Minus points on the forum

I would recommend to introduce minus points in the forums.
Once a question was asked in an SCN forum and after the first response to the Question, minus points should be assigned to the questioner. When the Questioner responds or mark the answer useful/not useful/answered.. then minus points must be removed.
This way we can make the questioner also a better contributor to SCN forums.

Hi Kishen,
Good to see similar thread here.
I'm talking about different minus rating here. Few people ask questions and leave the thread as an orphan.
I know there is limit on number of orphan threads one can create.
So it will be certainly useful to have zero points on a response (Not relavant answer) as discussed in other thread and
minus points for questioner for not resonding to thread(for not closing or not assigning atleast zero points   ).

Similar Messages

  • Rewarding points in the forums - October 26, 2005

    Some of you might notice that you are unable to reward points today, the feature has been currently disabled at the moment due to some system changes.
    It will be reacatived in about 24 hours, we are sorry for the inconvience.
    SDN Team
    Message was edited by: Craig Cmehil

    Hi Rajani,
    As Craig has written. The point system is currently down. That is for all, not only your user ID.
    As all of you know by now, we are having stability problems. I guess they come with the success of having over 250K members and a lots of users. (Even though SDN was down a couple of times we still clocked in at over 1100 posts last week.) 
    It is not a trivial problem and to limit the influencing factors we have decided to take our home grown point system out of the equation. Next to a host of other factors availability was improved by 5% from the day before.
    We will let you know once it is back and also will give you a detailed account of what was going wrong.
    Isn't it true for SDN too: You only know what you had once it is gone. (Well, actually not there for a while.)
    Please be patient, Mark.

  • Points within a forum

    In a couple of the forums that I contribute to, I can see my points within the forum as I am lucky enough to be in the top ten (not for much longer, I suspect, unless I can get a bit more helpful!). In other forums I may have points, but they don't show on the radar. Is there a way to see my points breakdown by forum? And if not, should there be?

    1. Currently, there isn't, unless you do it the hard way by going through your profile and noting down exactly where you have gotten points. If you need an unique identifier for each post, use the number which you see just after messageID in the post's Reply, Email, or if you're a high enough level, Report this post links.
    2. Yes. Some other people have asked for features similar to this to be implemented, such as being able to view the rating on posts when scanning your My Posts pages, and they appear to be on the list of suggested improvements.

  • After installing a new version of Firefox, I get the error message "The procedure entry point JS_GetOperationLimit could not be located in the dynamic link library js3250.dll" when I try to start firefox. Elsewhere in the forum a complete reinstall is su

    After installing a new version of Firefox, I get the error message "The procedure entry point JS_GetOperationLimit could not be located in the dynamic link library js3250.dll" when I try to start firefox. Elsewhere in the forum a complete reinstall is suggested; however, I can't do that because of my company's IT policies. Is there any way to solve this problem WITHOUT a complete reinstall? Thank you!
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == I installed a new version ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; GTB6; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648)

    If you can't reinstall Firefox yourself then you need to contact your IT department and ask them to check the Firefox installation.
    It is possible that some files got broken with the latest update.


    What is the point of this forum when over half the questions go unanswered?
    In fact, what is the point of creating and selling a product that so many people can't even install without an expert looking over their shoulder?
    This really sucks! I am really sorry that I elected a major in Oracle Development.

    There are reasons for doing controlled releases, and your implementation experience with prior upgrades is one of them.
    Doing an upgrade requires the management of the underlying repository, the underlying repository has changed significantly from 309 to 902 owing to the introduction of OID and other significant changes to the architecture.
    Running a controlled release allows Oracle to ensure that the final upgrade scripts when made publicly available are as solid and bug-free as possible whilst allowing those customers who wish to upgrade sooner rather than later and take part in the feedback process can do so with the knowledge that Oracle can help them should they come across any issues.
    We currently have over 150 customers running the upgrade scripts and providing feedback, so much so that we are hoping to release them publicly in the very near future.
    On another note, I should point out that in your post you are referring to DB upgrade versions and not Application Server upgrade versions..

  • Problems with counting the forum points?

    Hello sdn team,
    i recogized that i got some points in forum threads but they are not added to the summary points on the business card. Here is a sample:
    Difference between EAM and MAM
    Are there any problems with the pointing system?

    i had similar kind of issues more than once and reported the same to [email protected] which was quickly fixed.
    mail [email protected] along with the link to the thread and your account id.

  • Some problems on the forums / Reward points

    Hi there,
    I just want to mention that I actually realize two problems with the forums / reward system:
    1.) For <i>some</i> threads in a category overview, in the column "Last Post" in fact the initial post date is given. Nevertheless, the threads are sorted correctly, but it is disturbing. At this moment, this can be seen in Category EP (/community [original link is broken]) for the thread "Netweaver Developer Studio - SAP Enterprise connector error".
    2.) Within my "Total points" overview, I realize that I got 6 points for my answer within this thread https://www.sdn.sap.com/sdn/collaboration.sdn?node=linkFnode6-1&contenttype=url&content=https:///thread/14351 [original link is broken], but looking there, all stars are empty.
    Hope it helps to determine some problem areas,
    best regards

    Hi Mark,
    next problem:
    3.) Number of replies in the category overview does not fit. Example: Category WAS, /community [original link is broken] thread "UIElement does not have a label", replies by overview: 1, replies in fact: 2.
    Best regards

  • Can't see who has replied to the thread in the forum, its pointess?

    What's the point in creating a system where you can't see who has replied to the thread? Its absolutely F**CKING pointless? Does anyone at Adobe have any brains or are they all sitting with their heads up their backsides?
    Surely before you release such garbage you test for these very simple issues, right?
    osgood_(NOT M Golding) If anyone at Adobe is monitoring this please get my screen named changed to what it was previously as well.

    It needs a 'latest reply' on the posted list page like the old version otherwise you have no idea if anyone has replied to the post or not without opening it.
    Latest reply: May 3, 2014 2:17 AM by . osgood_
    The line below is not that necessary in the order of priority, which for all intense and purposes is quite useless. I don't really care about how long ago something was posted or where it was posted but an indication to show 'updated' posts and by who is vital.
    9 minutes ago in Dreamweaver support forum
    Why do we even need 'Dreamweaver support forum'. We already know that's where we are! I guess a selection of posts from other forums may appear in a 'general' postings list somewhere, but who really cares - if I'm asking a question related to DW that's the forum I'm going to, not a general list as I don't care a monkey knackers what's been posted in Fireworks or InDesign or Illustrator. If I did I'd go to those forums.
    If you are tracking several postings it is going to become hugely annoying for both the person who has asked the question and the people helping the original poster as many replies will potentially go unnoticed and not resolved.
    And what's with the silly horizontal scroll bar being created for long lines of text? That's annoying too.
    Plenty of teething issue you need to get your head around over the next few weeks.

  • I would like to know where the forum tree structure is so I can see what I'm doing and not be led around to irrelevant information.

    I'm having trouble '''Finding''' the forum where I can look for the information I need. I keep ending up in '''endless menus of non-helpful information. '''
    I got a popup message, I needed to upgrade to 3.6.17. After allowing it and rebooting, I couldn't start FF anymore, just got a crash report. I tried going to the restore point I had set with no luck and I tried creating a new profile. I lost all my bookmarks (only the Cache remained). And I sat in live chat for an hour waiting for help. German live chat had one helper and English live chat was closed.
    So I gave up on help, uninstalled FF 3.6.17 and downloaded FF 3.6.15 and installed it. It loads but all bookmarks are gone. More importantly, now when I load the bookmarks, I can't '''retrieve''' them except by storing a new one. '''Only''' when I create a new bookmark can I see the folders I've created. I can't get to the organizer so I can't use the bookmarks to retrieve websites.
    I'm disturbed that I can't get to the tree-structure forum where I can get the help I need. This "lead me around" labyrinth from one question to another, without being able to look through the forum for the information I need, is not helpful.
    Thank you.

    I believe you just are able to delete them from iTunes.
    Hope it will be helpful

  • Time Machine spends hours partially backing up and then fails with "Time Machine couldn't complete the backup due to a network problem."  Tried suggestions I've seen on the forum.

    Time Machine spends hours partially backing up and then fails with "Time Machine couldn't complete the backup due to a network problem."  I've tried various suggestions I've seen on the forum but nothing has worked.  TIme Machine worked fine for the last two years and just suddenly started having this problem every time.  The only thing that was a little different is that the computer was off for a week while on vacation and then I added a large amount (20 GB) of photos. Now the requested backup size is 82GB, which is large, and process proceeds very slowly for 2-3 hours before failing with the message mentioned.  I have more than enough available backup storage space for it.  Before failing, Time Machine has backed up no more than 12GB or so of the backup.  It fails during different files each time.
    I've turned off the computer sleep feature, and I've checked that the NAS is set to never automatically power down. I normally backup over Wi-Fi, but I've also tried connecting to Ethernet and it still has the same problem.  It's odd because I also have a MacBook Pro that is still backing up fine to the same NAS using the MacBook's Time Machine. 
    I am using an iMac with OS X 10.6.8 and an Iomega StorCenter ix2-200 NAS.
    I have system logs that I can share if helpful.  The logged messages vary a bit from run to run, but here are some messages that I've been seeing:
    I always get this message near the beginning of the backup:
    Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
    I've gotten this messsage a number of times:
    Bulk setting Spotlight attributes failed.
    One Day
    Stopping backupd to allow ejection of backup destination disk!
    Another day
    1/7/12 10:44:20 AM
    PenaltyTimeForServer: PenaltyTime negative -112916, (server penaltyTime -1132397006, timenow -1132284090) resetting the penalty
    1/7/12 10:46:37 AM
    ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 0 on so 0x1106be94
    1/7/12 10:46:37 AM
    AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect started /Volumes/TimeMachine prevTrigger 0 currTrigger 1
    Another Day
    1/6/12 8:03:22 AM
    Google Chrome[164]
    Cannot find function pointer CMPluginInFactory for factory 3487BB5A-3E66-11D5-A64E-003065B300BC in CFBundle/CFPlugIn 0x16f99e20 </Users/smarmer/Library/Contextual Menu Items/Google Notifier Quick Add CM Plugin.plugin> (not loaded)
    1/6/12 8:04:02 AM
    Copied 7.5 GB of 67.0 GB, 8866 of 8866 items
    1/6/12 8:06:58 AM
    No valid tickets, timing out
    1/6/12 8:29:44 AM
    PenaltyTimeForServer: PenaltyTime negative -148702, (server penaltyTime 2056822773, timenow 2056971475) resetting the penalty
    1/6/12 8:59:22 AM
    ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 0 on so 0xa5ac380
    1/6/12 8:59:22 AM
    AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect started /Volumes/TimeMachine prevTrigger 0 currTrigger 1
    1/6/12 8:59:22 AM
    AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  doing reconnect on /Volumes/TimeMachine
    1/6/12 8:59:22 AM
    AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  soft mounted and hidden volume so do not notify KEA for /Volumes/TimeMachine
    1/6/12 8:59:22 AM
    AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  Max reconnect time: 30 secs, Connect timeout: 15 secs for /Volumes/TimeMachine
    1/6/12 8:59:22 AM
    AFP_VFS afpfs_DoReconnect:  connect to the server /Volumes/TimeMachine
    1/6/12 8:59:22 AM
    ASP_TCP asp_SetTCPQoS:  sock_settclassopt got error 57
    Another day
    1/5/12 3:48:55 PM
    CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
    1/5/12 4:24:54 PM
    PenaltyTimeForServer: PenaltyTime negative -42698, (server penaltyTime 1148718961, timenow 1148761659) resetting the penalty
    1/5/12 4:29:58 PM
    Copied 586.4 MB of 67.0 GB, 9891 of 9891 items
    1/5/12 4:39:00 PM
    ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 0 on so 0xa1c0380

    bokon0n wrote:
    1/11/12 8:53:30 AM
    Warning: Destination /Volumes/TimeMachine does not support TM Lock Stealing
    1/11/12 8:53:30 AM
    Warning: Destination /Volumes/TimeMachine does not support Server Reply Cache
    Those indicate that your NAS is not fully compatible with Snow Leopard. 
    1/11/12 8:53:35 AM
    jnl: disk2s2: replay_journal: from: 67182592 to: 78680064 (joffset 0xa7b8000)
    1/11/12 8:53:39 AM
    jnl: disk2s2: examining extra transactions starting @ 78680064 / 0x4b09000
    1/11/12 8:53:39 AM
    jnl: disk2s2: Extra txn replay stopped @ 79056896 / 0x4b65000
    1/11/12 8:53:49 AM
    jnl: disk2s2: journal replay done.
    1/11/12 8:53:49 AM
    event logs in /Volumes/Time Machine/.fseventsd out of sync with volume.  destroying old logs. (253512 14 253512)
    1/11/12 8:53:50 AM
    hfs: Removed 1 orphaned / unlinked files and 0 directories
    That looks like a problem was found with the file system (data) on the TM disk.  I don't know the details, but OSX tried to recover it from the journal, and found extra data on the drive.    Likely a result of the incompatibility mentioned above.
    1/11/12 9:47:40 AM
    Bulk setting Spotlight attributes failed.
    That's a problem writing to the NAS drive.
    But the backup continued after all this.
    1/11/12 1:25:07 PM
    ASP_TCP Disconnect: triggering reconnect by bumping reconnTrigger from curr value 0 on so 0x9d00b44
    Something caused a disconnect.  Can't tell from the log what it was.
    I doubt it's a problem with something in OSX being damaged or corrupted, but reinstalling OSX isn't a major hassle, so might be worth a try.
    To be incompatible with Snow Leopard, this NAS must be at least a couple of years old.  It may be beginning to fail.
    Contact the maker.  See if there's an update to make it compatible with Snow Leopard.  If so, that might fix it.
    If not, or if that doesn't fix it, see if they have any diagnostics that will shed any light.

  • What are the "forum alternatives"?

    So if Adobe really does start to come around and consider the fact that this "Jiveware" is not working out to everyone's satisfaction, has anyone discussed or researched the alternatives yet?
    Obviously they have had their own internal research but it doesn't mean we can't help and make suggestions based on well functioning examples of high traffic forums that we may have seen on other sites.
    Wiki has a section here (if the link works) with "subarticles" that contains ASP, PHP, and "Other" forum software comparisons.
    It's not like Adobe is the only company that has a long list of high volume forums out there--what do others use?  I'm sure it's not Jiveware.

    They need to forget about pandering to youtube-facebook-twitter-games-playing youngsters with short attention spans. They need to consider what the most valuable members of the forums want and need - those people are the ones to nurture, not the ones who arrive in a panic and don't much care what the place looks like as long as they can get rapid, authoritative help.
    The people to consult should be easy to identify, and they are by no means all 'Community Experts'. Whoever makes these decisions should eat humble pie and find out what it would take to get back the real experts who have left. If that has to be NNTP, so be it. If it means speed, reliability, permanent log-ins, stripped-down-efficient-speedy-interface, go back to where you left off - concentrate on that.
    I'm not saying that those who mainly ask are not important, of course they are - they are customers and it's important to attract/retain them.
    But unless the unpaid 'staff' are in place, ready and willing to answer a lot of questions as patiently and accurately as they always have, the place will just fall apart. It will become a place where link-harvesters and drive-by posters play around, giving each other half-arsed answers and squabbling over points.
    I'm definitely not one of the 'elite' of course - so my only real suggestion is to ask the people who matter most, and DO WHAT THEY SAY.

  • Thread is not showing in the forum and in my activity

    Hi everybody,
    I've asked a question about TFS in TFS-General forum 20 minutes ago. This is not shown in my activity and not shown in the forum when I view the forum. Here is this thread
    Do you know what is going on?
    Thanks in advance.
    For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert. - Becker's Law
    My blog
    My TechNet articles

    This is similar problem, but was already discussed here separately. I also got that situation when my answer was not in my activity or points.
    This is the thread with the missing Points discussion
    For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert. - Becker's Law
    My blog
    My TechNet articles

  • How to include a KB Update into a WIM in order to point to the WIM when using DISM (details inside)?

    Hi, I was told in another of the forums that my issue
    is best suited for the TechNet audience.  Previously, I posted it here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-system/how-to-include-a-kb-update-into-a-wim-in-order-to/e7015076-b4a9-4862-a73b-6c58b4c82461?tm=1409598696763
    I've been struggling to fix a corrupted file.  
    Context:  I feel that something is not right with the computer, so I started poking around.
    I used "sfc /scannow" from an elevated command prompt and the result was: 
    Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them. Details are included in the CBS.Log <var style="border:0px;margin:0px;padding:0px;vertical-align:top;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;">%WinDir%</var>\Logs\CBS\CBS.log.
    I looked in the log.  This message appears 4 times:
    Cannot repair member file [l:36{18}]"Amd64\CNBJ2530.DPB" of prncacla.inf, Version = 6.3.9600.16384, pA = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (9), Culture neutral, VersionScope = 1 nonSxS, PublicKeyToken = {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}, Type = [l:24{12}]"driverUpdate",
    TypeName neutral, PublicKey neutral in the store, hash mismatch
    There is also the following message:
    This component was referenced by [l:186{93}]"Microsoft-Windows-Printer-Drivers-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~6.3.9600.16384.INF_prncacla"
    I'm not positive what to do next, but I have been led to believe the problem is that Flash files in version 6.3.9600.16407 are corrupted, that I need to find which KB updates Flash to this version, download the file, add it to a new WIM, and point
    to it when using DISM.  I'm not positive this is correct, but it was suggested.
    I downloaded the KB update: kb2889543, but I do not know how to add it to a new WIM or what the repercussions of doing so will be (e.g. Will I lose everything and have to restore my documents, etc from my external drive by doing this?).  
    So, the question is: How can I include a KB Update into a WIM and tell me what the result will be when once I do and point to it when using DISM?
    Secondarily, if this is a bad way to move forward with the issue, would some kind soul offer sage advise on how to move forward with resolving the original issue?

    As you mentioned in the answers forum, when run  the command DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth,  we received the error message “The source files could not be downloaded. Use the "source" option to specify the
    location of the files that are required to restore the feature”.
    When run the command Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:\test\mount\windows /LimitAccess, we met the same error message.
    I think there are some mistakes in the source setting, so we meet the same error messages.
    As I mentioned in the last reply, we need a mounted image as a repair source, and then use this path.
    We need to configure a Windows repair source. Please refer to the following article.
    Please refer to the following steps to set the source image.
    1. Assign Drive Letters to Partitions by Windows PE.
    2. Capture Partition Images using DISM
    For more information, please refer to the following article.
    Then, we could try the command Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:\test\mount\windows /LimitAccess.
    Best regards,
    Fangzhou CHEN
    Fangzhou CHEN
    TechNet Community Support

  • Please read "The Forum Rules of Engagement" before posting!  HOT NEWS!!

    Welcome to the SDN ABAP Development Forums!
    Please see the [Forum Rules of Engagement|https://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/HOME/RulesofEngagement] before posting to avoid potential problems (e.g. your posts are deleted).
    The [ABAP Development Forums|https://forums.sdn.sap.com/category.jspa?categoryID=42] have dedicated forums for the following ABAP related areas:
    => General questions about the ABAP language and language implementations. If in doubt, use this forum and do not cross-post.
    => Tables, views, structures, data elements, domains, search helps and types in the underlying relational database.
    => SAPscript and Smartforms form generation, editing and printing and the corresponding programs.
    => Classical Dynpro, Screen Painter and Controls Framework (ALV grid, Table Controls).
    => Enhancing ABAP code through techniques as CMOD, SMOD and the newer BADIs, Switch and Enhancement Frameworks.
    => Code quality, ABAP Unit, Testing, Debugging, efficient code techniques and database reads, SQL trace tools and Runtime Analysis.
    => Data Transfer Techniques, Batch Data Communication, Legacy System Migration Workbench, Application Link Enabling, IDOCs, BAPIs.
    => ABAP Object definition and implementation including encapsulation, interfaces and inheritance in ABAP Objects.
    - Use the correct or most appropriate forum,
    - Do not cross-post or multiple-post, and
    - Search for information before asking basic questions, again.
    Using these categories will enhance performance in the forums and improve the chances that your questions are answered quickly and more accurately!
    Other relevant blogs and rule related infos are:
    - Michael Schwandt's blog about [Moving to strict rules to improve quality and control|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/10047].
    - Michael Schwandt's blog about [Quality: Invitation To Clean Up Your Forum Threads|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/11978].
    - Please follow-up on your threads and assign points correctly, as this also contributes to the [UN Food Program|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/7898].
    Enjoy the forums and happy posting!!

    Start of related discussions about the above rules. Feel free to discuss the rules here...
    Dear Jan
    Sometime i found very difficuties and time taking process in putting questions in forum bcos i have to elaborate the whole pictorial process in words.
    Why Cant we make our this forum more Interactive in way of asking questions by allowing us to attach print preview of what we face in the system.
    If you kindly give a glance on this issue and try to implement it for us, forum members like us will be benefited and it will be beneficial for those who are all into in this forum.
    Thanks & Regards
    Saifur Rahaman

  • When posting to a forum the new version of Firefox does not show the post. When I start up IE and go to the forum there is the post. However Firefox 4 will not show the post. How can I fix this issue?

    Recently I upgraded to Firefox 4. I frequent various forums where I post advise on various subjects. I am finding that version 4 is showing the threads in the forums, allowing me to log in and to post. However the posts as sent in are not coming up at all, even if I get out and return, the page is not "refreshed."

    this is a follow up from the profane post earlier....
    i have done this twice in two other posts..
    here is my problem.. i started off trying to update itunes, it failed twice and said i needed to install manually via tools.
    the only place to get to tools is the pop up box that appears when you click check for updates.. if there is an available update then the pop up shows up with the quick time and itunes files to download. so i finally figured that out. i clicked on tools and manual update, four files were saved to a file. Apple mobile device support, another one similar, itunes, and another one i cant remember. I only downloaded the itunes file seeing as though thats all i needed to accomplish in the first place.
    so then i restarted my computer bc you need to reboot and then reopen itunes for update to take effect. once i have itunes back open i plugged in my new 5s which i am trying to sync to my computer to get all my stuff back bc i lost my previous phone over the weekend.. once i plugged the phone in an error stating i needed to unistall the apple mobile device support and itunes and then reinstall. well i dont know where those files were originally stored on my computer AND since my itunes was updated, just not the other 3 associated files, when i click check for updates it says its up to date and then pop up containing the quick time and itunes does not pop up thus i cant get back to the tools tab to manually save the 4 files again.
    so i was just going to uninstall itunes all together and then i thought well what happens if it erases all my photos apps songs etc... which would defeat the whole purpose in the first place of me trying to sync my new phone to get all my stuff back.
    so i literally have no idea what to do at this point.. if you have read this you are probably just as confused as me...

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