Missing Camera, P2 cards and that irksome yellow triangle

Hello all! I'm an intermediate FCP X user and I'm running into an issue I have never before experienced. I was hoping you could help!
Here's the breakdown:
I am editing an hour long special for TV on FCPX 10.1.3. There is approx 10 hours of footage from multiple days and multiple cameras. All of my media comes from P2 cards.
All media has been imported from the same location. 90% of media is available and just fine every time I open the library. But that troublesome 10% continually goes offline. I also get the yellow triangle in 2 events, even though it shows nothing is offline.
With that 10%, I don't get the "Missing Media File" error...I get the "Missing Camera" error. I read on here that P2 cards are often treated as cameras, but I don't understand why most files work and a handful do not. Most everything I've imported has been copied to my FCP Original Media folder. Even when those files go offline, I can see many clips have been copied to that Original Media folder. These clips also have a camera icon in the lower left. I haven't been able to figure out any rhyme or reason as to why these particular files continue to go offline.
Also, I directly imported the P2 files from the FCPX import function; unfortunately, in Finder, these aren't simply .mov clips. Instead, they create several folders that in FCP 7 would be logged and transferred.
And the oddest part of all: if I go to re-import clips (instead of re-linking, because those "camera" clips won't let me) I don't even actually re-import. I just click the raw video folder in the import window, where they're located, and it all returns to normal.
As far as trouble shooting, I have:
-deleted the troublesome events and reimported from the same location as I previously did.
-double checked files and made sure they're in the Original Media folders.
-re-linked/re-imported whatever I can, just can't get them to stay online when I re-open the project.
So, yeah...that's pretty convoluted, I know. Has anyone ever experienced anything like this? Any and all suggestions/advice would be extremely helpful!

Update: I deleted render files, created new event and copied clips over. This solved the problem for two events that contained only clips. But I have one event that contains all my projects...each project is 100% online...but still the yellow triangle. Any thoughts?

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    You probably ran into blocks & locks.
    iTunes Store Support
    They'll sort it out.

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    Now there is a yellow triangle  top right corner by my initials.
    As per the description, it looks like an issue with your microsoft account. Does the error message look like below?
    Sorry, we can't get to your account right now.
    To fix this, please sign in again.
    Sign in
    You mentioned that "a yellow triangle  top right corner by my initials", you probably have already signed in with an acocunt. If you remember this account, I'd suggest you click
    File>Account on the tab, click Sign out under
    User Information, and then sign-in again. If you don't have this account, you probably need to contact the retailer for it.
    If issue persists, please post back with the details of your system environment, then we will take a further look.
    Ethan Hua
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    After 4 frustrating hours and about 40 useless minutes wasted on Apple Support chat, I figured this out.
    Okay, here are the steps to allow Mountain Lion to see your MTS files on a Panasonic camera SD card and import them:
    Click on your camera SD card.
    RIGHT Click on PRIVATE icon. (This used to be a folder, now it is a Quicktime logo.)
    Pull down command for “Show Package Contents”
    Click on AVCHD
    Pull down command for “Show Package Contents”
    Click on BDMV
    Pull down command for “Show Package Contents”
    Open the folder called STREAM
    There are your MTS files. Select them and copy them to a folder on your hard drive.
    Purchase some type of video converter (I paid 30 bucks for Bigasoft Converter and it works.)
    Import the MTS files into the video converter and set the commands (This is several more steps, which you will have to figure out.) This will take quite a while for large, High Def files.
    Save converted files to your hard drive.
    NOW, finally FCP X will let you import and edit your files.
    Thanks Apple for adding 12 steps where it should take one. “Log and Transfer” or IMPORT.  You should fix this.
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    As it turns out, videos that are located in iPhoto are referenced based on the Event that they belong to, which means that if you change the name of the Event that the picture belongs to then iMovie will no longer be able to find your picture. (This is also why the clips appear in the lower section of iMovie, because they are still there, just in a renamed or merged event.)
    I was able to fix the problem very easily by renaming my event back to the original name, and then after closing and restarting iMovie all the nasty little yellow triangles were gone and all my clips were back as if they'd never left.
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    Any help appreciated.

    Hello Peg2011,
    Have you made any changes before the laptop can’t connect to the network?
    Please take the following steps for troubleshooting:
    1. Update the network cards drivers from the manufacturer website
    2. If you still can’t connect to the network, please run the command ipconfig /all to check if the IP information is right and share us the result.
    As this issue occur suddenly, you could try to use the system restore to return your PC's system files and programs to a time when everything was working fine.
    For more information about system restore, please take a look at the following article.
    Best regards,
    Fangzhou CHEN
    Fangzhou CHEN
    TechNet Community Support

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    J. Aalbers

    Shouldn't really be the MPE at fault here ... what is the codec of the footage/sequence/project?
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