Minizing and Maximizing Windows in rapid succession

I didn't have this problem until I upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1. How do I go back to windows 7. I can't even use my laptop at this point. Thanks.

I didn't have this problem
Didn't have what problem?  Are you moving your mouse and seeing the Taskbar preview?
One significant difference between W7 and W8 is how the functionality that laptop
manufacturers have tried to apply to their machines Touchpads.  The best alternative is to get a real mouse and use it instead, reserving the use of the Touchpad to times when you want to experiment with some
Touch emulation features.  Otherwise, see if your Touchpad is at least recognized as a "Precision Touchpad"
Then you may be able to make your Touchpad behave more like a normal mouse.
Robert Aldwinckle

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    Best Regards Archers!
    See this:
    Last edited by sironitomas (2010-03-29 02:06:11)

    <application class="*">
    This will make all windows maximized by default, which I think is what you want.
    EDIT:  Actually, if you don't want dialogs to be maximized, try that, and this, I think:
    <application type="dialog">
    Last edited by kmason (2010-03-29 02:20:56)

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    Hello alankilner,
    And welcome to Apple Discussions!
    Using Proxy: Yes
    Try temporarily disabling this setting by following the steps outlined in this Apple support document.



    BOUGHT IN 2008

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    If you are admin.
    Try restarting your Mac.

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    I'm having the same problem using IE 8.
    Did you ever get a resolution for this?  I see no one ever responded to your post.

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    Those are not viruses. You have probably installed some malware:
    The Safe Mac » Adware Removal Guide
    Helpful Links Regarding Malware Protection
    An excellent link to read is Tom Reed's Mac Malware Guide.
    Also, visit The XLab FAQs and read Detecting and avoiding malware and spyware.
    See these Apple articles:
              Mac OS X Snow Leopard and malware detection
              OS X Lion- Protect your Mac from malware
              OS X Mountain Lion- Protect your Mac from malware
              About file quarantine in OS X
    If you require anti-virus protection Thomas Reed recommends using Dr.Web Light from the App Store. It's free, and since it's from the App Store, it won't destabilize the system. If you prefer one of the better known commercial products, then Thomas recommends using Sophos.(Thank you to Thomas Reed for these recommendations.) If you already use Sophos, then be aware of this if you are using Mavericks: OS X Mavericks- Sophos Anti-Virus on-access scanner versions 8.0 - 9.1 may cause unexpected restarts
    From user Joe Bailey comes this equally useful advice:
    The facts are:
    1. There is no anti-malware software that can detect 100% of the malware out there.
    2. There is no anti-malware that can detect anything targeting the Mac because there
         is no Mac malware in the wild, and therefore, no "signatures" to detect.
    3. The very best way to prevent the most attacks is for you as the user to be aware that
         the most successful malware attacks rely on very sophisticated social engineering
         techniques preying on human avarice, ****, and fear.
    4. Internet popups saying the FBI, NSA, Microsoft, your ISP has detected malware on
        your computer is intended to entice you to install their malware thinking it is a
        protection against malware.
    5. Some of the anti-malware products on the market are worse than the malware
        from which they purport to protect you.
    6. Be cautious where you go on the internet.
    7. Only download anything from sites you know are safe.
    8. Avoid links you receive in email, always be suspicious even if you get something
        you think is from a friend, but you were not expecting.
    9. If there is any question in your mind, then assume it is malware.

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    I know how to open a window in a separate window, I just can't get it maximized.
    N.B. I do <b>NOT</b> want to open in <b>fullscreen</b> mode, i.e. I want a title bar and menus.
    Does anyone know how to do it?
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    Hi Lothar,
    Yes, That will require Java Coding, Its true. Basically what the problem here is that to maximize we are trying to fetch the Screen resolution dynamically through Portal that Portal is not allowing us. Thats why I feel that we should go for Java Programing, Create a Par, Deploy it in the server and then create iView for that.
    For Creating the Abstract Portal Component for Opening a Maximized Window You should do following steps.
    1. Open Your NWDS
    2. Create a project ie Portal Application
    3. Create Portal Object ie Abstract Portal Component.
    Now here is the piece of code that may help you
              response.write("<SCRIPT language=javascript>");
              response.write("function onOpenWindow()");
              response.write("<a href = \"javascript:onOpenWindow()\"></a>");
    Paste this code in doContent...
    I think it may help you
    Thanx & Regards

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    Hey leafxxx,
    Thanks for the question, and welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    The following resource provides troubleshooting steps if your iPhone is not displayed in iTunes when connected:
    Apple - Support - iPhone - iTunes Troubleshooting Assistant
    For more detailed instructions, see this article:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Enjoy your new iPhone 5!
    Matt M.

  • Resized partition using Disk Utility and now Windows 7 will not boot

    Hopefully someone can help me!!
    I had previously used Boot Camp to install Windows 7. However, I later realised I had not given myself anywhere near enough disk space as I started using Windows for things I hadn't originally planned on using it for.
    Anyway, long story short, to solve the problem I uninstalled some applications on my Mac OSX and used Disk Utility to decrease the size of my Mac partition. My plan was then to reboot to Windows and use a Windows application to increase the size of the Windows partition. However - I coudln't even get that far.
    Upon decreasing the size of my Mac partition (succesfully) I restarted my Mac in order to boot to Windows. However, I was greeted with a message along the lines of "unable to boot to Windows please insert boot disk and press any key" (I can't remember the exact message).
    I was wondering if anyone knows of any way to restore my Windows partition, retaining all of my previously saved files on my Windows disk. It's probably a long shot, but the thought of losing everything I have been working on for the last few months is a sickening one.
    What does give me a bit of hope is that, if I click Boot Camp it seems to recognise that Windows 7 is installed as the option that appears is to uninstall it.
    Furthermore, if I view partitions in Disk Utility, a "DISK0S4" is listed. However, it's only at 20gb - if this WAS my BootCamp partition previously, it was originally at something around 60gb (I think - either way, definitely bigger than 20gb!).
    On top of this, my current Macintosh HD parition is at 260gb and with the DISK0S4 partition at 20.21gb, there seems to be some space missing... I'm hoping this is the files I've been working on over the last few months!
    Anyway, I've done some searching on the net and it *seems* that GPT fdisk *might* be my savour. I've downloaded it but have no idea how to use it and don't plan on playing about with it as I could no doubt do some real damage. If it is likely to solve my problem however, I'm certainly more than capable of being walked through what I need to do.
    Please help!

    Hi Christopher,
    I also have problems with Windows rebooting after partition resize trying to reduce Mac side and increase Windows side. I do not see the BootCamp partition labelled as such while running disk utility. The Windows partition shows up when I boot up while pressing the ALT key. However, when I try to run Windows, it says " error loading operatig system".
    I also followed instruction and went through to run gdisk successfully. Results towards the end.
    What can be done? Windows still does not boot and It shows ? Suspicious MBR at sector 0.
    Below is information based on typical questions you ask.
    diskutil list
    /dev/disk0   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE        IDENTIFIER
       0:              GUID_partition_scheme                        *120.0 GB     disk0
       1:                                           EFI                         209.7 MB     disk0s1
       2:                         Apple_HFS Macintosh HD            78.5 GB     disk0s2
       3:                       Apple_Boot Recovery HD             650.0 MB     disk0s3
       4:                   Microsoft Basic Data                         31.7 GB      disk0s4  
    sudo gpt -r -vv show disk0
    gpt show: disk0: mediasize=120034123776; sectorsize=512; blocks=234441648
    gpt show: disk0: Suspicious MBR at sector 0
    gpt show: disk0: Pri GPT at sector 1
    gpt show: disk0: Sec GPT at sector 234441647
          start       size            index       contents
              0          1                             MBR
              1          1                             Pri GPT header
              2         32                            Pri GPT table
             34          6        
             40     409600           1            GPT part - C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B
         409640  153240016      2            GPT part - 48465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
      153649656    1269544     3            GPT part - 426F6F74-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
      154919200   17628896        
      172548096   61892608    4            GPT part - EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7
      234440704        911        
      234441615         32                       Sec GPT table
      234441647          1                        Sec GPT header
    sudo fdisk /dev/disk0
    Disk: /dev/disk0 geometry: 14593/255/63 [234441648 sectors]Signature: 0xAA55
             Starting       Ending
    #: id  cyl  hd sec -  cyl  hd sec [     start -       size]
    1: EE    0   0   2 - 1023 254  63 [         1 -  172548095] <Unknown ID>
    *2: 07 1023 254  63 - 1023 254  63 [ 172548096 -   61892608] HPFS/QNX/AUX
    3: 00    0   0   0 -    0   0   0 [         0 -          0] unused     
    4: 00    0   0   0 -    0   0   0 [         0 -          0] unused  
    sudo gdisk /dev/disk0
    GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.7
    Warning: Devices opened with shared lock will not have their
    partition table automatically reloaded!
    Partition table scan:
      MBR: hybrid
      BSD: not present
      APM: not present
      GPT: present
    Found valid GPT with hybrid MBR; using GPT.
    Command (? for help): r
    Recovery/transformation command (? for help): h
    WARNING! Hybrid MBRs are flaky and dangerous! If you decide not to use one,
    just hit the Enter key at the below prompt and your MBR partition table will
    be untouched.
    Type from one to three GPT partition numbers, separated by spaces, to be
    added to the hybrid MBR, in sequence: 4
    Place EFI GPT (0xEE) partition first in MBR (good for GRUB)? (Y/N): y
    Creating entry for GPT partition #4 (MBR partition #2)
    Enter an MBR hex code (default 07):
    Set the bootable flag? (Y/N): y
    Unused partition space(s) found. Use one to protect more partitions? (Y/N): n
    Recovery/transformation command (? for help): o
    Disk size is 234441648 sectors (111.8 GiB)
    MBR disk identifier: "DELETED INFO"
    MBR partitions:
    Number  Boot  Start Sector   End Sector   Status      Code
       1                               1    172548095   primary     0xEE
       2           *     172548096    234440703   primary     0x07
    Recovery/transformation command (? for help): w
    Final checks complete. About to write GPT data. THIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING
    Do you want to proceed? (Y/N): y
    OK; writing new GUID partition table (GPT) to /dev/disk2.
    Warning: Devices opened with shared lock will not have their
    partition table automatically reloaded!
    Warning: The kernel may continue to use old or deleted partitions.
    You should reboot or remove the drive.
    The operation has completed successfully.

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