Mise en place de rapport automatique

Bonjour à tous,
Avant tous, merci de m'excuser si ma question a déja été posé.
Je souhaite générer des rapports automatiques sous DIADEM en ponctionnant les valeurs dans un fichier tdms préalablement créé.
Après quelques essais, pas de soucis pour ouvrir un fichier, prendre une ou deux colonnes de point et générer un rapport. Les VI express sont très efficace pour ça.
La ou j'ai plus de mal, c'est :
1. déterminer automatiquement le nombre de colonne d'enregistrement (par exemple : tension, intensité, ....) afin de créer n graphiques dans le rapport.
2. mettre en abcisse la base de temps qui est une des voix d'acquisition.
3. limiter le nombre de graphique par page à 2 et donc ajuster le nombre de page en fonction du nombre d'enregistrement 
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Dans Aide -> recherche d'exemples tapez diadem dans le champ de recherche. Vous aurez un exemple "Mise à l'échelle des x" (pour votre question 2) et un exemple "Rapport à plusieurs pages" (pour votre question 3). Quant à votre question 1 il vous suffit de fixer le nombre de boucle à exécuter. Vous devrez surement faire quelques modifications mais les exemples sont assez parlant.
Jean-Luc D. NI France
National Instruments France
#adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
Journées techniques : du contrôle d'instruments aux bancs de test
Du 4 au 13 juin : Grenoble - Pari...

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    C'est client on deux moyen de conection en Quicl VPN et avec un logiciel tier de conection VPN (Netgear Pro Safe VPN client).
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    J'ai bien fait attention de ne pas mettre les mme plage de sous reseaux. qui sont mask pour le client ou une adresse ip public fournie par une cle 3g, et mask pour le WRV210.
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    1-22: 17:03:47.328 My Connections\Tactique ROIP - Initiating IKE Phase 1 (IP ADDR=
    1-22: 17:03:47.546 My Connections\Tactique ROIP - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK AG (SA, KE, NON, ID, VID 6x)
    1-22: 17:03:47.750 My Connections\Tactique ROIP - RECEIVED<<< ISAKMP OAK AG (SA, KE, NON, ID, HASH, VID 2x, NAT-D 2x)
    1-22: 17:03:47.750 My Connections\Tactique ROIP - Peer supports Dead Peer Detection Version 1.0
    1-22: 17:03:47.750 My Connections\Tactique ROIP - Peer is NAT-T draft-02 capable
    1-22: 17:03:47.750 My Connections\Tactique ROIP - Dead Peer Detection enabled
    1-22: 17:03:47.859 My Connections\Tactique ROIP - Established IKE SA
    1-22: 17:03:47.859 My Connections\Tactique ROIP -   MY COOKIE 61 a3 ee 78 20 82 a4 12
    1-22: 17:03:47.859 My Connections\Tactique ROIP -   HIS COOKIE 92 bc 66 c5 2a 19 97 5e
    1-22: 17:03:48.078 My Connections\Tactique ROIP - Initiating IKE Phase 2 with Client IDs (message id: DCE49932)
    1-22: 17:03:48.078 My Connections\Tactique ROIP -   Initiator = IP ADDR=, prot = 0 port = 0
    1-22: 17:03:48.078 My Connections\Tactique ROIP -   Responder = IP SUBNET/MASK=, prot = 0 port = 0
    1-22: 17:03:48.078 My Connections\Tactique ROIP - SENDING>>>> ISAKMP OAK QM *(HASH, SA, NON, KE, ID 2x)
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    1-22: 17:03:48.093 My Connections\Tactique ROIP -   MY COOKIE 61 a3 ee 78 20 82 a4 12
    1-22: 17:03:48.093 My Connections\Tactique ROIP - Deleting IKE SA (IP ADDR=
    1-22: 17:03:48.093 My Connections\Tactique ROIP -   HIS COOKIE 92 bc 66 c5 2a 19 97 5e
    1-22: 17:03:58.078 My Connections\Tactique ROIP - RECEIVED<<< ISAKMP OAK AG (SA, KE, NON, ID, HASH, VID 2x, NAT-D 2x)
    1-22: 17:03:58.078 My Connections\Tactique ROIP - Received message for non-active IKE SA
    Voici les log du WRV210:
    089   [Fri 17:03:47]  packet from ignoring unknown Vendor ID payload [da8e937880010000]
    090   [Fri 17:03:47]  packet from received Vendor ID payload [Dead Peer Detection]
    091   [Fri 17:03:47]  packet from received Vendor ID payload [XAUTH]
    092   [Fri 17:03:47]  packet from received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-00]
    093   [Fri 17:03:47]  packet from received Vendor ID payload [draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02_n] method set to=106
    094   [Fri 17:03:47]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: Aggressive mode peer ID is ID_IPV4_ADDR: ''
    095   [Fri 17:03:47]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: responding to Aggressive Mode, state #9, connection "TunnelA" from
    096   [Fri 17:03:47]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: transition from state STATE_AGGR_R0 to state STATE_AGGR_R1
    097   [Fri 17:03:47]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: STATE_AGGR_R1: sent AR1, expecting AI2
    098   [Fri 17:03:47]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: ignoring informational payload, type IPSEC_REPLAY_STATUS
    099   [Fri 17:03:47]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: ignoring informational payload, type IPSEC_INITIAL_CONTACT
    100   [Fri 17:03:47]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: NAT-Traversal: Result using draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02/03: no NAT detected
    101   [Fri 17:03:47]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: Aggressive mode peer ID is ID_IPV4_ADDR: ''
    102   [Fri 17:03:47]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: received Hash Payload does not match computed value
    103   [Fri 17:03:47]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: sending encrypted notification INVALID_HASH_INFORMATION to
    104   [Fri 17:03:47]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: Quick Mode message is unacceptable because it is for an incomplete ISAKMP SA
    105   [Fri 17:03:47]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: sending notification PAYLOAD_MALFORMED to
    106   [Fri 17:04:57]  "TunnelA"[1] #9: max number of retransmissions (2) reached STATE_AGGR_R1
    107   [Fri 17:04:57]  "TunnelA"[1] deleting connection "TunnelA" instance with peer {isakmp=#0/ipsec=#0}
    Le firmware du WRV210 et le plus recent.
    Merci de m'aider car la je seche!

    Just for the reference...
    Please use English to post question to increase your reponses in the support community.
    For WRV, most WRV experts are likely in the following group than this one.

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    Charlotte F. | CLAD
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
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    Hi den.duez,
    There’s a workaround which can turn off the ringing for the second incoming call, it may not meet your needs, only for your reference.
    a.  In Lync, click “Option”
    Click “Ringtones and Sounds”
    Under “Sounds”, click “Sound Settings”
    On the “Sounds” tab, in the “Program Events” menu, scroll down to “Lync”, click “Second Incoming Call”, set the value of “Sounds” to Null.
    Hope it can be helpful.
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    Salut markerline,
    peux tu préciser comment on fait un chat session avec adobe support.

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    in your iPhoto preferences is look up places set to "Automatically"? The default is "never" and it must be changed to "automatically" to work.

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    Thanks, Jeff.
    I just found that out the hard way trying to troubleshoot someone's problems on the phone.
    Seems you have to locate the ...\Adobe\Premiere Pro\3.0 folder in your user area and delete/change the name of the 3.0 folder nowadays to restart the many individual files that hold all the preferences nowadays.
    Looks like a useful folder to which to create a shortcut on the desktop to save having to keep looking for it if you have problems.
    For Tom: I guess it's the same with CS3, but with earlier versions the Preferences files were not replaced by a re-install of the program (nor deleted by the uninstall). Logic being that they are created if not there - so if they are there already the old ones are re-used. So you do need to deal with the preferences files to sort corruptions to the user interface or whatever, and a reinstall is unlikely to fix the problem.

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    Merci de votre aide.

    Bonjour Geed,
    Merci pour l'idée. J'ai tout essayé, rien n'a marché, j'ai même déinstallé la version 10 pour voir... Finalement impossible de la réiinstaller je n'ai donc plus Imovies sur mon mac.
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    After migrate to ERP 6.0, this field is not filled anymore.
    Anyone notice this? Is it possible to change this?
    Thank you!

    This was done by the FI consultant.
    He changed the message to W in configuration. There were 2 messages.
    There is an OSS note for this.

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    Can I just create an manual process, and drag the timer event into the swam lane, can connect the timer to the service and then to the end event?
    Thank you

    You can make use of Global Automatic activity to kick off your process at a particular time. Place a Global Automatic activity in your process and right click on the Global Automatic activity and select Properties --> General --> Global Automatic Type: Automatic Schedule, Automatic Schedule: <Configure with your requirement>.
    Else you can make use of due transition/timer activity to get your task done.

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    I need to import a pdf into an InDesign file, but that file is nearly 400 pages. Is there a way to have InDesign create new pages as needed and place the file automatically (like autoflow for text)?

    InDesignSecrets » Blog Archive » Zanelli Releases MultiPageImporter for Importing both PDF and INDD Files

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