Missing ringtones can't be found anywhere! Any ideals?

I just bought two new ringtones for my iPhone 6 plus and now I can't find them! I went to settings than sounds and ringtones but they are no where! Any ideals? Thank you

I understand you would like your previously purchased media and songs back on your device as they should be!  I would be happy to assist you with that!
The ringtones you purchased are automatically saved to your memory card, so when the factory reset was done it didn't erase that media or data.  You would only need to reassign the ringtones in the Sound or Contact settings.
As far as the ringback tones, this is a feature in the line of service, so these songs are not physically stored on the phone, but stored in your My Verizon online service.  No matter if you factory reset, or even change devices, the ringback tones will stay active as normal.  Remember, this is the tone the incoming caller hears when calling you.
I am including a link with instructions how to set ringtones:
Set ringtone - HTC DROID Incredible 2 ADR6350
Let me know how this works out for you!

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    I understand you would like your previously purchased media and songs back on your device as they should be!  I would be happy to assist you with that!
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    Best Buy does make an effort to procure as much inventory as possible for new releases; however, there are times when the demand is higher than anticipated! If this happens, we realize that this can cause unintentional frustration for people waiting on their pre-orders. My brother has been talking non-stop about getting his hands on this console, so if his opinion is any indication, I’m sure it was frustrating to find that we didn’t have your order ready on release date. I’m sorry for any disappointment this may have caused.
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    You may get better response if you post this in the iTunes community forum
    Have a nice day!

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