Migrating Oracle Reports to Publisher in 11g

We are developing a project with the purpose of migrating some Oracle Reports files to Oracle BI Publisher 11g. We know that there is a tool called BIPBatchConversion available in Bi Publisher but I couldn't find this utility in Bi Publisher 11g.
Should I use this utility from Bi Publisher and then migrate to Bi Publisher 11g or there is other option available?
Ramiro Ortíz.

Hi Ramiro
You got it right
Oracle REports --> 10g BIP --> 11BP
There is a migration tool to take your 10g BIP reports to 11g BIP - I believe its covered in the user docs

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  • Issue in BI Publisher when migrating oracle report RDF to BI Publisher

    Hi, I am migrating Oracle RDF report to BI Publisher while migrating this report I am facing problem in viewing data as per my report requirement
    I want my department Name should be my HEADER and all projects of department should display under it.
    for that according to me I should get XML data like this
    for some nodes I am getting this expected result but for many node it is giving me result like
    because of this i could not able to see data in required format for some department.
    may be Order by is not working in Q_Expenditure
    Here is my data template
    <dataTemplate dataSourceRef="PTTrng" name="XXPA4049093f" defaultPackage="XXPA4049093f">
    <property name="xml_tag_case" value="upper"/>
    <parameter name="P_PROJECT" dataType="character" defaultValue="%"/>
    <parameter name="P_PROJECT_ROLLUP" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="P_PROJECT_ROLLUP_YEAR" dataType="character"/>
    <parameter name="P_ORDER_BY" dataType="character" defaultValue="1"/>
    <parameter name="P_REMAIN_BALANCE" dataType="number" defaultValue="-9999999999"/>
    <parameter name="P_FUND" dataType="character" defaultValue="%"/>
    <sqlStatement name="Q_Expenditure">
    select TRIM(a.NAME)NAME ,upper(a.id2) ID2,a."Project",a.start_date,a.completion_date,a.organization_id,a.origbud, a.budget,a.commitment,a.visa,a.labor,a.remaining_funds,a.board_rollup,a.description,a.class_code,
    nvl(b.po_oblig_prior_yr,0) po_oblig_prior_yr2,
    nvl(c.ap_prior_yr_oblig,0) ap_prior_yr_oblig2,
    ( nvl(a.remaining_funds,0) + nvl(b.po_oblig_prior_yr,0) + nvl(c.ap_prior_yr_oblig,0) ) Remaining_funds_Order,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_dept_pct_obligformula(:CS_dept_total_costs, :CS_dept_bud) CF_dept_pct_oblig,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_dept_pct_unobligformula(:CS_dept_remain_funds, :CS_dept_bud) CF_dept_pct_unoblig,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_remain_laborformula(:CS_labor_budget, apps.a.LABOR) CF_remain_labor,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_budgetformula(apps.a.BUDGET, :CS_labor_budget) CF_nonlabor_budget,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_costsformula(apps.a.VISA, apps.a.COMMITMENT, nvl ( b.po_oblig_prior_yr , 0 ), nvl ( c.ap_prior_yr_oblig , 0 )) CF_nonlabor_costs,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_remain_nonlaborformula(XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_budgetformula(apps.a.BUDGET, :CS_labor_budget) ,XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_costsformula(apps.a.VISA, apps.a.COMMITMENT, nvl ( b.po_oblig_prior_yr , 0 ), nvl ( c.ap_prior_yr_oblig , 0 )) ) CF_remain_nonlabor,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_total_costsformula(apps.a.LABOR,XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_costsformula(apps.a.VISA, apps.a.COMMITMENT, nvl ( b.po_oblig_prior_yr , 0 ), nvl ( c.ap_prior_yr_oblig , 0 )) ) CF_total_costs,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_remain_fundsformula(apps.a.BUDGET,XXPA4049093f.cf_total_costsformula(apps.a.LABOR,XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_costsformula(apps.a.VISA, apps.a.COMMITMENT, nvl ( b.po_oblig_prior_yr , 0 ), nvl ( c.ap_prior_yr_oblig , 0 )) ) ) CF_remain_funds,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_proj_pct_obligformula(XXPA4049093f.cf_total_costsformula(apps.a.LABOR,XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_costsformula(apps.a.VISA, apps.a.COMMITMENT, nvl ( b.po_oblig_prior_yr , 0 ), nvl ( c.ap_prior_yr_oblig , 0 )) ) , apps.a.BUDGET) CF_proj_pct_oblig,
    XXPA4049093f.cf_proj_pct_unobligformula(XXPA4049093f.cf_remain_fundsformula(apps.a.BUDGET,XXPA4049093f.cf_total_costsformula(apps.a.LABOR,XXPA4049093f.cf_nonlabor_costsformula(apps.a.VISA, apps.a.COMMITMENT, nvl ( b.po_oblig_prior_yr , 0 ), nvl ( c.ap_prior_yr_oblig , 0 )) ) ) , apps.a.BUDGET) CF_proj_pct_unoblig
    from apps.xxpa_project_status_fund_cy_2 a, xxpa_prior_yr_oblig2_cy b, xxpa_ap_prior_yr_oblig2_cy c
    a.class_category = :P_Project_Rollup
    and a.class_code = :P_Project_Rollup_Year
    and a.id2 like upper(:P_Project)
    and a.remaining_funds >= :P_remain_balance
    and a.id2 = b.id2
    and a.id2 = c.id2
    and a.class_code = b.class_code
    and a.class_code = c.class_code
    and a.fund like :P_Fund
    order by 1
    </sqlStatement><sqlStatement name="Q_1">
    select upper(f.class_code) ID2, sum(d.labor_budget) Labor_budget
    from apps.xxpa_labor_budget_v2006 d,
    pa.pa_project_classes e,
    pa.pa_class_codes f,
    ( select *
    from pa_project_classes
    where class_category = 'Fiscal Year'
    and substr(class_code,-4,4) =
    (select ( segment5 )
    from FINANCIALS_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ALL a, gl_code_combinations b
    where set_of_books_id = 2
    and a.accts_pay_code_combination_id = b.code_combination_id)
    ) ppc
    where d.project_id = e.project_id
    and e.class_category = f.class_category
    and e.class_code = f.class_code
    and e.class_category = 'Project Rollups'
    and d.project_id = ppc.project_id
    and d.project_id in (select project_id
    from pa.pa_project_classes a, xxpa_project_rollups_org b
    where a.class_category = 'Project Rollups'
    and a.class_code = b.class_code
    and b.org_count <= 1)
    and upper ( id2 )like upper(:P_Project)
    group by upper(f.class_code)
    <link name="Q_LINK" parentQuery="Q_Expenditure" parentColumn="ID2" childQuery="Q_1" childColumn="ID2" condition="="/>
    <dataTrigger name="afterParameterFormTrigger" source="XXPA4049093f.afterpform"/>
    <dataTrigger name="beforeReportTrigger" source="XXPA4049093f.beforereport"/>
    <group name="G_NAME1" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Expenditure">
    <element name="NAME" dataType="varchar2" value="NAME"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_orig_bud" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.ORIGBUD"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_bud" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.BUDGET"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_labor_bud" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CS_labor_budget"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_labor" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.LABOR"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_labor_remain" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_remain_labor"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_nonlabor_bud" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_nonlabor_budget"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_nonlabor_costs" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_nonlabor_costs"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_nonlabor_remain" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_remain_nonlabor"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_total_costs" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_total_costs"/>
    <element name="CS_dept_remain_funds" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_remain_funds"/>
    <element name="CF_dept_pct_oblig" dataType="number" value="CF_dept_pct_oblig"/>
    <element name="CF_dept_pct_unoblig" dataType="number" value="CF_dept_pct_unoblig"/>
    <group name="G_segment1" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_Expenditure">
    <element name="FUND" dataType="varchar2" value="FUND"/>
    <element name="po_oblig_prior_yr2" dataType="number" value="PO_OBLIG_PRIOR_YR2"/>
    <element name="ap_prior_yr_oblig2" dataType="number" value="AP_PRIOR_YR_OBLIG2"/>
    <element name="Remaining_funds_Order" dataType="number" value="REMAINING_FUNDS_ORDER"/>
    <element name="Project" dataType="varchar2" value="Project"/>
    <element name="ORIGBUD" dataType="number" value="ORIGBUD"/>
    <element name="BUDGET" dataType="number" value="BUDGET"/>
    <element name="COMMITMENT" dataType="number" value="COMMITMENT"/>
    <element name="LABOR" dataType="number" value="LABOR"/>
    <element name="CLASS_CODE" dataType="varchar2" value="CLASS_CODE"/>
    <element name="CLASS_CATEGORY" dataType="varchar2" value="CLASS_CATEGORY"/>
    <element name="REMAINING_FUNDS" dataType="number" value="REMAINING_FUNDS"/>
    <element name="ID2" dataType="varchar2" value="ID2"/>
    <element name="START_DATE" dataType="date" value="START_DATE"/>
    <element name="COMPLETION_DATE" dataType="date" value="COMPLETION_DATE"/>
    <element name="ORGANIZATION_ID" dataType="number" value="ORGANIZATION_ID"/>
    <element name="VISA" dataType="number" value="VISA"/>
    <element name="BOARD_ROLLUP" dataType="varchar2" value="BOARD_ROLLUP"/>
    <element name="DESCRIPTION" dataType="varchar2" value="DESCRIPTION"/>
    <element name="CS_labor_budget" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_1.LABOR_BUDGET"/>
    <element name="CF_remain_labor" dataType="number" value="CF_remain_labor"/>
    <element name="CF_nonlabor_budget" dataType="number" value="CF_nonlabor_budget"/>
    <element name="CF_nonlabor_costs" dataType="number" value="CF_nonlabor_costs"/>
    <element name="CF_remain_nonlabor" dataType="number" value="CF_remain_nonlabor"/>
    <element name="CF_total_costs" dataType="number" value="CF_total_costs"/>
    <element name="CF_remain_funds" dataType="number" value="CF_remain_funds"/>
    <element name="CF_proj_pct_oblig" dataType="number" value="CF_proj_pct_oblig"/>
    <element name="CF_proj_pct_unoblig" dataType="number" value="CF_proj_pct_unoblig"/>
    <group name="G_1" dataType="varchar2" source="Q_1">
    <element name="LABOR_BUDGET" dataType="number" value="LABOR_BUDGET"/>
    <element name="ID2" dataType="varchar2" value="ID2"/>
    <element name="CS_ORIG_BUDGET" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.ORIGBUD"/>
    <element name="CS_APPROVED_BUDGET" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.BUDGET"/>
    <element name="CS_LABOR_BUDGET_TOTAL" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CS_labor_budget"/>
    <element name="CS_LABOR_COSTS" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.LABOR"/>
    <element name="CS_REMAIN_LABOR" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_remain_labor"/>
    <element name="CS_NONLABOR_BUDGET" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_nonlabor_budget"/>
    <element name="CS_NONLABOR_COSTS" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_nonlabor_costs"/>
    <element name="CS_REMAINING_NONLABOR" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_remain_nonlabor"/>
    <element name="CF_pct_oblig" dataType="number" value="XXPA4049093f.cf_pct_obligformula(:CS_TOTAL_COSTS, :CS_APPROVED_BUDGET)"/>
    <element name="CS_TOTAL_COSTS" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_total_costs"/>
    <element name="CS_REMAIN_FUNDS" function="sum" dataType="number" value="G_segment1.CF_remain_funds"/>
    <element name="CF_PCT_UNOBLIG" dataType="number" value="XXPA4049093f.cf_pct_unobligformula(:CS_REMAIN_FUNDS, :CS_APPROVED_BUDGET)"/>
    <element name="rp_order_by" dataType="varchar2" value="XXPA4049093f.rp_order_by_p"/>

    I had to go to my data template and move my groups around.
    Copy Data Template into something like Wordpad, so you can see the hierarchy and cut and paste your groups. Watch your indentions.

  • Layout issue while trying Migrate Oracle Report to XML publisher Reports

    I am trying to Convert Seeded Oracle Reports (rdf) to BI Publisher reports, in doing so encounter layout issues. The layout of the RTF , PDF or HTML generated by BI Publisher is different form the text, PDF or HTML outputs generated by the concurrent report. The problem with the BI Publisher template and out put
    Is, the lay out is getting distorted .
    Steps to archive the migration :
    -     download the rdf from the server to local m/c.
    -     execute Forms 9i Util rwconverter to generate a xml
    -     use the oracle.apps.xdo.rdfparser.RTFTemplateGenerator API to generate a RTF template of the report layout
    -     Then use this template to generate a XSL via oracle.apps.xdo.template.RTFProcessor API
    -     The Apply the XSL on the XML data output of the report using oracle.apps.xdo.template.FOProcessor to generate RTF , PDF & HTML files.
    Name of the Report used for migration “FSG - Report Detail Listing” , responsibility GL super User. This was just a random report we picked-up for trial.
    The layout of these files seems to distorted than the layout of the original report output as generated by the rdf report.
    Pls suggest some means to resolve this or any pointers towards what causing this could be of help.
    -     Shudipto

    The process of "converting" an old Oracle Reports rdf into a BIP report is more akin to writing a brand new report in BIP than to what most people would consider a true conversion.
    The conversion routine outlined by Oracle just gives you a starting point for converting RDF layouts into BIP, and nothing more. In regards to the data define it does somewhat better generating your queries and XML layout (but honestly, that is the easy part), but even for the data define it will lose your formula columns as well as report triggers.
    I have used the converter on several dozen rdf files and I have yet to see one that is better than 10-20% ready for use after the conversion process.
    I would strongly suggest that you only convert the reports that you have to convert (for enhancements, modifications, etc). If it ain't broke in old Oracle Reports, dont' try to fix it in BIP.

  • Migrating Oracle Discoverer Workbooks to OBIEE 11g

    Can you tell me how can we migrate Oracle Discoverer workbooks in to OBIEE 11g , I have heard that there is a tool which is released in last summer for this migration can anyone provide me details on this one.
    Thanks a lot.

    I'm afraid Oracle has had no success in converting Discoverer workbooks into OBIEE. It is still on the radar but as yet they have nothing.
    For some of my clients this is a huge setback. I have a client who has more than 32,000 Discoverer workbooks and adding more at the rate of about 5,000 a year. Obviously a customer of this size is a potential customer for OBIEE. The only thing they can do right now is to rewrite all of the reports.
    To do this would be a mammoth task and I did some mathematics for them. Let's say you can rewrite one report every 15 minutes, allowing for testing and parallel runs. Thus you could convert 4 in an hour or 32 in a full day. Diviiding 32 into 32,000 means they would need to allocate 1,000 man days to the task. Bearing in mind that on average a person works about 220 days in a year and you are looking at around 5 man years, not including potentially 1000s of new Discoverer workbooks that have been created in that time. Needless to say my client is not happy with Oracle and refuse to go down this path sticking with Discoverer.
    I know for a fact this company is not alone and I personally implore Oracle to allocate resources to correctly converting Discoverer workbooks. I know part of the problem is that there are things that Discoverer takes in its stride which OBIEE either cannot do or has great difficulty with. Until OBIEE can do everything Discoverer can do I don't see how customers can convert.
    Thoughts anyone?

  • Oracle Reports & XML Publisher

    Will there be a Oracle Reports Server (native) Version for the Application Server 10.1.3 (and beyond) or will this Service be replaced by the XML Publisher?
    Thx, Willi

    BIP is a different tool that pretty much can do the same job. And (it appears to me) that BIP will eventually be replacing Reports. I am sure BIP will undergo a few more versions first...but Reports does not seem to be undergoing any new development (that I know of). This is just my two cents...
    More to the point: You can also use Oracle reports or BIP or both to generate yoru reports and can even use Reports to generate the XML data (from the db of course) and then use this data file to feed into BIP and use BIP format templates to display the data and even have multiple BIP templates for a single data file.
    In may respects BIP format templates are easier to work with (based upon MSWord) than the layout editor in Oracle Reports and this method allows you to keep the (sometimes very complex) sql in Oracle Reports intact, unchanged. However, the use of a MSWord plug in has limitations...
    It is my opinion that currently BIP has many formatting limitations that are not present in Oracle Reports. To overcome these formatting limitations you pretty much need to learn XSL if you have complex reports. And it is not any easier than learning how to use XSL (if you are not a Java/DotNet type) than it is to learn the layout editor in Reports (IMHO) .
    All of the above is my personal perspective based upon 10+ years on Oracle Reports and 14 months on BIP so take it with a grain of salt. I do not nor have I ever worked for Oracle.

  • Migration: Oracle reports 6i to 10g issue - Diiference in the data

    Gudmorning everybody,
    We are doing a Oracle reports migration from oracle reports 6i to oracle reports 10g.
    I am facing a problem in the output generated ny the reports.
    I have to generate a CSV file in 6i and similarly in 10g. Both the reports are hitting the same database but still it is
    showing some difference in the count generated in the report.
    Its a report where it compares the data from the web and data from the application and gives a count for the each row.
    In the CSV creation procedure TABLE TYPe is used. I am not very good in Oracle procedures.
    Do u guys have faced similar situation? Not every data is different,some of the count is diff even though both the reports are hitting the same database.
    Anybody suggest me a solution. It will b really helpful. This happens when I am a giving 6 mnths date range. When it is 15 days range it shows proper output.
    Any help will be much appreciated.

    On the web this is expected behavior.
    For an workaround please check this metalink note:
    How to Implement an Alternate Solution to Unrestricted List Of Values (LOV) in Parameter Form on the Web (Doc ID 465886.1)
    Kind regards,
    If someone's answer is helpful or correct please mark it accordingly.

  • How to migrate Oracle Report from one environment to other environment

    Hi all,
    I registered a report and deployed in devr environment, now i want to migrate the report from devr to other environment.
    I dont want to undergo with same registering and deploying the report in other environment.
    Please let me know how should i go ahead and i come up with using of FNDLOAD, please can any one explain the process.

    Yes, I think your command format is not correct.
    Try the one that Rod posted.
    About the note on metalink. It seems that it is under review.
    Here is the basics of the note:
    1. Determine the owner of the workbook. Say UserA.
    2. Open an sqlplus session to the database.
    3. Run the following sql:
    SQL> set heading off
    SQL> set feedback off
    SQL> set echo off
    4. Now spool the result of the following sql to a file.
    SQL> spool c:\exp.bat
    5. Run the sql statement
    SQL>select '<Disco_Home>\discvr4\dis4adm /connect
    EUL_owner_name/passwd@connect_string /export c:\'||rownum||'.eex /workbook "'||
    doc_created_by||'.'||doc_name||'"' from
    'Document Not Shared') shared_with
    where doc_created_by='UserA'
    Disco_Home is the Location or Discoverer 4 Home.
    4. SQL> spool off
    5. SQL> set feedback on
    6. Now run the batch command file (exp.bat)
    Roelie Viviers

  • Oracle reports and xml publisher

    I would like to know what we can do with an XML generated with Oracle Forms in BI publisher.
    I have never used BI publisher before.
    Thank you.

    There is a conversion tool available to convert Oracle Reports file to BI Publisher.
    More information: [Converting Reports from Oracle Reports to Oracle BI Publisher|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E12844_01/doc/bip.1013/e12187/T518230T518393.htm]
    I have used it to migrate Oracle Reports file. For simple reports it is usable. For complex ones you have to check manually and do some changes in the result

  • Migration steps in oracle reports and forms

    I want to migrate oracle reports and oracle forms from its curent versions to 10G.
    current versions:
    Oracle Report : 2.5
    Oracle Forms : 4.5
    any help would be appreciated.....

    there is the forms upgrade center on OTN. There is a lot of information about upgrading of forms. ou can find it here: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/forms/htdocs/upgrade/index.html.
    The way is (to my knowledge), go from 4.5 to 6i and then to 10g.
    On the page you also find a link for Oracle Reports.
    If you have more questions, I think you should ask your questions in the Forms Forum: Forms or in the Reports Forum: Reports There are the experts on the topic.
    Herald ten Dam

  • Publish Oracle Reports/Forms as Portlet

    Is it possible to publish Reports6i/Forms6i
    as portlet?!.
    with best regards,

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bill lankenau:
    For Reports 6i integration with Oracle9iAs Portal see the Oracle9iAS Documentation Library under "Business Intelligence Services", "Oracle Reports Service", "Publishing Reports to the Web" Section 5.4 Integration with Oracle Portal. Another resource to check out is the Reports page on OTN at: http://technet.oracle.com/products/reports/ and the whitepaper "Security Tips in Oracle Reports Services Release 6i with Oracle Portal Release 3.0".
    For Forms 6i, integration is accomplished at the URL level - simply create a portlet (HTML portlet, folder portlet, dynamic page portlet, etc.) that contains the Form's application URL. Users with a Java-enabled browser click on the link and the form is launched in a separate window. In theory you could copy the Forms applet tag within a dynamic page component, start it in place, and expose as a portlet, but will likely experience unacceptable page rendering performance waiting for the Forms applet to start.
    If SSO is important, you can configure Forms as an external application with the Login Server using Forms dynamic start feature. Be aware that Forms is using the 'get' method not the 'post' method and that you will see the username/password in the URL (this will change in a future release).
    The next generation of Forms, code named Cherokee, will provide highly interactive HTML forms directly within a portlet. Developers can use Cherokee much like they use Oracle9iAS Forms to declaratively build data entry forms that function like the Java or client/server-based forms of the past, but instead are rendered in pure HTML. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  • How to Change Fonts in Oracle Reports

    Hi All,
    When ever i am changing fonts in my report it reflects me when i run them on reports builder installed on my local machine.
    But when i put them on application server, these changes are not reflected. I am generating PDF reports.
    Can some body help me what should i need to do to reflect the font changes.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Kamal,
    Whether the font used in the report is installed in the machine where Apps server is installed? If not , use the feature ' PDF Aliasing' to substitue for that particular font.
    For more information on this, have a look at the chapter "Managing Fonts in Oracle Reports" in Publishing Reports Manual. You can download it from http://download.oracle.com/docs/pdf/B14048_01.pdf.
    Vidya Viswanathan

  • Converting Oracle Reports - PaperLayout to WebLayout

    Hi All ,
    We are migrating Oracle Reports 6i to Oracle Reports 10g R2.
    Now when I open the report rdf file in oracle 10g Reports Builder and run the paper layout ( Ctrl + Shift + R) it shows the output.
    But the same when run for Web Layout ( Ctrl + R) does display a blank htm page opened in new browser window and nothin else.
    Could anyone let me know what the reason for this and how to make the migrated rdf work for web-layout as well in 10g. Do we need to follow any steps to achieve this ?

    When I open an Oracle6i Reports Developer report in the Oracle Reports Builder 10g and run my Web layout, I get an empty Web page in my browser.

  • Which Oracle reporting tool do I use?

    I’m looking for a web based ad-hoc reporting tool, Preferably an Oracle product. Something that once set up and configured (point to a specific database) select users can login into via a browser and build ad-hoc reports. I don’t want to have to create a report then publish it for the end user and especially nothing should need to be installed on any desktop.
    Amongst the confusing vast array of oracle BI products: Oracle Reports, BI Publisher, Business Intelligence Server, Interactive Dashboards, Intelligence Answers, Oracle Business Activity, Hyperion Interactive Reporting, Hyperion Web Analysis etc, etc, etc...... there must be what I’m looking for.
    If someone could please point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.

    Hi ,
    It depends on you requirements...
    You can use Interactive Reporting Tool. To use Interactive Reporting you need to install below components
    1) Shared Services
    2) Reporting and Analysis BI Services
    3) Reporting and Analysis UI Services ( includes Interactive Reporting, Financial Reportinig, Web Analysis and Workspace)
    To meet you requirement you can perform the below tasks
    1) Create an OCE publish the same to Workspace.
    2) Give access to user on that OCE.
    3) User can create their own reports.
    For more details on the same, please visit
    Hyperion System 9.3.1
    Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System 11.1.1.x
    Hope this helps.
    Manmohan Sharma

  • Convert Oracle Application Reports to Oracle Reports

    Hi All,
    Our company has an old Oracle Financial Application with number of Reports. The Application Version is 10.7.0 SC161 and the database version is Oracle7 Server Release - Production. It was installed in 1998 and was used till 2005. Now we have moved to different Financial App. The data on the application is not being updated anymore. Only the reports are being run on the old historical data. All the reports are canned reports that came with the application, for example Trial Balance, GL Transactions, etc. The rdf files are for example GLRTBD.rdf, GLACTANP.rdf, etc. My challenge is to convert these old application tied reports to new oracle reports and publish them to a new application server for use. I have moved the data by full export / import to a new 9i database. I have downloaded and installed the Reports developer in my workstation and got all the .rdf files from the old server to my workstation. When I try to open some of these rdf files I get compilation errors because of old pll librarys. I recompile them with out error when I am connected to the new database. The biggest problem is there are no direct sql statements in the reports. All of them use flex fields and they are populated by application packages. For example, the GLRTBD report has the following query:
    and the the beforereport trigger contains:
    This is just one example. All the reports are like this. My question is what is the best way to convert these application reports to normal oracle reports and publish them to a new app server. All the reports need concurrent manager in the old server running to process the reports. How can I run them in a new application server without concurrent manager? We use about 20 reports from the old server. I would like to move these 20 reports to the new server and get rid of the overhead of running a whole application. I am looking for a way to convert these reports without recreating them. I would really appreciate your advise/direction in this situation. Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for your suggestion Rajesh. That is what I would like to do. But how do I recreate the reports in the new APEX server? All the flexfields are populated by the Oracle Application packages like:
    This is a builtin package for Oracle Application. What is the process getting these SRW packages in to the new server without actually installing the Oracle Applications. I have installed an apex server in a new linux server. How can I recreate these SRW packages in my new apex server? Thank you.

  • How migrate crystal reports to oracle bi publisher ?

    Hi experts,
    i have a experienced with development of crystal reports.
    now my work demands migration of crystal reports to oracle bi publisher.
    may i know how to converts all crystal reports formula's in oracle bi publisher ?
    any help is greatly appreciated.

    Simple answer, there is NO easy way to convert them.. You will have to get the layout from your crystal report file, then get a copy of data to test query to build data is returned in proper sequence to replicate report.
    If you were converting from Oracle Reports to BI Publisher, then you would have it easier..
    Just be happy you are not where I was 2 years ago.. I had over *600* crystal version 8 report files and started looking at converting them to BI Publisher...
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

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