More library problems!

I recently clicked on the menu in iTunes that asked me if I wanted to download the most recent update for my iPod. Having connected my iPod, this I did and it was successful apart from DELETING the whole of my library.
I have all my media on my iPod, so how do I transfer or import all the files back to my library?
This is not an isolated problem as staff at a nearby Zavvi store report that their iPods were wiped by the update process only last week; so, perhaps there is a glitch in the recent updates that is causing this and all the other similar problems.
Help, please.

Just wondering, which iPod model is doing this?
Forum regular Zevoneer has some great posts on getting music off your iPod.
Also you can look in the iTunes folder for previous iTunes libraries.
See the Tip in this article:
Do I understand correctly, just the iTunes library is blank, but the actual music files on still on your PC's hard drive?

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  • The missing library problem.

    I understand that there's already a lot of threads about the sudden disappearance of iTunes libraries, however I'm typing this up because I'd like to point out in a bit more detail what I'm seeing happening to my computer, and maybe have a collective of what's going on. This issue has happened to me five times in the last two months since I've updated to iTunes 11. After searching on google I know the missing library problem has existed since the early 2000s; why this glitch has yet to be fixed 13 years later is beyond me. I have personally never had this problem until updating to 11, and seeing the many other threads on here this appears to me to be an issue with this version of the software more than it has been in previous versions.
    Before I continue, I have tried the following to fix it:
    Simply readded my whole library. It was only wiped again a few weeks later.
    Completely uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes. That didn't work either, so it's not just an updating problem.
    What I haven't tried
    Changing where on my computer iTunes is installed. I have no idea where on the computer might be better or if it will change anything. I have iTunes installed on its default location on my local C: disk.
    Importing the music directly from my iPod into iTunes. Can this be done? If so, how? Not everything on my iTunes is a store purchase, most of it is imported CDs and also amazon purchases too. So I don't know if the transfer purchases option works. While this wouldn't fix this current issue, I would like to know how to do this if possible since it would just be a quick fix whenever this happens.
    What is happening:
    So each time this has happened, what occurs is that like many other people, one day I open my iTunes and everything is in order. Then the next, for no reason, all of my libraries are gone but the music is still on my computer, organized in their files the way iTunes had them done so upon importing. I can't use the .itl files in the "previous libraries" folder because they have also been re-written. Upon opening them, even if their last save was on a day I know everything was in working order, opening them does nothing but give me the same blank default page.
    What isn't mentioned in a lot of the posts regarding this issue, is the sudden crop of temporary files in the iTunes folder.
    The ones that have cropped up for me personally are the following:
    iT 1.tmp
    iT 2.tmp
    iT 3.tmp
    iT 4.tmp
    Temp file 1.tmp
    Temp file 2. tmp
    Those were not there the last time I used iTunes, and they're never there on the days I've used it before and it has worked correctly. However every time my library is wiped, these files suddenly appear without fail, every time. I can't open them, I can't do anything with them except delete them. I believe I remember reading somewhere that this might be an issue regarding with how the program is saving the progress of your library changing, and that the temp files are there until it can "officially" save what has happened to your library. While I didn't change anything in my library in the last couple of weeks, I'm assuming this also counts things like play count.
    My own personal opinion
    Seeing just how many threads with this issue are popping up, this leads me to believe that this isn't just a problem with my personal computer or my personal install of iTunes 11. These temp files also lead me to believe that as well. In other words, whatever glitch has existed with iTunes since the early 2000s is for some reason running rampant in version 11.
    Please developers, actually look at this library glitch within the program itself. It can't just be an individual user's problem because way too many people are experiencing it.

    No worries. You've probably run into one the other threads I've posted to but I'll add my thoughts here anyway...
    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping.  Note that in iTunes 11 an "empty" library may show your past purchases with links to stream or download them.
    In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    Alternatively, depending on exactly when and why the library went missing, there may be a more recent .tmp file in the main iTunes folder that can be copied and renamed as iTunes Library.itl to restore the library to an earlier state. Look for a recent .tmp file that is similar in size to the .itl files in the Previous iTunes Libraries folder. If it has happened repeatedly you may want the earliest such file generated since the last iTunes upgrade.
    If applicable, see iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!
    Should you be in the unfortunate position where you are no longer able to access your original library, or a backup of it, then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.
    I've noticed more of these missing library posts of late and a common factor to most since I started asking is AVG Anti-Virus. It seems in some cases it might be at least part of the reason why the library file disappears. Try excluding the iTunes folder from any AV scanning process.

  • Ovi Suite - Music library problems...

    Just bought a Nokia E5, looks to be a sweet phone so far...
    Only, Ovi Suite is just annoying. Very slow on communicating with the phone (USB connection) and some big problems.
    Impossible to delete music from the library ! How is that ?? And also the library takes ages to add a new folder.
    Also, not seeing the playlist i've made on the phone ? Either on mass storage connection, in the playlist folder of the phone, nothing... But should be on a other threat.
    Hope you can solve the library problem because it's quite annoying.
    Thanks in advance for any answers.

    Yeah, alright already!
    We get that without you plastering this message over EVERY single thread dealing with issues of that truly useless and pathetic piece of  software called Ovi-Suite.
    Ovi-Suite 3.x still no longer syncs music, which IMHO is a basic function. Who on earth wants to be forced to manually update the phone playlists and songs whenever songs are added on the PC? That is beyond backwards.
    Hello? It's 2011, not 1991.
    Ovi Suite 3.x still randomly refuses to add songs to the library on the PC (e.g. it skips several songs from an album folder, yet they play fine when added to the phone manually outside Ovi-Suite), an issue that can only be corrected by deleting the entire library on the PC and recreating it. A "repair library" function is notoriously absent.
    I'd like a so called Smartphone to make tasks easier and more comfortable instead of harder.
    Newer Nokia handsets may be slightly less bad, but the N97 with Ovi-Suite is still the smartphone/desktop combo from hell.
    The fruit phone/ITunes combo is sadly restricted by the greed and desire to control everything of Apple, but at least the products work reliably and consistently for the most part. The same is true for 'Droid devices.
    Ever seen a black lemon? They turn black when they rot. My N97 is black. 'nuff said

  • No more library on a new version of Itunes (7.6)

    I just downloaded Itunes 7.6 on a Macos 10.4.11 and I have no more library on the interface of Itunes and I can't neither no more link with Itunestore..
    What can Ido ? Is Itunes 7,6 for Leopard and not for Tiger ?
    Thank you for answering
    Please be simple in your answer : I am French...
    Message was edited by: berlingot
    Message was edited by: berlingot

    Yes I have tried installing and still have the same problem. I tried calling support and initial response was "it is Windows XP SP2 problem". After I asked for a supervisor I got another tech on the line who spent 1 1/2 hours with me on the phone formatting ipod, deinstalling and reinstalling all Apple apps as well as renaming drives. Nothing helped. He said he would file an issue with Apple engineering team. I hope they will come up with something. It is very unfortunate that I already has killed so much of my time trying to troubleshoot this issue.

  • Yet more TagLibs problems

    As jato2 still doesn't know about some HTML4 tags like <label>
    <label><input type="radio" ... />TheLabel</label>
    if you click on "TheLabel", it clicks on the radio button, like every
    other GUI
    I thought I would be able use the <label for=""> as a workaround
    <input type="radio" name="choice" id="choice1" /> <label
    BUT despite it generates several tags, <jato:radioButtons> sets the id
    attribute to the same value for every tag :< This not only defeats my
    workaround but also id main purpose to uniquely identity elements.
    We really need a generic mechanism to specify attributes when jato tags
    generate multiple HTML tags.
    I can still change the generated tags in endDisplay but it be neat if
    the 201 taglib was a little bit more XHTML compliant and savvy ;)
    ps: release this part of the source code and we'll do it !

    Give me until monday and I'll have what you "ask" for (WML/XHTML
    Basic/Mobile as well as ViewBean).
    Following Todd advices,
    for the former, I am having new tags to render the same components. I
    may need to write new components but I'm not sure yet.
    for the latter, 1 pagelet per "rendering" type with an inner
    ContainerView when the logic is different ; the pagelet tags being
    surrounded by a homemade tag that "activates" the pagelet based on the
    client type. A specialized tag seems better than <jato:content> as the
    logic is wired.
    Further step would be to make the tags client aware but I'm not sure
    yet it is the right thing to do. Are tags "allowed" to store data in
    the session (to avoid computing client type ever and ever) ?
    PS: James Baty will confirm I'm not cheap ;?)
    On mercredi, nov 13, 2002, at 21:11 Europe/Paris, Craig V. Conover
    Is there anyway that we could talk with you about your WML efforts with
    I would love to get a sample WML app to show the world. And then have a
    WML/HTML app to show multiple clients using the same ViewBeans.
    Fr?d?ric Miserey wrote:
    On mercredi, nov 13, 2002, at 13:34 Europe/Paris, Todd Fast wrote:
    Thanks for the info; I will look into a way of doing something
    However, please keep in mind that you can write your own complementary
    to render JATO components any way you like (or write JATO components
    render themselves any way you like), and this is expected to be a
    normal, if
    infrequent, part of writing JATO 2.0 components.That's what I'm doing right now for the WML tags. But I was planning on
    using the standard tags for mainstream HTML ;)
    May you elaborate a little bit on complementary tags vs components ?
    (first part of the suggested thread.
    Until the 2.0 taglib is documented, you can use the 1.2.1 JATO
    guide this effort.? It's actually pretty easy, but you will need the
    to guide you without docs to that effect.? You can download the JATO
    source, free of charge, etc. here:
    (If that doesn't work, just do a search for "JATO" on We
    can also
    start a tag-writing thread here if you like.
    I would love to get your perspective on any XHTML shortcomings of the
    current tag library.? Can you plase send your thoughts, list of
    issues, etc.
    to jatoteam@e...?you don't know what you've just asked ;)
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Fr?d?ric Miserey" <frederic@n...>
    Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 8:35 AM
    Subject: [SunONE-JATO] yet more TagLibs problems
    As jato2 still doesn't know about some HTML4 tags like <label>
    <label><input type="radio" ... />TheLabel</label>
    if you click on "TheLabel", it clicks on the radio button, like
    other GUI
    I thought I would be able use the <label for="">? as a workaround
    <input type="radio" name="choice" id="choice1" /> <label
    BUT despite it generates several tags, <jato:radioButtons> sets the id
    attribute to the same value for every tag :< This not only defeats my
    workaround but also id main purpose to uniquely identity elements.
    We really need a generic mechanism to specify attributes when jato tags
    generate multiple HTML tags.
    I can still change the generated tags in endDisplay but it be neat if
    the 201 taglib was a little bit more XHTML compliant and savvy ;)
    ps: release this part of the source code and we'll do it !
    [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

  • No More Resource problem

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    I am using Weblogic 6.1 and JDK 1.3.1.
    I am running into a 'No More Resource' problem. I did some debugging and think the cause is due to all my 80 database connections are used up so no new connection is available. But all the 80 connections shouldn't be used up because I did the statement.close() and rs.close() in the finally{} statement in all my DAO methods. But it seems like the connections are not released back to the free pool.
    I thought I read something that I might need to do a conn.close() too in order for the connections to be returned to the pool and marked as available. Don't the statement.close() do that? Thanks for any help!

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  • Older itune version 10.6 trying to reinstall, library problem?

    I reinstalled older itune version 10.6 on Win7 after I reformatted the drive.
    1. Now i have a  library problem? the itunes will not open and i get a message "itunes library.itl" is from newer pgm. how can i work around it?
    2. i want to restore my itunes music library like it was before with the old libray i had from my backup, how can i do that?

    your serial number is for an upgrade version.  you need to prove you have a qualifying upgrade product.
    after you enter your upgrade serial number and the installer failing to find a previous version, you should be given the option to choose the previous version and enter its (the older version's) serial number.
    if that's not working, what version are you trying to install and why didn't the above work?

  • N96 Music Library Problems

    Hi Guys n Gals
    Have a problem with my music library it won't refresh. the refresh bar will come up but it doesn't update and doesn't finish I have to manually stop it.
    I have cleared the majority of my music on the phone all bar the preinstalled stuff and a few downloads from the music store (no more than 15)
    I had a look on the board for people with the same problem and I tried the deletion of the 3 "private folder" files then perform a refresh.  My problem is that I started the refresh 12 hours ago - AND ITS STILL GOING!!!
    I'm thinking of taking a full backup of my phone via pc suite performing a reinstall of the latest firmware restoring the files and hoping for the best!
    Anyone got any solutions that do involve sending it for repair I've already had it away before for numerous other things and don't wanna part with if again if I can resolve it myself.
    Thanks xox
    I love my N96.... WHEN IT WORKS!!!!!

    13 hours is way, WAY too long
    When I said a long time, I meant like 10 minutes!
    I was going to suggest that maybe it was too many files in a single folder - used to be something that caused similar problems - however, if you've deleted all the music, that obviously can't be it.
    Have you tried a factory reset?  There's a menu option under something like Tools .. Settings .. General or there are the *# numbers or the 3 finger salute.

  • Continued library problems

    When I out a new CD onto my ipod, the music in my library dissapears, what is wrong and is there anything I can do to fix it without dealing with apple, and spending money?--The itunes techniqual support told me to uninstall itunes, and then download it again, and I did this and it did not work, what else to you guys suggest?

    can you please describe your problem is more specific terms (step by step)

  • N97 Music Library problem

    Hi all,
    Got a strange problem on my n97.
    In almost every album, it shows every song twice.
    Tried refreshing the library more than once now, but no luck.
    If I add a new album, it only shows those tracks once.
    So this must have happened some time ago, but I can't seem te get rid of it.
    Very annoying
    Anyone has a solution? Tried searching the forums, but other than formatting the mass memory (what I'm not willing to do at this point), I couldn't find anything.
    Go to Solution.

    What method did you use to put the offending albums on phone? If you used the likes of Ovi/WMP to sync there are situations files can be duplicated, it's possible a previous sync has mucked things up..
    Sometimes they can copy over files already there, giving duplicates. And if you edit tracks (eg. change cover art) and resync with likes of WMP you can get both versions, eg. Song and Song(2), on phone. Also depending on source file some syncs can put album track ID3 tag info (eg. cover art) in separate file, resulting in duplicate entries. (Is it 2 exact copies of tracks you have, or one of proper size and one of few kb?)
    Can you delete the affected albums with same method they were put on phone with and refresh library to check they're gone, or do same with file manager, then put back using mass storage method and check tracks aren't duplicated? Maybe try one album as a test.
    Just some ideas, not had to troubleshoot such issues myself as I just use mass storage method to put files in Sounds/Music folder, and never had this problem. If someone smarter than me (and there are many ) sees this, I'm sure they'll jump in.

  • Moved library, problems in 'System Prefs - Desktop ...'

    I (successfully) moved my iPhoto library to my (new and shiny) external hard drive.
    Unfortunately, when I try and select a photo in 'System Preferences -> Desktop & Screen Saver' some are missing. Even more troubling, they're not missing as such but seem to be invisible, i.e. there are some showing but there are gaps where others should be. Have a look at this screenshot for a better idea of what I mean:
    I can select any of the visible images with no problems, but clicking an empty space results in "The application System Preferences quit unexpectably".
    Any ideas at to how I can fix this?

    Thanks for the reply, Old Toad.
    I repaired permissions on my internal hard drive successfully, but the 'Repair Permissions' button was disabled when I selected my external drive - is this right? Anyway, it didn't fix the problem.
    I then tried your second hint, but that didn't work either.
    Do you have any other ideas?
    For reference, my external hard drive is a "LaCie D2 Hard Drive Extreme with Triple Interface 250GB", was bought from the Apple store September 16th, is formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and is connected via one of my iMac's FireWire 400 ports. I've just noticed that Disk Utility is telling me that "Owners Enabled: No".
    Sorry for all the questions but I'm a bit of a newbie ...

  • Extremly Confusing Library Problem - Please Help

    Ok, I am so confused by this. I drag my music folder to my itunes library and all my music is added with one HUGE problem. Randomly I get anywhere from 2 to 7 or 8 copies of each one of my songs. Only for particular albums though. Some are fine and there is only one of each song, but others I've got like 6 copies of the same song! They are the exact same song, they aren't from different albums or anything like that, they are somehow continually duplicating themselves and I don't know what to do. I tried using the Add to Library... too with the same results.
    Any idea how I can fix this so I only have one copy of each of my songs in my library? Any solutions would be greatly appreciated thanks a lot in advance.

    Keep in mind that iTunes is an extremely sophisticated visual and organizational aid, but the songs themselves are on your hard drive. It's possible that you might have more than one copy of the same song on your hard drive and each of those copies has a different name. It is also possible that the same song with the same file name is duplicated in several different folders. Another possibility is that you have the same song in more than one format (such as mp3, wav, aiff, m4a).
    In order to clean up your hard drive and hence your iTunes, find the songs on your hard drive in the Finder or by getting info in iTunes by right clicking on the song and see if you have the same song under a different name. For instance, if you have, say, "Midnight Rambler" by the Rolling Stones duplicated in your iTunes applications, it might turn out that you have 06MidnightRambler-RollingStone.mp3, MidnightRamblerStones.mp3, and RollingStones-MidnightRambler.m4a. Or it is in multiple folders, say "Rolling Stones" and "Let it Bleed."
    It appears that the newest version of iTunes gives you the option of deleting the song itself from your hard drive (moving it to the trash), as opposed to just removing it from the library.

  • Tradition DAQ Library Problem

    I have a CVI 5.5.1 application that was working on a XP test station up
    until a few days ago, until it started crashing at exactly the same
    point during execution.  I am trying to debug the app but I am
    having problems with the 'Dig_In_Line' function that should be in a
    Traditional NI-DAQ Library.  When the project is compiled, an
    error message is displayed with the "Dig_In_line@16 in files...." error
    message.  For some reason the library is not listed in the project
    files and it is not in user library paths.  This should be a
    standard library - how do I find the library and reference it in my
    The DAQ card is a PCI-6305.

    Hi crouseb,
    I am not really sure what happened with your system.  As you stated
    everything was working, so your code is probably functional.  However,
    something obviously happened that caused the change.  It seems to be that
    maybe a reference to a nidaq.dll is missing or something along those lines.
    One thing I would recommend is try running one of the examples for a digital
    line operation.  You should be able to find them in a folder path similar
    to this: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples
    Are the errors that you are getting related to a compilation issue or are
    you actually getting back some errors stating that something is going wrong
    when you are running the code?  We will have to narrow the issue down and
    find out more specifically what changed to make the working application no
    longer functional.  Once we have found what the root of the problem is we
    can find a solution to fix it.
    Training and Certification
    Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • DYLD Library Problem

    A couple of days ago, I tried to install libgd and obviously made some horrible mistakes. I installed a .pkg (seemed to be libgd) and a couple of source files (e.g. libpng, libjpeg). Since then I cannot execute any terminal commands any more. I keep getting the following error:
    dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart
    Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib
    Expected in: /usr/local/lib/libJPEG.dylib
    in /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib
    I already tried to uninstall/reinstall/install a lot of libraries (libtiff, libpng, libjpeg, libgd), but that did not help. The only thing that helps is "export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Users/asamatbagatov/local/lib", but that just works until I open a new Terminal window or restart Terminal. Doesn't help me in my IDE as well. Does anyone know what the reason for this error message is?
    EDIT: My DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is (in case I do not set it explicitly):
    Thank you very much in advance!

    I fixed this problem. Looks like I had a line in my .bash-profile, that set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. Removing this line solved my problem.

  • External library problem

    I've searched this topic for my problem without luck. I moved iTunes folder to an external hard drive, changed the location of the Library to that external drive, and then deleted iTunes on the computer's hard drive to make more room. But now iTunes says it can't find many of the songs. It looks like the only songs it can find are those that were downloaded directly onto the external hard drive. I unfortunately emptied the Trash of the originals. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    Welcome to Mac . . .
    This ****** me off to no extent these past few years.
    Apple's arrogance defaults to your user / music folder. IT IS NOT smart enough to ask for a path to where the folder (and in turn files). With the last update and another few hours of rescanning my music library - - - lame lame and lame.
    REPEAT rinse keep doing it... don't learn just assume
    You FILES are there - you need to rescan you library in OR try to rebuild your library (BTW - iTunes is not very good at that when you have > 1000 files).
    Good Luck

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