Composing email - line spacing

Can anyone help please - When composing an email the line spacing is too big - they have a whole host of icons to insert charts, indent, bullet points but none to change the line spacing or have I totally missed it!!

I haven't been able to find it either, yet another bug to be sorted.
However, BT in their infinite wisdom, have provided the spell check function.................. so you can check in English, German, French and Itallian.
Think I'm kidding, just click on the down arrow, top right, next to the a,b,c, !!!!!!!!!
So, as a UK based ISP, with a UK customer base, they can omit masses of important things, yet give the option to spell check these four languages.
I wonder how our Celtic countrymen, or indeed any of the population who speak another language will take it ?
BT being racist in providing spell checking in only four languages ?
It should be either one language, English, or every other language.
Sorry I said that now, some bod at BT will possibly take it on board, tell all the ' engineers ' to stop fixing the problems we keep mithering about and concentrate on providing a spell check for every language known to man .................... and some unknown to man.    

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    In the linked image above, the left side is a partial screen shot of a new message in Mail (OS X 10.8.4) where I created the message by clicking the share button from Safari.
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    See this: <br />

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    On 08 Mar 2007 in macromedia.dreamweaver, adunate wrote:
    > Joe, Thanks also for your suggestion. However, sometimes
    its hard to
    > search if you're not quite sure what you're searching
    for. Before my
    > initial post I searched each group for "line spacing"
    (seems obvious
    > to me) and came up with zero topics.
    You're coming to this forum through Adobe's webforum; it's
    also gatewayed
    to a newsgroup
    (news:// As
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    which came up with 3,160 results.
    I also went to the front page of the Dreamweaver General
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    a full page of results, all of which give you the answer
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    Joe Makowiec

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    hi, had the same issue
    went into the word doc, removed all tabs (even if not using tabs there were some hidden) and paragraph formatting and it pasted in fine... my doc was a single paragraph...
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    hi there
    In did try that, thanks for pointing out the Ctrl E, but prob still showing as same
    tried diff line spacing allowed , diff pont size fonts, diff hard returns, no returns, was always using Helv and finally then tried to set as Times, but when saved and attached to an email, the Times was a sans serif font, and not Helv. hmm, I was hopeful because your solution sounded so logical, but to no avail.'
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    On 08 Mar 2007 in macromedia.dreamweaver, adunate wrote:
    > Joe, Thanks also for your suggestion. However, sometimes
    its hard to
    > search if you're not quite sure what you're searching
    for. Before my
    > initial post I searched each group for "line spacing"
    (seems obvious
    > to me) and came up with zero topics.
    You're coming to this forum through Adobe's webforum; it's
    also gatewayed
    to a newsgroup
    (news:// As
    a result of that, the forum is searchable by Google Groups:*
    which came up with 3,160 results.
    I also went to the front page of the Dreamweaver General
    webforum and entered line spacing as the search term. It came
    back with
    a full page of results, all of which give you the answer
    you're looking
    Joe Makowiec

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    Thanx for the response, but maybe I'm not making the scenario clear. First of all I realize that only a certain number of characters will print in a line across a page, really I do. If I open a window to compose mail and the window's width is small, more characters will print in a line on paper than how it shows in the composing email window. This kinda screws up how the printed email will look. I can size the window and it will print exactly how it is laid out in the window, line for line, indentation the same, etc., etc.. What I'm attempting to do is, once I find this exact width of "composing" window, how do I get it to to stay that way? If I find the correct size, type and print it's OK. If I close mail and reopen, the "composing" window width changes back to some default size. I guess what I want is that every time I open the window to compose a new message it opens to a default size that I define. I'm sure it's any easy fix, but I can't figure it out.

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    The p tag is defined in brown also. I've got a huge gap between
    each line.
    <td width="546" height="261" valign="top"><h1
    class="welcometo">Welcome to</h1>
    <h1>OUR COMPANY</h1><br>
    <p>My main text paragraphs here.</p>

    You are seeing the margins between the <h1> and the
    <p>, and it's made worse
    by the unnecessary <br>. Use CSS to control these
    margins. It's not a line
    spacing issue at all.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "r_tist" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g01lnm$5fb$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > There is no line spacing applied. However, the first
    line is in brown and
    > the
    > second line is in gold. There is a massive line space
    between the two
    > lines,
    > whereas I'd like them to be the equivalent of a soft
    > "welcometo" is brown text, and h1 is defined as gold
    text. The p tag is
    > defined in brown also. I've got a huge gap between each
    > <td width="546" height="261" valign="top"><h1
    > to</h1>
    > <h1>OUR COMPANY</h1><br>
    > <p>My main text paragraphs here.</p>
    > </td>

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    First thing to try is to reset your device. Press and hold the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously ignoring the red slider should one appear until the Apple logo appears. Let go of the buttons and let the device restart. See if that fixes your problem.

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    Have you added, removed, or otherwise altered any fonts?

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    Hi RandyRamey,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    No Problem.
    Once you have copied the needed text, simply place your curser where you want it to begin and go to Edit>Paste and Match Style. That should make the pasted text conform to what you already have typed - no matter what spacing/font it is.
    Good Luck,

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    A text area message on a web page when using Firefox? <br />
    Or is your question about email messaging when using Thunderbird? <br />
    ''Your in the Firefox support queue right now, but any Moderator can move this question thread over to the Thunderbird queue once we know it's about Thunderbird.''

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    "leading" when creating a text field w/ AS?
    Is a "Line Spacing" setting of 10 the same as my_fmt.leading
    = 10;?
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    that leading can be a positive value. But if a similar static field
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    To clarify... If the query row is omitted from the
    indexed/array notation, then isValid() and <cfparam />
    produce different results.
    In the attached code example below, the query row was omitted
    intentionally to illustrate.
    Two possible solutions are:
    1) Make isValid() throw an error (so that they both throw an
    2) Make <cfparam /> not throw an error (so that they
    both do not throw an error)
    I feel the behavior should be consistent. Does anyone feel
    otherwise? If the behavior should be consistent, then which
    solution, or other solution, is preferred?
    Let's discuss!

  • Permanently save line spacing in a multi-line text field

    Me: Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro, Windows Vista
    (I think the people who will be using the form have Reader 7 on Windows)
    I work in a doctors' clinic, and we use phone message sheets to document conversations between the patients/us/nurses/doctors, and I scanned the form and made it into a fillable PDF for our secretaries to fill out more quickly. The "message" area has pre-printed lines on it, and the multi-line text field I placed there needs to match up to the lines. I used the Rich Text Formatting options to set it to "Exactly 24 Points," but I can't get it to KEEP the formatting permanently. The only way I could get it to save the formatting in that field was to put a space in it and then save it, and then give that to the 2 phone secretaries. It works perfectly the first time, but instead of just closing/re-opening the file to start a new message, one of the secretaries highlights everything in the "message" field and deletes it... which deletes the line spacing formatting. I've told her
    b numerous
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    You can set the font size of the text. Then play with the underlines in the original document to match the needs of the font that is used. Print to a new PDF and then use replace pages to put the new page into the form without changing the form fields. I was able to do this with a word processing document by adding underlining in the document with 12 pt and setting the font to 12 pt in the text field. You can play with the font, the border of the field, and the underlining in the original document to get the desired result. Is this optimal, probably not. However it does the job.

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