Mise en œœuvre module FPGA

Bonjour a tous,
J'ai un projet ou je dois mettre ne œœuvre un module de type FPGA qui est une carte de chez Wiener, la NPL20. Elle offre 20 ports d'E/S et fonctionne avec du TTL ou du NIM (0V à -0,8V).
Pour cela je dois réaliser un montage avec pour principe de fonctionnement une coïncidence de 4 signaux NIM en entrée. Ce signal de coïncidence sera envoyé sur 4 sortie NIM.
Voici le schéma de mon diagramme actuel (pièce jointe).
Les portes ET réalise le ET logique quand les 2 signaux d'entrée sont à l'état bas (-0,8V) simultanément. Elle délivre alors une tension en sortie de -0,8V. Le reste du temps, elle delivre
une tension de 0V. Mon montage fonctionne correctement. J'ai pu faire des relevés d'oscillo.
Cependant je dois placer à la sortie de chaque porte ET un compteur 32bits qui me permettra de compter les événements... Je ne sais pas trop comment il fonctionne
La description donnée par le fabriquant n'est pas tip top.
Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'éclairer sur ce cpt32bits ?? Et quelqu'un pourrait-il m'expliquer comment se fait t'il que toute mes données sont de type String alors que ce sont des signaux numériques que je relève à l'oscillo ??
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Hello yehoudaT,
Je pense qu'il existe de nombreux morceaux de code faisant du comptage d'événéments (edge count) dans LabVIEW et sur notre site, je t'invite à faire un petite recherche pour trouver ce qui correspond le mieux à ce que tu souhaites faire.
Ensuite, pour les chaines de caractères, c'est uniquement l'API utilisée dans LabVIEW (qui vient visiblement de Wiener ?) qui est responsable du type de données. 
Eric M. - Application Engineering Specialist
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified LabWindows™/CVI Developer

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    Message Edited by John Edwards on 02-01-2009 09:30 PM
    Go to Solution.

    Here it is...
    Pulse Width Modulation (FPGA, Use in SCTL).vi ‏43 KB

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    Hi Yassagem,
    It looks like you posted something very similar on this forum. I went ahead and responded on that forum post. In the future, please make sure not to duplicate forum posts.
    National Instruments

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    Go to Solution.

    I used LabVIEW 2013 SP1 and I was unable to reproduce this issue on my end. The screenshot below shows my result.
    As shown on the Front Panel, the output from the Tick Count Express VI was not 0 on every iteration of the loop.
    To make sure we are comparing the same code, can you reproduce this issue with the Tick Count shipping example?  You can find this shipping example in the Toolkits and Modules>>FPGA>>CompactRIO>>Fundamentals>>Clocks and Timing>>Tick Count section in the LabVIEW Example Finder.  
    Tunde S.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    I think you better take you phone to nokia carepoint, they'll help you with this issue !!!!
    NOKIA N73, NOKIA 7250i, NOKIA 1100

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    Go to Solution.

    Found by myself (google search!) at:

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    Chassis - cRIO 9114
    Modules - 9402 DIO, 9213 Thermocouple I/P, 9205 AI
    The 9213 and 9205 are both taking low frequency measurements so I plan using the scan interface for these modules.
    One channel of the 9402 will be required to determine the frequency of a digital signal at ~4 MHz so I will have to code this using the FPGA interface.  Two other channels will be required to output low frequency digital signals.
    I have looked at the Count and Period (FPGA) example in the example finder;
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    How could I expand this to write Boolean values (communicated from the host vi) to 2 other outputs?
    I have read the cRIO Developers Guide which uses DMA FIFOs to communicate between Host and FPGA, would I require multiple DMA FIFOs?  This is the first application I have written for a cRIO target so any and all tips/references are appreciated
    Many thanks,
    Peter D

    Hi Dan,
    Thank you for the reply.
    I was planning on running in Hybrid Mode as you mentioned, although you're probably right that coding straight to the FPGA will avoid some hiccups.
    I will interleave the analogue inputs and thermocouple inputs as these are both measurements taken at similar frequencies.
    I had a quick go at making a host and FPGA VI to the analogue inputs from the AI and Thermo modules;
    This doesn't run at the moment but I think it's because I'm simulating the hardware, as it arrives early next week.  I still have a couple of questions about how to expand this to include the digital module.
    If I want a 'Digital Acquisition' loop to run on the FPGA at a different sample rate to I just make another loop with a lower 'Data Rate' constant?
    How would I then read from the new DMA FIFO on the host VI?
    I think the reason I am having trouble is that I can't find examples which have multiple IO running on the FPGA at different sample rates.
    Thanks again,
    Peter D

  • Real time 10.0.1?

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    Le problème vient bien de là. Il faut toujours avoir des versions identiques de LabVIEW entre le PC hôte et la cible RT.
    Cependant, il ne s'agit pas de faire une mise à jour du module RT sur LabVIEW 2009, car les versions sont assimilées. RT 9.0.1 correspond à LabVIEW 2009 SP1.
    Il vous suffit de reconfigurer la cible pour qu'elle corresponde à votre configuration PC.
    Pour cela, allez dans MAX, puis cliquez sur votre cible, et sur Logiciels.
    faites un clic droit sur Logiciels pour demander à installer des logiciels.
    Ensuite, choisissez le package qui vous convient avec la version qui vous convient, et demandez à l'installer
    Olivier L. | Certified LabVIEW Developer

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    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

                   J'ai installé le NI-RIO 3.5.1. Je peux maintenant ouvrir des projects exemple sans erreur. Par contre, j'ai un nouveau problème. Je suis capable de voir le CompactRIO dans MAX. J'ai d'ailleurs mis à jour le driver dans mon NI 9024 (voir pièce jointe) et donner l'autorisation à Labview dans le Pare-feu Windows.
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    Merci à l'avance
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  • Labwindows recompiles files when I switch from the development environment to another application

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    I.E.  While in interactive execution, I can click on another application on the taskbar (internet explorer, email, etc.)  and labwindows displays a message that the c file is being recompiled.  Nothing in the file changed!  Why does it try and recompile when it is simply losing focus?  This is 'random'.  Just when I think I have found a way to reliably reproduce the issue, it quits recompiling when I switch applications.  I have tried playing with the build options, but haven't had any repeatable success.  I even tried to enable the -o option, but is still recompiles the file.  (maybe -o won't work on a driver since it won't build without a main?)  I have even had issues with calling printf in a function during interactive execution.  It recompiles the c file for no apparent reason right after the stdio window prints the message.  At this point, the stdio window closes, and labwindows pops up the compiling message again.  It kills my interactive session, and I have to redeclare all of my variables to continue checking out my driver.
    I see the same issue randomly when I go back to the project from another application. (Click on labwindows in the taskbar, and it immediately compiles the c file.)
    I have seen this in other projects, and it appears that the issue is limited to instrument drivers.  When labwindows pops up the message that it is compiling files it is almost always a driver that is loaded as an instrument.  I played with unloading the instrument but leaving the .fp in the project, but I don't think that worked. (It has been awhile since I tried to figure this out.)  When working on a driver, it would be difficult to unload the .fp or not load the instrument anyway.
    (I just clicked on labwindows in the taskbar to see if I left anything out.  Labwindows popped up the message that it was compiling the c file.  It appears that I can go back and forth between the labwindows icon in the taskbar and the cvi icon ~15-20 times and then labwindows will recompile the file.  I even walked away from my computer for a couple of minutes, and it compiled when I came back and clicked on the labwindows icon.) 
    I am running labwindows 9.1 (but have seen this on 8 also)
    The files are on a network drive.
    (Could it be mcaffee or some network security stuff confusing labwindows?)

    My pc is currently running Windows XP sp3.
    I first saw this issue when I went from LabWindows 7.1? to 8.1?   I am sure that I had the issue in 8.1 
    I was able to reproduce the issue in production on a pc running windows 2000.  (Which is what I had at my desk previously, and had seen the issue.)
    I asked another member of the test engineering group, and I am not the only one seeing the issue.
    One of the earlier replies mentioned the auto save feature.  When I went to production to see if I could reproduce the problem there, I opened CVI and explorer.  I wanted to check the time-date stamp on the .c file that keeps recompiling.  The time-date stamp was a day old, and did not change when the period of time for auto save was passed.  (It probably would if I made changes but didn't save the file?)  I was able to switch back and forth between the explorer window and cvi, and the file would recompile.  I played with turning off the auto save, enabling the build status window, making the -o option compatible with cvi 5.0, displaying the build status column, etc.  It appeared at one point that it had quit recompiling when switching between applications.  I went back to my desk, and tried to match the settings, but never reached the same conclusion.
    There is not anything special about the project I am working on.  It is a labwindows driver for a pxi module.  There are only three files in the project, the .c .h and .fp.  The .c file keeps getting recompiled at seemingly random times.  It is especially frustrating during interactive execution while testing my code/function panels.  If I switch to another application and back, I almost always have to start over because compiling the file closes the interactive execution.  I have to redeclare all of the variables, and re-run any of the setup panels that are required.  (I have to open the DRM, load the module fpga/dac, and then I can run the panel I am actually trying to test.)  I have similar problems when trying to troubleshoot with printf statements, as it seems to recompile when focus switches to the stdio window.  I have resorted to a test project, where I can add the function calls and skip having to do any work via interactive execution.
    I haven't been able to find anyone outside of where I work reporting the same issue.  Maybe it has something to do with IT/viruscan/etc.  It is definately a strange issue.
    (I have switched back to CVI several times while writing this, and the .c filed recompiled about 20% of the time.  At one point,  I had left the build options dialog open when switching back and forth.  I did not change any options, but the .c file recompiled when I closed the options window?)
    Occasionally, when I see what appears to be the recompile message flash up, my interactive execution does not halt.  I.E. I don't have to redeclare my variables.  It is sometimes hard to see what the message says, you just see a dialog box pop up and disapear really quickly. 

  • Server Admin refuses to connect, servermgrd runs but no ports are open

    Server Admin refuses to connect to server when run locally or remotely. Upon investigating, servermgrd seems to run but when I run network utilities and port scan the server, neither port 311 or 687 are open. All other services appear to be running fine. No firewall is running. Server Monitor also has the same problems but WorkGroup Manager seems to work fine.
    About 3 weeks ago, I had the problem and after trying many things, I did a clean install but the problem has reappeared after a few days/weeks.
    At some point, servermgrd was crashing with a message about NSURL.... (lost and forgot the exact message).
    -Tried to remove all the files in /private/var/servermgrd/
    This solved the crashes but it now runs without opening the ports. After starting, it doesn't run away and consume any CPU.
    Could not locate in system.log, console.log and servermgr.log any error messages indicatind something is wrong with servermgrd.
    The log does show that server names are coherent.
    Apr 18 23:06:31 server-1 servermgrd: servermgr_dns: hostname and DNS entries for this server are synchronized
    - Tried rebooting.
    - Tried running servermgrd with various flags, including alternate port but nothing happen. In fact the alternate ports do noot seem to get open. Even passing faulty options, it runs without complaining !
    - Tried to reinstall the admin tools
    - Tried to remove keychain paswords entries
    - Tried Disk Utilities repair permissions.
    Searching the posts, found somebody talkingabout servermgr_ctl
    I'm starting to suspect some hardware failure (RAM).
    Any suggestion how to test the ram.
    Running out of idea.
    Desperate for solution.
    OS X Server 10.4.9
    Server Admin version Version 10.4.7 (157.8)
    Xserve Dual G4 with 2 GB ram.   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Ok, I ran memtest 4.2 and discovered the ram was failing, In replacing the dimm, they started working again so it may have been a mis-seated dimm module or some oxidation on the contact. My file system was already corrupt despite it being a fresh install. Then I checked and notice that the file com.apple.servermgrd.plist in Library preferences was gone. Either I stuppidly deleted it trying to fix the problem or it was hosed by the memory/file system corruption. Anyway, I copied it from another server and Both Server Admin and Server Monitor are now working.
    PS: in view of this event, once I'm satisfied the memory issues is solved, I'll do again a clean install. Who know what else was corrupted.

  • BCWP values not showing in CNE5

    After executing CNE5 report it not showing BCWP value in particular project only.I have checked all the necessary data like actual dates are maintained.
    What could be the reason.
    Please guide.

    Thanks for reply.
    I've already done that.
    BCWP is not showing only for 4 projects & in other project it is giving correct BCWP value.
    When we generate MIS through BW Module I am getting BCWP graph for the same project whose BCWP not showing in CNE5.
    Thanks & Regards

  • How to config cRIO... Help.

    I am using a cRIO 9012 and am toatally new to Labview and all the NI peripherals. I am stuck with configuring the cRIO for measuring from a loadcell. Am using a universal module for excitation and output from the loadcell.. My problem is i have no idea of how to set the excitation voltage and conversion of the data thus obtained to a millivolt value in the software.

    The basic architecture for LabVIEW FPGA applications (generally) consists of code running on your FPGA which determines your data acquisition rate. The values are read onto your real-time or Windows based host VI at which point they are converted from integer to the double precision number which they are meant to represent.
    It sounds as if you might want to take a look at some of the resources that are available to help get you started programming LabVIEW for cRIO applications. The LabVIEW Example Finder contains some great examples that show the overall architecture for FPGA applications: Help » Find Examples » Toolkits and Modules » FPGA » CompactRIO » Basic I/O. These will also show how the conversion is performed to translate integers to actual values. You may also want to take a look at the resources linked in the Getting Started with LabVIEW FPGA knowledgebase. I hope this information is useful for you. Please post back if we can provide any other additional assistance. Thanks,
    Mike D.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

  • Reg : Smartform translation

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    Thanks & Regards,
    Keerthi vasan.M
    Edited by: keerthi vasan on Mar 17, 2008 10:34 AM

    how it is done please explain
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  • NI Developer Suite 2011 DS2 installati​on problem

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    First, I checked many options, such as RT module, FPGA moudle, after DVD1, a message popped up said DVD2 should put in.
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    I don't know why it is so difficult to install NI developer suite 2011, I need help. 

    I have found the full developer suite does take a very long time to install (several hours) with the disk swaps, I can only advise patience. If something is going wrong it will generally tell you in no uncertain terms
    Please remember to accept any solutions and give kudos, Thanks
    LV 8.6.1, LV2010,LV2011SP1, FPGA, Win7

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