Migration Assistant Using USB

This is an addendum to a question I had re: using either a Time Machine or Super Duper backup as the source for running Migration Assistant on a new Mini. I was told I could use either one and that is great. Except I realized that both backups are on a partitioned USB2 external drive. The drive is FW400 capable, so I could get an 800 to 400 adapter but do I have to? My backups are made using USB2. Why can't MA work using it? I've read everything on MA and no mention of USB. Just FW, ethernet and wired/wireless network. Don't want to start a migration that will fail. Especially on a new machine.

KevinD wrote:
This is an addendum to a question I had re: using either a Time Machine or Super Duper backup as the source for running Migration Assistant on a new Mini. I was told I could use either one and that is great. Except I realized that both backups are on a partitioned USB2 external drive. The drive is FW400 capable, so I could get an 800 to 400 adapter but do I have to? My backups are made using USB2. Why can't MA work using it? I've read everything on MA and no mention of USB. Just FW, ethernet and wired/wireless network. Don't want to start a migration that will fail. Especially on a new machine.
Migration Assistant will work absoluetly fine with a USB external drive containing TM or clone backups. firewire and ethernet are always mentioned only when talking about migrating directly from one computer to another. you can not connect two computers directly by a USB cable due to limitations of USB technology. but you can by a firewire one. this is not an issue if you are migrating using an external drive. of course firewire is faster so if your drive and computer have firewire ports I would suggest using those instead of USB.

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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    Migration Assistant doesn't use Internet. If you want to use Migration Assistant via Wi-Fi or Ethernet, Migration Assistant uses the router to migrate data to the other Mac that has to be connected to the same router

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    The best way to accomplish this is to clone your HD to a FireWire external drive, and either use migration assistant or clone back to your new drive.
    The only way migration assistant will work is through FireWire, other internal drives and I believe USB 2. I don't know of a way to recognize a PC through FireWire.
    Another possibility: Clone a disk image of your PowerBook to your PC or Server as a Disk Image over the network using SuperDuper You can (1) mount the image to your PowerBook over the network (slow) or (2) if you have the disk space copy the image over. Then you will be able to use Migration Assistant.
    Powerbook G4, MacBook Pro, Mac G5, Mac G4, Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    May not help but give this a try on the G5:
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger and Leopard.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now restart.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior and/or Tech Tool Pro to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
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    Is the HDD in the 2009 15" MBP dead?  (The original source of your data)  If not, you might want ot take it out and put it in an enclosure.
    You might try spotlight on know files to see if that gives you any clues where your data is located.
    You might down load from the Internet OmniDiskSweeper (free) and open it.  It should show you all of the files you have on your MBP and enable to locate them.

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    If you were transferring files during the initial setup, you were using Setup Assistant. Migration Assistant can be run later; however, it will automatically create a new user account (because you've already set up an account during the setup), so you'll wind up with two accounts and duplicate folders which will take a while to sort.
    If you just want to drag over certain files, best to use target disk mode (you need a firewire cable):
    If you want to use that, you can just erase your drive using the recovery option and then download/reinstall your OS again.

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    I don't think that's gonna work. Migration Assistant is looking for a booted up system, which obviously you can't do. So, you're either gonna have to figure out how to boot that drive or manually copy the files you want.

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    This is down to a combination of several factors:Hard Disk Manufacturers. Who list hard disks in decimal notation rather than binary (and data is stored in binary).
    (320 x 10003) / 10243 = 298.02GB
    File System. The HFS+ file system takes up a small about of space, this is the way the computer looks up where to find data on the disk.
    Software. Around 16 - 20GB is taken up with Leopard itself, iLife 08 (especially GarageBand), iWork trial etc etc.
    So your iMac does hold 320GB but some of it has already been used. This is the same on any and every computer that you buy, it perhaps more obvious on new large hard disks. If does seem like you should have a few more GB free though so download Whatsize (link) to easily examine where that space is.

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    Have you gone to system preferences > Printers- can you see the printer ? . If selected check the various settings etc if all ok then delete the printer and just re-install the software this should fix problem.

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    thanks for your help - I shudder and doing it by hand!!

    Joan McDonald1 wrote:
    I had to do an erase and isntall on my Macbook on a new hard drive. My old hard drive is in an enclosure, but there are no enclosures for laptop drives with firewire - just USB 2. Migration Assistant appears to deal only with Firewire.....anyone a good idea how to migrate with USB 2?
    Of course there are Firewire enclosures. You were probably just looking in Staples or some other PC-centric vendor. Other World Computing, a very good Mac accessories vendor, has a good selection, see at
    I'm a satisfied customer.

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    Stalled at 49 minutes. Would not proceed. I force quit the iMac's Migration Assistant and then hard booted the MBpro. Reconnected the two using a cat 5 cable. The MBPro launched install and when Migration Assistant came up I selected ethernet option using cat5. I relaunched Migration Assist on iMac and entered the required numbers. The MBPro said it found an interrupted migration... would I like to continue. I said yes.
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  • Troubleshoot Migration Assistant used internally to consolidate two SSDs?

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    I aim to consolidate everything onto the big 1TB SSD. I backed up with Time Machine, then booted into Recovery, and installed Yosemite onto the 1TB SSD. Then, I think it automatically goes into Migration Assistant, so I just set that to start (Applications and the rest) going from the SSD which previously ran OS X. It went to a screen that says "Transferring Your Information", with the blue time bar underneath. That loaded to completion pretty quickly. But now, it's just sitting on this screen and still says "Starting up..." above the blue bar. It's been like that for about 20 hours. Anyone experienced this? Should I keep waiting or did this process freeze perhaps? The mouse cursor still moves on the screen, so it's not completely frozen anyway.
    It seems it should be relatively quick since it's transferring internally from hard drive to hard drive, where I thought the throughput would be even better than thunderbolt. Is it possible Migration Assistant is just somehow doing it over WiFi anyway because it doesn't know any better?

    The easiest at this point would be to start over - use recovery (Command + R keys at boot up) to connect to Apple's servers (be patient - takes a while). Once you see the Utilities screen, choose Disk Utility to erase the drive. When done, choose to reinstall OS X. Now, when you get to the screen asking if you want anything moved over, then in your case, I'd say no at this point. Once you set up your iMac which will include you establishing your own Apple ID/password, you can then selectively port over files and such. You can use Migration Assistant in the Applications folder at that point (FWIW, you used Setup Assistant at the beginning?) - the annoying problem with that is that it will move stuff over using your old ID so you'll wind up with a lot of duplicates which then need to be sorted. That's one way, the other is that you move only the files you need (not involving Migration Assistant). Or, backup your files on an external drive and then move them back over once you have everything else reinstalled.
    Please note: anything at all downloaded from the app store is tied to Apple ID used to obtain it forever and is not transferable, so if there are any applications, OS updates, or anything else involved, you will need to re-download or re-purchase using your own Apple ID.

  • Does Migration Assistant use the most recent time machine backup?

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    Only one version is transferred, the last saved one.

  • Any way way to use Migrations Assist via USB?

    Trying to suck stuff from drive from a dead PowerBook (drive's fine) to new MacBook, and of course
    only option is Target Disc Mode by FireWire.
    And only way I have of connecting the old drive is by USB. Bet not.
    Guess I'll just create a partition from unused space on the HD, clone the old HD over and Migrate from there.
    Never mind...

    That's the ticket.

  • Migration Assistant used, Old iMac G5 won't Reboot

    After successfully (knock on wood) transferring my files, apps, and system settings from my old IMac G5 (Rev A) to my new IMac (early 08), I'm having major problems when trying to start up the old iMac G5.
    After I press the Power button on the iMac G5, the power light goes on but there's no startup chime and the screen remains black. Took it to an Apple Store and they thought it was a bad HD after they took out the internal HD out and were able to boot from an external FireWire HD.
    I've now tried three different HDs and it still won't reboot. Also, tried using a DiskWarrior CD to get it to startup from a CD, now I've got a CD stuck in the CD/DVD slot. Will be going back to the Apple Store in a couple of days to try again. I did some online research and saw where the same thing had happened to someone in Australia in April 2008, but no so solution had as yet been posted.
    Any thoughts or suggestions??

    SierraVista wrote:
    After successfully (knock on wood) transferring my files, apps, and system settings from my old IMac G5 (Rev A) to my new IMac (early 08), I'm having major problems when trying to start up the old iMac G5.
    After I press the Power button on the iMac G5, the power light goes on but there's no startup chime and the screen remains black. Took it to an Apple Store and they thought it was a bad HD after they took out the internal HD out and were able to boot from an external FireWire HD.
    I've now tried three different HDs and it still won't reboot. Also, tried using a DiskWarrior CD to get it to startup from a CD, now I've got a CD stuck in the CD/DVD slot. Will be going back to the Apple Store in a couple of days to try again. I did some online research and saw where the same thing had happened to someone in Australia in April 2008, but no so solution had as yet been posted.
    Any thoughts or suggestions??
    The "no chime" thing is puzzling. That would indicate a total boot failure, not from a bad HD, but the EFI itself.
    When Apple removed the internal HD, was there a boot chime before the system booted into the external drive? If so, it might indicate not a bad HD, but a bad HD driver board or HD connector.

Maybe you are looking for