Mobile navigation in Muse

I am creating a mobile Muse site and am looking for an icon that can be used to represent the collapsed mobile menu-three parallel lines??  Is this available somewhere or do I have to create it?

Also, here are the site settings:

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    You can certainly use Muse for hosting on other hosts as well. You do lose some of the functionality of Business Catalyst such as In Browser Editing. I just saw that you did your current one in Wordpress ... so I assume there is a blog?
    If so, keep in mind that Muse alone does not have a blog feature. You can integrate a Business Catalyst Blog into it with a bit of knowledge on how BC works.
    A couple videos you will want to check out are:
    and especially;

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    Phone Gap basically works like a mobile web browser. if you feed it CSS & HTML built for desktop PhoneGap won't change it to suit a mobile screen.
    You need to build a mobile website then run it through phonegap.
    jQuery mobile is a good option.

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    Hi Rich,
    [ - I know this is an old topic, but for anyone else reading - ]
    I had succes with merging Mobile only sites with our existing BC site.
    - Ensure you have BC set for mobile only content (Admin console > Site Settings)
    - Use Muse to export the 'phone layout' site as HTML
    - Use an SFTP client to upload the mobile site to the '' folder
    Desktops still see (built using BC templates modules etc)
    Mobile devices see (built using Muse)
    All the best,

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    Thank you

    Hi Michele,
    First thanks for the compliment ;-) (I don't work for Adobe - just hang out here)
    What you can do if I understand correctly is:
    build your site as you normally would in Muse.
    go into your domain host and redirect the to the 'phone' folder of the site
    by doing that site users that enter the domain with the mobile URL will go to the phone version
    One more step ... add the following code to the head meta of your mobile template
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url="/>
    That should do what you want. Let me know how you make out.

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    Thanks, my issue was that the content was in front of the navigation menu see screen shot (taken in preview in Muse)

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    Hi Gaurav,
    Thanks for the response.
    Since I posted the question, we have solved the problem by removing the sticky navigation bars which appeared to have default scroll effects applied to them. Do mobile devices not like the parallax scroll effects from within Muse, as obviously we would like to reinstate the sticky navigation if possible in the future?

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    Hi ada_mju,
    You can always use layers option to get the desired output.
    Create a new layer, move it to top and place the menu in that layer.
    Please refer to the following help page for working with layers :

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    did you have a look at the HR application that is shipped with the product? I remember this to use icons that actually render. Also note that for retina display support you need to use as far as i can tell. So you may want to check this as well. The HR sample is in  <JDeveloper install dir>\jdeveloper\jdev\extensions\\Samples\
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    Thanks in advance.

    Change the theme to ui- theme darkness
    @import url("");
    this will bring back your arrows.
    The problem is in the css.  And the redmond theme
    I will look at it later and see if i can isolate the issue .
    Go to kaltura widget folder > skins > ui-themes  to see the css
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    When you say the buttons freeze up, are you saying that you're not able to click the buttons anymore? Or are you able to click on them, but they do nothing? Note if you still get the hand sign for your cursor when you hover over the buttons/hyperlinks. If you don't get it, there may be some content overlapping the buttons/hyperlinks.
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    Hope this helps.

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    Mobile browsers scale the view so the width of the widest content fits the width of the device.
    If there are no items outside the width of the "page" within Muse, then the page will be exactly fit to the width of the device (and if you center your content on the page the content will be centered on the device).
    One additional note, the "page" can have no stroke and no fill, so it need not be something the site visitor sees.

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