Missing song track

I’ve created a project in Final Cut Express 4 and added a background song from my collection of purchased iTunes songs.
The file seemed fine, it converted and saved fine, and even when I burned it on DVD and played it back as a DVD on the computer, everything seemed fine.
When I took the dvd to be played at the clients house in their DVD player, the background music was gone.
Any idea why?
Everything else played ok, but the song track was missing and not playing at all.

+"...from my collection of purchased iTunes songs...+
+When I took the dvd to be played at the clients house in their DVD player, the background music was gone."+
That would be a very interesting extension of DRM.
So, just confirming, you had an FCE project, included an iTunes song, exported the video, imported it into iDVD, burned a DVD ... and the resulting DVD played fine on your computer but not on a DVD player. And the DVD was not a data DVD, it was a playable DVD, right?

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    You're on the right track - somehow the ITL file got damaged. Nobody knows exactly why this happens - you can google "data corruption" and read about it.
    If you don't have a good backup of your ITL file, you're going to have to rebuild your library. I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's true. You have 2 options:
    You can build on the current ITL library file that has missing songs, if you can figure out what's missing. This method won't lose all your ratings & playcounts.
    Or, just start with a an empty library and add your main music folder back into itunes.
    Then start making weekly backups of your ITL file so if something like this happens again, you're not totally out of luck.

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    Try Doug's Applescripts for iTunes, he has one for finding missing songs.
    You can browse his site to find where to put the downloaded script.
    Good luck.

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    UPDATE: I contact the developer fo the iTunes Track CPR script just to give him some feedback. His reply, "
    Thanks for letting me know. CPR needs a good looking at. But have you tried "Music Folder Files Not Added"?
    I used that script and it found all of the MIA "missing" songs and then added them back to my iTunes library (took about 7 hours to auto add about 2000+ songs.) This process also created duplicates, but I was able to use the "Manage Duplicates" feature of iTunes under the File menu to see a list of all duplicates; then I deleted all of the songs with the"!" next to their names (took about 45 minutes.)
    So I think in the end this did save me a lot of time and aggrevation.
    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Chris!

  • Missing Songs on Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra - 40GB. Player empty but space not 1

    I have the Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 40GB.
    Over the last couple of weeks I?ve been slowly ripping my CDs, using Creative MediaSource and then adding them to my Nomad player. Recently, I went to turn on my player and notice it saying ?rebuilding library?. I thought nothing of it.<SPAN> I then went to see how many songs and albums were on the player and from what I could tell it looked like a lot less than what I thought I had copied over. The songs were something like 3750 and the number of albums was something like 350, which was far less than what I thought it should be but was not 00% for sure.<SPAN> Total free space was something like 7800MB.
    Anyway, yesterday, I tried to copy over some new songs that I had just ripped from CDs.<SPAN> ? of the way through the battery died on the Zen player so it stopped transferring. I went to charge the player and when turned it on the player said ?rebuilding library?. There should, at this point, had been 4500+ songs.<SPAN> I went and tried to copy over the files again, from my computer, and noticed that the songs that I had just copied and would have been skipped, were being copied over again. When I went to check Settings, About the player said I had the ~3750 songs plus the additional songs that had just copied over. At this point I just copied over the new songs bringing my total count to 4634. To be safe, I copied all the songs from my Zen back to a new computer, using Creative MediaSource. After copying over all the files, I then tried a reset of the player, thinking this would delete all the files on the Zen. Instead it did the ?rebuilding library?.<SPAN> When I went back to Settings, About, on the Zen player, it again said there was the ~3750 songs and ~350 albums.<SPAN> So the ?rebuilding library? on my Zen player keeps on removing/hiding my songs and albums.
    Since nothing was working, I connected my Zen to my computer again and using the Creative MediaSource deleted all the songs on my Zen player. When I was done it is showing No. of Tracks: 0.<SPAN> Total Memory:<SPAN> 3833MB.<SPAN> Free Memory though is only 8659MB.
    There is nothing on my Zen player that I can see. Even using Windows Explorer and Nomad Explorer, it is completely blank.
    Someone help please.<SPAN> How do I get back my missing songs and/or reset the player? If at all possible I?d like to get the missing songs off the player since I don?t have those ripped songs on my computer and don?t feel like ripping all those songs again.<SPAN> What is going on?

    PaulS7 wrote:
    Thank you. I'm trying that now. I see that I can reload the OS (Firmware). Does anyone know where I can find out what the latest firmware is to see if I need to upgrade? How do I find out what the latest firmware is and where do I go to upgrade?
    Make sure to read the FAQ post. All downloads are got from Nomadworld.com downloads.

  • TS1424 Bought and Album and one song is missing after itunes froze  cant see how to dowload the missing song as it says Purchased

    Bought and Album and one song is missing after itunes froze  cant see how to dowload the missing song as it says Purchased
    Pls Help  Best and Kind Regards

    Depending upon what country that you are in (music can't be re-downloaded in all countries) then see if it shows under the Purchased link under Quicklinks on the right-hand side of the iTunes store home page on your computer's iTunee. If it shows there but doesn't have the clpud symbol against it for redownloading then is that track listed in the Music part of your library i.e. where you would click on it to play it ? If it is then delete it from there and it should then get the cloud symbol against it in Purchased.
    If you aren't in a country where you can re-download music or if it re-downloads in the same state then try the 'report a problem' page to contact iTunes Support : http://reportaproblem.apple.com . iTunes Support should reply within, I think, about 24 hours.
    If the 'report a problem' link doesn't work then you can try contacting iTunes support via this page : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/- click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

  • I just bought an album on iTunes but didn't get the first two songs.  I click on them to try to download them, but get a message to authorize my computer.  My computer is already authorized.  How can I get my two missing songs?

    I just bought an album on iTunes but didn't get the first two songs.  I click on them to try to download them again, but get a message to authorize my computer.  My computer is already authorized.  How can I get my two missing songs?

    Sometimes, there would be temporary connectivity glitches preventing you from downloading a certain track from the iTunes store - these are rare and usually resolve if you try back in some time. If it continues, contact Apple support mentioning the name of the problematic song:

  • Apple update ruined my playlists, they are no longer on my ipod and playlist i didnt have are. how can I get mine back. And i am missing songs that appear in itunes but not on the ipod?

    apple update erased my playlists, they are no longer showing on my iTunes. I am missing songs that do appear in iTunes and should be on the ipod but are not, and new playlists that I didn't have are now where mine should be. Any suggestions as to getting "MY" ipod back?

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost      
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync/delete all music and resync
    To delete all music go to Settings>General>Usage>Storage>Music>Tap edit in upper right and then tap the minus sign by All Music
    - Reset all settings                            
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                               
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.                       

  • I have missing songs that i purchased on my old iphone. they are not in my purchased folder. but in itunes store when i look the song up, it has the purchased logo next to it.... but no way to download it

    i have missing songs that i purchased on my old iphone. they are not in my purchased folder. but in itunes store when i look the song up, it has the purchased logo next to it.... but no way to download it

    If the songs are still on your ipod, make sure autosync is disabled in iTunes on your computer, connect and right click on it in the device list, then choose "transfer purchases" to copy all bought media and apps from your ipod to your computer.
    If the songs are not on your computer and got deleted from your ipod as well, you can't get them back, unless you have a backup of your iTunes library as part of your computer backup.

  • HT3819 Bought new iMac & moved (or thought so) music from old PC to new Mac. Now several hundred songs are orphaned on old PC; , I can "see" them with both machines turned on & iTunes open. "Missing" songs show in iMac Shared folder. How do I move & retir

    Bought new iMac & moved (or thought I had) all of my music from the old PC to the new iMac. Have discovered several hundred songs are orphaned on old PC; I can "see" them with both machines turned on & iTunes open. "Missing" songs show in iMac itunes Shared folder. How do I move them all so I can then & retire the old PC?

    From things you are saying, such as "shared folder" and having both machines on, it doesn't sound to me like you truly moved the whole iTunes collection. 
    iTunes: How to move [or copy] your music to a new computer [or another drive] - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4527
    do not confuse moving your whole folder and library with moving just media files as in
    iTunes for Mac: Moving your iTunes Media folder - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1449
    Quick answer if you let iTunes manage your music:  Copy the entire iTunes folder (and in doing so all its subfolders and files) intact to the other drive.  Start iTunes with the option key held down and guide it to the new location of the library.
    Macworld - How to transfer iTunes libraries between PC and Mac - http://www.macworld.com/article/46248/2005/08/shiftitunes.html

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