Modifying components in learning interactions

I've created a multi-choice quiz, but now I want to be able to change the location and text color of the interactive messages that appear when the user takes the quiz.
I created the quiz by dragging the learning interaction component to the stage.  Everything works beautifully.  Just want to format and change the values of some of the properties, such as the location of the feedback text, the text color, etc.  How do you do that?
Thanks for any help you can give me!

An update . . . I'm able to change the question text font, color and size using the values box in the properties of the component.  However, I can't figure out how to format the options' values, as well as the feedback boxes.  Specifically, for the feedback text boxes, I would like to change their placement.
Thanks so much for any pointers.

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    Are you trying to assign the value from the array:
    SessionArray[0].interaction_ID to your variable qresult?
    If so, you're using the wrong operator symbol. "==" is a
    comparison operator (it tests to see if something is equal to
    something else and returns a "true" or "false")
    To assign the value you'd do this: qresult =
    SessionArray[0].interaction_ID; (note the single "=")
    Then you can load the value of qresult into your text field
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    Originally posted by:
    Hi Everyone
    I m working on an flash quiz done by learning interactions
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    > I have a Flash 8 FLVPlayback component on stage, with
    > an instance name of 'vid'. In a frame script I have:
    > vid.setMedia("dd2.flv");
    The FLVPlayback class does not feature a setMedia() method,
    that I can
    see. According to the docs, FLVPlayback "wraps" Not
    sure if that means "inherits," but assuming for sake of
    argument that it
    does, the VideoPlayer class does not faeture a setMedia()
    method, either.
    Unfortunately, the docs get a bit cryptic at this point, IMO.
    The FLVPlayer
    Component has a contentPath property, as you mentioned, but I
    don't see the
    same property in either of the aforementioned classes.
    Perhaps something in the inheritance chain provides for a
    FLVPlayback.setContent property. I see references to a
    class, but can't seem to find that class reference anywhere.
    If you can do without the FLVPlayer Component, you may just
    want to use
    a Video object to load your external FLV.
    stiller (at) quip (dot) net
    Dev essays:
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

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    open the fla in flash and see if there's an flvplayback component on stage.  if there is change its size to match your flv.  if not, search for .source (as3) or .contentPath (as2).  that will lead you to the object that plays the flv and you can assign its size using actioscript .

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    "rjh" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:gm0h9p$c28$[email protected]..
    >I just received the new elearning suite which includes
    Flash CS4 with the
    > learning interactions.
    > At this point I can find no documentation regarding the
    new learning
    > interactions. It is NOT in the basic help files for
    Flash CS4 and the
    > learning
    > interactions are different than in previous versions of
    > Does anyone know where more detailed documentation can
    be found for these
    > new
    > learning interactions?
    These might help a.html

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    That sure is a lot of code for a little quiz.
    Without seeing the flash file, I can't be 100% sure, but it
    looks like the following code is what you will have to adjust in
    order for the counting function to work right according to you
    introducting another movie clip in to the path.
    on (release) {
    The "_parent._parent.QuizTrack.setNewPage();" may need to be
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    quiz into. Maybe something like
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    So you are trying to return the value of the text field
    vcheck.onRelease = function (){
    trace (qresult.text);
    Dan Smith > adobe community expert
    Flash Helps >
    "Mike@MTS" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g409j5$st8$[email protected]..
    > I've reposted this hoping someone can help.
    > I'm using learning interactions components to create
    question and answer
    > session at the end of a lesson.
    > I need to get at the interaction tracking values for
    each Q&A which will
    > be
    > used elsewhere.
    > I have found some Macromedia documentation :
    > "Tracking properties available in the SessionArray
    > The property names references standard interaction
    tracking values for
    > both
    > AICC and SCORM LMS. You can retrieve an interaction?s
    properties by
    > referencing
    > its location in the following command:
    > SessionArray[n].[property_name]
    > For example, to reference the interaction_ID value for
    interaction #1, you
    > would use this command:
    > SessionArray[0].interaction_ID
    > To reference the result value for interaction #2, you
    would use this
    > command:
    > SessionArray[1].result."
    > I am not great with actionscript so can anyone help. I
    need to get the
    > information to be passed into a text field.
    > Attach Code
    > stop();
    > var qresult:String;
    > var vcheck:Button;
    > qresult="";
    > vcheck.onRelease = function (){
    > trace (SessionArray[0].interaction_ID);
    > SessionArray[0].interaction_ID=qresult;
    > }
    > All I get is in the qresult text field is 'undefined'.
    > Can anyone help please.

  • Learning interaction 2001: better feature than 2004, but why?

    The 2001 Drag and Drop learning interaction will give an array based on your instance names, when you request SessionArray[1].student_response.
    This is very usefull as a set of results to export.
    The 2004 Drag and Drop learning interaction will give a list like this {1.a,2.b,3.c,4.d,5.e,6.f}, as an exported set of results
    Why was the 2001 feature changed, it was brillent! Is there any way I can work round it, as I really need something more than {1.a,2.b,3.c,4.d,5.e,6.f}. I can't use the old version as I need to export at version 8 or above.

    Sorry, yes I am.
    The learning components that come with Flash. I'm using CS3. They have been very helpful in allowing a nice looking quiz, but I need results in more detail than "this person scored 80%"

  • Component Learning Interactions

    Anybody familiar to this component and want to help me
    out?:-) I am trying to make an online quiz with this, but since I
    am norwegian and working with flash 8 (yes, I a about to upgrade to
    cs4 in the near future) and the norwegian alphabet has specific it possible to change the languag in the component?
    Appreciate an answer:-)

    Hi Conrad!
    As you have no doubt already realized, using the Learning
    Interaction templates that are available in Flash MX / MX2004 and 8
    will not work at all in Presenter content.
    The coding methods conflict while playing back within the
    Breeze environment and I
    think it has to do with the _dropTarget property as part of
    the interaction's codebase. The _dropTarget method is NOT supported
    in Breeze, but the hitTest() method IS!
    I have written a few drag and drop exercises that do work
    within Breeze content, and you have to use the hitTest() method to
    accomplish it.
    As you already have discovered, the bottom line is that the
    learning components were intended to be "stand alone" objects that
    could be incorporated into a web page (or even a CD as these
    objects are nothing more than swf files). Aside from the fact that
    the prebuilt/preconfigured learning objects in flash don't always
    work in Breeze, in my mind, the bigger question here is the ability
    (or more accurately) the inability to connect these SCO's to an LMS
    for tracking. As stand alone objects, they're actually pretty
    handy...but not in Breeze.
    I realize this doesn't help much with what you're trying to
    do, but from my perspective, you're better off creating your own
    drag n' drops.
    I've got a bunch of examples to share if you'd like to take a
    look...just send me a PM or email if you're interested.
    [email protected]

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    The working version is at
    Select "4 For You to Try" to go directly to Quiz Questions.
    The non-working version is at
    Go to "Extras" in Menu and select Naming Alkane Isomers, then "4 For You to Try" again.
    I'm using ActionScript2 and set for Player 9.

    Yes, my original technique was to upload the Parent SWF to a folder and then the HTML widget on my webpage would load the file from that location. As you say, all the daughter swf's had to be uploaded into the folder created for that webpage when iWeb uploads my website to MobileMe. This has worked fine for all my other daughter swf's but (I'm presuming) there is something about the Learning Interaction that doesn't let it work this way.
    The other disadvantage of doing it that way is that anytime I tweak the original webpage and iWeb uploads the changes, it recreates the page folder minus all my daughter swf's and I have to upload them manually again.
    What I've now done is uploaded all the daughter swf's to the same folder as the Parent and added a full web address to this folder in all my loadMovie commands in the Parent swf. Done this way, the swf with the Learning Interaction works as intended.
    Many thanks for taking the time and interest to help.

  • Learning Interactions not working in Chrome

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    Would greatly appreciate any information about how I can fix this. Thanks.

    Yes. Jeopardy, Process Circle and Millionaire. I did find out (through a nice, long  -and helpful -chat with Adobe support) that these interactions will work on the Chrome browser when accessed from an LMS. I needed to send them out to reviewers because I didn't have access to an LMS. I just defaulted and asked them to use a different browser.
    Thanks for replying and offering to help.

  • How Can I Remove Tabs That I Added in a Learning Interaction Widget?

    Hello, I inserted a "Tabs" Learning Interaction widget into a Captivate 8 project I'm working on.  Adding tabs is easy enough by simply hitting the plus button.  But when I want to remove a tab, I can't for the life of me determine how.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks

    When you double-click on a Tab button in the Interaction Properties, you'll see a minus sign that will allow you to delete that tab. Beware: you need a minimum of at least 2 tabs, maximum is 5 tabs.

  • Using Flash Learning Interactions in Captivate

    Hi there,
    I am developing a short practice quiz in Captivate, but for
    one of the questions I want to use a Flash CS3 learning interaction
    (the "Hot Spots" one). I get the Flash file built, import it into
    Cpativate, and everything works.
    Now for the big question - how do I get Captivate to track
    the successful/unsuccessful action from this question in a quiz? I
    want to present users with a results page at the end of the
    practice quiz, but since this question is not built with a
    Captivate question slide (like m/c, t/f, etc.), how can I track the
    result and include it on the results slide at the end?
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Hi J and welcome to our community
    There is no way (back door or otherwise) that I'm aware of to
    do this. Unless, of course, you mean to use Flash 8 and export the
    Flash in a version 6 format.
    Hopefully we will see Flash 8 files working just dandy in
    Captivate version 2.
    Cheers... Rick

  • Flash learning interaction - extension

    Hellou everybody, please, i need Flash learning interactions wich is the extension for creating elearning apps and quizzes inside flash cs6 and older version as a part of eLearning Suite product. Because adobe stopped any suites, new flash cc have not this extension. Is there some way to download it?
    Thanks for any response and sory for my language
    Best regards

    Thanks for answer. I have licensed eLearning Suite 6 wich include Flash CS6 and learning interactions extension, but now i use Flash CC and i think will need not to install flash cs6 specially only because i need learning interactions.
    The same problem about Dreamweaver and Course builder interactions...
    Do you think will adobe release this small but usefull extensions?

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