Missing Network Icon

Hai i am new to this forum i configured TCP/IP LAN properly my windows PC's showed their icon in MAC Network Finder but now i can't see anything on network finder
please help me to solve the problem (i can access MAC pro from my XP PC's)
Advance thank you

I would restart the machine and see if it comes back.
If it doesn't, you can use Pacifist to extract the Network Preference Pane from the Leopard install disk.

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    Interestingly, I have to coerce the Finder to display the icon example; you can't simply click it into existence. I do it by plugging in a travel drive, opening same, then ejecting it. The Finder then defaults to what you see (the word Network with no icon).
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    G4 Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   iMac

    Before the mid-1980s, networking might have been implemented with a lot of goofy little routines (.exec's if you must) calling one another. About that time the CCITT (an international telecommunications standards committee made up of Academic and Industrial representatives) did a lot of work abstracting and then standardizing the functions that various parts of a network perform.
    The CCITT refined the notion of a Layered Network Architecture and specified the types of activities performed in each layer. Shortly thereafter Apple implemented Open Transport and delivered it into the marketplace in System 7.5.3.
    Apple networking has been very well-behaved and under control since then. It does not tend to "get lost" or "lose track of things". It really is very good. With only a few limitations, you can connect Macs running 7.5.3 through 10.3.9 and have File Sharing work without regard to what versions are talking to each other.

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    We're all glad to help.
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    my network icon image is missing when i open 'my computor'.
    Only the title 'network' is visible.
    It's always like this, even after restarts and repaired permissions.
    The network icon does appear whole in the finder menu bar.
    Any ideas anyone???

    Hi didier!
    That seems to be one of the great "Mysteries"!
    Mine behaves the same way, although a restart will return it, only to disappear again. I don't have a clue what makes it run away from home.
    The issue has been discussed here before, without any resolution that I know of.
    It used to bother me, but as I'm not on a Network, I just decided to forget about it.
    I do know that if once you get it to reappear, and then, keep the "My Computer" Finder window open at all times, the Network icon will not take a vacation.
    I used to keep in as small as possible, in the bottom left corner of my screen, but as it's absence didn't create any operating problems, I finally quit doing that as well.
    Although it doesn't bother me anymore, I'd still like to know what causes the icon to become the "Invisible Man".
    ali b

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    One more piece of info - if i right click on the network icon in the status tray and select troubleshoot, having another problem, specific adapter - on that screen it then lists 3 network adapters. Tried letting it diagnose all of them but no effect.
    And if i open the network connections folder and go to help, advanced options, i get an 'unexpected error'

    This issue can occur by incompatible NIC driver or corrupted files. I suggest you try the following steps.
    1. Uninstall the NIC driver and reinstall the driver for Windows Vista or Windows 7 in Compatibility Mode.
    2. Restart the computer in Safe Mode with Networking and check the result.
    If there is any error message, please capture and upload it for research.

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    One option is to run sfc /scannnow from an elevated command prompt. 
    If the issue has anything to do with corrupted, damaged or missing system files, the System File Checker tool should resolve it. 
    Another option would be to run dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth to see if that resolves the issue for you.
    Additionally, you might want to take a look at this
    TechNet thread, which describes some other steps you could take. 
    It’s written for Windows 7, but most of the information still would apply to Windows 8.1.
    Hope this helps!
    Windows Outreach Team – IT Pro
    Windows for IT Pros on TechNet

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  • Network icon in Finder not functional

    I have an Intel Mac Mini Core 2 Duo w/OS X 1.4.10.
    My Network icon shows up in Finder just fine. BUT, below that it only shows three folders
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    I tried deleting all of those folders. Now my Network is empty, at least according to the OS X point of view.
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    Does any of you Mac guru's know what's going on? I know *nix and I know Windows. Mac's are fairly new to me...

    username/password - I inherited this machine so yes, I am pretty sure I might have done that. Would it be easier to create another user and that way the preferences would be "fresh"?
    Hey, great idea for a test!
    I saw in that other Network folder problem thread about deleting a file called com.apple.systempreferences (or something very similar). Would that help?
    The partial list of filesfolders I've seen cause problems are...
    I haven't been using it very long so configuring settings over again isn't a big issue.
    If User settings aren't the problem... doesn't look like it to me so far, then an Archive and Install from your Install CD/DVD might be the trick.
    P.S. Should I have to recreate the Network folder after reboot? applejack didn't recreate it if it was supposed to...
    No, Applejack doesn't create anything... the OS should re-create that Network stuff once it reboots and finds none... maybe you have to toggle/do some Network stuff afterwards... not sure... still a bit blown away that what I did to fix the problem in several instances like yours... came up empty on your end!

  • [SOLVED]Gnome: No network icon in the status bar

    So fresh install and no networking icon in the status bar.
    I also opened the network connections program and it didnt show any connections. I am using eth0 to write this.
    This suggests to me that a daemon hasnt been started (but doesnt necessarily explain no icon in status bar)
    here is the daemon section of my rc.conf
    DAEMONS=(hwclock syslog-ng network netfs crond networkmanager dbus gdm)
    i added network manager as a previous attempt (on advise of someone elsewhere on the internet(cannot remember where lol))
    Thanks.. I have nearly got my system how I want it (minus software i havent installed yet)
    Sorry if i have created a duplicate thread
    Last edited by olig1905 (2012-01-21 17:33:47)

    Thanks to both of you.
    I had already noticed the redundancy of network which was added in the install however hadnt considered the ordering
    wonder wrote:Did you really read the wiki?
    This is pretty much all i have seen people saying at the end of their posts on here. I agree with the point you have made, however i have been on the wiki all day, conisdering this is a newbie forum it is to be presumed that it is a pretty new installation. Therefore the user does not have time to read the entire wiki. As i said i have been on the wiki all day and used it countless times and have found it invaluable, so im only posting here when i am unable to find answers there.
    That aside this is a wonderfully helpful community so HI

  • Finder window's "Network" icon has a name bug in French localized version

    In Mac OS X Tiger (and previous versions already), when running in French localized, the "Network" icon on the left side of Finder window is translated "Réseau". This is correct.
    When no network is available (no cable connected to the Ethernet port for instance), then "Réseau" turns into the english name "Network". When the network is again connected, then "Network" turns back into the French localized name "Réseau".

    Hi Frederic,
    Thank you for this one, but we all are simple Mac users here.
    Please send your feedback here instead:
    - http://www.apple.com/macosx/feedback/
    Thanks again.

  • Intermitent Eject symbol by Network icon in Finder pane

    Please can anyone tell me why sometimes (and only sometimes) I get an eject symbol next to the network icon in the left pane of Finder windows?
    Pressing it does nothing.
    I wouldn't say I connect to a network but maybe I do and misunderstand the terminology - I use Airport to connect to a wireless internet router. There is one other computer that connects to the same router also wirelessly.
    Airport also occasionally shows other wireless networks as well as mine, presumably from adjacent properties.
    My only real concern would be if it meant other people were accessing my computer somehow via the 'network'.
    I'm nearly always connected to the internet (when I'm logged into the computer) and it isn't a case that the symbol is there whenever I'm online and not when I'm not (although the latter could be true).
    It seems odd that the eject symbol's appearance seems random and doesn't relate to when the other PC using the same router is/isn't online.

    The eject button next to the Network icon is a bug. It shouldn't be there. I've been waiting for it to be fixed for over a year.
    On the other hand, it is harmless. When you are actually connected to another machine via any one of many networking protocols, it will show up in the sidebar with it's own (functional) eject button.
    If you have file sharing turned off and/or have the firewall turned on, you need not worry about others accessing your computer remotely.

  • Accidently deleted "Network" icon in finder

    I Accidently pulled the "Network" icon out of the finder window and now I can't get it back. I can't connect to another computer on my ethernet network. I can't even select "shift apple K" -- nothing comes up.
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Finder>Preferences>Sidebar>Sow these items in Sidbar:, then check Network box.

  • Creating a network icon on the desktop?

    I currently have the HD and idisk icons on my desktop but I need to get the network icon on there as well, so I can double click on it instead of having to click on go, then network.
    Any ideas how I do this?

    Mount the networked volume.
    Navigate to the network folder (Command-Shift-K)
    Create an alias. This can be done several ways. But since you want to put the alias on your desktop, the easiest way is to
    Command-Option-Drag the icon to the desktop
    The Command-Opton-Drag will create an alias. Or you can use Finder -> File -> Make Alias, or you can select the mounted volume and use Command-L
    Now when you double click on that alias, it will mount the networked volume.
    You may store that alias anywhere you like, on the Dock, on your Desktop, in a folder of common aliases, and put that folder on the Dock, etc...
    If you always want that volume mounted when you login, you can also open System Preferences -> Accounts -> Startup Items, then drag the mounted network volume into your Startup Items and when you login, it will be mounted.

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