Motion timeline length

Is anyone else experiencing this. All of my motion files are locked at 300 frames. Now before someone tells me that is the default i know that but here is the weird thing. I create a ntsc comp and set the project length to 20 seconds. I make my necessary edits and save my file. All is well. I import the file into FCP and lay in the timeline and it states it is 20 seconds long. All is still well. Now, Let's say i want to edit the original motion file. I right click on the motn file in the timeline and select "edit in editor" and the file opens back up in motion, but now, my timeline length is locked back at the default of 300 frames (10 seconds). i thought it might be a problem with a corrupt file so i made a new one (DVD menu) and placed that in DVDSP, time looked fine. Again, i go back in and try to edit the file and it is again locked at 300 frames. I've tried to open the file from within motion and it still goes back to the default file length.
Is this happening to anyone else?

Thanks for responding Patrick. What I mean by locked....actually locked is a poor choice of word, I mean that it has defaulted back to my project being 300 frames long when it was originally set to 600 frames. I can move the project boundary marker in the timeline down the timeline to lets say anything under 300 frames but it wont go higher. I open the project properties and my project is set to 10 seconds long when it was originally set to 20 seconds. It is as if Motion is resetting my projects back to the default length.
Yes, it does loop at 10 seconds and will not go to the end of the project.
An example is: Lets say I have to go back in and change some text that falls in at 15 seconds in the timeline. I have to go back into my project settings and set my project length back to what it was originally becasue I can't get to that part of the timeline.
This is very frustrating.

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    Hi Amy,
    Indeed that is possible, because it is locked to the end of the slide, agree, only way to change a locked item.
    Understand that when having to copy slides, that will have different durations later on, you prepare the 'mother' slide, inclusive all the wanted effects before copying. For objects that are displayed for the rest of the slide, changing the slide duration will change the duration of the effects.
    I do not exactly know what you need for your projects, perhaps an alternative I'm using often could help: Instead of copying the slide with all its objects, I'll set the objects that have to appear for the 8-10 following slides to show for the rest of the project, instead of for the rest of the slide. They will show up on each slide where they are visible with the same effect and the same timing, whatever the duration of the slide. Drawbacks: after those slide you'll have to hide them on the next slide (advanced actions on Enter Slide with lot of Hides), and when copying slides, use Insert New slide should copy as much as possible.
    Just an idea,

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    Welcome to the forum.
    As Colin surmises, you have some "orphans" out beyond where you think the Timeline should end. It could be just one frame from a Clip.
    This ARTICLE will give you more background, but it was written for PrElements and earlier versions of PrPro, so be sure to follow Colin's instructions above.
    Good luck,

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    Bob, take the time to thank those who helped (especially Nipsey since he figured out what was going on) by clicking on the or the over people's posts.
    New Discussions ResponsesThe new system for discussions asks that after you mark your question as Answered, you take the time to mark any posts that have aided you with the tag and the post that provided your answer with the tag. This not only gives points to the posters, but points anyone searching for answers to similar problems to the proper posts.
    If we use the forums properly they will work well...

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    Many thanks

    Hi Stan,
    Thanks for the message. It appears that the conversion does shorten the total, though I'm not sure exactly why it does this, I'm sure it's to do with the frame rates. This is not my concern however, it's why the timeline in an Encore NTSC project appears 12 seconds shorter on the burned disc, a bit like a stretched elastic band being slighty less tensed!
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    Shift-Z will zoom the timeline to show everything. AND...if you accidentally zoom in on your Canvas (which I do TOO often), Shift Z will return it to FIT TO WINDOW again.
    And you can use OPT + to zoom in, and OPT - to zoom out.
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    duration of each clip and transition to fill the
    length of the timeline? I don't know if I'll have the
    time to go through each clip and transition and
    change the duration of them all to equal the length
    of the songs. Can iMovie do this for me?
    Unlike iPhoto slideshows, iMovie has no "fit to music" command.
    But it's not hard to do manually. Note that iMovie lets us set the playtime duration of a fistful of photos all at the same time. Do the math for a rough estimate of the duration needed for each slide, select all the slides, then apply that duration to all. If it's off by a few seconds, adjust them accordingly.
    It helps to import the images as stills, not rendered clips, so their duration can be changed quickly. Turn OFF the Ken Burns checkbox while importing the images, so the duration of a group of stills can be changed almost instantly. After it's what you want, THEN apply transitions. (They too can be applied to multiple clips.)
    Remember to take the playtime of the durations into account in your plans. And whatever padding you want at the start/end for titles, etcetera.
    This topic shows how to set the slides to match the beat of the music. Some of what it describes applies to your task too:

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    o| TonyTony |o

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    I'm new to Flash so, thanks in advance for your patience with me!

    Thanks! I had a feeling. It's nice to have the answer. Oh well, now I can get back to work and not waste any more time with that part of the puzzle. You've been very helpful and I'm sure your answer is correct.  Wish I knew how to rate your answer even higher. Thanks again!

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    Any suggestions?

    If you didn't do it yet, you should change the browser view to View as List (View/Browser Items/As List). This will list all possible parameters associated with all your items in the browser and namely with your sequence The Cafe.
    Now you can read its Duration, In and Out positions (these 2 will be likely "not set") and many other infos.
    What is its Duration ? it should be exactly 1:35:04 as you read in the timeline.
    In which field of the browser you read 21 associated with The Cafe sequence ?
    The Type field contains "Sequence" as it is supposed to be ? (if not yet visible: 1st enlarge the browser window, 2nd right click on any field label and select the Type field from the contextual menu - a new colomn will appear with Types)
    With these infos it'll be easier to find what to do.

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    Go back to my own project and it doesn't work.
    Any ideas? Anyone?
    I have a Mac Pro 2.66GHz / 5 gigs of ram / 512 vram ATI graphics card
    Also working with universal software for FCP studio.
    Intel 2.66GHz Mac OS X (10.4.9)
    Intel 2.66GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    Don't know what the deal is. But I made a new sequence in my project and copied my other sequence with in the new one and then tried to do the whole clip step for step process of send to motion and importing back in and it worked!!!!
    I check all the listed settings of my sequence in my browser window and both the old sequence and new sequence are the same.
    I am happy that I can move on with my work, yet I am frustrated with the fact that I am not sure exactly what the problem is.
    Thank You Again!

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