Modern/Metro API and in-house Applications

Any chance developers will have a way to use the modern/metro API for in-house apps without having to use the store API?

It's not clear what you are asking. I'm sure what you mean by "the modern/metro API" and "the store API". In most uses these would both refer to the Windows Runtime API.
You can use create in-house
Windows Runtime apps and side-load them without deploying through the store. Side-loaded apps can communicate with desktop components to affect the system in ways prevented to store deployed apps. With Windows 10, Windows Store apps can run in a window
in the desktop rather than being in a separate full or partial screen.
You can also use some parts of the Windows Runtime in desktop apps. Check the documentation's requirements section to see if the classes you are interested are marked for Windows store apps, for desktop apps, or both..

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    If you can't fill it in in Preview, try downloading Adobe Reader and fill it in that way.
    Also, it may not be electronically fillable. You may have to print it and fill it out by hand.

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    Hi Nilesh,
    Status of BizTalk application can be obtained using ExplorerOM API provided by product. It's Application class has a Status property that returns one of Not Applicable, Started, Stopped, Partially Started.
    using Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM;
    private string GetApplicationStatus(string applicationName)
    BtsCatalogExplorer catalog = new BtsCatalogExplorer();
    string status = "";
    //connection string to BizTalk management database
    catalog.ConnectionString = "SERVER=.;DATABASE=BizTalkMgmtDb;Integrated Security=SSPI";
    Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.Application app = catalog.Applications[applicationName];
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    System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("MyMonitoryingApp", "Exception call stack: " + ex.ToString());
    if (catalog != null) { catalog.Dispose(); }
    return status;
    UPDATE: Found the thread from where I got this code. Thanks to Ashwin for providing it.
    Reg Stored Procedures for BizTalk Application Status in BizTalk Admin Console
    Please mark as answer or vote as helpful if my reply does

  • API and WebServices

    What is WebServices and API in MDM? How both are linked to each other when you are doing ABAP API in the real time scenarios?
    Thanks in Advance,
    Best Regards,

    Web services for MDM are open interfaces to the MDM Server. They provide data management capabilities (create, read, update) and access to central key mapping (create, read). MDM Web Services provide synchronous access to MDM for the consumer of the Web services.
    The MDM Web services can be used to:
    ●  Manage Master Data Objects
    ○  Existence check of a central master object before local creation
    ○ Retrieve details and create a local replicate
    ○ Create or update master data objects on MDM
    ● Manage Unique Identifiers of Master Data Objects
    ○ Remote system registers local object as replicate of global object
    ○ Key mapping during message exchange on SAP NetWeaver XI
    Also MDM Web services provides the following Web service categories:
    ●  Key Mapping Web services
    To create and retrieve key mapping information for MDM records
    ● CRUD (Create, Retrieve and Update; Delete not yet provided) Web services
    It exposes MDM's rich functionality in searching for records and maintaining data in records (for example, main table, lookups, qualifiers).Another category of Web services, developed to support MDM Customer Data Integration (CDI), is the Business Partner (BP) CRUD Web services. In contrast to MDM CRUD Web services that are schema-independent, the BP Web services are hard-wired to MDM’s Business Partner repository/schema. Schema changes require the adaptation of the interface and of the code of the BP Web services.
    The MDM ABAP API provides an interface for accessing SAP MDM 5.5 using ABAP. The interface is easy to configure and convenient to use.It is optimized for ABAP developers and available using ABAP Objects and function modules (partly remote enabled). In addition to the core services performed on the records (create, retrieve, update, delete, query, etc), metadata (tables, fields, etc.) and administrative functions (such as repository) are delivered.
    The MDM ABAP API empowers ABAP-based applications to control MDM Servers using most of the functions available in the MDM Console and MDM Data Manager applications.
    The API is provided with:
    ● Interfaces and methods (ABAP objects)
    ●  Function groups and function modules
    The interfaces with the extension SIMPLE have the following advantages:
    ● Simple and comfortable access
    ● Generic and object-oriented
    ● Methods use DDIC structures (no arrays, but tables and fields)


    Hello MDM gurus
    I have never used any Java API or ABAP API to leverage and present MDM functionalities on front end systems like portal,etc...
    Could you please give me all the required to play around with JAVA api and ABAP api's.
    Points will be given to every valuable answer.

    Hi Nazeer,
    In order to use Portal you need Java APIs and to start with refer the MDM Java docs to get the basic idea of various classes and methods to be used in developing the simple java application and access it using portal.
    Sample code for Duplicating Repository
    public class TestDuplicateRepository
               public static ConnectionPool simpleConnection;
               public static RepositoryIdentifier repIdentifier,repIdentifier1;
         public static String session;
         public static String connection = "MDMServer_Test";
         public static String repository1 = "Test_Repository";
         public static String repository2 = "Test_Duplicate";
              public static DBMSType dbmsType = DBMSType.MS_SQL;
         public static void main(String[] args)throws CommandException, ConnectionException
                   //Creating Connection.
                   simpleConnection = ConnectionPoolFactory.getInstance(connection);     
                   //Establishing connection with Repository.
                   repIdentifier = new RepositoryIdentifier(repository1, connection, dbmsType);
                   repIdentifier1 = new RepositoryIdentifier(repository2, connection, dbmsType);
                   //Creation Sever Session.
                   CreateServerSessionCommand createServerSessionCmd = new CreateServerSessionCommand(simpleConnection);
                   session = createServerSessionCmd.getSession();
                   //Authenticating Server Session.                    
                   AuthenticateServerSessionCommand auth= new AuthenticateServerSessionCommand(simpleConnection);
                   session = auth.getSession();     
                   //Duplicate Repository Command
                   DuplicateRepositoryCommand duplRepCmd = new DuplicateRepositoryCommand(simpleConnection);
    Similarly you can try with Getting server version, Archive repository and then move on to adding,modifying records etc.
    For ABAP APIs refer the below link
    Jitesh Talreja

  • BPM 11g: JAVA API and Webservice API

    Who knows BPM 11g: JAVA API and Webservice API?
    Customer want to call BPM 11g between Heterogeneous systems, such .net framework. One way is use webservice API, I think, but where can find it? thank you

    When you create a BPM application in 11g, you're actually creating a SOA composite application with a BPMN component in the composite. From within the BPMN editor, you can specify the interface (parameters) of each start node in the process. If you select a start node, look at the implementation tab, you'll see a properties group that lets you define the interface one property at a time, or by selecting an interface from the catalog.
    By defining these properties you're also defining the shape of the Web Service interface that will automatically be created in the composite. If you switch to the composite view, you'll see your BPMN process with a wire to it from a Web Service that's generated from the interface defined in the BPMN editor. The naming convention is the BPMN process name with ".service" appended. When you deploy the BPMN process, the web service will also be deployed, since it's also part of the composite. From Enterprise Manager (EM) you can test the service and get the WSDL, which could be used by other applications (e.g. .NET) to start and interact with a process instance.
    This is one of the advantages of the 11g architecture. The composite exposes services to consumers/clients. The implementation could have been BPEL, BPMN, a Mediator, Java/EJBs, or any combination working together. To the consumer, it's just a web service.
    In case your next question was about security ... you won't see properties about security in the BPMN editor. You use Web Service Manager to apply security or other constraints to the web service endpoint.

  • Java IDE (JBuilder) cannot find J2ME's API and packages

    could anyone help me with this?
    I went to sun's java web site, and I downloaded and install the latest version of the wireless toolkit. I need to create a windows application that can send/receive MMS messenges, and hence the need for the J2ME's API and also WMA's API.
    However, even after I installed the wireless toolkit, my Java IDE (JBuilder 2005) cannot detect any packages like "javax.microedition.*" or "javax.wireless.*" etc etc
    Is there a place where I can download/purchase J2ME. Please be patient with me because I am a newbie in the world of J2ME... thanks :)

    When you configuring your project in JBuilder just add some jar (which you need) from wtk library in section "include"
    Project properties
    Required libries
    and add here addition j2me libraries.

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    Does anyone know have documentation on basic order entry scnerios and APIs to use and further information on variations of ERP_LORD_SET that may save us some time?
    Any additional information will be appreciated.

    How will they be able to access your application if they aren't users of the system?

  • Steps for java apis and mdm

    Hi all ,
    How we can work with JAVA APIs and MDM .
    Please tell step by step ways.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi Man,
    You have to specify the correct JAR files in the classpath of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The API consists of five JAR files:
    1. mdm-admin.jar
    2. mdm-common.jar
    3. mdm-core.jar
    4. mdm-data.jar
    5. mdm-protocol.jar
    These files in one single archive file with the name MDMJavaAPI_Ver<buildnumber>.zip. you can download this file from the service market place by using mentioned below link:
    then goto Download>Support Packages and Patches> Entry by application group -->SAP NetWeaver -->SAP MDM -->SAPMDM5.5 -->Java API
    for the Java API documentation, you can download it from the link below:
    But remember one thing that this JAVA API Version file must be compitable with your MDM Server can verify this as per the build version.
    Hope this will help you.
    Edited by: Saurabh Kumar Sahu on Feb 1, 2008 8:09 AM
    Edited by: Saurabh Kumar Sahu on Feb 4, 2008 7:49 AM

  • Compiler API  and Tomcat

    I am using the new compiler api to compile dynamically generated classes.
    To get the compiler tool i call:
    JavaCompiler compilerTool = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); when I run this from eclipse with the integrated tomcat everyhing works fine but if I deploy the application on the external tomcat i get a null pointer exception because getSystemJavaCompiler(); always returns null.
    Somebody got an idea why?

    sigh, NEVER put ANYTHING in the jre/lib/ext directory.
    It's a bad thing that it's even there, as it causes systems to become mutually incompatible and to behave unpredictably when different versions of classes are needed/present.
    The compiler API (and others) that depend on the local filesystem are disallowed by application servers for security reasons.
    You've just given access to every cracker in the world to your system by allowing them to compile and run code on your machine with root privileges. Your boss will thank you.

  • Calling BO(Business Objects API ) from my J2EE Application

    We have an application which contains a module that handles
    User Creation and Maintenance.
    Right now we have New and Authorize screens.
    Basically these users can access reports in BO.
    But this user creation in BO(Bussiness Objects) is done manually in BO.
    Now I need to automate this user creation in BO from my UserMaintenance Module.
    BO has exposed an API thru which we can call functions to create an User in BO.
    My problem is where to call this API from ?We call a stored procedure for authorizing a new user in UserMaintenace Module.
    We use Struts Framework.
    Action class--->ServiceClass-----> DAOClass
    In this DAO class we call this stored procedure to authorize the user creation.
    My question is where to call this API from .
    That is ,it should be called from DAO or ACtion class or Service class.
    How to call an external API and what are the issues that are generally involved in calling an external API.
    Fortunately both my weblogic and BO servers reside on the same unix server.
    While calling an API should I have to take care about Portnumbers,external machine location i.e host address,
    How to handle database connection.
    Can someone throw an answer to these questions.
    Thanks in advance

    As I understand, your user management is through database, so when a user is created in your application, the parameters pass through the Action Handler -> service class-> DAO. So a better way would be write an additional class with the user management implementation of BO with a constructor or a method which would take the required user creation parameters and call it in the service class just under the user creation method of your DAO.
    As the user in your system passes some information from the front end, the same can be used to create user in BO.

  • Using the JMS API in Java EE Applications

    Hello to all,
    this is some sort of theoretical question.
    I been reading the JMS documentation for a while.
    1.I could not understand what this statement means :
    This section describes the ways in which using the JMS API in enterprise bean applications or web applications differs from using it in application clients.
    2. What is the difference to use the JMS in java EE web orEJB container and application client ?

    peterwkc wrote:
    Hello to all,
    this is some sort of theoretical question.
    I been reading the JMS documentation for a while.
    1.I could not understand what this statement means :
    This section describes the ways in which using the JMS API in enterprise bean applications or web applications differs from using it in application clients.
    What a developer is allowed to do is different depending on whether they are writing code to run in a container or not. The container already provides lots of services so some code you would write for outside a container is not needed when you write for a container. There are APIs that you are not allowed for in container code if you want to adhere to the spec.
    2. What is the difference to use the JMS in java EE web orEJB container and application client ?
    Thanks.Read more of that document to find out the differences. Application components in Web/EJBs must not create more than one active session per connection while application clients are allowed to do so.

  • Work Manager API in Sun Java Application Server 8.1

    I am trying to build a parallel application using Work Manager api (;)
    I studied the Websphere implementation of WorkManager there you need to make JNDI lookup for work manager and then use it to submit the work.
    My question is if i make class which will implement the; interface and use that class to submit the work and execute it in parallel then will that class will handle the resource management and all j2ee services
    Do we have separate implementation of work manager API for Sun Java Application Server 8.1 (any jar like asynch.jar in IBM websphere) so that we will just create a work manager using admin console and make JNDI lookup and use it
    Please guide me

    Before I start, disclaimer -- I have no knowledge of Hibernate and the following comments are based on the stack trace you have included.
    I think your permissions might be set all right but you might have an error in the hibernate query. It looks like hibernate uses antlr to parse the queries. While parsing the query, antlr is encountering an exceptional condition and is trying to exit the VM (by calling System.exit()). Obviously, the hibernate code does not have that permission and therefore the exception is logged.
    My guess is if you fix the query such that hibernate/antlr can parse it, you will not run into this error.
    Hope this helps,

  • How to integrate third party API and DLL

    Dear sir/Madam
    How can i integrate the third party high level API and DLL into my DLL, project keeping in view that all their functions and their definitions kept hidden. i have tried it but when importing the functions in the DLL and export the high level functions, compiler demands their declarations and prototypes.
    Is their a way to hide all these high level functions and still utilize them.
    thanks, regards

    Hi Matrix39,
    The compiler will still need the proper prototypes for the functions called in the third party DLL to compile your DLL whether you are using explicit or implicit linking to call the functions.  Declaring these prototypes in your DLL does not mean they will be exported by your DLL.  The functions exported by your DLL can be configured by navigating to Build»Target Settings in CVI.  From here you can configure what functions your DLL exports by clicking the Change... button in the Export section.  There are several options for specifying the functions including using header files and manual export declarations.  See the CVI Help for more information.
    Justin D
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • IME API and IME Text Input Enhancement

    Hi All,
    I am presently using Adobe Air 1.5 Framework and i want to update the Air 2 Beta version. Help me in setting the same.
    As in my application, it uses TLF which doesn't supprot IME. But as i came to know the features from AIR 2 Beta it provides.
    Can you help me for the same in implementing the feature "IME API and IME Text Input Enhancement" with some samples or examples.
    Thanks in advacne.

    I do not know what VM is ported on ur Pocket PC? It depends on the MIDP RI [Reference Imlementation] ported specific for each device. for e.g.:- for few pointer/touch screen devices the MIDP RI ported handles both the keypad and the pointer mappings automatically.
    Kindly check out the below link where-in you have list of JVM's that you could port on your pocket PC.
    Most of the palm or pocket PC's would be ported with CDC/Foundation Profile where you will have JNI support that may help you to develop your own application specific API's using the existing device native libraries provided by the vendor.
    IBM's J9 VM for example supports JNI.

Maybe you are looking for

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