Missing glyph substitution affects line spacing

I am using Palatino in my documents, but frequently need to use the male and female symbols (♂ and ♀) to indicate the grammatical gender of words. The problem is that the font doesn't contain these glyphs and so pages nicely chooses a another font to represent the glyph. Every time it does this it messes up the line spacing so that there is extra space around the line with the substituted glyph. I used to think that it was a question of which font the system or pages chose to supply the missing glyph from, but now I think it is just the substitution itself.
Does anyone know how I can manage this 'feature'?

Different typefaces have different amount of "space" above and below the letterform. Even the same face, produced by different sources will vary. Your symbols likewise. Try making the symbols a bit smaller. Or make the line spacing a bit larger.
This isn't a bug. No need to report.

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    It seems that there is incompatibility in the before and after spacing (Ctrl + 0 in Word for Windows adds 12 points, if I remember correctly).
    Since you mention a .doc file, it makes me think you have a Word 2003 or earlier format. I have a couple of suggestions:
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    Hey FlipMacoy,
    Don't do that, save your time!
    There was a problem with Postscript 1 typefaces and Snow Leopard (not confined to Flash, but also affected other apps including Quark 7), but the new SL update (think it came out last week) has fixed those issues.
    You just need to run Software Update and get the latest version of SL, and then everything should go back to normal.
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    calvyan wrote:
    Is there a way for InDesign to do such substitution automatically? I.e., apply a default font, which can be specified by user, for all the missing glyphs.
    No. Alas, I might add. There is some sort of auto-catch, specific for Symbol symbols, but no-one knows how it works and you cannot manipulate it yourself.
    If not, how to search/find those missing glyphs with GREP or script?
    Not specifically, i.e., you cannot search for "any missing glyph". Add a GREP style which changes just the font (make sure it doesn't set the font style as well, or else your Bolds or Italics might disappear). Create a new Preflight profile that checks just for missing glyphs, so you won't miss any.
    None of this can be automated though.
    .. it seems easily (not to identify the unicode ranges which seems not very easy) to find them using GREP, but I failed to find it.
    InDesign's GREP flavor doesn't allow named Unicode blocks (http://www.regular-expressions.info/unicode.html), but I have successfully used character ranges to automatically set the font for Chinese, for example.

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    No, if you use the ePub document model. Yes, if you mix document models.
    ePub is a document markup model where you are expected to encode character information in ISO10646/Unicode and encode the logical organisation (structure) the define the parts of your document. However, ePub has no support for font embedding and without font embedding it is meaningless to talk of fixed line length, fixed line spacing, and fixed glyph spacing and sizing.
    If you set up your equations in whatever originating application you prefer and save into a fixed geometry format such as Adobe PDF, then the fixed geometry file can be handled like a graphic in ePub, HTML and other document markup models. Be aware that Adobe PDF encodes the glyphs but not the characters whereas ePub and HTML encode the characters but not the glyphs which may impact search support, depending on what you are trying to do. Also, check you mathematical fonts in the Apple Character Palette to be certain that the glyphs map to meaningful characters in ISO10646/Unicode so that the glyph identifiers can be used to synthesise character semantics. A whole lot of mathematical fonts are constructed to draw mathematical glyphs from say English characters so that there is no relationship at all between information processing and image presentation. In this respect, OpenType is simply a rebranding of TrueType whereby system software displays an OpenType icon if a TrueType font file has the DSIG table - there is no guarantee whatsoever that the relationship of characters to glyphs is of this world (lots and lots of laughs to Heidelberg and its management of the Linotype Library here). See below from the ePub Specification.
    3.4: Embedded Fonts
    To provide authors with control over the appearance of the text, OPS supports the CSS2 font-face at-rule (@font-face). See section 15.3.1 of the CSS2 Recommendation. The following font descriptors must be supported:
    For portability, authors must not use any other descriptors. Font files must carry all information needed for rendering Unicode characters. Fonts must not provide mappings for Unicode characters that would change the semantics of the text (e.g. mapping the letter "A" to a biohazard symbol). Content creators must not assume that any particular font format is supported. Fonts could be included in multiple formats by using a list of files for the src descriptor; the first supported format should be used. At least one file in OpenType format should always be included in the list. It is advisable for a Reading System to support the OpenType font format, but this is not a conformance requirement; a reading system may support no embedded font formats at all. Content creators should use comma-separated lists for font-family properties to specify fallback font choices.
    Content creators must always honor usage restrictions that are encoded in OpenType fonts (and many other font formats). Fonts that are marked "no embedding" must not be included in OPS Publications.
    Any font files included in an OPS Publication must be included in the OPF manifest with appropriate media type (application/vnd.ms-opentype for OpenType fonts).

  • How to apply a new font for missing glyphs in another font?

    The situation:
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    Is there a way for InDesign to do such substitution automatically? I.e., apply a default font, which can be specified by user, for all the missing glyphs.
    If not, how to search/find those missing glyphs with GREP or script? Since InDesign can identify the missing glyphs and marked them with pink boxes, it seems easily (not to identify the unicode ranges which seems not very easy) to find them using GREP, but I failed to find it.
    Any one know how to do this? Thanks.

    calvyan wrote:
    Is there a way for InDesign to do such substitution automatically? I.e., apply a default font, which can be specified by user, for all the missing glyphs.
    No. Alas, I might add. There is some sort of auto-catch, specific for Symbol symbols, but no-one knows how it works and you cannot manipulate it yourself.
    If not, how to search/find those missing glyphs with GREP or script?
    Not specifically, i.e., you cannot search for "any missing glyph". Add a GREP style which changes just the font (make sure it doesn't set the font style as well, or else your Bolds or Italics might disappear). Create a new Preflight profile that checks just for missing glyphs, so you won't miss any.
    None of this can be automated though.
    .. it seems easily (not to identify the unicode ranges which seems not very easy) to find them using GREP, but I failed to find it.
    InDesign's GREP flavor doesn't allow named Unicode blocks (http://www.regular-expressions.info/unicode.html), but I have successfully used character ranges to automatically set the font for Chinese, for example.

  • Windows 7 fills in missing glyphs - suggestions?

    Hi all,
    I wasn't sure how to title the thread in a way that caught what I was trying to get at, so please bear with me.  And I do realise that what I'm asking about is a Windows issue rather than an Adobe one, but I thought people here might have an insight into the problem, given that it affects those who focus on and use fonts specifically.  I haven't been able to find help or much engagement on any Windows forums, where the discussion is more about operating system capabilities and the issues of fonts are somewhat arcane to most posters.
    So please indulge me for a moment, and if you can help me, then thanks!
    I'm new to Windows 7.  What I've discovered is that Windows 7 has substantially changed the way it handles and displays fonts.  (Vista may have as well, but I never stepped into that pond.)  In both the Font Viewer and in any Font Manager that I've tried, Windows 7 fills in any missing glyphs in a font within the basic ASCII character set with an auto-generated generic set of glyphs, often making it very hard - or at least time- and effort-intensive - to determine which glyphs are from the font and which glyphs are auto-filled.  It was meant to be helpful, I imagine, but it's really not.
    In fact, I find it really, *really* frustrating, because it makes it so hard to glance at the display of the font and see quickly whether it's got the glyphs I'm looking for or not.  (Some fonts are incomplete, for various reasons.  Sometimes they use the basic 1252 encoding but not the standard glyphs, and they too get any missing glyphs autogenerated.)
    Am I the only one this bothers?
    More to the point:  Has anyone found a way to turn this "feature" off?  Or can anyone give me an insight on the issue that I may not have thought about, especially ways to use it productively?  I find it really counter-intuitive and enormously unhelpful and distracting.
    But enough whingeing.  Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for the information.
    Why was this done, do you know?  I can't think of a circumstance where this would actually be helpful, especially since, as you say, there is apparently no mechanism for the user to have control over the face that's used to fill empty glyphs.  For anyone purposely using fonts, it would seem to be more of an intrusion than assistance.  Nobody using fonts as part of purposeful design will want glyphs from a different face inserted out of their control;  you either use the font as is, or do something about the incomplete character set (if you have that capability), or you choose a different font.
    But maybe I'm missing something?  What am I not understanding?
    And why does it not happen with every font, just the overwhelming majority?  I haven't been able to spot a pattern to those where this "fallback" doesn't kick in, but in some instances it doesn't.  The Font Viewer fills any missing glyphs with the .notdef character;  in others, it inserts its own characters, and ignores the .notef character.  I can't figure out why.
    By the way, John, as I said every font manager I've tried just shows what Font Viewer does, which is why I was sure it was an OS issue.  And Dov, yes I realise the problem itself has to go back to Microsoft, as I tried to make clear, but already I've got more information on the issue from posting here than the questions I've asked in Microsoft and Windows forums, where most people know nothing about fonts or their use.

  • Uneven line spacing

    In the document I'm creating there are some paragraphs where the line spacing on the screen and printed page are uneven ... for example, the white space between line 2 and line 3 is wider than the space between any other lines in the same paragraph. Yet, for most paragraphs the line spacing looks fine. For this example, I'm using the font Minion, at 11.2 with a line spacing of 1.2. Any help / thoughts would be very appreciated. Thanks.

    Hullo Tom:
    I run into this too, sometimes, but it generally gets sorted when I apply a baseline adjustment to a whole page to balance up facing pages. So just a thought, no guarantees. Have you tried selecting your paragraph up to and including where the problem begins, then setting a value for baseline adjustment; and, if you don't want it, setting it back to zero again?
    Even were that to work for you, there is still something a bit unusual about the way Pages handles line spacing. Other users have asked for a fixed line spacing option, whereas the spacing in Pages seems to be set in reference to the total content of the font in use, and sometimes behaves a bit strangely. Of the options on offer, you might like to try whether choosing "between" or no choice at all from the scroll-down options in "multiple" under the line spacing slider in Text Inspector improves things for you. I think "at least" in these options is meant to avoid ascender / descender collisions with mid-line font changes or access to glyphs or superscript characters, and choosing that might exacerbate your problem. If you find it on, try switching it off.
    The baseline adjustment I've mentioned is in Text Inspector / More, in case you want to try it. Unfortunately this is an intermittent problem, and I haven't been able to duplicate an occurrence of it on demand to see if I can clarify it.
    But the option of a fixed line spacing would, if it were available. Pages' regard for everything that might happen in a font can sometimes be a nuisance when you're just entering standard body text, and if this little quirk of it bothers you, I strongly recommend that you "Provide Pages Feedback" under the Pages main menu to report to Apple that it does need fixing.
    PS: I've also tried this with your fractional font size (though I don't have Minion) but I don't think this is the cause of the problem: I've found it in 12pt Baskerville too.

  • Composing email - line spacing

    Can anyone help please - When composing an email the line spacing is too big - they have a whole host of icons to insert charts, indent, bullet points but none to change the line spacing or have I totally missed it!!

    I haven't been able to find it either, yet another bug to be sorted.
    However, BT in their infinite wisdom, have provided the spell check function.................. so you can check in English, German, French and Itallian.
    Think I'm kidding, just click on the down arrow, top right, next to the a,b,c, !!!!!!!!!
    So, as a UK based ISP, with a UK customer base, they can omit masses of important things, yet give the option to spell check these four languages.
    I wonder how our Celtic countrymen, or indeed any of the population who speak another language will take it ?
    BT being racist in providing spell checking in only four languages ?
    It should be either one language, English, or every other language.
    Sorry I said that now, some bod at BT will possibly take it on board, tell all the ' engineers ' to stop fixing the problems we keep mithering about and concentrate on providing a spell check for every language known to man .................... and some unknown to man.    

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    Don't hold your breath!
    The truth is that Adobe KNOWS this does not work but refuses
    to fix it. Just like a myriad of other bugs in Flash and Fireworks
    CS4. If you write to them, they will IGNORE you. If you call them,
    they will tell you that they know about the issue, but will say no
    more. This is like a dealership selling you a car with windows that
    don't work and then refusing to fix it. Maybe we should wait for
    CS5 and buy that to see what kind of new bugs appear! Man, I miss
    Macromedia! Adobe: KMA!

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    To change to single space format:
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    2. Go into your user role that is affected, and select Edit
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    3. From Paragraph spacing choose "One line, as in standard
    word processors.
    4. Click Okay and now you should have single spaced

Maybe you are looking for

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