Missing file tags in Explorer

Hello Forum!
It seems that since I upgraded to 8.1 I can't view the file tags in Windows Explorer (column "Tags"), neither I see the information in the properties of the file in the details tab.
However, when I open the file (for instance a *.docx) I'm able to see that information.
On a machine running Windows 8 RTM I am able to see the tags.
Any clue whats going on?
http://www.syliance.com | http://www.systemcenterrocks.com

Did you mean that you can't find other file's tag in Windows 8.1 Exporer but *.docx file ok?
Have you test these file that can't find tag in Windows 8.1 on other system, such as Windows 7 , Windows 8? What about the result?
I made a test on my test environment, some file doesn't have tag indeed, while .docx file ok.
If some type file on your computer had the problem, you can told us what the type it is, then we can made a test for you.
Roger Lu
TechNet Community Support

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    For those photos that are changing, I can think of two things that it may be:
    If images are edited outside of Lightroom (in Camera Raw, etc), that can change the metadata (or Develop settings) of the file.  When you view the file next time in Lightroom, the new conflicting settings are applied to that photo.
    When raw files are imported into Lightroom, they initially appear with the embedded camera-generated JPEG preview. After that, Lightroom generates its own previews which typically look different than the original ones.
    Not sure if it's either one of those.
    so you think i can just click on your link and do the 2.4 update and things should work? i'm just not sure i want to do a backup with all the missing files, won't 2.4 open up with all the same problems or do you think the file naming issue will be corrected?
    I'm not saying that upgrading to 2.4 will necessarily fix the way things are now.  I doubt that it would make it worse, though.  I think you should make sure your photos and catalog are backed up, which it sounds like you said they are, then upgrade to 2.4 (if you're not already running that version).
    After the upgrade, you can go through your catalog and clean things up.

  • How do I recover Missing Files

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    I have also checked my recycle bin but there is nothing in there. Does anyone have any help as to how I may recover these photos?

    It is a common misconception that Starter Edition 'stores', or copies, your files into it. But the program does not move or copy files at all, rather it scans your system's My Pictures directory, and generates miniature versions of your pictures (called thumbnails) so that you can browse a 'flat' list of thumbnails of your photos, overcoming the inconvenience of having to go into separate folders in Windows Explorer to have to find files.The thumbnails, as well as any tags, and Albums that you create in Starter Edition are all stored in the Photoshop Album catalog file, separate from your pictures, and your pictures remain where you originally copied them to your computer.
    If you use Photoshop Album to subsequently download files from a digital camera or scanner, the default location where the program will create those files would be in the My Pictures>Digital Camera Photos folder. But if you do NOT use Photoshop Album Starter edition to download files from your camera, then you will find that folder empty.
    The thumbnails in the Starter Edition catalog will exist, even if you decide to move or delete the original photos that were added to the program. This will cause files in the Photoshop Album catalog to become 'disconnected' from the original photos. To reconnect the files, you can use the File>Reconnect Missing files command to see if the program can locate the original files in a new location, and once again re-link the catalog thumbnails to the files they once referenced.
    Since Photoshop Album has been discontinued, I recommend that folks find an alternative solution. One alternative that will preserve most of what you've created in Starter Edition is the Photoshop Elements 8 trial. Install that, and it will automatically convert the Photoshop Album catalog to a current format, and the program will not time out, as Starter Edition did. If you want to purchase more Editing power, you can also choose to purchase the full program, but it's not required.
    If you are like many who have come to this forum wondering how you can get to your photos, now that the program has become locked or expired, don't worry; your photos have never been moved by Photoshop Album; they remain wherever you intially put them, on your hard drive. To get to them, you can navigate your file system using Windows Explorer. They are typically in your My Documents>My Pictures folder. Here is a handy How-To that you could refer to to find photos on your system, as well as some other tips for how you can use folders to keep your photos organized: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/setup/maintain/filemgmt.mspx
    Hope those tips help!

  • Reconnecting missing files?

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    Looking back at previous posts on the forum I see the problem reappearing with monotonous regularity since 2005, with nobody seemingly to find a satisfactory answer.  One really would have thought that Adobe could have found an answer by now!!
    I wonder whether anybody has found an answer other than the painful use of the Reconnect command?

    Hi Geeone2009,
    Yellow question mark on top left of an image indicates that: that particular image is missing. The thumbnails you see in Organizer are just the 'shortcut' to the image. These are not your real images.
    As you know whenever you move/rename a file, corresponding shortcut gets broken. Organizer does the same. Whenever you move/rename (or both) media outside Organizer (from OS), then Organizer losses the track of that media. Consequently it will show a yellow question mark on top left corner of image.
    Your case is somewhat different from that mentioned above and the root to this problem lies with the handling of external hard drive (hdd) by windows OS. When you plugin a external hdd, Win OS recognizes it as an internal hard drive. As your media is on hdd so when you un-plug the hdd, the  media (which was present on hdd) gets missing in EO (elements organizer). If you images were on a removable drive (flash drive)/CD/DVD/Network locations, and if you unplug the source then your images will get offline (a red color badge will appear on your images).
    Now i will suggest the following steps-
    1. Plug-in your hdd.
    2. In EO select all images and click 'File->move'. Here give the location where you want to move (delete from hdd and copy it on system's internal hard drive).
    In case you don't have enough space on your hdd, then  you need to plugin your device whenever you want to do some editing.
    Let me know if you have any queries.

  • Files disappeared from library, "missing" files not really missing

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  • Missing ID3 Tags

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  • Time Machine and Excel Missing File

    Hello, this is my first posting here and I would appreciate some help.
    An important Excel file of mine just disappeared both on my hard drive as well as on my Time Capsule backup, which is really puzzling me. Here are the facts:
    1. I am using an iMac, running Mac OS X 10.5.8, with Excel:mac 2008 version 12.2.7. I religiously update both my OS and applications, so they are both up to date
    2. Within Excel, if I go to File/Open Recent, there is a dropdown of recently opened files. The missing file is shown there but the "xlsx" tag is missing on that name, oddly. The other files (which are all still there) still have the "xls" or "xlsx" tag. When I click on that file, I get that error message that the file cannot be found
    3. I then opened up my Time Machine on my Time Capsule and went scrolling back in time, and really weirdly, this file is missing in every version of backup. My Time Machine has the default backup of hourly for the past 24 hours, daily for the past month, and weekly before. I went into the folder where I kept the file all the way back to July (when I got the Time Capsule) and this file is missing from EACH backup. All other files are there.
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    OK, what's changed from yesterday to today? Last night when I updated my software there was an update from Microsoft for a security patch. Could it have detected a virus in this file and deleted this file from my hard drive and then from each and every backup in Time Machine?
    The second change was that I selected "Back Up Now" for the first time on Time Machine last night after that patch. I usually had Time Machine run automatically, but while I was updating, I decided to do a forced backup. Could this forced backup have deleted all prior instances of this file if it was missing on my hard drive then?
    This file is important to me, does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can retrieve it? I thought having Time Capsule would save this kind of headaches. I did a search within the backups, in case the file mysteriously "moved", but the file is just plain missing on all backups and on my hard drive. To make things worse, I Emptied my Trash last night, so I can't see if it is in there. Though, I didn't delete the file.
    Thanks for any help!

    NewMacxUser2010 wrote:
    Hello, this is my first posting here and I would appreciate some help.
    Hi, and welcome to the forums.
    Could it have detected a virus in this file and deleted this file from my hard drive and then from each and every backup in Time Machine?
    Seems very doubtful, especially since there are no viruses that run on OSX.
    There is a small amount of malware, but you have to actively participate in getting it onto your Mac.
    But . . . are you running any anti-virus software? Some of it does cause all sorts of problems on Macs.
    The second change was that I selected "Back Up Now" for the first time on Time Machine last night after that patch. I usually had Time Machine run automatically, but while I was updating, I decided to do a forced backup. Could this forced backup have deleted all prior instances of this file if it was missing on my hard drive then?
    No. A backup is a backup is a backup; they're all the same, no matter how they're started. And Time Machine only deletes things when it "thins" backups. Basically, it keeps all backups for 24 hours, except the first of each day, which it keeps for a month, and the first of each week, which it keeps as long as there's room.
    So it's a bit unpredictable, but if a file is on your Mac for at least 24 hours, its backup will be kept for at least a month.
    This file is important to me, does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can retrieve it? I thought having Time Capsule would save this kind of headaches. I did a search within the backups, in case the file mysteriously "moved", but the file is just plain missing on all backups and on my hard drive. To make things worse, I Emptied my Trash last night, so I can't see if it is in there. Though, I didn't delete the file.
    I don't use Excel, so can't help much with specifics. Is it possible this is some sort of temporary file that's either never actually saved to disk, or is saved with a different name each time?
    Are all your other, similar files in your backups?

  • Missing Files not Missing...

    I have all my media on an external 4TB drive which is directly attached to my Mac Mini via USB 3.0 and which my MacBook accesses through Sharing on my home network. At the moment, both computers have WiFi turned off and are directly plugged into the router. Both the iTunes library on my Mac Mini and my MacBook are set to see this drive and all of its folders and files as the source for their media in the Advanced tab.
    Previously, I had all my media on two external 2TB drives with this same set up, having used TuneSpan to allow both machines to find the files I put on the second drive. Previous to copying over everything from both drives to the new 4TB drive everything was fine with both machines seeing everything they were supposed to both before and after using TuneSpan.
    I will note that the two machines are using different iTunes .itl library files, with the MacBook having less content in general but also a number of songs which are not included in the Mac Mini's .itl file.
    On my Mac Mini which is running the most recent versions of Mt. Lion and iTunes, everything is good, all files are seen, no problem. On my MacBook which is running Leopard and iTunes 10.5.8, there are a number of movies which have exclamation points next to them. When I try to direct iTunes to locate the missing files, it sees the files just fine but the Open button is always greyed out so I cannot select the files; these same files are found and play fine on the Mac Mini and the file sizes are the same on both the old 2TB drive and the new 4TB drive. When I recopy the file from the old 2TB drive to replace the existing copy and then again direct iTunes on the MacBook to locate the file, it will now allow me to Open it even though it's the exact same file. When it asks me if I want to use this location to find the other missing files, it goes through some process and tells me this was not possible.
    If I grab a bunch of the folders for the films that this is happening with at a time and recopy them over to the 4TB drive, the MacBook's iTunes continues to refuse to see the files. Only if I individually go through and recopy only the exact file it is refusing to use will it then agree to Open and Locate the file.
    This is effecting about 65 movies which vary in size from 700MB to 3.5GB. They are films from every genre, some converted from VHS, others extracted from DVD, others re-encoded from .avi or .flv and some which originated as .mp4s.
    The only other thing which seems worth noting is that the video files which the MacBook refuses to Open are depicted as music files with a music note on them despite them all either ending in .mp4 or .m4v and on the Mini they are shown as they actually are with the album art as the icon.
    What is going on?! Why is it doing this?! How can I force the MacBook's iTunes to use the files it sees?!

    I tried something almost like you suggested, John.
    The problem was, as I perhaps didn't explain properly, that the files were in places and exactly where LR thought they were (and still listed as missing!). Because I can right-click and select "Show in explorer", and the file will be shown in the correct folder.
    But you gave me an idea to the simple solution:
    Select All -> Delete Photo.
    Instead of Delete I chose Remove, so that the files only would be removed from LR but not deleted from the disk.
    Then I could synchronize the folder with the files. They showed up again and is no longer listed as missing.
    Not that they ever really were missing, but still ...

  • MarshalException: Missing end tag for body or Envelop

    Hi, I am new at this, pls advise.
    I have been trying to code a 'hello world' that returns a string, as below.
    package simple;
    public class HelloWorld{
    public String sayHello() {
    return "hello";
    and my buil.xml looks like this
    <project name="simple" default ="all">
    <property file="../properties.txt"/>
    <property name="temp_dir" value="tmp_build" />
    <target name="all" depends="clean,ear,deploy" />
    <target name="clean" >
    <delete dir="${classDir}/tutorial/simple" />
    <delete file="${appDir}/simple.ear" />
    <delete dir="${temp_dir}" />
    <delete file="client.jar" />
    <target name="build" depends="ear" />
    <target name="ear" >
    <delete dir="${temp_dir}" />
    <mkdir dir="${temp_dir}" />
    <mkdir dir="${temp_dir}/WEB-INF" />
    <mkdir dir="${temp_dir}/WEB-INF/classes" />
    <javac srcdir="." includes="HelloWorld.java"
    destdir="${temp_dir}" />
    <pathelement path="${temp_dir}"/>
    <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
    <target name="deploy">
    <copy file="simple.ear" todir="${appDir}"/>
    I manage to deploy and run the service on weblogic through the browser. Next, when I try to run it on Java Wirelesss Tookit. I get a "MarshalException: Missing end tag for Body or Evelop" error.
    I basically used the stub generator from WTK and use them as below
    try {
    String str = service.sayHello();
    System.out.println( str );
    } catch (Exception e) {
    I have no problem running other examples, just this one which i coded on my own. Can anyone pls enlightent me :)

    Hi all,
    as many developers I have encountered the famous "java.rmi.MarshallException:(1)Missing end tag for Body or Envelope" during the development of my WS app for J2ME (JSR 172).
    It is correct that is the empty tag <soapenv:Header /> causing this error.
    To fix this error, it is necessary to stop the server to generate this empty header in the response stream.
    I have fixed this error for Axis2: unfortunaly it is necessary to modify a class in Axiom library. This library is used in Axis2 to produce the SOAP response, you can download the source code at http://ws.apache.org/commons/axiom/source-repository.html.
    Here the class to modify:
    by commenting the line 273 in the method called getDefaultEnvelope() to prevent the empty header insertion in SOAP response:
    public SOAPEnvelope getDefaultEnvelope() throws SOAPProcessingException {
            OMNamespace ns =
                    new OMNamespaceImpl(
            SOAPEnvelopeImpl env = new SOAPEnvelopeImpl(ns, this);
            //createSOAPHeader(env); the line to be commented
            return env;
        }Finally you have to recompile Axiom using Maven to obtain the fixed package axiom-impl.jar and to replace this package on the lib repository of your Axis2 server.
    A little tricky to fix this bug but now my app runs perfectly ;)
    Romain Pellerin

  • Unable to rotate downloaded photos- missing file properties

    I copied/pasted my photos from Windows Explorer. I tried rotating the pictures to the correct position, however it throws an error indicating that the picture contains missing file properties. Has anyone encountered the same thing? How can you fix it?
    BTW, Using iphone 4S with iOS 5. Never had any issues with my 3GS.

    Well that message is a Finder error.
    As to the iPhoto problem:
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Include the option to check and repair library permissions.

  • Lots of *filename*_edTMP and missing files in PSE10

    I'm running a trial of PSE10 Premier on my Windows 7 64bit laptop with a 2ghz processor and 4GB of RAM. All my images are stored in C:\Users\Public\Pictures\ then sub folders.
    In several batches I've imported about 7500 pictures. As each batch was imported from the folder I did some basic tagging, country, name of trip etc. At some point I did a "write keyword tag and properties info to photos". At some point later I noticed a pop up box about missing files and that some pictures have a question mark on them.
    I had a dig in the folder where the picture should be and the image that was named P1000973 is now named P1000973_edTMP-1. This prompted me to search for all files that end _edTMP-* and there are 3767. Some of them, 41, have a file size that is what I would expect for the image and some of them have no file size,3726.
    I'm hoping someone can advise what's going on .... how to resolve it .... and if this is likely to happen on my next import?
    I'd rather expected that an Adobe product wouldn't have these types of problems, luckily for me I haven't paid for the product.
    I've had a dig through the forum and I can see various users reporting the same issue for previous versions of PSE but not 10.
    Thanks in advance,

    Now my queries are
    1) What is cause behind the generation of these files?
    These file are generated due to the trace level that you have set in your system for the Java.All the action performed in the JAVA is recorded in these files.
    2) What are parameters which governs the size of these files?
    Goto Visual Admin and then ServerNode then services then Log Configurator from here you can enable more trace as per your requirment.
    3) Suggestions to reduce the generation as well as size of these files.
    If you want you can reduce the trace in the Log Configuration.
    Thanks Rishi Abrol

  • Missing files using the same library on two different macs and other minor problems

    Hi everybody,
    I'm working on a long documentary and I'm new to FCPX (coming from Avid NC and Edius)...I have and external HD where I stored all the media I'm working with (about 1/2T - 1000 clips)...The library (about 100gb) is stored on the internal drive of my iMac and into the iCloud.
    Yesterday, I received my new MacBook and today I tried to work on it. I followed this steps: I downloaded from iCloud the same library I was working with, I put it on the same folder (movies) it was stored on my iMac and I connected my external HD with all the media...Results? All the clips where gone and the red missing file warning was all over the place.
    FIRST QUESTION: How can I work on both computer overcoming this missing files problem? I know I should have put the library on the same external drive but It was a move aiming to
    I went back to my iMac and everything worked fine except for a warning about one of my events (the exclamation point) as you can see from this pic:
    I tried to relink the file...but no files to be linked popped up in the relink file window....HOW CAN I KNOW what's wrong in that event in order to fix it?
    I checked the Library info and - as you can see in the pic below - there are 43mb of media in my internal HD...is this maybe the problem preventing me from working on different macs? I tried to consolidate everything to the external HD but still the 43mb thing persist in being on the internal HD. How can I find where exactly it is located? How can I move it to the external HD given that the consolidate option isn't working?
    Thank you in advance for your help

    1) Don't know why this is happening. It may have something to do with
    I downloaded from iCloud the same library I was working with
    I'm not clear what procedure you're using here. Using a cloud for storage might change some file tags. Generally users I think keep the library on the same drive as the media, keeping the library backups on the system. There is no real benefit in keeping the media in a separate location. Often users will keep the library in the same folder as the media. It makes backing up using tools like Carbon Copy Cloner very efficient.
    1a) This can be difficult to find as there sometimes is no obvious indicator. It might be a missing element in a compound clip, a missing or altered layer in a graphics file, a missing font, a missing effect. These will show up inside the item involved, but may not be apparent in the browser. A missing transition for instance will not be seen until you skim over the project or try to export it.
    2) The 43 MB is a small amount of optimized media. This never prevents relinking. The library is always looking for original media, or proxy media if you're in proxy playback. It never looks for optimized media. If it has it, it uses it, if it doesn't, it uses the original media. If you are using original/optimized playback, you must have the original files. The optimized files are not enough.

  • LR3 Missing File Naming Issue

    I accidently deleted a number of images from two different collections.  Luckily my partner had exported copies of all the keepers with the same file names.
    LR3 never lost the catalog info, and the thumbnails were still present, albeit with the question marks for missing files.
    In order to preserve at least the thumbnails of the non-keeper files, I simply used Windows explorer to copy the backups into the original location.  (I realize I could have just deleted the old files and re-imported all of them via LR, but as I said I wanted to keep the ~10% of non-keepers as well.)
    In one collection, the Locate Missing File process worked like a champ, and all the images have been reconnected in the LR catalog.
    In the other collection, the Locate Missing File dialogue results in another dialogue that says the file name is not the same, even though, to my eyes, it is identical.  I am not sure if it's an issue with .jpg vs .jpeg vs .JPEG or something else.  When I do force the link, I get an additional dialogue that says the metadata has changes and it prompts me to overwrite it.
    So my question is - Any idea why LR thinks the filenames are different when they are identical to the naked eye?  Obviously I could do this one by one, but I have a few thousand images and was looking for a batch process to re-link them all.  And I realize also that I could just re-import all the keepers, but I'm trying to preserve the non-keepers (they are indexing images and still have their uses, even in thumbnail form).
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Peter C

    Thanks for the response.  I would say that it could be a factor because the files from my partner were obviously kept in a different folder.  However, the move and Locate function worked fine on one set of images, but not the other.  I'm guessing my partner ran the other images through some kind of processing that altered the filename in a way that is not apparent.
    I'll keep trying to figure it out.
    Thanks for the thought at least,

  • Missing files when copying over network

    I've had a good search for people with similar problems on Discussions, and there are a few mentions of similar occurences. Here's my summary though.
    I have 2 Macs, and frequently transfer files from one to the other by sharing drives and using the Finder.
    However, quite often, when transferring lots of files, they are sucessfully copied but do not show in Finder on the receiving machine. The files are there (using Terminal to explore the directory reveals the files in question), but Finder just doesn't acknowledge any existence of the "missing" files.
    This problem can usually be cured by creating a new folder in one of the affected folders - this somehow kicks Finder into refreshing the folder's contents.
    Removing the .DS_Store file(s) (again, via Terminal) in the copied folder also resolves this issue, leading me to believe that the problem lies with the .DS_Store files.
    I cannot believe I am not the only user who frequently finds themselves having to do uneccesary Terminal work to reveal files which appear to be missing after copy over the network.
    Is Apple aware of this problem? Does anyone else have any workarounds?

    I don't think I have experienced that exact problem however, I am such a Unix geek, I typically do my in-network transfers between Mac machines using SCP at the shell prompt in Terminal.
    Finder refresh on the other hand I have experienced before although I cannot provide a situation or example.
    Usually if it needs a refresh, I believe all I ever do is navigate away from the folder, then back to it. Or if it is the Desktop in question, using Exposé to show it, a single click on an empty space there will make the newly copied items appear.

  • Missing Files. LR 1.1.

    All of a sudden I've got 590 'Missing Files'.
    All from the same folder.
    None are marked with a '?'.
    No folders are 'Red Flagged'.
    When using 'Show in Explorer', the files are shown to exist, in the relevant folder, exactly as they should. So they're not realy "Missing".
    No, I've not done any mass deletions or any other form of 'Housekeeping', either from within LR or via external programs.
    'Relaunch and Optimize' has no effect on the situation.
    I'm more than happy to believe that it's my own 'finger trouble', but I need to understand the how or why.
    Any ideas?
    And this just as I'd decided that LR realy was to be trusted enough to be my main workflow tool.

    LR does get confused at times about where everything is. Often, the problem you indicate occurs for no apparent reason. I have had it happen several times. When it does, I can still work on the files. In fact just clicking on the "?" will cause it to disappear. The number of missing files will change every time I reboot. The most maddening part is that you cannot tell if any are actually missing until you have clicked on each file.
    This problem has been brought to Adobe's attention and they have acknowledged that it is a bug. Of course, not all problems with missing files should be attributed to this bug.
    As for trusting it? That's up to you. I use it for a small part of my archive (20 K files)as a test bed for possible use with all my files, and I have not actually had it 'destroy' any files over the last year. But I have wasted many hours dealing with its bugs and glitches (not just missing files). However, in case it does go completely south, I backup after every daily editing session and all my files have offsite dual backups. I also save metadata to sidecars and jpeg and tif files. And the same files are also in the DAM that I use for my main archive. So, what I trust is my ability to survive anything LR, or any other application (or my computer), might do to my work.

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