More About The FreeHand/GoLive Rumors

Check out the latest info on Mordy's blog. It explains
further about the rumors we heard about FreeHand and GoLive last

Sounds very ignorant to discontinue Freehand. Like when Apple
grew into financial troubles and brought back Steve Jobs who could
see things as they are. Maybe he should put a bid on Adobe
, or at least Freehand so they can maintain
Macintosh sales for graphic design. Illustrator is just a joke in
comparison, eventhough FH MX has got some annoying bugs...

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    Message was edited by: John Curley

    Apple has what they call "online seminars" available on the main Logic page
    If you look on the bottom right hand side of the page, you see a link for online seminars. You'll have to go through a regstration process, then you can watch 3 or 4 streaming Quicktime videos of people using different functions in Logic. There's nothing really in depth there, but it does show you a few useful shortcuts and methods.

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    In order:
    Yes, PS Touch uses layer blending modes just like in Photoshop (and Photoshop Elements). It doesn't have *every* blending mode, but the basics (like the ones you listed) are there.
    The best that I can explain it as far as "masks" in PS Touch goes is that you paint your desired effect onto your image (via the Effects Paint tool). You do not need a mask layer per se as the effect is contained as you paint over the desired area. (You can adjust size, hardness, flow and opacity of the brush in this tool. If you have a tablet with pressure-senstive support, you can control size and opacity as well dynamically like you would with a Wacom graphics tablet connected to a desktop.)
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    Silverlight is a powerful development tool for creating engaging, interactive user experiences for Web and mobile applications. Silverlight is a free plug-in, powered by the .NET framework and compatible with multiple browsers, devices and operating systems,
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    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    If you read the link I provided to you then you know if you mail it in you won't get anything back. If you buy a new one at an Apple Retail Store you will get 10% off the cost of the new one.

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    Rich text is a text format
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    Buy any one or more of the many books available at about Unix under OS X. Linux and Unix are related but not the same. Even FreeBSD Unix is not the same as what's implemented under the OS X hood.
    And you will find other good books at
    There also is a separate Unix forum here.

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    Anyway, I'm getting off of the original point of this post. The link I'm providing points to a page that describes how to do the factory reset without the phone automatically restoring the original data and setting that might be causing some problems. I had no reason at all to think that my X wasn't working as fast as it was supposed to and I rocked along for a week, thinking it was fine. However, I ran across this post in my geekboy reading travels across the internet. I got curious and tried the reset, following the procedure as outlined in this post. And yes, it is indeed an improvement in performance. I'm anxious to see how it does over the next couple of days with regard to battery life, but for the last hour, I've been playing with it and it works even snappier and livelier than it did before I did the post-update reset today. And battery life had shown some improvement before this reset, so I dount I'll see much difference there.
    As I said, I've seen this procedure posted already around here somewhere, probably more than once. Wildman, perhaps? At any rate, I do with they would make a sticky out this information as it might be helpful (notice the emphasis on "MIGHT") to someone having trouble. If you are an X owner with problems and you are also a rocket scientist or you've written software that cures cancer or feeds the hungry, then this might not be of interest to you and I'm sorry you wasted your time. People like me (that don't work for Verizon, by the way) throw these little nuggets out in hopes that they will be of some help. If not, well, we tried. 
    Good luck, 
    Geri O

    Yes. You can initiate the factory restore operation and simply let it do the job without any Intervention on your part. Before you perform the restore, check under "settings/privacy" and make sure that "back up my data" and "restore automatically" are checked (i think they are checked by default, just make sure). This will insure that your apps and data are stored on Google's servers. Your contacts should be set to sync with your gmail account, so they are backed up regardless of how you restore the phone.
    Having said all of this, the reason we restore the phone is sometimes due to some app or data that's causing a problem. That's why the long restore procedure that I outlined above comes in handy. The slate is literally wiped clean, instead of restoring, then everything is automatically restored, good data and bad.
    Geri O

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    All Apple will give you are sales counts and other such general information. Personal information about individual purchases will not be available to you.

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    I'm using . and can save presets without any problem. Sounds more like your player is faulty unfortunately.

  • Some questions for class project? Trying to learn more about the iPhone

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    1. What are some of the disadvantages of Apple not providing Flash/USB for its products(iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch)?
    2. Why should customers buy an iPad (no USB) rather than the Kindle (USB ports)?
    3. Why do you think Apple doesn't provide Flash/USB ports to its products (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch)?
    4. Would the lack of USB/Flash in Apple products affect your decisions to purchase Apple products versus a competitor's product?
    5. Do you expect that Apple will begin to incorporate technologies such as USB/Flash in the future as competitor products begin to steal market share?
    6. Apple views Flash as a dying technology. Steve jobs has even compared not supporting Flash on the iPad to Apple dropping support for floppy drives. Do you believe there is any value to this analogy and why?
    7. What do you think could be some good aspects of no USB on the iPad?
    8. What affect will the implementation of HTML5 have on the issues with iPad's lacking Flash capabilities?
    9. How did you gain an interest in Apple how would you rate that product and would it it recieve a higher rating if it provided USB/Flash?
    10. Would you be more interested in purchasing a Apple product if USB use was provided? Or would this quality not have any affect on your decision to purchase the product?

    This sounds more like a marketing survey...

  • More about the Power Bars Batch E1-06 Recall

    You may have received a text message in the last few hours, read our post here in the EE Community or read a story in the news or on our social media channels, asking for you to stop using and return your EE Power Bar. If so, it will have been explained that this is because a very small number of the charging devices may contain a fault that could cause them to overheat.
    EE Power Bars have been hugely popular with customers. We all know how much we use mobile devices, and helping customers’ batteries stay charged without having to find a power socket put a smile on our customers’ faces and ours. It’s why we were happy to have given out over 1.5m Power Bars since April this year.
    With all electronic devices, from mobile chargers to mobile phones, there can be faults, and these are occasionally reported to the manufacturer or the retailer. After four months of delivering EE Power Bars into the hands of our customers, we had received word of just a few that developed very minor faults. We investigated and these were very typical for rechargeable electrical items, and well below the usual level that would cause concern.
    But a very small number of incidents in the last few weeks have been significant enough for us to want to investigate them further. So we’ve sent a number of Power Bars away for extra testing and uncovered that there is the small possibility that, while manufactured to a standard that meets EC safety standards, some could be faulty.
    All of the incidents reported have been on a single batch of the Power Bars – ones marked Model: E1-06.
    The detail here is that all lithium-ion charging devices have an in-built safety feature and we are investigating whether a failure in this feature could be at fault.
    We have not been mandated to recall the EE Power Bars, but we value our customers’ safety above all else, and we felt the only way we could guarantee customer safety was to voluntarily instigate a recall of batch E1-06 so that we could complete a full and thorough investigation.
    That’s why we have taken this action today. We will do everything we can to make returning EE Power Bars as simple as possible, and I will keep you informed of our findings and our progress. Once the investigation is complete, our intention is to replace all of the E1-06 chargers and deliver them back to you.
    I’d like to say thank you very much in advance for your help in getting Power Bars back to us. Again, I’m very sorry for any inconvenience this might cause.
    We are very fond of our Power Bars and we know you are too, so we are very sad to have to take this action.
    Please share your thoughts, comments and concerns with us below!
    Thank you,
    Pippa Dunn

    As an owner of a Power Bar from one of the batches that hasn't been recalled, I would like to know how you reached the decision to only recall E1-06. You have said that there are 1.5 million Power Bars in circulation, and according to this BBC news story,  one third (half a million) are from batch E1-06.  This story also states that five power bars have overheated. With such a huge number of power bars in use and such a tiny number of faults, how can you be certain that the fault correlates only to one batch?  As batch E1-06 is either the largest or second largest batch by a very large degree (facebook users report owning bars with batch numbers E1-01 to E1-05 as well, but no more), surely it is not  so very out of the ordinary for 5 randomly selected bars to all come from it? This, in addition to the numerous reports on your Facebook page of owners of overheating power bars from batches which are not being recalled, does not reassure me of the safety of my bar. Please be assured I am not questioning your intent or the integrity of your actions in this recall, I trust you are acting in the customers' best interests, however as someone with an interest in statistics and mathematics I am would like to know how you have come to be satisfied that the other batches are not at risk.  Please feel free to explain using as complex mathematics as you like! 

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