Mobile site taking over Desktop site after upload

I have an existing site hosted on a third party server.  I built a mobile site on Muse and just uploaded it via FTP.  Site worked great on mobile device but mobile took over the desktop as well.  I loaded the Muse files into the /. directory.
Thanks for the help!

Thanks Brad for the reply!   I thought that was probably the issue so I removed all of the mobile files I uploaded originally (at least I think I did.)
I uploaded my original "index.html" file from my original files and all went back normal.  I then loaded muse files via FTP to a directory on the root entitled "mobile".  Now on my phone the site will only pull up the desktop.  Isn't Muse suppose to write files to the root for device detection or am I making some mistakes here?

Similar Messages

  • Can't visit site after upload to mobileMe

    I just uploaded my first site to MobileMe from iWeb. When I click the visit button all I get is the page can't be found error

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Try the File->Visit Published site menu option. The drop down visit button often does not work correctly.
    If that doesn't work try this URL:
    Next do a File->Publish Entire Site to MobileMe and see if that will jump start the site.
    You can check the server directly in the Finder by mounting your iDisk and going to the iDisk/Web/Sites folder to see if your website folder is there along with an index.html file.

  • Address Change after upload

    I recently uploaded a website made using iweb. I had previously used a web site designer through the web page provider. When I visited the web site after uploading from iweb, I noticed that the web page address was listed as, instead of the simple I had a counter on the designed website; however, I am not able to see the counter. What can I do to simplify the address and hopefully see the counter? I did a counter widget through iweb and I also did a html widget from the previous web site.

    the [widget of your hit counter|] is too small. After apply the code, you need to resize it: its minimum height need to be 110 px.
    In the sidebar, don't give to your SiteName the name of your domaine, choose a simple name. "Site" (the default name) was not so bad. An iWeb URL is like that :
    If you want to change it you can have trouble with RSS feed (if your remove the sitename ex. "") or Google ( if you choose a frame to display your website, ex. only "" can be seen in the URL bar). i don't think that's a good idea.

  • I have a site here in china that keeps taking over my opened web pages. i have blocked the cookies, the web page, images and it still keeps poping up. how do i get rid of it?

    I am an English Teacher here in China and I depend on my computer a lot. The site is and I done everything I can to block it from taking over web sites. what can I do to get rid of it. it is a php application. here it is.
    PHP Logo
    PHP Version 5.2.14
    System Windows NT 11244CDF7B4F465 5.2 build 3790
    Build Date Jul 21 2010 18:41:42
    Configure Command cscript /nologo configure.js "--enable-snapshot-build" "--enable-debug-pack" "--with-snapshot-template=d:\php-sdk\snap_5_2\vc6\x86\template" "--with-php-build=d:\php-sdk\snap_5_2\vc6\x86\php_build" "--with-pdo-oci=D:\php-sdk\oracle\instantclient10\sdk,shared" "--with-oci8=D:\php-sdk\oracle\instantclient10\sdk,shared" "--without-pi3web"
    Server API Apache 2.0 Handler
    Virtual Directory Support enabled
    Configuration File (php.ini) Path D:\WINDOWS
    Loaded Configuration File (none)
    Scan this dir for additional .ini files (none)
    additional .ini files parsed (none)
    PHP API 20041225
    PHP Extension 20060613
    Zend Extension 220060519
    Debug Build no
    Thread Safety enabled
    Zend Memory Manager enabled
    IPv6 Support enabled
    Registered PHP Streams php, file, data, http, ftp, compress.zlib
    Registered Stream Socket Transports tcp, udp
    Registered Stream Filters convert.iconv.*, string.rot13, string.toupper, string.tolower, string.strip_tags, convert.*, consumed, zlib.*
    Zend logo This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
    Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies
    PHP Credits
    PHP Core
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    allow_call_time_pass_reference On On
    allow_url_fopen On On
    allow_url_include Off Off
    always_populate_raw_post_data Off Off
    arg_separator.input & &
    arg_separator.output & &
    asp_tags Off Off
    auto_append_file no value no value
    auto_globals_jit On On
    auto_prepend_file no value no value
    browscap no value no value
    default_charset no value no value
    default_mimetype text/html text/html
    define_syslog_variables Off Off
    disable_classes no value no value
    disable_functions no value no value
    display_errors On On
    display_startup_errors Off Off
    doc_root no value no value
    docref_ext no value no value
    docref_root no value no value
    enable_dl On On
    error_append_string no value no value
    error_log no value no value
    error_prepend_string no value no value
    error_reporting no value no value
    expose_php On On
    extension_dir C:\php5 C:\php5
    file_uploads On On #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
    highlight.comment #FF8000 #FF8000
    highlight.default #0000BB #0000BB
    highlight.html #000000 #000000
    highlight.keyword #007700 #007700
    highlight.string #DD0000 #DD0000
    html_errors On On
    ignore_repeated_errors Off Off
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    ignore_user_abort Off Off
    implicit_flush Off Off
    include_path .;C:\php5\pear .;C:\php5\pear
    log_errors Off Off
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    magic_quotes_sybase Off Off
    mail.force_extra_parameters no value no value
    max_execution_time 30 30
    max_file_uploads 20 20
    max_input_nesting_level 64 64
    max_input_time -1 -1
    memory_limit 128M 128M
    open_basedir no value no value
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    post_max_size 8M 8M
    precision 14 14
    realpath_cache_size 16K 16K
    realpath_cache_ttl 120 120
    register_argc_argv On On
    register_globals Off Off
    register_long_arrays On On
    report_memleaks On On
    report_zend_debug On On
    safe_mode Off Off
    safe_mode_exec_dir no value no value
    safe_mode_gid Off Off
    safe_mode_include_dir no value no value
    sendmail_from no value no value
    sendmail_path no value no value
    serialize_precision 100 100
    short_open_tag On On
    SMTP localhost localhost
    smtp_port 25 25
    sql.safe_mode Off Off
    track_errors Off Off
    unserialize_callback_func no value no value
    upload_max_filesize 2M 2M
    upload_tmp_dir no value no value
    user_dir no value no value
    variables_order EGPCS EGPCS
    xmlrpc_error_number 0 0
    xmlrpc_errors Off Off
    y2k_compliance On On
    zend.ze1_compatibility_mode Off Off
    Apache Version Apache/2.0.55 (Win32) PHP/5.2.14
    Apache API Version 20020903
    Server Administrator [email protected]
    Hostname:Port ahdx:8005
    Max Requests Per Child: 0 - Keep Alive: on - Max Per Connection: 100
    Timeouts Connection: 300 - Keep-Alive: 15
    Virtual Server No
    Server Root D:/Apache2
    Loaded Modules core mod_win32 mpm_winnt http_core mod_so mod_access mod_actions mod_alias mod_asis mod_auth mod_autoindex mod_cgi mod_dir mod_env mod_imap mod_include mod_isapi mod_log_config mod_mime mod_negotiation mod_setenvif mod_userdir mod_php5

    I am an English Teacher here in China and I depend on my computer a lot. The site is and I done everything I can to block it from taking over web sites. what can I do to get rid of it. it is a php application. here it is.
    PHP Logo
    PHP Version 5.2.14
    System Windows NT 11244CDF7B4F465 5.2 build 3790
    Build Date Jul 21 2010 18:41:42
    Configure Command cscript /nologo configure.js "--enable-snapshot-build" "--enable-debug-pack" "--with-snapshot-template=d:\php-sdk\snap_5_2\vc6\x86\template" "--with-php-build=d:\php-sdk\snap_5_2\vc6\x86\php_build" "--with-pdo-oci=D:\php-sdk\oracle\instantclient10\sdk,shared" "--with-oci8=D:\php-sdk\oracle\instantclient10\sdk,shared" "--without-pi3web"
    Server API Apache 2.0 Handler
    Virtual Directory Support enabled
    Configuration File (php.ini) Path D:\WINDOWS
    Loaded Configuration File (none)
    Scan this dir for additional .ini files (none)
    additional .ini files parsed (none)
    PHP API 20041225
    PHP Extension 20060613
    Zend Extension 220060519
    Debug Build no
    Thread Safety enabled
    Zend Memory Manager enabled
    IPv6 Support enabled
    Registered PHP Streams php, file, data, http, ftp, compress.zlib
    Registered Stream Socket Transports tcp, udp
    Registered Stream Filters convert.iconv.*, string.rot13, string.toupper, string.tolower, string.strip_tags, convert.*, consumed, zlib.*
    Zend logo This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:
    Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies
    PHP Credits
    PHP Core
    Directive Local Value Master Value
    allow_call_time_pass_reference On On
    allow_url_fopen On On
    allow_url_include Off Off
    always_populate_raw_post_data Off Off
    arg_separator.input & &
    arg_separator.output & &
    asp_tags Off Off
    auto_append_file no value no value
    auto_globals_jit On On
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    browscap no value no value
    default_charset no value no value
    default_mimetype text/html text/html
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    disable_classes no value no value
    disable_functions no value no value
    display_errors On On
    display_startup_errors Off Off
    doc_root no value no value
    docref_ext no value no value
    docref_root no value no value
    enable_dl On On
    error_append_string no value no value
    error_log no value no value
    error_prepend_string no value no value
    error_reporting no value no value
    expose_php On On
    extension_dir C:\php5 C:\php5
    file_uploads On On #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
    highlight.comment #FF8000 #FF8000
    highlight.default #0000BB #0000BB
    highlight.html #000000 #000000
    highlight.keyword #007700 #007700
    highlight.string #DD0000 #DD0000
    html_errors On On
    ignore_repeated_errors Off Off
    ignore_repeated_source Off Off
    ignore_user_abort Off Off
    implicit_flush Off Off
    include_path .;C:\php5\pear .;C:\php5\pear
    log_errors Off Off
    log_errors_max_len 1024 1024
    magic_quotes_gpc On On
    magic_quotes_runtime Off Off
    magic_quotes_sybase Off Off
    mail.force_extra_parameters no value no value
    max_execution_time 30 30
    max_file_uploads 20 20
    max_input_nesting_level 64 64
    max_input_time -1 -1
    memory_limit 128M 128M
    open_basedir no value no value
    output_buffering 0 0
    output_handler no value no value
    post_max_size 8M 8M
    precision 14 14
    realpath_cache_size 16K 16K
    realpath_cache_ttl 120 120
    register_argc_argv On On
    register_globals Off Off
    register_long_arrays On On
    report_memleaks On On
    report_zend_debug On On
    safe_mode Off Off
    safe_mode_exec_dir no value no value
    safe_mode_gid Off Off
    safe_mode_include_dir no value no value
    sendmail_from no value no value
    sendmail_path no value no value
    serialize_precision 100 100
    short_open_tag On On
    SMTP localhost localhost
    smtp_port 25 25
    sql.safe_mode Off Off
    track_errors Off Off
    unserialize_callback_func no value no value
    upload_max_filesize 2M 2M
    upload_tmp_dir no value no value
    user_dir no value no value
    variables_order EGPCS EGPCS
    xmlrpc_error_number 0 0
    xmlrpc_errors Off Off
    y2k_compliance On On
    zend.ze1_compatibility_mode Off Off
    Apache Version Apache/2.0.55 (Win32) PHP/5.2.14
    Apache API Version 20020903
    Server Administrator [email protected]
    Hostname:Port ahdx:8005
    Max Requests Per Child: 0 - Keep Alive: on - Max Per Connection: 100
    Timeouts Connection: 300 - Keep-Alive: 15
    Virtual Server No
    Server Root D:/Apache2
    Loaded Modules core mod_win32 mpm_winnt http_core mod_so mod_access mod_actions mod_alias mod_asis mod_auth mod_autoindex mod_cgi mod_dir mod_env mod_imap mod_include mod_isapi mod_log_config mod_mime mod_negotiation mod_setenvif mod_userdir mod_php5

  • Redirecting between a desktop-browser site and a mobile site

    My company is inheriting a site built by another party in CQ5. This site is intended to be viewed on a desktop browser. We are tasked with building a mobile site for it. Our creative department would like the user's browser to be detected, and if the user requests a page on the desktop site from a mobile browser, they would be redirected to the mobile site. Is there any way to do this on the server side without disabling caching on the site?

    nevertheless, you need it in places for uncached requests. additionally you have the options of:
    - javascript redirect (allows you to build an "opt-out" for the user, i.e. the user wants to stay on desktop regardless of mobile device, via cookie)
    <script language=javascript>
    if (navigator.userAgent.match(/mobile/i))
    - apache configuration redirect
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^.*(mobile).*$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^$ [L,R=302]

  • Broken links after uploading web site to server

    We created our office's web site using Dreamweaver CS4, and uploaded it to the server of our ISP.  Prior to uploading, we tested the site in both IE7 and Firefox, and everything worked fine.  After uploading, however, all images are lost and several of our links are broken.  Any suggestions on where to start looking and how to fix are very appreciated.

    Your code is whacked. Your page can't find the Spry files. Your code is like this:
    <link href="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="../SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarVertical.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    That dot-dot part (../) means the page needs to back up to the parent folder, then enter the SpryAssets folder. Same for your images and links:
    <h1><a href="../Images/larger-logo.jpg"><img src="../Images/larger-logo.jpg" alt="logo" width="300" height="150" border="0" align="left" /></a></h1>
    Looks like you used a Dreamweaver template and somehow your links/references got messed up. It has nothing to do with uploading to a server. The problem is most likely caused by [a] Dreamweaver site not properly configured, or [b] improper use of a Dreamweaver template. You'll need to either manually fix all the bad code or try to recreate a page based on the template - or even recreate the template.
    First thing first - you need to understand the problem. Do you understand - looking at your code - what the problem is? Why those ../ are breaking things? Do you understand the concept of paths? You need to understand that before you can understand how to fix this.

  • Synchronized text issue from desktop to mobile site design

    Hello, I love the idea of synchronized text, but is there a way to assign different styles on both desktop and mobile site pages?
    For example, If I use synchronized text on my desktop pages, my font sizes will be larger then the font sizes I would use for my mobile site pages. But, using synchronized text, if that content is linked between my desktop and mobile pages, I'm limited to one font size, which would work for my desktop site but the font size would be too large for my mobile site.
    The content between between desktop and mobile would be the same text, but I need the option to assign a different font size for my mobile site.
    Is this possible? If not, can you please add this to new features.
    Thanks much

    Single page websites can be great for new sites or for some special projects, but I won't recommend them as long-term solutions and, if you already have a multi-page website, I do not recommend switching to a single-page site.
    If your single page site has great content and good structure, google might provide same treatment as it does for various sub pages website.
    A useful Video by Matt Cutt, head of the webspam team at Google
    Search engines will index all the pages of your website, providing multiple opportunities for your site to come up in searches. When your site consists of only one page, a single page is exactly what you’ll have indexed.
    That means if you have many services, many products, single page design will really compromise your rank and result in search engine.
    Do let me know if you have some more questions.

  • When I save a site after I modify the file the changes do not show up in my upload file.

    When I save a site after I modify the file the changes do not show up in my upload file. What am I doing wrong?

    Start here:
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows

  • Background for site does not show up after uploading to webhost...

    My background for my website does not show up on my webhost after uploading site with Dreamweaver.
    Here is my site:
    Here is the backgroud image: rport=21&username=a2022293&language=en&skin=blue&ftpmode=automatic&passivemode=no&sslconne ct=no&viewmode=list&sort=&sortorder=&state=view&state2=image&directory=%2Fpublic_html%2Fim ages&entry=Background.png
    I know the background image successfully uploaded to my webhost, because it shows up in my file manager. What is wrong here? How do I fix this?

    So it was a path issue  :-)  Glad you sorted it .
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    Unique CSS Templates |Tutorials |SEO Articles
    Book: Ultimate CSS Reference

  • Mobile site instead of desktop site when re-directed

    I have re-directed my website about 24 hours ago to BC but now my mobile site is showing instead of the desktop site. How do I fix it?

    If you have designed the site using Muse, then please check the content links as which relative links you have used for.
    if you will use mobile version link for site content then site will redirect to mobile version.
    If not Muse then pm me the site url, we will have to check few things here.

  • Everytime i go to watch a video on youtube, weather it be the mobile site, desktop version or the app, it always says 'video unavailable on this device' this only started happening in the last few weeks! Can someone help???

    Everytime i go to watch a video on youtube, weather it be the mobile site, desktop version or the app, it always says 'video unavailable on this device' this only started happening in the last few weeks! Can someone help???

    Most YouTube content requires the Flash plugin. Sometimes it's necessary to uninstall then reinstall that plugin.
    Uninstall the Flash plugin then reinstall new >  Troubleshoot Flash Player | Mac OS
    Very important to uninstall the currently installed plugin first.
    Now launch Safari and try a video.
    If you have the ClickToFlash extension installed, that can prevent Flash based video from streaming. It can also be installed as a plugin in /Library/Internet-Plug-Ins.
    And check to see if Safari is running in 32 bit mode. Right or control click the Safari icon in your Applications folder then click Get Info. If the box next to:  Open in 32 bit mode  is selected, deselect, quit then relaunch Safari.
    You may also need to delete the cache associated with Safari .
    Open the Finder. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type or copy/paste:   ~/Library/Caches/
    Click Go the move the Cache.db file from the folder to the Trash.
    Quit and relaunch Safari. Try a video.

  • Yahoo mobile site looks horrible after

    For some reason, after the yahoo mobile website looks horrible, looks like a standard mobile page (like what you would expect on WinMo) rather than the enhanced mobile site. Anyone else having this problem?

    Yes, same here.  The site is showing text only, totally archaic!  I think I saw a thread on about this too.  Hopefully it will be resolved ASAP!

  • Muse mobile site and desktop site

    I have made two seperate muse sites, one mobile and tablet and the other desktop.
    I want to put them together?? With having to redo either of them, there must be a way

    Using Muse, I was wondering if there is a way to convert a website that is already built into a mobile website. I have no idea how the website was originally built. My client is asking me to build a mobile site for his current site without touching his desktop site. His site was originally built in Dreamweaver I think but he have no way of finding the files and lost contact with his original designer. We don't want to start a new site from scratch with a new domain because he is afraid of losing his seo work.
    In other words. My client site was build in Dreamweaver or something else. I am not a programer and was going to use muse to make his mobile site. So the question is how do I link a muse made mobile site to his desktop site?
    Thank you.

  • Desktop site logs into the mobile site on 7 and 10 tablets?

    In the past few months I have noticed that every time I log into the community from a tablet (7 inch or a 10 inch), the login page loads the mobile site when I originally started with the desktop view. The only way I could prevent it is to set the check box "request desktop site" beforehand. Once I'm logged the desktop view will stay from the bookmark until I report the first post in a thread to the Moderators for review. If I don't have check box for desktop activated before, the report script loads the mobile site instead. This didn't used to happen. For most of the year since the last forum "update" the desktop view would load all the time on the tablets. If I wanted the mobile site, I would be reading the forum from my phone not my tablet. The 10 inch tablet would easily be able to use the desktop view effectively has it has a similar screen size to some of the smaller netbooks and chromebooks available. Yet this site loads the mobile site which is nowhere near as powerful or useful as the desktop view.
    Has anyone else seen this behavior on the login switch or reporting posts?
    This isn't the first odd thing I have seen occur in the past year. Many of those things still happen on here. It would be nice if some of these things got fixed.

    Yep, A BUNCH OF CRAP!!!!
    They are forcing us to "THE COMMUNITY" in the hopes that someone in "THE COMMUNITY" is smart enough to have figured out a BLINKIN' ANSWER INSTEAD OF HIRING AND TRAINING THEIR OWN FRIGGIN' SUPPORT STAFF!!!!!!!!!
    As Ann154 indicated - NO FRICKIN' SUPPORT here!!!!!!
    Apparently they are willing to force all these **** changes on us and have us figure them out.
    No one here (including me) apparently wants any of these new MOBILE 'hybrid' apps on our desktops and/or tablets - BUT WE SEEMINGLY HAVE NO CHOICE except to switch carriers.
    This is why I have not renewed my multi-phone contract because my intent very soon is to bail for Sprint or T-Mobile - their coverage "IS GOOD ENOUGH" for us to use.
    First, Verizon Fios forces this recent USER INTERFACE on us with the crappy colors that MANY people actually do believe is horrible. --- And next, they push this MOBILE interface on ALL OF US as if we ARE ALL DOPPIE teenagers without a full brain.
      This kind of activity causes even more attrition, more folks leaving their subscriber base - what a waste.

  • Creating mobile sites in muse.

    I'm creating some mobile sites in muse to work with existing sites created in Business Catalyst. How does the viewing device know there is a mobi site and go to it rather than the existing site? Do I need to switch anything over?

    Hi Rich,
    [ - I know this is an old topic, but for anyone else reading - ]
    I had succes with merging Mobile only sites with our existing BC site.
    - Ensure you have BC set for mobile only content (Admin console > Site Settings)
    - Use Muse to export the 'phone layout' site as HTML
    - Use an SFTP client to upload the mobile site to the '' folder
    Desktops still see (built using BC templates modules etc)
    Mobile devices see (built using Muse)
    All the best,

Maybe you are looking for