Missing Dep. Area

In table T082AVIEWB, we are missing Dep. area 52 Regional Tax and Area 60 Book - Tax  for chart of Depn. XXXX. 
Asset View is 00
Can someone help me fix this.

Actually, the entries for the dep. area did exist in the table. It was the asset view 00, which we were trying to look for. We do not use asset view 00 at all. So tech. nothing was missing.
Then the question was why cannot we drill down to the asset master record level from the purchase order for some assets, when the entries in Tcode 'ANSICHT' exist?
Solution: There is nothing wrong. Sometimes the screens do not get refreshed. So what i did is:
Goto Financial Accounting -> Asset Accounting -> Master Data -> Automatic creation of Equipment master records.
Go through all the screens and just may be add or delete something, save and then undo the changes.
After doing this, i check on the PO and i was able to drill to the asset master record level.
May be this sounds crazy.....but it worked for me !!
Hope this helps.

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    This table basically relates to User-defined (additional to SAP-defined) objects are documented.  So you need to check with your basis.  Otherwise, for the error message you indicated, only three notes are available which has already been indicated above.
    G. Lakshmipathi

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    Chris CA wrote:
    How do I find out where iTunes thinks missing files are?
    The exclamation mark means ITunes doesn't think they are anywhere.
    If you right click - get info on a song then view the Info tab, you will see where iTunes last used it from.
    I'm not a newbie. I know quite a lot about iTunes. You sound like you don't though because if you did you would know that this is not true. If you "right click - get info on a song" (pressing cancel to the Locate popup) "then view the SUMMARY (not info) tab" you will see "Not Available" where the file location usually is. I wouldn't have asked this question if I hadn't gone through the steps already.
    Thanks for trying though. Next time, please try the advice before you give it.
    I add dozens of songs at a time to my library all the time and there is no Earthly way for me to constantly remember where they were before
    You should not have to remember anything about where they were.
    I agree.
    Are you always moving them around?
    When I install a new hard drive. Yes. I generally keep everything organized and I let iTunes keep the folder organized but several years ago I used windows media player to organize my media.
    Frankly I don't know HOW the recent songs/videos/etc. go missing. But some do. Maybe I accidentally move a folder without realizing it. Mistakes happen. Then I need to move it back but since I didn't know I did it in the first place I can't possibly be expected to remember where I moved it from.
    Do you have iTunes prefs -> Advanced Keep ITunes music folder organized ticked and Copy files to iTunes ... ticked?
    *OF COURSE!* Again, I'm not a newbie.
    I have several hundred playlists with these files
    Why would you have several hundred playlists?
    I don't mean to sound rude but you sound like an Apple fanboy. Are you trying to tell me how I should use my own program? The answer to the question is I am a salsa instructor/DJ and I am constantly adding songs and videos to my library. Every month I have various salsa events, classes and performances that I do. I use my iPhone for the music. I need to maintain the playlists because students/teachers/studios/clubs/bars/churches/etc. call me back and want a repeat of the great salsa night I gave them a year ago. Naturally my playlists are highly organized into folders. So, I still have them and I need them.
    Apple has its own ideas about how people should use its stuff but everyone is unique and our needs therefore are unique too. Apple doesn't realize this and still wants us to do things "the Apple way" even though "the Apple way" only works well for people who want their hand held through everything. This is why I say you sound like a fanboy. You don't know my situation and question if I need hundreds of playlists. I do.
    I just need an answer to the question.
    Thank you for your reply though. It gave me hope, for a time.

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    Hi Saurabh,
    Create a new custom transaction type by coping existing TTYPE 100 and restrict the transaction type which allow posting for dep.area 30 and do posting in FB01L by selecting ledger group.

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    Message no. AAPO177
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    Check the specifications for transaction type 100 or use transaction LSMW to enter the transaction.
    Please guide me the procedure to fix this issue.
    Edited by: Meenakshi.Nakshatrula on Jun 21, 2010 4:35 AM

    ABZO - Tcode,
    100 - Transaction type
    Assets - Non AUC assets
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    I was able to do it successfully by Batch input recording method instead of BAPI.

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    Message No. ACC_AA043
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    For this depreciation area, settings at chart of depreciation level and for company code 2010 is inconsistent.
    System response
    Asset posting in this form are rejected
    Correct customizing by adjusting or removing(recommended) the obsolete customizing.
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    Thank you

    As long as you have entries in ACCMAP, this depreciation area can  not be changed with OADB any more. Changes for this area in OADB  are only allowed if no ACCMAP entries for this area exist any more.  
    regards Bernhard

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    Hey quantum info,
    Thank you for posting at Adobe forums. We would love to help you out.
    Could you please let me know if you have tried converting other web pages to PDF and checked if the same issue persists.
    How have you been trying to convert the web page to PDF?
    Are you trying to convert to PDF directly via browsers or using "File > Create > PDF from Web Page"  option in Acrobat.
    Let me know more so that I can analyze where actually the issue persists.
    Hope to hear from you.

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    Dear Murali,
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    take over values 100000
    actual value      250000
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    Is there a solution to the above. Please let me know if any.

    Check by marking indicator D-Default value from company code and depreciation area in definition of depreciation key in AFAMA.
    Thanks and regards

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    Hello gnutellabrot
    Start with the article below to troubleshoot issues with email not sending and downloading to your iPhone.
    iOS: Troubleshooting Mail
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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    Have you checked to make sure that your region settings are correct?
    Settings>General>International>Region Format

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    start transaction AFAR for the company code as real run. That will recalculate all asset values and should solve the problem.
    Alternative would be to go to AS02 and choose "edit -> recalculate values" from the system menu.

  • Country specific Dep Area

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    If there are two depreciation areas say 01 and 10 and 01 dep. area is my Book Dep area and 10 dep area is my country dep area.
    So now when i run the dep posting, should the dep be posted to both the dep areas.
    I am aware of how to configure this technically, but i need to understand the process - how do we post the dep in the country specific dep area.
    Thanks and regards,

    As SAP only one depreciation area can be real (posting) and other depreciation area are normally for reporting purpose. But, we ca have a derived depreciation area which is deemed as real depreciation are which can be posted.
    Dep - 01
    Dep - 10
    Derived depreciation is suppose 51 which (DA-01 less DA-10)
    In this case you can deem depreciation area 51 as country specific depreciation area.
    Colin thomas

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