Mobil me and Yahoo boxes

I keep getting boxes that pop up asking for log in information. One is for mobil me and it's asking for a member name and password. I thought I deleted the system when I decided to cancel it.
Also after heving terrible luck with my old Yahoo account, I deleted all mail accounts. Now I keep getting the sign in box asking for my yahoo info.
Please help me get this crap off of my system.
Thank you.

I keep getting boxes that pop up asking for log in information.
I thought I deleted the system when I decided to cancel it.
Sign out in System Preferences --> MobileMe
Now I keep getting the sign in box asking for my yahoo info.
What sign in what box?

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    notice how under diagnostics readout it shows "most recent device not currently connected"
    mine does same thing and i have iphone connected when i do it.
    my problems also started with this update and i show 4 errors in event viewer which is under adminastrative tools in control panel.
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    my iphone shows up in itunes and shows all pages etc. i do everything manually although i do sync apps.
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    but checking out event viewer can give you valuable info so you don't do the apple nonsense wasting hours to clean up their messy installation only to have it do exact same thing again. it's obvoius they have a conflict.... now we can only hope for a resolution ie UPDATE if enough complain by sending them all this.
    i don't have a jailbreak phone nor am i rebuilding anything i'll live with it till they fix it as my event viewer log isn't getting filled up with bonjour errors anymore nor do i need all this bloated crap apple sends our way... i do have quicktime pro.

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    Can anyone out there help me please. 

    "if for some reason u have the icon in your task bar (the one with 2 arrows pointing in a circle) just go into mobile me sync...and uncheck box show status in menu bar."
    I do not have the option box to "show status in menu bar"
    I tried the free for a little while Mobile me, and didn't use it, so cancled. I cannot get the sync status roundabout arrows out of my status bar. AND, they keep trying to sync.
    Another issue related with this is that during the time that I tried out Mobile me, I had my ical alarm set to go off every 2 hours. NOW my computer has an ical  pop-up every 2 hours. I cannot find how to stop it.
    Another issue, Yahoo is trying to sync with my computer and I have no idea why or where that one came from.
    Can anyone out there help me please. 

  • E51 Gmail and Yahoo mail box access

    Dear All
    I was trying to configure the gmail and yahoo mail accounts in the new E51 which I have bought. I have correctly configured the mail setup with the correct username and password. But I am getting an error "Invalid Mail for exchange credentials. Check credential settings". The pop up is coming repeatedly on the phone even if am not using the same.
    Please help me out for the same.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Guys!
    I'm sure by now your problems are solved. Nevertheless, let me simplify this for you. I have both my Gmail and my Yahoo mail setup on my E51 and they work beautifully. One thing you should be aware of is that while Gmail offers mobile & POP access free, you need to upgrade to a business account in yahoo to avail the same. That being said, here are the settings for each:
    For Gmail:
    Connection Settings > Incoming E-Mail
    User name: Enter your complete Gmail e-mail address including ''
    Password: Enter your Password
    Incoming Mail Server:
    Access Point in Use: Select the active data connection
    Mailbox Name: Whatever you like
    Mailbox Type: IMAP4
    Security (ports): SSL/TLS
    Port: Default
    Connection Settings > Outgoing E-Mail
    My e-mail address: Enter your complete Gmail e-mail address including ''
    User name: Again enter your complete Gmail e-mail address including ''
    Password: Enter your password
    Outgoing Mail Server:
    Access Point in Use: Select the active data connection
    Security (ports): StartTLS
    Port: 587
    User Settings:
    My Name: Whatever name you'd like to appear in your sent emails
    Send Message: Choose 'Immediately' if you would like your phone to connect to the internet and send the message everytime you send an e-mail. Otherwise choose 'during next connection'
    Send copy to self: Choose yes if you would like a copy of all mails that you send using your mobile, to be sent to your inbox too.Otherwise choose No.
    Include Signature: Your choice. If you choose yes, enter the signature text
    New E-Mail alerts: On
    Reply to: If you would like people to reply to a different e-mail id then the current one, enter that.Else choose Off.
    Delete E-mails From: Select Phone or Server. If you select phone, th emails get deleted only from the phone, although the header still remains till the next time you refresh. What this means is that mails deleted from you phone will continue to remain on your server and will be accessible the next time you access your mail using a PC.
    Retrieval Settings:
    E-Mail to retrieve: No choice here. Gmail only allows you to retrieve headers first. If you feel a mail is important you can select it and download the entire message later.
    Retrieval Amount: Set how many e-mails you would like downloaded
    IMAP4 folder path: This is set to 'Unix path' by default. Let it be
    Folder Subscriptions: No changes required here
    Automatic Retrieval: Select E-mail retrieval and set it to 'Enabled'.
    Retrieval Days: All Days
    Retrieval Hours: All Hours
    Retrieval Intervalet it to 5 mins if you would like e-mails to get downloaded to your phone almost as soon as they arrive (Like Push E-Mail). Else select a time interval as desired.
    Yahoo: (Provided you are subscribed to premium business mail)
    Connection Settings > Incoming E-Mail
    User name: Enter your yahoo user name only (without '
    Password: Enter your Password
    Incoming Mail Server:
    Access Point in Use: Select the active data connection
    Mailbox Name: Whatever you like
    Mailbox Type: POP3
    Security (ports): SSL/TLS
    Port: Default
    APOP secure login: Off
    Connection Settings > Outgoing E-Mail
    My e-mail address: Enter your complete yahoo e-mail address including ''
    User name: Enter your yahoo user name only (without '
    Password: Enter your password
    Outgoing Mail Server:
    Access Point in Use: Select the active data connection
    Security (ports): SSL/TLS
    Port: Default
    User Settings:
    My Name: Whatever name you'd like to appear in your sent emails
    Send Message: Choose 'Immediately' if you would like your phone to connect to the internet and send the message everytime you send an e-mail. Otherwise choose 'during next connection'
    Send copy to self: Choose yes if you would like a copy of all mails that you send using your mobile, to be sent to your inbox too.Otherwise choose No.
    Include Signature: Your choice. If you choose yes, enter the signature text
    New E-Mail alerts: On
    Reply to: If you would like people to reply to a different e-mail id then the current one, enter that.Else choose Off.
    Delete E-mails From: Select Phone or Server. If you select phone, th emails get deleted only from the phone, although the header still remains till the next time you refresh. What this means is that mails deleted from you phone will continue to remain on your server and will be accessible the next time you access your mail using a PC.
    Retrieval Settings:
    E-Mail to retrieve: Select 'Headers' only to retrieve headers first. If you feel a mail is important you can select it and download the entire message later. Select 'Size Limit' to set a limit to the size of e-mails that can be downloaded. Select 'Msgs. & Attchs' if you want everything to be downloaded.
    Retrieval Amount: All
    Automatic Retrieval: Select E-mail retrieval and set it to 'Enabled'.
    Retrieval Days: All Days
    Retrieval Hours: All Hours
    Retrieval Interval: Select a time interval as desired.
    With this done you should have no poblems accessing both, your yahoo mail and gmail on your E51 over a Wi-Fi connection or a data plan from your service provider.

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    Websites remembering you and automatically log you in is stored in a cookie.
    * Create an allow cookie exception (Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: Exceptions) to keep such a cookie, especially for secure websites and if cookies expire when Firefox is closed.
    * In [[Private Browsing]] mode all cookies are session cookies that expire if that session is ended, so websites won't remember you.
    * Do not use [[Clear Recent History]] to clear the "Cookies" and the "Site Preferences"
    Clearing "Site Preferences" clears all exceptions for cookies, images, pop-up windows, software installation, and passwords.

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    Then I’ve decided to migrate the contract to “Recharchable” and also decided to dismiss the Data Packet because of cost limitations. Now I have BIS in “not connected” state.
    Problem now is that I cannot get the apps working when connected to any Wi-Fi AP.
    Mail is not working. MSN & Yahoo returns the message “Unable to find the requested server” when attempting to login. The Browse is also not working and only Opera Mini seems to work but it takes several minutes to build a page.
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    I’m not sure whether BIS access or no access is influencing the BB behavior with a Wi-Fi connection and making dramatically slower.
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    I’ve found at that it could be a bug in the 6.0.
    I’ve searched tons of forum postings and it seems no one has the clue of this problem. Unfortunately the Torch 9800 cannot be upgraded to the 7.x. this is really bad as it seems I have purchased a “dead” mobile phone.
    Of course I’ve tried with lots a different Aps. I’m a technician and I think I’ve done a proper troubleshooting before to come to this conclusion.
    Anyone has an update about this problem or, I have no other chance than throwing away this phone and purchase a nice Samsung Note II hopping not be blocked with another unexpected showstopper.
    Thanks in advance.

    The only two options available to you are adding BIS to your plan or continue using Opera which works outside of BIS (the BlackBerry browser does not).
    - If my response has helped you, please click "Options" beside my post and mark it as solved. Clicking the "thumbs up" icon near the bottom of my response would also be appreciated.

  • On my iphone4 i need to be able to use both TDS and Yahoo e-mail.  TDS works only sporadically.  For instance, today I was able to both send and receive, then an hour later could not send.  got the message that the server was not recognized.

    On my iphone4 I need to be able to receive and send both TDS and Yahoo e-mail accounts (I also need to access from my Macbook Pro and my HP desktop).  I have NO problem with Yahoo, but with TDS, the e-mail seemed to work on my phone.... and then it didn't.)  In adding the TDS account, I chose "other" ( TDS is somehow accessed on the back end through gmail).  For the incoming server I used the Incoming Sever Name of and the Outgoing Mail Server as  I have using SSL "on" and the server port is 995.  Is this setup correct for TDS?

    FYI: POP will by default, delete messages from the server after downloading them (This applies to most pop clients, computer or mobile). POP is old tech and is not recommended if IMAP or Exchange are available. The default when setting up a g-mail type account is IMAP. Full synchronization with the server. You may also be able to set it up as an Exchange account, allowing for push e-mail and sync of calendars and contacts as well. See the Gmail help pages for instructions.

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    No, I have a Mac and my email connects via our pacbell account we've had for years.  However, something in the Preferences/Accounts is not correct I am guessing.  Also, it asks for the password and if I put it in and click save through general or viewing, it's NOT saving it and still not allowing me to get email. My husband tried reading about this through our AT&T acct and said to change the incoming server to and outgoing;[email protected], but now I can't receive or send any email on my Mac. In advanced not sure if it should be Port of 465 or 900 something or other and SSL checked or not.  I called AT&T and they want to take over my machine by charging $15/mos for a year to fix this.  Ridiculous. 
    So, everytime prior to yesterday, when my husband messed around with it, I was getting a POP needs password box, typed in my password, but to no avail..Then it Keychain password popped up and assumed it was the same, but there's no way to change or modify it even using the new password my husband set up through AT&T.  I am at a complete loss.
    I can access mail through yahoo mail and it takes me to AT&T Yahoo Mail, but no contacts are there so needless to say this is a pain.
    I appreciate any assistance you can give me so I can get back on my email as I have for 4 years.
    Thanks Hackintosh...I look forward to hearing from can use the email above and it will come to me through my yahoo web page....Thanks again and let me know if you need any other information.  If you respond on here, I may not get the answer from you as I didn't know you responded until I came on discussions.  THanks

  • I can't get into my yahoo bookmarks. I have spent time with AT&T and the conclusion they came to is that it may be a problem with Firefox and yahoo. Help please

    I am using a HP Laptop NOT mobile device. Every time I try to go into my YAHOO bookmarks it asks me to sign in which I do to no avail. AT&T came to the conclusion it may be that Firefox and Yahoo are not working together. I just downloaded both the latest versions of Firefox and the yahoo toolbar again to no avail. Is there something with Firefox that is preventing me from getting into my yahoo bookmarks??

    It's really up to you how often you want to clear history. If you have a large hard drive, Firefox may save history for a year or more...

  • With all the updates with Firefox and Yahoo, My Yahoo homepage no longer works or functions at all. It doe's work on Safari. When I click on anything on My homepage all I get is a message" sorry bad request".

    I also often have to do a forced quit as firefox freezes up. I did not have these problems until I tryed to upgrade to firefox4. for Mac.
    I tryed re-enstalling 3.5 but ended up with 5 which was worse. It appears that Firefox and Yahoo are no longer compatible.

    I know you can't help with my Yahoo problem, however, apparently at some time in the past I have went to the Sync and tried to figure it out on both my laptop and my desktop, because I have the long snyc key information. However, when I go to try to sync both computers I never get the box to enter that key on either one. That is my problem. So should I try and get a new sync key and see if that works.

  • My Yahoo toolbar has disappeared and also my "bookmarks". How do I get them back on both gmail and yahoo?

    Hello Firefox:
    I am quite dismayed at changes that have recently been made on my two email accounts; gmail and yahoo.
    My yahoo toolbar has completely disappeared along with the bookmarks of which I had several.
    Not long ago my "favorites" list disappeared and I had to replace it with "bookmarks".
    I also do not like the e-mail changes with the send box having the "send" and other tools on the BOTTOM. How awful. Change doesn't always mean "better".
    Will you please advise me as to how I may get my toolbar and bookmarks back?
    ALSO, the e-mails do not fit my computer screen and many times I have shut down the e-mail and re-enter my passwords in order to get out of a page. CAN YOU FIX THIS? Everything worked so well before.
    Please tell me where I can get help with these items. I AM A VERY UNHAPPY CUSTOMER.
    ''[email addresses removed by moderator]''

    Click Firefox (orange) button > Preferences > [x] check the yahoo Toolbar
    Press CTRL + SHIFT + O to show all the Bookmarks

  • Google search, youtube, facebook, and yahoo all giving 404 errors 9-9-13

    Today I was having issues with my internet. After calling my provider (Time Warner Cable) and doing the proper troubleshooting it has boiled down to it is a problem with Firefox.
    Whenever I load Firefox, I have it set so the same tabs open each time. Google, Facebook, Youtube, and Yahoo. Normally they would load and I would start my business or what-have-you, but today all are giving 404 errors. I have refresh the page it does not resolve the issue or if I manually type in the page address in, it too, does not load. Facebook will load properly once I type in the website in the bar and load it that way. If I open a new tab and try these websites (Google, Youtube, Yahoo, and Facebook) they all give me the 404 error, but if I click on the Facebook logo in the left hand corner of the page, it will load my news feed. CNN, TWC, and Gmail all load fine and I am able to use the services. Another thing I tried was disconnecting manually from my internet and then reconnecting. I changed my SSI and reset the modem several times still to no avail. If I load Google using my phone, it comes up fine, same as all the other sites listed. I restarted my computer twice (each after both resets of my modem) and I still have this problem. Now the "funny" thing now is that if I load these pages in Internet Explorer, they all load without any 404 errors. I have not tried clearing my cache or history today, and I checked the Firefox website to make sure I have the current version (I normally ALWAYS update my Firefox when it is requested). I don't want to have to uninstall Firefox I JUST got all my bookmarks back from the last uninstall I had to do (accidentally loaded an unwanted toolbar, yuck!) and also this was working fine yesterday and early this morning (2-3am central time)
    ANY information regarding this issue will be welcome! Thanks!

    The 404 or Not Found error message is a HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find what was requested. How To Fix the 404 Not Found Error
    Retry the web page by pressing F5, clicking the refresh/reload button, or trying the URL from the address bar again.
    The 404 Not Found error might appear for several reasons even though no real issue exists, so sometimes a simple refresh will often load the page you were looking for.
    Check for errors in the URL. Often times the 404 Not Found error appears because the URL was typed wrong or the link that was clicked on points to the wrong URL.
    Move up one directory level at a time in the URL until you find something.
    For example, if gave you the 404 Not Found error, move up to If you get nothing here (or an error), move up to This should lead you toward what you're looking for or at least confirm that it's no longer available.
    Tip: If you have moved all the way up to the website's homepage, try to run a search for the information you're looking for. If the site doesn't have a search function, try navigating to the page you want using category links to dig deeper into the site.
    Search for the page at a popular search engine. It's possible that you simply have the entirely wrong URL in which case a quick Google or Bing search should get you where you want to go.
    If you do find the page you were after, update your bookmark or favorite to avoid the HTTP 404 error in the future.
    Clear your browser's cache if you have any indication that the 404 Not Found message might just be yours. For example, if you can reach the URL from your phone but not from your tablet, clearing the cache on your tablet's browser might help.
    You might also consider clearing your browser's cookies, or at least the one(s) involved with the website in question, if clearing the cache didn't work.
    Change the DNS servers used by your computer but usually only if an entire website is giving you a 404 error, especially if the website is available to those on other networks (e.g. your mobile phone network or a friend in another city).
    404's on an entire website isn't particularly common unless your ISP or government filters/censors websites. No matter the reason, if it does happen, giving another set of DNS servers a try is a good step to take. See my Public DNS Servers List for some alternatives.
    Finally, if all else fails, contact the website directly. If they've removed the page you're after then the 404 error is completely legitimate and they should be able to tell you that. If they've moved the page, and are generating 404's instead of redirecting visitors to the new page, they might be very happy to hear from you.
    A WHOIS search, using the site's domain name (e.g. as your search term, should give you some contact information.
    If the WHOIS search isn't helpful, know that many sites can be reached via email at [email protected], replacing with the real website name. Contacting a site via one of their social networking profiles is another good idea.

  • IPhoto is removing my albums from mobile me and refiling photos individually. it is destroying all my work and gives me no option to stop this. Help please!

    How do I stop IPHoto from systematically removing all my albums from Mobile Me and placing the photos back into its files. With each album it says it is doing this, providing an OK box but no CANCEL, and the program freezes.How can I cancel this??

    You can control this from Mail Preferences on your computer.  Open Mail, go to Preferences, and select Accounts.
    Go to your MobileMe account and select Mailbox Behaviors.  Next to Trash, select Store Deleted Messages on the Server.

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