2
    I'm using the Wiki.
    I had to restore the entire System from a Time Machine Backup.
    All data actual data and documents are restored. But the wiki data are not the newest. The latest data displayed are from June.
    When i take a look /Library/Server/Wiki/Database.xpg there are man Backup files. The newest is from dec 8th (day before restore).
    How can i restore these Database Backup Files that the Wiki is up-to-date again? Is there a way to find out why the Wiki contents are only up to june and not up to december?

    JWLynn wrote:
    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    I tried to restore my Time Machine data to a refurbished MacBook tonight. The data was transferred to the new computer, as I can see from the used hard drive space.
    How did you do that? It sounds like you went into the "Star Wars" display, selected the internal HD, and clicked Restore. If so, that makes some sense, but Apple doesn't make it clear that isn't the way to do it.
    The problem is, you can't restore OSX to the volume you're running from.
    Unfortunately, you'll have to start over.
    If you're restoring to the *+same Mac+* the backups were made from (after repairs, for example), do a "Full system restore" per #14 in [Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions|http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/FAQ.html] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum).
    But if you have a new (to you) refurbished Mac, your best bet is to use +Setup Assistant.+ See #19 in the FAQ and start with the green box there.

  • I bought  an iPad 3 yesterday; this is an upgrade from the original iPad. I was told that migrating the data would be simple. My desktop is a PC with Windows 7 Professional. I can't find a way to back up my old iPad so I can restore the data to the new

    I bought an update to the original iPad an iPad 3. In was told that migrating the data from my old iPad to the new will be a snap. Alas, it isn't. My desktop is a new high end PC that came preloaded with Windows 7 Professional and I have had nothing but problems. My earlier computer was XP and everything, including my Apple interface, in particular iTunes, worked without problems. When I was trying to back up my data from the old iPad to my desktop, the only thing it would do is synchronize, then got an error message to download the latest iTunes, which I did but it still did not work. I have a lot of music both purchased through iTunes and a lot of others which were CDs that were copied to the desktop. I also have a lot of books through Kindle and other books in iBooks and audio books from other sources, plus two iPods I want to sync. I need some advise on where I find the back up feature in iTunes so I can copy all the data on from my old iPad. Your help would be most appreciated. Thank you.

    In technical support, sometimes you have to make educated guesses. I'm sorry that you were offended.
    iTunes does prompt when it is going to erase a device, and the message is clear.
    She said in her message that she was able to successfully sync the old ipad. This indicated to me that itunes wiping the data was not an issue, because either it had been setup at the apple store (in which case it doesn't actually wipe the ipad despite saying it will*) (*based on a single case I saw), or because the itunes media folder was migrated.
    Furthermore, my solution was to tell her how to backup her ipad (by either doing it manually, or as a last resort, by deleting the corrupt backup -- that she couldn't access anyway.)
    I got that last part of the instructions from the "Taking Control of your iphone" book which I found samples of when I did a google search for "corrupted backup itunes".
    She marked this as a solution, so it worked for her.

  • Error while migrating BLOB data

    Hi ,
    I am migrating the data from oracle to oracle and both soruce and target tables have BLOB type field.
    I am getting error when I am executing the interface with these blob fields. But My interface is successfull if I am not maaping this blob files.
    Below is the error message.
    ODI-1217: Session BLOB (162501) fails with return code 942.
    ODI-1226: Step BLOB fails after 1 attempt(s).
    ODI-1240: Flow BLOB fails while performing a Loading operation. This flow loads target table IMAGES.
    ODI-1228: Task SrcSet0 (Loading) fails on the target ORACLE connection YAGLD.
    Caused By: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    Hi Ayush ,
    Thank you for the information. Yes it is a bug and it seems it is rectified in version.
    thanks ,

  • How do I migrate the data on a RAID on my old Mac Pro to a new RAID array on my new Mac Pro?

    We have an older Mac Pro (no Thunderbolt) with four drives (2 of which are configured RAID 0).  The new machine has a LaCie RAID on it with 2 drives RAID 1 and 2 drives RAID 0.  What's the best way to migrate the data from the old system to the new system?  Do I use Migration asst to get the data and settings from the old main to the new main and then xfer the data from the ancillary drives over?

    Read my post in this discussion.

  • Need help in Migration of data !

    We developed a application using Apex and currently it is going through client testing.
    There is one challenge at client side; there are some third party legacy inventory systems at client side where there is data stored in databases like Paradox, SQL server, XML the customers have been using them for last 10 to 15 years.
    Now there is some amount of data where they enter into those system; we want to extract some of the data and show in our application. Ours is a hosted On Demand application we need to migrate the data from the client machine and push into our server so that they can view the data online. And we want to run a scheduler every day to extract the data .
    Do you have any idea how we can do this in APEX or any tool that can support our need.
    Did you hear about spectral.com (full convert)
    I really appreciate your help on this.

    it is not too difficult to load data into a database using only Apex tools, but the problem with this is that it can't be completely automated, as at some stage, a user would have to do a manual file upload.
    In order to achieve completely automated upload you would need access at a lower database and database server O/S level as well as have direct connectivity between your Apex server and the legacy source systems. As your Apex system is a "hosted On Demand application" you may be severely limited in your access at those levels.
    Depending on your access, you would typically extract and load data from other non-oracle sources using technologies like Oracle's heterogeneous Gateways or third party odbc connectivity and use database links. Or you could automate files to be dropped from the legacy systems to somewhere that is accessible to the destination system where it could be loaded using tools such as SQL Loader or External Tables. This could be scheduled using tools such as cron or dbms scheduler.
    I know this is very general, but I hope it points you in the right direction.

  • Time machine and wiki data recovery

    I'm running into an issue where I need to recover wiki data from a Time Machine back-up..
    The backstory:
    The wiki server was running on a 2008 Mac Pro which had an unrecoverable disk failure.  Given the age of the machine, the power it drew, and the fact that I dont need the horsepower of a macPro to host the wiki, I picked up a new Mac Mini to host the server data. It is a very low usage system, so the Mini should have all the power I need..  Not to mention its cost is over $2,000 less..
    I've been able to recover all the files I need from the Time Machine backup disk, except for the Wiki..     The last time I needed to do something like this was 10.6, and everything was in flat files, so it was a simple copy operation..  Now however it looks like there is a postgres database to deal with..  Being that I only have access to the files on the TM backup, Im not sure how to recover the wiki.
    My thought was to simply to a TM restore, but because Im going from a MacPro to a MacMini, it barks that its a different hardware type and will not complete the restore..
    So the end question is, has anyone ever had to recover an Apple wiki, from a Time Machine backup disk, running 10.8, with the destination being a Mac Mini?  If yes, how did you overcome not running the postgres database?

    Restore these items, then reboot:
    /Library/Server/PostgreSQL For Server Services

  • I can't migrate my data from my old pc to my new macbook pro

        I have been trying to migrate my data from my PC to my new mac but it always seems to fail.
    At first, I would begin the migration assistant and then after a while the PC would just crash.
    But then I finally thought I managed to get it working. It said that process was complete (on both the PC and mac), but there was no data on my computer and no music in my iTunes.
    If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it!!
    PS I also have an Ethernet cable if that's of any use but I don't know how to use it.

    I suggest you stop using the Migrastion Assistant. Simple fact is, as you have found out, that it does not work most of the time and when it fdoes actuall transfer data it doesn't do it very well.
    Just network the 2 computer together over your LAN and copy and past the files you want to move to the Mac.
    Otr use an External drive, formatted either FAT32 or exFAT (doinig the formatting on the Windows PC) and then copy to the external from the Win PC and then copy from the external to the Mac.
    You'll be happier.

  • How to migrate the data from DB to another DB

    Hi folks,
                 In my project I have one requirement. Let me explain in detail we are maintain two databases one for
                 master database called *GIIS* and one is history database HIST. Both DB version is 10g R1.
                 (Both DB’s have same no table as well structures)
                 1.  The GIIS database contains nearly 400 tables (master table as well as temporary table)   
                       each Master table having it’s own temporary table.
                 2. Whenever we made the entry first it will go to temporary table after authorized that entry it will move to the master table
                 3. But the temporary table contains the data after move to master table .
                 4.     The temporary table data’s will be move to the HIST database each and every day at the night.
                    This migration we done through the procedure.  After migration complete the temporary table data’s will de deleted.
    My Question:
               1.     Whether it’s good practice to migrate the data from GIIS DB to another HIST DB using oracle stored procedure.
                     (we created the DB link from GIIS to HIST) 
               2.     If not can any one suggest me the way to migrate the data from GIIS to HIST.?
               3.     Is there any other possibility to migrate the data from GIIS to HIST with out using procedure?Thanks

    Arun wrote:
    Hi Mr.Aman Brother
    First of all sorry . I am not saying that don't command my requirement. Just i want know the way of migrate the data from one DB to another DB.
    you saying that IMPORT/EXPORT is one of the way to do migration.
    But in client side they don't know how to do the IMPORT & EXPORT the database..
    Can you suggest me the another way to do that
    If the client doesn't know how to do exp/imp, I would really doubt and would be immensely concerned before suggesting the client any other way. If they don't know, tell them that there is a concept called test database which is used for learning so they should invest time to learn this technique since the other options suggested by fellow members are far more tougher than this one.

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    If you have any advice or instruction, I'd appreciate it!! Thanks!

    Let me clarify and see if it still holds true.  The database for my data for the report's content is an oracle database, but Crystal Reports is using a SQL Server database for storing the report and schedules.   Though I believe all of our reports are quite simple compared to most anyway.   My concern is that the users, reports and their schedules set up by the users make it over.  I haven't really done anything with the MySQL database yet, so no damage yet .

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