Motorola V3c (Alltel Wireless) Calendar Syncing?

I recently was able to sync my contacts between my Motorola V3c (Alltel) + Apple Power Mac G5. However, I was unable to sync my calendar information. On the iSync site it says that it does not support calendar syncing with the Verizon version of the phone, but does that also include the Alltel version? I know that both phones are the CDMA models, but are differences present between the two carriers' verisons that may allow Alltel customers to sync calendar information? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Brad A.

Check out the end of this thread at howardforums:
It'll tell you how to get it to work.

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    Read through this post,
    especially the last few exchanges and see if you find a solution. Resetting the iSync prefs AND deleting the noted directory files MAY be the answer.
    I hope this works.

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    Hello there janis143,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like after the recent iOS update, your Outlook content is no longer syncing properly to your phone.
    I found this article named:
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Troubleshooting contact and calendar syncing via USB on Windows
    I recommend the troubleshooting steps therein.
    All the very best,

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    Maybe try removing wireless synch first switch device off and on again leave it for a while then reactivate wireless synch.
    Go to calender> press menu> scroll to options> and set wireless synch off.
    My Blackberry keeps blue screening on me.

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    You should try SyncML; works with my Dell AXIM X 50.
    SyncML requires:
    1. A SyncML client. For Palm / Pocket PC, you can use the Synthesis SyncML client from Som
    e mobile phones come with native SyncML clients.
    2. Data to be synced. In that case, this is Contacts, Tasks, Meetings from the Calendar Server.
    3. An HTTP connection: this can be via the craddle, via bluetooth, via GPRS, ...
    SyncML is not a Wireless protocol. It's a Sync protocol over IP.
    Important URLs:
    a. Synthesis Client:
    Direct URL:
    b. OTN setup page:
    Direct URL:
    c. Resource Kit:
    Oracle® Calendar Resource Kit,
    Release 2 (
    Part No. B10894-05
    Chapter 5 Oracle Sync Server
    Direct URL:

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    If you connect your 83xx device to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server you will be able to wireless sync that information. Devices not connected to Enterprise Servers won't have the wireless calendar capabilities, but devices that are connected should be fine. The Curve should work just fine after it is added.

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    Hi Tim
    Firstly, apologies for the slow response to your very quick reply !
    I've checked back, we're using Exchange 2007.
    We've actually got a ticket open with Apple at present, so anticipate that a patch may be available.
    It is still curious though that out of a 200 user community trialling our internal iPhone & iPad pilot, we only have 2 issues (mine and a colleagues), however anticipate that there will be more issues as nearly entire community is on 5.1.1.
    On a second point, any ideas how one can rollback to 4.3.3 on an iPhone or iPad ?  I can't find anything that implies a self rollback without jail breaking the device ?
    Thanks again for the help.

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    Tried on the iCloud site for a solution to remove the calendar, nothing.
    There is no iCloud setup on this corporate computer - no access permitted. The USB cable connection is the only solution and up to the upgrade of the iOS this went seamlessly.
    Any solution out there?

    I share a similar situation (usb iTunes sync with Outlook with my corporate laptop; personal calendar on icloud).
    With IOS7, at first, iTunes/Windows does not propose Outlook sync anymore. I need to switch off calendar from iTunes to enable usual usb sync with Outlook. I had to sync it twice while checking "replace iphone data" to get a stable behaviour (like before) IOS7.When I try to re-enable icloud calendars, it proposes me to merge them...
    I did not test merging so far...
    IOS7 and iTunes 11.1 are not completely polished ;-)

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    Anyone know if it is possible to sync all the separate calendars one might have in their Google calendar via the latest BIS update. I've switched on calendar sync but so far I'm only pulling through one calendar from my account where as before (with google sync), I was able to select which calendars I wanted to sync.
    Anyone manged this?

    Add me to the list of people begging for the feature to sync multiple Google calendars with the native BB calendar. 

  • Outlook 2003 + iPhone calendar sync problem solved

    Here is how I solved my sync problem. Seems a lot of people have the same problem here with Outlook sync suddenly not working after it worked fine for a long time.
    I've had Outlook 2003 calendar sync with my iPhone for a few month without any problem, but a few days ago the sync suddenly stopped without any error message. iTunes Diagnostic found no problem and I followed all the steps that Apple outlines to fix the problem but nothing worked (TS2776).
    As Apple asked to, I created a new user account on my Windows machine and setup a few test calendar entries to sync with my iPhone. That all worked fine.
    So I did what Apple doesn't tell you, and I copied my original Outlook Data file (.PST) over to my new user account and tried to sync that one. Now this didn't work. So I knew the problem lies somewhere in my PST file.
    I have then tried to create a new one from scratch in my original Windows account, and copy all the data over. Again, it didn't work. So I emptied the file again, and copied all my calendar entries over to the new PST file in batches (first 10, then another 10, etc).
    What I found at the end is that one single calendar entry I created a few days ago caused my sync to stop working. Once I removed this entry, everything worked fine again. Don't ask me what was wrong with it (I made a backup just in case Apple wants to see it), but now everything works again.
    If you want to save some time to find which one it is, you may start deleting entries that you created just recently before it stopped working.
    Hope that helps.

    Hi im having the same problem. I use outlook 2003 on windows xp and until recently my sync (using usb) was working fine. Now it would seem that calendar items are no longer syncing. can you give any further details of the calendar entry which was causing your problem? im wondering if it was added on a certain date perhaps.
    I am running the inbox repair tool to see if my pst file has any problems but would appreciate any other help in the mean time.

  • Outlook/iPhone Multiple calendar sync

    I have a work calendar in Outlook, driven from Exchange and a second personal calendar containing things that don't apply to work (birthdays, social events and so on). While both calendars appear in Outlook, I can't get the personal calendar to sync with the iPhone at all. In iTunes, the Exchange calendar appears but not the personal calendar.
    How do I sync with the iPhone (its my first iPhone - a 3GS so I think I'm running the latest OS etc) so I get both calendars on view?
    Thanks in advance.

    I have both a .mac account and an outlook account. My .mac acct is used for my personal entries and syncs with my iphone as well as my mac computers at home. My outlook calendar syncs my work items from my pc at work to my iphone. My problem is everything syncs to my iphone, but outlook won't sync to my .mac and .mac won't sync to outlook. This causes me to have multiple entries on my phone because I will enter something on my .mac calendar, but, because it doesn't show up on outlook, I then add it to my outlook calendar and then i have the same entry entered twice on my iphone. What a pain in the butt. Is there an end run around this?

  • Gmail calendar sync is available why not hotmail calendar

    Why s that you can sync to a gmail calendar but not to a hotmail account calendar.
    Post relates to: None

    Hotmail calendar sync is here! Microsoft recently added Exchange ActiveSync support to Hotmail accounts, giving full bi-directional sync of mail, contacts, calendar, and tasks.
    To set this up, edit/create your Hotmail account using Manual Setup and set type as Exchange (EAS). Then use the following settings:
    Domain: leave blank
    Username and password is your email address and password.

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