Migration to Arch Linux without extra partition requirement

Hello every body.
I'm currently making somes linux migration distribution, which means, installing on the current root partition Arch Linux and then having the possibility to switch from one to the other one just like you would have 2 distros on separate partitions. As you can imagine it's a interesting challenge. For me it is a must since I do not have any disk free needer want to create any new partitions. Moreover, the all process is possible to be done remotetly.
They is an available detail explaination how I proceed at http://kiao.no-ip.info/depot/arch.
Just be aware it is continuously updated as I'm doing the migration.
Any comment are welcome
Last edited by kiao (2007-07-10 12:26:30)

Have you looked at the wiki for installing the arch32 bit enviornment on arch64 ?
I think it's basically a decription of what your wanting to do. Even though it was written for just adding a minimal 32 bit install within arch 64, you could use the steps to install a complete sytem within another.
http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arc … bit_system

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  • Newbie consulting about migration to Arch Linux from Ubuntu

    I am using Ubuntu until I find Arch Linux, and I feel I quite agree with its principle of simplicity. I am considering a migration to Arch Linux.
    The two major aspects I am thinking over are NTFS support and Chinese support.
    As for NTFS, I need a system which has the capability to both read and write NTFS partitions, and stability is quite important for me. I cannot afford any data loss! With Ubuntu, I have never suffered a data loss from NTFS partitions.
    As for Chinese, I do not care about the UI language. Usually I use US English. But I need the system to display Chinese and allow me to input Chinese.
    Does Arch Linux meet my requirements? Or is it possible to configure it to have those capabilities?
    Thank you! And sorry for my poor English.

    Runiq wrote:
    ntfs-3g takes care of NTFS support. It's quite stable here, and I reckon Ubuntu uses it as well.
    From my experiences with writing Japanese, I'd say that Arch is definitely able display Chinese as well. Writing chinese Characters shouldn't be that difficult either, given the fact that all Linux packages are basically the same. It's also possible to display and write Chinese characters in a console.
    As for stability, I never had any problems, though it's in rare cases necessary to refer to the homepage before updating system-critical packages. I'd also update at least once a week if I were you.
    Thank you!
    The stability I stated mainly refers to the stability of ntfs-3g.

  • Install 2nd instance of Arch Linux without internet connection

    I have successfully install a first instance of Arch Linux using Arch Linux ISO + pacstrap + pacman with internet connection.
    I have updated to latest package database list (/var/lib/pacman/sync) and package cache files (/var/cache/pacman/pkg) in first instance of Arch Linux with "pacman -Swyu".
    Next, I would like to install 2nd instance of Arch Linux without using internet connection.
    I share the "/var/lib/pacman/sync" and "/var/cache/pacman/pkg" via NFS from first Arch Linux instance.
    I boot the 2nd instance with Arch Linux ISO and attempt to install without internet connection.  I mount the two NFS shares from 1st instance to "/var/cache/pacman/pkg" and "/mnt/var/lib/pacman/sync" respectively.  I execute
       # pacstrap -i -c /mnt"
    to start installation.
    I found it is almost impossible with current implementation of pacstrap script.  The pacstrap script always attempt to update package database list with -Sy option.
    I think some amendments on pacstrap script is needed to install Arch Linux without internet connection.

    I made the edit by adding the option -o to do what you want.
    I am too lazy for a feature request right now...
    # Assumptions:
    # 1) User has partitioned, formatted, and mounted partitions on /mnt
    # 2) Network is functional
    # 3) Arguments passed to the script are valid pacman targets
    # 4) A valid mirror appears in /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    shopt -s extglob
    out() { printf "$1 $2\n" "${@:3}"; }
    error() { out "==> ERROR:" "$@"; } >&2
    msg() { out "==>" "$@"; }
    msg2() { out " ->" "$@";}
    die() { error "$@"; exit 1; }
    in_array() {
    local i
    for i in "${@:2}"; do
    [[ $1 = "$i" ]] && return
    track_mount() {
    mount "$@" && CHROOT_ACTIVE_MOUNTS=("$2" "${CHROOT_ACTIVE_MOUNTS[@]}")
    api_fs_mount() {
    { mountpoint -q "$1" || track_mount "$1" "$1" --bind; } &&
    track_mount proc "$1/proc" -t proc -o nosuid,noexec,nodev &&
    track_mount sys "$1/sys" -t sysfs -o nosuid,noexec,nodev &&
    track_mount udev "$1/dev" -t devtmpfs -o mode=0755,nosuid &&
    track_mount devpts "$1/dev/pts" -t devpts -o mode=0620,gid=5,nosuid,noexec &&
    track_mount shm "$1/dev/shm" -t tmpfs -o mode=1777,nosuid,nodev &&
    track_mount run "$1/run" -t tmpfs -o nosuid,nodev,mode=0755 &&
    track_mount tmp "$1/tmp" -t tmpfs -o mode=1777,strictatime,nodev,nosuid
    api_fs_umount() {
    umount "${CHROOT_ACTIVE_MOUNTS[@]}"
    valid_number_of_base() {
    local base=$1 len=${#2} i=
    for (( i = 0; i < len; i++ )); do
    (( (${2:i:1} & ~(base - 1)) == 0 )) || return
    mangle() {
    local i= chr= out=
    unset {a..f} {A..F}
    for (( i = 0; i < ${#1}; i++ )); do
    case $chr in
    printf -v chr '%03o' "'$chr"
    # fallthrough
    printf '%s' "$out"
    unmangle() {
    local i= chr= out= len=$(( ${#1} - 4 ))
    unset {a..f} {A..F}
    for (( i = 0; i < len; i++ )); do
    case $chr in
    if valid_number_of_base 8 "${1:i+1:3}" ||
    valid_number_of_base 16 "${1:i+1:3}"; then
    printf -v chr '%b' "${1:i:4}"
    (( i += 3 ))
    # fallthrough
    printf '%s' "$out${1:i}"
    dm_name_for_devnode() {
    read dm_name <"/sys/class/block/${1#/dev/}/dm/name"
    if [[ $dm_name ]]; then
    printf '/dev/mapper/%s' "$dm_name"
    # don't leave the caller hanging, just print the original name
    # along with the failure.
    print '%s' "$1"
    error 'Failed to resolve device mapper name for: %s' "$1"
    fstype_is_pseudofs() {
    # list taken from util-linux source: libmount/src/utils.c
    local -A pseudofs_types=([anon_inodefs]=1
    (( pseudofs_types["$1"] ))
    usage() {
    cat <<EOF
    usage: ${0##*/} [options] root [packages...]
    -C config Use an alternate config file for pacman
    -c Use the package cache on the host, rather than the target
    -d Allow installation to a non-mountpoint directory
    -G Avoid copying the host's pacman keyring to the target
    -i Avoid auto-confirmation of package selections
    -M Avoid copying the host's mirrorlist to the target
    -o Do not update the pacman cache for offline installation
    -h Print this help message
    pacstrap installs packages to the specified new root directory. If no packages
    are given, pacstrap defaults to the "base" group.
    if [[ -z $1 || $1 = @(-h|--help) ]]; then
    exit $(( $# ? 0 : 1 ))
    (( EUID == 0 )) || die 'This script must be run with root privileges'
    while getopts ':C:cdGiMo' flag; do
    case $flag in
    die '%s: option requires an argument -- '\''%s'\' "${0##*/}" "$OPTARG"
    die '%s: invalid option -- '\''%s'\' "${0##*/}" "$OPTARG"
    shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
    (( $# )) || die "No root directory specified"
    newroot=$1; shift
    if (( ! hostcache )); then
    if (( ! interactive )); then
    if (( ! offline )); then
    if [[ $pacman_config ]]; then
    [[ -d $newroot ]] || die "%s is not a directory" "$newroot"
    if ! mountpoint -q "$newroot" && (( ! directory )); then
    die '%s is not a mountpoint!' "$newroot"
    # create obligatory directories
    msg 'Creating install root at %s' "$newroot"
    mkdir -m 0755 -p "$newroot"/var/{cache/pacman/pkg,lib/pacman,log} "$newroot"/{dev,run,etc}
    mkdir -m 1777 -p "$newroot"/tmp
    mkdir -m 0555 -p "$newroot"/{sys,proc}
    # always call umount on quit after this point
    trap 'api_fs_umount "$newroot" 2>/dev/null' EXIT
    # mount API filesystems
    api_fs_mount "$newroot" || die "failed to setup API filesystems in new root"
    msg 'Installing packages to %s' "$newroot"
    if ! pacman -r "$newroot" -S "${pacman_args[@]}"; then
    die 'Failed to install packages to new root'
    if (( copykeyring )); then
    # if there's a keyring on the host, copy it into the new root, unless it exists already
    if [[ -d /etc/pacman.d/gnupg && ! -d $newroot/etc/pacman.d/gnupg ]]; then
    cp -a /etc/pacman.d/gnupg "$newroot/etc/pacman.d/"
    if (( copymirrorlist )); then
    # install the host's mirrorlist onto the new root
    cp -a /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist "$newroot/etc/pacman.d/"
    # vim: et ts=2 sw=2 ft=sh:

  • Can I install Arch Linux without Internet connection ?

    It sounds noobish but my friends like to know if they can install Arch Linux without Internet connection ?

    mcmillan wrote:
    The core iso should be all you need, just boot off that to start the installation. It's been a while since I did an install, but somewhere along the way it gives you an option to install off the cd or do a net install. You just need to choose the cd installation.
    That being said, all you'll have without internet will be what's on the cd, so you'll be left with a pretty minimal install. If you want to update and install additional software then you'll either need to get the computer temporarily  connected, or download the packages on a different computer and transfer them.
    I am looking to do something similar. I have the core system installed on an older laptop, but I cannot get the wireless working (it has no ethernet). I've tried downloading the libgl packagesfrom a mirror to a thumbdrive, but it's a dependency nightmare. Is there a better way to do this?

  • (SOLVED) Dualboot Windows + Arch Linux (Windows boot partition)

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    sda1: Windows boot partition (ntfs) - This has always been there
    sda2: Windows Installation
    sda3: HP_Tools - I need to keep this for warranty
    sda4: Arch Installation
    I want to use GRUB to have a dualboot option at startup. Do I need to install GRUB to the boot partition which is NTFS, this should be ext3 according to the tutorial.
    Or can I just install grub on the Arch installation in the /boot folder?
    Thanks already!
    Last edited by AlexCogn (2012-10-02 15:02:10)

    Scimmia wrote:
    AlexCogn wrote:When I do that Windows just starts.
    Then you didn't install grub to the MBR. Don't forget, installing the package isn't enough, you actually have to install grub to sda as a separate step.
    # grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck /dev/sda
    # cp /usr/share/locale/en\@quot/LC_MESSAGES/grub.mo /boot/grub/locale/en.mo
    and then
    # grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    I forgot the installation ... I'm trying it in half an hour, thanks already for you help guys!

  • Arch linux without Systemd

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    Gusar wrote:
    0mark wrote:I know that udev without systemd is not supported anymore
    That is completely false, it is very much supported. (no need to link to that infamous post by Lennart - it does not say what you're claiming here).
    I read this http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/s … 06066.html and you are right, its not exactly the same. But i just wantet to say that i know that there might be problems ahead when using udev standalone.
    @Gusar, tomk: Thanks, that looks like good starting point. Although i will probably not being enthusiastical enough to really put something up, i will at least try
    @karol: Im already taking a look around, but i would rather keep arch. I think crux might be a good idea, or this archbang mentioned earlier.
    @jasonwryan: I will try them, thanks.

  • [SOLVED] Arch Linux on Macbook Pro 4.1

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    Last edited by T-u-N-i-X (2008-11-30 16:17:11)

    CTRL + ALT + Backspace
    That should close startx.  Also, the user manual has a couple of alternative methods of setting up your xorg.conf file.  I'd try those next.
    http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Beg … phic_Cards
    Last edited by sharpie (2008-11-30 14:05:39)

  • Japanese in Arch Linux

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    I'm not a programmer, and my efforts to hack the Makefile just made it worse. So, I'm just wondering if anyone has tried and if they've had any success.

    Well, I tried building it from abs, which worked. However, after installation, seems to have borked something else, since, now when I type startx it says hostname and a 3 digit number and network and another 3 digit number.  Also, I was still unable to input Japanese. 
    On the bright side, I now, due to the help of my programmer friends, have a vanilla Canna and kinput2 tarball that should install on most versions of Linux without extra work.  I tested it on RootLinux which has no inherent Japanese support, after installing KDE on it, and it worked without problem.  (I did, however, have to uninstall their version of rxvt and recompile from source--there are two configuration options that are necessary for Asian language input
    Scott who's from NY which might even weirder.

  • [SOLVED] New to Arch Linux, Need help in Installation.

    I am  Ubuntu user for sometime, but I want to migrate to Arch Linux. I need some help. Please note that I am  not Linux Expert but I have been using Ubuntu and OpenSUSE for quite sometime now. The reason for deciding to migrate to Arch Linux is with I need speed.
    My laptop configuration is
    Dell Vostro 1015 - Intel Dual Core 1.8 GHz  with 2 GB RAM.
    I was using Ubuntu 64 bit version.
    Here in Arch Linux, I find there are 3 options to download                i686 CPU,    x86-64 CPU,    Dual Architecture
    Now which one should I download among x86-64 and Dual Architecture?
    Last edited by sanjaydelhi (2011-11-16 15:11:14)

    Thank you all for welcoming me at Arch Linux!
    I was bit worried at the beginning because I tried Fedora before but it has one bug because of which it does not get installed on my laptop.
    I was bit disappointed being not able to use Fedora (both 14 and 15 ) because of this bug.
    The reason I got worried because I am new to Arch, as I mentioned I am not Linux expert and Arch is not for beginners( though I consider myself intermediate in Linux but certainly not expert). So I thought if I do not get community support probably I will not be able to use Arch Linux. The reason I got interest in Arch Linux is http://lifehacker.com/5680453/build-a-k … he-process this article. I am not thinking of upgrading my laptop for speed anytime sooner. So I thought of trying Arch Linux.
    The reason to post the topic was in most of Linux distros we see two options (x86, AMD_64). I found 3 options at Arch. I just wanted to make sure I am downloading right download.
    So I hope I clarified it.
    ANOKNUSA wrote:However, just for future reference: When engaging in any discussion with anyone anywhere on the internet at any time, it's often best to just leave experience and credentials out of the discussion.  I don't mean any offense myself, but claiming to be "in software development" while appearing unfamiliar with hardware architecture comes of as a bit odd.
    You are right. I should not have have brought experience and credentials in discussion. I used to follow hardware architectures but now I have so many other things to follow, so I can not keep up with hardware architectures. I still do not know exact architecture of i3,i5 or i7 processor or any of AMD processors. Thats how it is.
    I thank you all for support.
    Looking forward to trying Arch Linux.

  • [SOLVED] (U)EFI dualboot Win7 Arch Linux - partitions gone - recovery?

    Hi everybody,
    I have a slight problem with my (U)EFI dualboot system (Windows 7 and Arch Linux) which used to be configured using rEFInd like it is described in my previous post:
    https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php … 6#p1300356
    <EFI PARTITION> is /dev/sda1 and I used to boot via <EFI PARTITION>\EFI\Boot\Bootx64.efi which then successfully either loaded Windows or Linux kernel.
    Thanks to my own stupidity and a recent update of refind I decided to copy the new driver, font and icon folders to the <EFI PARTITION> in order to be up-to-date.
    After doing so, the rEFInd boot menu had a third icon which said "Boot via \EFI\Boot\Bootx64.efi" and if I clicked on it a second rEFInd boot menu appeared with only the two icons for Windows 7 and Arch.
    So I figured I could delete Bootx64.efi and ultimately did so, unfortunately. Afterwards I couldn't boot neither Windows nor Linux anymore.
    Following this I went through my noumerous USB boot sticks in order to be able to recover the Bootx64.efi. Unfortunately the first USB stick was a Windows XP one which has the plop bootloader alongside:
    Out of couriousity I entered this bootloader and found HDA and HDB (I assume resembling my SSD and my USB stick).
    To my knowledge I didn't change anything but after entering the bootloader again I just found HDA left, HDB seemed to be gone. But I didn't think of anything bad happening yet.
    Then I found a working Archiso which I booted and using blkid I couldn't find the partitions of my earlier system anymore, only its device and the USB stick:
    /dev/sda: PTUUID="..." PTTYPE="gpt"
    /dev/sdb1: UUID="..." LABEL="ARCH_201312" TYPE="..." and so on
    /dev/sdb2: SEC_TYPE="msdos" and so on
    Even within the EFI shell I could not detect any internal drive anymore (only fs0: which is the USB stick)
    Using Archiso onboard tool testdisk I could find the old partitions. The correct result of the GPT from testdisk is:
    Fri Jul 4 08:45:25 2014
    Command line: TestDisk
    TestDisk 6.14, Data Recovery Utility, July 2013
    Christophe GRENIER <[email protected]>
    OS: Linux, kernel 3.12.1-3-ARCH (#1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Nov 26 11:17:02 CET 2013) x86_64
    Compiler: GCC 4.8
    Compilation date: 2013-08-06T08:42:31
    ext2fs lib: 1.42.8, ntfs lib: libntfs-3g, reiserfs lib:, ewf lib: none
    /dev/sda: LBA, HPA, LBA48, DCO support
    /dev/sda: size 500118192 sectors
    /dev/sda: user_max 500118192 sectors
    /dev/sda: native_max 500118192 sectors
    /dev/sda: dco 500118192 sectors
    Warning: can't get size for Disk /dev/mapper/control - 0 B - 1 sectors, sector size=512
    Hard disk list
    Disk /dev/sda - 256 GB / 238 GiB - CHS 31130 255 63, sector size=512 - Samsung SSD 840 PRO Series, S/N:S12RNEAD322171L, FW:DXM04B0Q
    Disk /dev/sdb - 2013 MB / 1920 MiB - CHS 1022 62 62, sector size=512 - SMI USB DISK, FW:1100
    Disk /dev/sdc - 4210 MB / 4015 MiB - CHS 1020 130 62, sector size=512 - Generic Flash Disk, FW:8.07
    Disk /dev/mapper/arch_root-image - 1478 MB / 1410 MiB - 2887680 sectors, sector size=512
    Disk /dev/dm-0 - 1478 MB / 1410 MiB - 2887680 sectors, sector size=512
    Partition table type (auto): Intel
    Disk /dev/sda - 256 GB / 238 GiB - Samsung SSD 840 PRO Series
    Partition table type: EFI GPT
    New options :
    Dump : No
    Align partition: Yes
    Expert mode : Yes
    Analyse Disk /dev/sda - 256 GB / 238 GiB - CHS 31130 255 63
    hdr_lba_alt=500118191 (expected 500118191)
    hdr_lba_alt=1 (expected 1)
    Trying alternate GPT
    Current partition structure:
    Trying alternate GPT
    Disk /dev/sda - 256 GB / 238 GiB - CHS 31130 255 63
    FAT32 at 0/32/33
    FAT1 : 4110-6150
    FAT2 : 6151-8191
    start_rootdir : 8192 root cluster : 2
    Data : 8192-2097151
    sectors : 2097152
    cluster_size : 8
    no_of_cluster : 261120 (2 - 261121)
    fat_length 2041 calculated 2041
    set_FAT_info: name from BS used
    FAT32 at 0/32/33
    MS Data 2048 2099199 2097152 [NO NAME]
    FAT32, blocksize=4096, 1073 MB / 1024 MiB
    NTFS at 146/251/42
    filesystem size 249593856
    sectors_per_cluster 8
    mft_lcn 786432
    mftmirr_lcn 2
    clusters_per_mft_record -10
    clusters_per_index_record 1
    NTFS part_offset=1209008128, part_size=127792054272, sector_size=512
    NTFS partition cannot be added (part_offset<part_size).
    NTFS at 146/251/42
    filesystem size 249593856
    sectors_per_cluster 8
    mft_lcn 786432
    mftmirr_lcn 2
    clusters_per_mft_record -10
    clusters_per_index_record 1
    MS Data 2361344 251955199 249593856
    NTFS, blocksize=4096, 127 GB / 119 GiB
    recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/160, s_mnt_count=1318/4294967295, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
    recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
    recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 5242880
    recover_EXT2: part_size 41943040
    MS Data 251955200 293898239 41943040
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 21 GB / 20 GiB
    recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/80, s_mnt_count=1317/4294967295, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
    recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
    recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 2621440
    recover_EXT2: part_size 20971520
    MS Data 293898240 314869759 20971520
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 10 GB / 10 GiB
    recover_EXT2: s_block_group_nr=0/706, s_mnt_count=1317/4294967295, s_blocks_per_group=32768, s_inodes_per_group=8192
    recover_EXT2: s_blocksize=4096
    recover_EXT2: s_blocks_count 23156049
    recover_EXT2: part_size 185248392
    MS Data 314869760 500118151 185248392
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 94 GB / 88 GiB
    P MS Data 2048 2099199 2097152 [NO NAME]
    FAT32, blocksize=4096, 1073 MB / 1024 MiB
    P MS Data 2361344 251955199 249593856
    NTFS, blocksize=4096, 127 GB / 119 GiB
    P MS Data 251955200 293898239 41943040
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 21 GB / 20 GiB
    P MS Data 293898240 314869759 20971520
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 10 GB / 10 GiB
    P MS Data 314869760 500118151 185248392
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 94 GB / 88 GiB
    1 P MS Data 2048 2099199 2097152 [NO NAME]
    2 P MS Data 2361344 251955199 249593856
    3 P MS Data 251955200 293898239 41943040
    4 P MS Data 293898240 314869759 20971520
    5 P MS Data 314869760 500118151 185248392
    simulate write!
    TestDisk exited normally.
    ext4 blocksize=4096 Large file Sparse superblock, 94 GB / 88 GiB
    Now the question is: Can I - using testdisk or any other tool - recover those partitions successfully so I will be able to boot again afterwards? I tested and I could mark them as:
    P Primary
    Any help will be greately appreciated.
    Best regards
    Last edited by blablubb1234 (2014-07-08 09:20:08)

    Issue resolved If you care to know how, read on:
    Looking at the disk using gdisk was doing no good. Neither of the recovery options in gdisk did the trick.
    I then returned to testdisk and restored the partitions (successfully). However, afterwards I was greeted by shell telling me the root device was not found (seems like UUIDs get changed when one restores them using testdisk). Adjusting the PARTUUID for root in <EFI SYSTEM PARTIITION>/boot/refind_linux.conf did the trick and I could boot up Archlinux again.
    Windows 7 still didn't boot telling me the required device was inaccessible (probably wrong UUID, too). I could however not restore/edit Windows' BCD using bcdedit, see my post Status: 0xc0000225 boot selection failed; required device inaccessible:
    To make a long story short: Removing bcd and running autorecovery from withing Windows RE successfully created a new bcd. Unfortunately, Windows writes its backup bootloader at <EFI SYSTEM PARTITION>/boot/EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi. This file originally was a copy of refind_x64.efi which I need to put at that location to be able to dualboot. After chrooting to my Arch system I could restore bootx64.efi, create a new fstab and everything is running fine now again.
    Best regards and thanks for the help.

  • How to mount SATA Ntfs Partitions on Arch Linux

    Please help me mounting sata ntfs partitions.
    Here is my fdisk -l :
    [kaola@ArchHost ~]$ sudo fdisk -l
    Disk /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0x020e020e
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sda1 1 371 2980026 82 Linux swap / Solaris
    /dev/sda2 * 372 2803 19535040 83 Linux
    /dev/sda3 2804 6450 29294527+ 83 Linux
    /dev/sda4 6451 6463 104422+ 83 Linux
    Disk /dev/sdb: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0xd7a23d33
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sdb1 2 5875 47182905 5 Extended
    /dev/sdb2 * 5876 9139 26218080 7 HPFS/NTFS
    /dev/sdb5 2 3918 31463271 7 HPFS/NTFS
    /dev/sdb6 3919 5875 15719571 7 HPFS/NTFS
    Disk /dev/sdc: 4043 MB, 4043308544 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 491 cylinders
    Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0x00050ebd
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sdc1 1 491 3943926 b W95 FAT32
    As far as I know, the sata ntfs partitions are those with (sdb#).
    I tried mounting one of them but this is what it shows:
    [kaola@ArchHost ~]$ sudo mount /dev/sdb6
    mount: can't find /dev/sdb6 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
    Please help me, this is very annoying compared to ubuntu which does do the job pretty well.  By the way, I'm using kde as my DE.  Dolphin sees the partitions but cant access.
    It says:
    An error occured while accessing 'Backup2 HD2', the system responded:
    org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.UnknownFailure: TODO:
    have to rethink extra options
    Reading some tutorials on ntfs-3g wiki, I've modified my fstab.  Still, I can't read the partitions...Please help me, this is my fstab:
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
    none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
    UUID=2167baaa-d1e0-4719-920c-0bc09fa56caa / reiserfs defaults 0 1
    UUID=3e2250a0-ac45-458c-ba40-44ddbe8af54d /boot ext2 defaults 0 1
    UUID=cbf76343-12cf-4975-9284-3360735be927 /home reiserfs defaults 0 1
    UUID=f39da452-efe4-49d0-abd4-bb5246b83b33 swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    /dev/dvd /media/dvd auto ro,user,noauto,unhide 0 0
    UUID=2167baaa-d1e0-4719-920c-0bc09fa56caa / reiserfs defaults 0 1
    UUID=3e2250a0-ac45-458c-ba40-44ddbe8af54d /boot ext2 defaults 0 1
    UUID=cbf76343-12cf-4975-9284-3360735be927 /home reiserfs defaults 0 1
    UUID=f39da452-efe4-49d0-abd4-bb5246b83b33 swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ntfs1 ntfs-3g users,noauto,uid=1000,gid=100,fmask=0113,dmask=0002,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
    /dev/sdb2 /mnt/ntfs2 ntfs-3g users,noauto,uid=1000,gid=100,fmask=0113,dmask=0002,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
    /dev/sdb5 /mnt/ntfs3 ntfs-3g users,noauto,uid=1000,gid=100,fmask=0113,dmask=0002,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
    /dev/sda6 /mnt/ntfs4 ntfs-3g users,noauto,uid=1000,gid=100,fmask=0113,dmask=0002,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0
    Last edited by kaola_linux (2008-10-04 14:51:24)

    AD28 wrote:
    For seamless integration similar to Ubuntu:
        Follow this wiki for ntfs-3g installation and fstab configuration.
    For basic on-demand support:
    # pacman -Sy ntfs-3g
    and mount with:
    # mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdbX /mnt
    Now that did the trick!!!!!
    A happy Arch Linux user here!!!!hehee
    Any idea how to automate this? I want it to be automatically mounted so that it would be easy to transfer files...Pleasssseeeeee.....Thanks

  • [Solved]How can I create a bootable backup of my arch linux partition?

    I'm trying to get my arch linux installation to have a gui, specifically KDE. I downloaded Xorg and the nvidia proprietary driver 340.24. After installing the nvidia driver and rebooting, my screen stays black and I can't see my console. I can still login and reboot but I just can't see my screen. I've also tried booting into the arch linux fallback listed in the grub bootloader but that also had a black screen. At this point, I just reinstalled Arch Linux since I didn't really have anything on it anyway but this time I hope not to run into this problem. I will try installing a different driver but if I do run into the same problem, I want to be able to just copy over a backup of my OS and just boot off of that instead of completely reinstalling the system. Thanks in advance.
    Edit: I read up a bit on the dd command and learned that it can effectively copy an entire partition including the master boot record. Could this be the possible solution? I just wanted to post this edit here to make sure.
    Last edited by Firephyz (2014-07-19 20:06:00)

    Backing up using dd
    When you clone your entire disk the MBR will also be copied over. The wiki just states you can back up just the MBR itself if need be.
    I strongly do not recommend just reinstalling your system in the future unless it's needed, you learn nothing from it and it can drive away other users from helping you. Especially if its just and issue to do with Xorg.
    Last edited by Kartious (2014-07-18 10:20:23)

  • [SOLVED] Arch Linux on encrypted luks partition on USB key

    I've installed Arch Linux on a USB key following this Wiki page: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/In … _a_USB_key
    I also used dm-crypt as described in this Wiki page: https://wiki.archlinux.de/title/Festpla … iante_1.29
    I installed Arch Linux on the USB key using VirtualBox.
    To do that, I created a "rawvmdk":
    vboxmanage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ./usb.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sdd
    Everything works fine when I'm trying to start the system within VirtualBox.
    Syslinux loads Arch using the following kernel command:
    APPEND cryptdevice=UUID=6aa73872-3755-4bdf-bee3-d1cd7a3fe0bf:main root=/dev/mapper/main-root rw
    /etc/mkinitcpio.conf holds the following "HOOKS" configuration:
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard keymap encrypt lvm2 filesystems fsch resume"
    As already mentioned the configuration works within VirtualBox. When I'm trying to boot from the USB key on my real computer, I'm getting an error. Syslinux works fine and loads Linux, but Linux is complaining. Here's the log:
    :: running hoock [encrypt]
    Waiting 10 seconds for device /dev/disk/by-uuid/6aa73872-3755-4bdf-bee3-d1cd7a3fe0bf ...
    ERROR: device '/dev/mapper/main-root' not found. Skipping fschk.
    ERROR: Unable to find root device '/dev/mapper/main-root'.
    You are being dropped to a recovery shell
    I'm not getting prompted for the passphrase since the cryptdevice can not be found. But why? It can be found when I'm booting within VirtualBox. What might be different? I successfully installed other Linux distributions (but without encryption and using GRUB as bootloader) previously within VirtualBox and was able to boot from the USB key on a real machine afterwards.
    Some additional information that might help:
    Here's the "lsblk -f output" for the stick:
    ├─sdd1 ext4 usbboot bb45e84e-842e-4209-8c44-1af3c7933389
    └─sdd2 crypto_L 6aa73872-3755-4bdf-bee3-d1cd7a3fe0bf
    When I'm running "lsblk" or "blkid" from the recovery shell after the failure, I'm getting no output. "ls /dev/sd*" returns nothing as well. The directory /dev/disk does not even exists in the recovery shell. (I'm not sure if this is normal or not.)
    Thanks for helping.
    Last edited by The Infinity (2014-08-14 20:26:06)

    I still haven't solved the problem:
    When starting the system on a machine with NVIDIA GTX 560Ti graphics card:
    - X doesn't start using startx or xinit and there are no log entries in /var/log/Xorg.*.log (as I haven't tried to start X).
    - I'm getting the message "Waiting for X server to begin accepting connections .. .. .. ..".
    - I already tried to uninstall xf86-video-nouveau and nouveau-dri with no effect.
    - Additionally: The "default terminals tty1/2/3/..." (which I'm using to start X) from have a poor resolution (I think 640x480 pixel).
    When starting the system on a virtual machine or a machine with an ATI Radeon (mobile) graphics card:
    - X starts and runs without any trouble the XFCE desktop environment.
    - Additionally: The default terminals have a proper resolution (I think the maximal resolution of the display).

  • How to partition a USB flash-drive to install Arch Linux?

    Good afternoon,
    Could anyone please guide me in the right direction, how would I go about partitioning my USB flash-drive in order to install Arch Linux onto my Acer Aspire One? I've found guides, but none of them are specific enough - the static assumption being that the OS is already partitioned onto your flash-drive, and that is not the case for me.
    Much appreciated,
    A Swiftly Tilting Planet

    assuming your usb key is /dev/sdz
    # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdz
    //cleans the usb drive
    # fdisk /dev/sdz
    // press m and read the help, make a partition, make it bootable
    // you have to press (double check anyway):
    // n, p, 1, <enter>, <enter>, a, 1, t, b, w
    # mkfs.vfat /dev/sdz1
    // formatting
    The first passage can actually replaced to something more modest, like:
    # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdz bs=1024 count=1
    Last edited by ezzetabi (2009-01-03 16:37:04)

  • Arch Linux minimum requirements and recommended?

    I'm setting up my shop and I need to know the minimum requirements for Arch Linux. Processor speed? Hard drive space? I know that the RAM is 64MB...

    Taken from the installation guide
    What You Will Need
         * a working knowledge of Linux and your system, especially your
         * Arch Linux installation media (see the mirror list)
              + Arch Linux Install CD
         * an i686-based or x86-64 computer (PPro, Pentium 2 or higher, Athlon/Duron,
           etc. Note that AMD K6, Transmeta Crusoe, CyrixIII, and VIA-C3 are
           NOT supported.)
         * 128 MB RAM
         * some time to kill
    hope that helps

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