Migration Assistant and USB

I had to do an erase and isntall on my Macbook on a new hard drive. My old hard drive is in an enclosure, but there are no enclosures for laptop drives with firewire - just USB 2. Migration Assistant appears to deal only with Firewire.....anyone a good idea how to migrate with USB 2?
thanks for your help - I shudder and doing it by hand!!

Joan McDonald1 wrote:
I had to do an erase and isntall on my Macbook on a new hard drive. My old hard drive is in an enclosure, but there are no enclosures for laptop drives with firewire - just USB 2. Migration Assistant appears to deal only with Firewire.....anyone a good idea how to migrate with USB 2?
Of course there are Firewire enclosures. You were probably just looking in Staples or some other PC-centric vendor. Other World Computing, a very good Mac accessories vendor, has a good selection, see at
I'm a satisfied customer.

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    Thanks, Sig.
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    Yes there is.
    1: Log out and into the account you later want to remove.
    2: Open your Pictures folder and look for the iPhoto Library.
    3: Right or control click on it, a menu appears and choose the option "Show Package Contents", it's really a folder.
    4: Find the folder called "Originals", select it and use the Finder menu to Duplicate it.
    5: Move the Copy of Originals to the Desktop. Close the window.
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    8: Select the OTHER users folder and open the folder called Public, inside is a folder called "DropBox"
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    Hey hp12c,
    Thanks for the question. The following article may provide the information you are looking for:
    Mac Basics: Time Machine
    Restoring specific files or folders
    Choose Enter Time Machine from the Time Machine menu and the restore interface appears. You can literally see your windows as they appeared "back in time."
    You can use the timeline on the right side of the window to reach a certain point back in time (the timeline shows the times of all backups on your backup drive). If you don’t know exactly when you deleted or changed a file, you can use the back arrow to let Time Machine automatically travel through time to show you when that folder last changed.
    Note: Dates in pink indicate the data resides on your Time Machine backup device. Dates in white indicate the data resides on your Mac. In OS X Mountain Lion and Lion, portable Macs have the feature of local snapshots. See this article for details.
    You can also perform a Spotlight search in the Time Machine Finder Window search field to find a file. Simply type the Spotlight search field and use the back arrow to have Time Machine search through your backups to find what you are looking for.
    Before you restore a file, you can also use Quick Look to preview a file to make sure its the one you want. Highlight the file and press the Space Bar to bring up a quick look.
    To restore, select the file/folder and click the "Restore" button. The file will automatically be copied to the desktop or appropriate folder.  If the file you are restoring has another file in the same location with the same name, you will be prompted to choose which file to keep or keep both.
    Matt M.

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    IMO, wrong choice. Start over, using a FireWire cable and following the steps in Pondini's Setup New Mac guide.

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    When you set  up your Mac you had to enter a admin password to set up your user account.
    If you did not enter one then try using the  "blank window" as your password. ie Just hit return with nothing entered.
    If that does not work try this reference:
    http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-20087723-263/how-to-run-the-password-reset- utility-in-os-x-10.7-lion/?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=MacFixIt

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    Disk storage issues frequently happen if the hard disc is over 85% full.    Make sure your trash can is emptied after backing up any files you want to keep elsewhere.

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    I believe Migration Assistant was upgraded for Lion early in the week.  Do you have the latest?  Should be Version 4.
    Look here http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1420
    Message was edited by: w7ox

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    No you can not use a direct USB to USB connection. You can however use a USB External Hard Drive and copy your music, photos and other files from the G4 to the External Hard Drive, then from the External Hard Drive to the new iMac.
    The best option is FireWire, followed by using an External Hard Drive, then an Ethernet connection to migration from the G4.
    See > Mac OS X v10.6: How to use Migration Assistant to transfer files from another Mac

  • Restoring From Time Machine Migration Assistant (and other ??)

    Please bear with me on this long question....
    For several reasons I reinstalled ML which involves erasing the HDD first.  I do have everything bakced-up to Carbonite and TM.  Carbonite is slow as molassess so I opted to try Migration Assistant/TM to restore my files.  MA does not allow you to choose an older (good) backup and the backup that was used was an incomplete one as evidenced by the photo library being incomplete.  Another poster had a similar question and the solution involved using the install disk.  There is no install disc since it was a download from the Apps store. 
    Carbonite has a tendency to freeze-up during a long download.  Restarting it brings your download back to the very beginning.  I'm not happy about Carbonite.  I've heard of SuperDuper and seems to have gotten good reviews.
    1.  Is there a method to access an older TM backup from MA?
    2.  Is there a better option that Carbonite?
    3. Is SuperDuper a good option for backups?
    thank you, Bruce.

    If your Mac shipped with a System Install DVD then boot from it and choose "Restore from Time Machine backup".
    If your Mac shipped with Lion already installed you should be able to use OS X Recovery. Boot while holding ⌘ R and choose "Restore from Time Machine backup".
    Either one should present a dated list of complete system backups from which to choose. Ideally it should be the most recent one, but if you have reason to believe it is incomplete (it should not be) then try an earlier one.
    You can also boot from a locally connected Time Machine backup volume. Make sure it is connected with USB or FireWire and boot while holding an Option key. This will invoke Startup Manager, from which you can select your Time Machine backup volume. It will present the same restore options as OS X Recovery.
    These options will be faster and should be less prone to difficulty than using Migration Assistant.
    Time Machine and "clone" software use very different philosophies. SuperDuper! is good, so is Carbon Copy Cloner. They are more customizable than Time Machine, whose customizable features essentially consist of an "on / off" switch
    Of course that is also its sole advantage over the others - it's boneheadedly simple to use.
    Forget Carbonite, as you learned it does not work well on Macs. I know of no similar offsite backup services to recommend.

  • Update Migration Assistant and DVD/CD Sharing

    Hi everyone,
    I'm just updating the Migration Assistant by Auto-Update and the Installation takes pretty long. It's been installing for over an hour now, and it's stuck at configuring installation. Time Machine does not do any backups either right now.
    Is the update supposed to take this long or is something wrong. Thanks for helping me.

    No. Sound like the update has failed. You can force quit and try again. But before you reinstall, I suggest doing the following:
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger and Leopard.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now restart normally.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior (4.0 for Tiger, and 4.1 for Leopard) and/or TechTool Pro (4.6.1 for Leopard) to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.

  • Migration Assistant Using USB

    This is an addendum to a question I had re: using either a Time Machine or Super Duper backup as the source for running Migration Assistant on a new Mini. I was told I could use either one and that is great. Except I realized that both backups are on a partitioned USB2 external drive. The drive is FW400 capable, so I could get an 800 to 400 adapter but do I have to? My backups are made using USB2. Why can't MA work using it? I've read everything on MA and no mention of USB. Just FW, ethernet and wired/wireless network. Don't want to start a migration that will fail. Especially on a new machine.

    KevinD wrote:
    This is an addendum to a question I had re: using either a Time Machine or Super Duper backup as the source for running Migration Assistant on a new Mini. I was told I could use either one and that is great. Except I realized that both backups are on a partitioned USB2 external drive. The drive is FW400 capable, so I could get an 800 to 400 adapter but do I have to? My backups are made using USB2. Why can't MA work using it? I've read everything on MA and no mention of USB. Just FW, ethernet and wired/wireless network. Don't want to start a migration that will fail. Especially on a new machine.
    Migration Assistant will work absoluetly fine with a USB external drive containing TM or clone backups. firewire and ethernet are always mentioned only when talking about migrating directly from one computer to another. you can not connect two computers directly by a USB cable due to limitations of USB technology. but you can by a firewire one. this is not an issue if you are migrating using an external drive. of course firewire is faster so if your drive and computer have firewire ports I would suggest using those instead of USB.

  • I transferred data from my external hard drive to my restored Mac Book Pro via migration assistant and now my external hard drive in time capsule has red minus signs. How do I get rid of that without getting rid of any of my data?

    I used Migration Assistant to transfer my data from my external hard drive via Time Capsule to my restored Mac Book Pro. When I now go into Time Capsule I there are red minus signs in the corner of all the folders that are contained in my back up. How do I get rid of this and access my previous back-ups?

    Select the drive and Finder > Get info and at the bottom "ignore permissions on this volume"
    You can copy the files, but the ownership on the files still belongs to the other user account, once your done copying, then perform a #6 Reset Users Permissions and that will set all the ownership to that account.
    ..Step by Step to fix your Mac
    Another method is to copy the entire folder, then change it's permissions.

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