Moved MTA&POA, IP's still wrong!?!?!?!

Ok so this is gonna be a lil odd!
10 domains
11 po's
multiple gwia's
The server with the primary domain was failing about a year ago. So I built a new netware box and created another domain and post office and moved all the users.
The only thing attached to the old po are a few resources and distribution groups.
We had some problems last week which forced me to take the old mail server offline (had to steal the hardware). So i did not get a chance to decommission the server the way i would have liked. I copped the all gwise folders and dropped it onto a different server with the intention of changing the ip's and firing it back up (since i do not know how to make another domain the primary).
Well i cant seem to get anything to talk. if i go into configuration status of any of the other MTA's it losts the domain as open but has an incorrect IP address. I have already gone through the linking tool with no luck.
any suggestions.
in an ideal world i would like to redo all the link config and clean it all up (i inherited a mess from a guy who didnt know how to manage NDS)
any help is greatly appreciated

Remember, that the POA and MTA startup files have the IP's within them, so when the agents load, that will be the IP / Ports used.
C1 will not override these settings if they are included w/in the startup files.

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  • Mta - poa communcation issues after 8.0.1 hp1 upgrade

    Upgraded to 8.0.1 hp1 about a month ago, and since doing so have had to reboot the server twice (about every 2 weeks) to restore mta - poa communications.
    Small GroupWise system, all components (poa, mta, gwia and webacc) on the same physical server, running NetWare 6.5 sp8... no problem before upgrade.
    Basically, looking at the mta and poa logs you can see that they simply can't speak with one another. As I said, things run fine for a couple of weeks, then over the course of a day the system will begin to fail and eventually need a reboot (this leads me to believe this is NOT a simple configuration issue).
    Here are the logs for both the poa and mta before my last reboot:
    ---------- 0615POA.001
    00:48:29 02A MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7100
    00:48:29 02A MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8908]
    01:20:00 02A MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7100
    01:20:00 02A MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8908]
    04:33:35 028 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7100
    04:33:35 028 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8908]
    06:32:56 02C MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8912]. Address =, Port = 7100
    06:32:56 02C MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8912]
    07:01:15 02C MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8911]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:01:15 02C MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8911]
    07:01:38 04E MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:01:38 04E MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8908]
    07:47:06 056 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [890F]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:06 056 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [890F]
    07:47:06 028 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [890F]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:06 028 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [890F]
    07:47:07 028 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:07 028 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8925]
    07:47:07 056 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:07 056 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8925]
    07:47:07 056 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:07 056 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8925]
    07:47:07 028 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:07 028 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8925]
    07:47:07 028 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:07 028 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8925]
    07:47:07 056 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:07 056 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8925]
    07:47:07 056 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:07 056 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8925]
    07:47:07 028 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:07 028 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8925]
    07:47:07 028 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:07 028 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8925]
    07:47:07 056 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:07 056 MTP: Unable to connect to send: link blocked [8925]
    07:47:07 056 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:07 028 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:12 056 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:12 028 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:17 056 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:17 028 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:22 056 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:22 028 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:28 056 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    07:47:28 028 MTP: ndsudom: Unable to open connection [8925]. Address =, Port = 7100
    ---------- 0615MTA.001
    00:26:11 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    00:26:28 041 MTP: ndsupo-ipS1: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    00:32:52 017 MTP: ndsupo-ipS0: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    00:33:08 041 MTP: ndsupo-ipS1: Unable to open connection 0x8912. Address =, Port = 7101
    01:27:58 017 MTP: ndsupo-ipS0: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    01:29:05 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    02:22:06 045 MTP: ndsupo-ipS3: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    02:22:11 045 MTP: ndsupo-ipS3: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    02:24:16 041 MTP: ndsupo-ipS1: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    02:25:18 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection 0x8912. Address =, Port = 7101
    02:38:14 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    02:50:04 041 MTP: ndsupo-ipS1: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    02:50:21 045 MTP: ndsupo-ipS3: Unable to open connection 0x8912. Address =, Port = 7101
    02:52:12 017 MTP: ndsupo-ipS0: Unable to open connection 0x8912. Address =, Port = 7101
    04:34:24 041 MTP: ndsupo-ipS1: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    04:40:21 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    04:40:26 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    05:54:03 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    06:28:08 041 MTP: ndsupo-ipS1: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:01:11 045 MTP: ndsupo-ipS3: Unable to open connection 0x8911. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:01:11 041 MTP: ndsupo-ipS1: Unable to open connection 0x8911. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:01:16 045 MTP: ndsupo-ipS3: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:01:40 045 MTP: ndsupo-ipS3: Unable to open connection 0x8912. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:22:20 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection 0x8911. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:22:21 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection 0x8911. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:22:23 045 MTP: ndsupo-ipS3: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:22:25 041 MTP: ndsupo-ipS1: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:30:48 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection 0x8911. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:30:58 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:34:20 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:34:22 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection 0x8911. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:34:55 017 MTP: ndsupo-ipS0: Unable to open connection 0x8912. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:39:15 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection 0x8911. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:39:17 043 MTP: ndsupo-ipS2: Unable to open connection 0x8911. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:40:34 017 MTP: ndsupo-ipS0: Unable to open connection 0x8912. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:41:48 045 MTP: ndsupo-ipS3: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:42:52 017 MTP: ndsupo-ipS0: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:43:33 041 MTP: ndsupo-ipS1: Unable to open connection, no response. Address =, Port = 7101
    07:44:22 045 MTP: ndsupo-ipS3: Unable to open connection 0x8912. Address =, Port = 7101
    My best guess at this point is to perform a top down rebuild of the databases to correct the issue.... has anyone experienced a similar issue?

    Looking at the webacc logs I also see GWDVA errors. It is also complaining about not being able to talk, so this does not appear to be just a MTA/POA issue.
    ---------- 0615WEB.001
    06-15-10 00:00:43 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 00:02:12 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 00:03:14 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 00:10:59 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 00:23:43 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 00:25:59 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 00:39:03 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 00:45:26 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 01:17:06 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 01:47:51 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 01:50:10 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 01:55:52 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 01:59:49 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 02:22:24 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 02:23:12 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 02:24:01 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 02:25:44 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 02:47:14 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 02:53:45 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 04:32:57 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 04:34:37 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 04:38:59 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 04:40:02 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 05:09:33 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 05:17:18 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 05:43:51 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 06:06:04 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 06:08:01 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 06:28:20 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 06:29:49 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 07:17:38 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 07:28:18 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 07:30:45 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 07:32:46 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 07:43:54 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable
    06-15-10 07:45:23 Error: GWDVA is down- document viewing unavailable

  • Set password for MTA/POA/GWIA sslKeyFile

    How can I set the password for MTA/POA/GWIA sslKeyFile via REST API?
    I can change the sslCertificateFile and sslKeyFile, but the doc does not mentions the password.
    And my next question is, how can I set the httpUser password ? :)

    On the agent attributes, the key password is set using <sslKeyPassword> with a PUT method
    it's a set only option. You can verify if the pwd has been set by getting the <hasSslKeyPassword> attribute, will be either true/false.
    Same method is used for the http password; using <httpPassword> and <hasHttpPassword>
    >>> gehorvath<[email protected]> 11/11/2014 3:16 AM >>>
    How can I set the password for MTA/POA/GWIA sslKeyFile via REST API?
    I can change the sslCertificateFile and sslKeyFile, but the doc does not
    mentions the password.
    And my next question is, how can I set the httpUser password ? :)
    gehorvath's Profile:
    View this thread:

  • Fonts moved to "Fonts Disabled" -- but still enabled

    My upgrade to Snow Leopard has been generally painless, but there have been some quirks. For example, I was trying to resolve some font conflicts manually when I noticed that Snow Leopard had moved 61 relatively old but still useful TrueType fonts from "~/Library/Fonts" to "/Library/Fonts Disabled".
    What a bummer, I thought -- except that to my surprise, the fonts were still available in every program I tried. I speculated that maybe I had long ago added duplicates to /Library/Fonts, but no, the ones in my "Fonts Disabled" folder were all I had. Snow Leopard's Font Book app found a few more dupes, but the program was able to resolve them with no fuss. All the supposedly disabled fonts show up normally in Font Book.
    UPDATE: A helpful colleague pointed out to me that many of the fonts looked to him like fonts added by various versions of Microsoft Office. In fact the most recent version of Office added them to the root-level /Library/Fonts, but *in a subfolder called Microsoft*, so I hadn't seen them before. Pretty sneaky ... but it explains the issue. An older version of Office had added them to my user-level Fonts folder, while Office 2008 added them again, this time to the machine-level Fonts folder. Props to Snow Leopard for uncovering the conflict and disabling the user-specific versions!

    I have the same problem, but it seemed to go away when I removed parental controls all together for the account.
    Try rebooting after turning off parental controls. If that does not work, I'd also try clearing the safari cookies.
    I only wanted time limits, so I had "Allow Unrestricted Access To Websites" selected, which was working until I update my son's machine to 10.8.2. now it pops up the can't access dialog every keystroke in the safari seach bar. There could not have been much testing of parental control for this release.

  • IPhoto crashed. When reopened, 70  some events were grayed out (no photos).  Restored iPhoto library from Time Machine, fewer grayed events.  Said yes to a msg on fixing library, 3K more photos. Still wrong.  What next to do?

    iPhoto crashed. When reopened, 70+  some events were grayed out (no photos).  Restored iPhoto library from Time Machine, fewer grayed events.  Said yes to a msg on fixing library, 3000 more photos. Still wrong.  What next to do?

    Do you still have the library that you were using when the crash occurred?  If so apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    1 - launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    2 - run Option #4 to rebuild the database.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    2 - click on the Add Library button and select the library you want to add in the selection window..
    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the Library ➙ Rebuild Library menu option.
    4 - In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments but not books, calendars or slideshows. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

  • After moving itunes library paths are still set to old drive

    I have moved my itunes library from my hard drive to a network connected NAS drive. The problem I'm finding is that itunes now can't find the songs in the library as they still show (when looking at 'Get info') the path to the old location).
    I have done the following:
    1 copied all song files in the 'itunes music' folder as well as the files in the folder above (including 'itunes library.itl' and 'itunes library.xml') to the new location
    2 Checked the boxes in Edit > Preferences > Advanced that read 'Keep iTunes Media Folder Organized' and 'Copy Files to ITunes Media folder when adding to library'.
    3 Changed the iTunes Media Folder location to the new location (the same folder as the 'itunes library.itl' file is held.
    4 Re-started iTunes while holding the shift button so that I can 'choose' the library, then browsed to the new location and selected the 'itunes library.itl' file in the new location.
    None of this has any effect. This is what I've noticed:
    a - The individual files cannot be found and when I right click and choose 'get info' it shows that the path is still set to the old location
    b - The 'itunes library.xml' file still shows links to the old path for each of the individual songs.
    c - I can manually 'point' the songs individually to the new location so that they can be found - although this is not an option for the whole library which is several thousand. I do this when I get the error message 'The song 'xxxx' cound not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?'.
    d - I import a new CD or buy a new song from iTunes, the songs are correctly located on the new drive and play with no problems.
    Can anyone tell me if I've missed a step? If I was to guess, I'd say that the 'itunes library.itl' still has all the old paths for the individual songs, but I don't know how to get iTunes to re-create or update that file and can't edit it myself.
    Regards, Steve.

    Thanks for that R. I'd seen a few of those posts but none of them seemed to match my query exactly.
    However, I seem to have found a solution to my own problem. Whether it will help with yours I don't know (looks like you're a Mac user) but here's what I've found:
    * The basic problem was with the file itunes music.itl' which was still pointing iTunes to the old location of the music files. I don't know why it didn't update this file when all the 'consolidating files' was done but there you go. This is not in a format editable by ordinary mortals, but you can re-create it if it gets corrupted by editing another file called 'itunes music.xml', which is in an editable format.
    * It seems the .xml file basically contains all the .itl file information and is used essentially as a backup (my guess, don't know if it's correct). So deleting the .itl file and then re-creating it by telling the system to import the information from the .xml file is the thing to do. Here's how I did it:
    * Go to the new drive and path where you've copied your itunes library to. I copied both the two files above first just in case to my desktop (doesn't really matter where). They're in the 'Music' folder above the folder where all your music files are kept (music files are kept in 'iTunes Music' in my setup).
    * Edit the 'itunes music.xml' file. You'll need a good text editor with search and replace functions to do this as you'll have to do the same number of replacements as you have song files - in my case a number of thousand. Even better than a standard text editor would be an XML editor as that will make the text file easier to read (I used Dreamweaver just because I already have it on my system).
    * If you look through your xml file you'll see all your songs listed with lots of other information such as track id. At the end you'll see a line that says something like:
    <key>Location</key><string>file://localhost//EDNET01/Users/Steve/My%20Documents/My%20Music/iTunes/iTunes%20 Music/Bob%20Dylan/Modern%20Times/01%20Thunder%20On%20the%20Mountain.m4p</string>
    If you're in the same position as me you'll notice that the path name is wrong (it's still showing the old path and drive). So the job is basically to edit and replace each of the paths to show the new drive and path.
    *To do this with a single search and replace you don't need to change the album and file name, nor should you need to change the folder containing all the song files. This is the search and replace change I made then:
    Search (all instances, hopefully if your text editor will allow it):
    Replace with:
    which is the drive and path where I've moved my itunes music to. The song folders are in the folder below that called 'itunes music'.
    * Once you've saved this file (and having a backup copy of the old .itl and .xml files saved somewhere just in case) delete the two old files from the new folder where you've copied your music
    * Open iTunes. Go to File > Library > Import playlist.
    * Navigate to your newly edited version of 'itunes music.xml'. Select it and you should find that itunes begins rebuilding your library with the new paths and creates a new 'itunes music.itl' file in the process.
    Once that's done you should have your music, podcasts and playlists back.
    ** Disclaimer ** I'm no iTunes expert so I don't know if this is the 'proper' way to do things. If it doesn't work you should be ok to replace the copied files back into your music folder and no damage done, but in any event I'm not responsible for any problems. Make sure you've got backups is my advice!

  • My EMAIL account on Apple ID site is still wrong, from 2008!

    On 12 January, I was trying to FIX problems I had with my iMac Password, so I could download the latest Adobe installer - but I had no problems with passwords etc until 2 days ago. The password I've used didn't work. (I had to change it on Verizon for mail problems in Oct 2014)  SO I called Support [& was disconnected 6 times!] - Here are my Problems - in order of my frustration:
    1. NOW when I turn on my iMac, it does NOT go to MY computer Screen ! But rather it goes to some dumb grey screen;where I must type in MY password to get in (This happened after a second tech who said it would not remain that way; not good for me, nor my husband or daughter to have to do.) The Second call Tech went into my computer - She must have reconfigured my preferences & I can not find out how to change it back to go right to go right to my screen, without using a password to get in [which is a pain-in-a-neck when anyone here needs the computer]
    2. Support (first call) had me DUMP the whole Keychain into Trash to create a NEW password. [we were disconnected half way through, but I did ask if I should empty the trash & did so - wish now I didn't - there are NO passwords nor sites, etc in Keychain, only Apple stuff.)  Since that call ALL my PASSWORDS are GONE! Mail & iCloud etc. though I can get into password protected web sites?
    -  Both Support techs told me that "all my previous passwords would still be there - intact  on the computer" - they ARE NOT!
    3. So I went on line today - to check my Apple ID & iCloud info:
    * First, it still has my old 2006 17" mac serial # listed, - but thee is nothing  the one I'm on - "2012 mac Lion". [I downloaded & tried Maverics, but it messed up the apps I had installed & I reverted back to Lion via Time machine.]  I had this same problem in 2010
    * Second, & worse, it still  shows an Email that I haven't used, & actually had changed in 2008 when I switched to Verizon, from a local server.
    . . . When I went in to change the email  & try to change / add my present email it says:
                    Email address is already verified for another Apple ID.
    I HAVE NOT USED that old server since 2008!!! it was on my old 2006 Snow Leopard mac !
    I bought this mac in june 2012 - but have been trying to figure this whole mess out since 2008, when I changed mail servers. Verizon blames Mac, Mac blames Verizon & I'm left having multiple & frequent problems with both!
    Can anyone tell me
    1 How to change my actual Email addy (supposedly according the the on line Manage Apple ID - I have 2 different ID's via the same Name, ID, and Email address - on line? WHY can't I combine, get rid of one, or? You'd think that when it's sent & returned, someone would notice & figure out it's wrong.
    2 How to get back to getting into my screen, without that first (& superfluous - since only 3 people use it & it's a HOME computer, not a business that needs extra protections) screen?
    3 Please, HOW - if you dump a whole app - keychains - into the trash & secure Empty - does the computer "retain" passwords that were just dumped?
    My next step is to go to the Store folks to fix all - Call support messed me up & so far, Community forum has just said nothing above can be changed … so has Apple become more like Micro-Swift that I got rid of - so I could have My computer My way?
    Anyone up for this one?

    2 How to get back to getting into my screen, without that first (& superfluous - since only 3 people use it & it's a HOME computer, not a business that needs extra protections) screen?
    Resetting Password
    1. Shut down comp & wait a few minutes.
    2. Turn on & at the same time hold down the “command” & “R” keys.
    3.  Next screen….. In the menu bar click on Utilities (NOT OS X UTILITIES)
    4.  In the drop down menu, click on Terminal.
    5.  In the terminal pop up small window:  Type exactly—> resetpassword 
    Hit return key.
    6.  Reset password window will pop up.  Follow the onscreen instructions to reset password.  Make sure you select the admin account to reset the password.
    7.  You can ignore the “keychain” pop up windows, which is what I did.  Does not affect anything.
    You can do the keychain stuff at your leisure.
    8.  Quit out of everything & restart your computer.
    9.  Enter your new reset password.
    Once you are back on the desktop, you can go into System Preferences>Users & Groups.  Double check to make sure auto login is enabled.
    Also, check out the following User Tip:  Reset the user password in OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks and Yosemite
    I bought this mac in june 2012
    My next step is to go to the Store folks to fix all - Call support messed me up & so far
    If you have AppleCare & same is still active, suggest that you call Apple Customer Relations - 1-800-275-2273.  Ask politely & firmly that you want to be transferred to Customer Relations.  Tell them exactly what you stated in your post.
    Be sure to tell them that you have an iMac.  Why?  Because, under AppleCare, iMacs qualify for HOME tech repair/support when warranted.  No need to lug an iMac to a repair facility.

  • All my mp3s were moved to trash and iTunes still sees them!

    I have a rather odd situation regarding the most current version of iTunes and my mp3s. Recently, I was having trouble getting my ipod nano to be recognized by iTunes. After doing much reading on this site, I found that one of the problems had to do with some of my mp3 files being locked. (How? I have no idea). So I followed the steps recommended by others: removing the itunes.xml file and deleting the library file so iTunes would rebuild itself, and unlocking the files via work in the terminal window. It worked and I was able to resync by nano.
    A few days later, I was playing some music in iTunes and I happened to notice that there a few songs missing from an album (I keep my song list in album view). I navigated to the mp3 directory (I have my mp3s on an external drive under my own file structure) went into the album folder and there were no mp3s. I looked in another folder and another and still nothing. I could see my file structure but all the songs were gone. And yet they were playing in iTunes. I did a quick search and I found that all 5650 mp3s were in the .trashes folder of the external hd. And not grouped together by artist or album. But 5650 individual mp3 files.
    Later on I remembered that a few days earlier, prior to nuking the iTunes library file and having iTunes rebuild itself, I had a power outage that brought down my drive. I guess the sudden loss of power and the quick shut down scrambled things.
    Is there a way, a script, or application that I can use to move each mp3 file back to its original location without my having to manually move each one by hand? I can’t just drag and drop the files into the default iTunes directory since I had them all on an external drive. (Could I drop each song into the default drive and somehow iTunes would read the mp3 tag and “magically”” create a folder for the artist and album of each file? No? I didn’t think so).
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I realize that doesn't have anything to do with your initial problem. I was referring to the points you were making saying itunes wouldn't allow you to drag and drop the files and recreate the file structure which it would. Anyway, I've found the easiest way to manage my itunes library is to let itunes create the initial itunes folder containing the library.xml files, as well as the actual itunes music folder. After that that entire folder can be easily moved to where ever you want still keeping your library intact. So keeping that entire folder on the external drive makes thins easier for me. The exact same library can be used from different computers as well. Once you move the folder just hold down the option key while starting itunes, and select the itunes folder where ever you moved it to.

  • Mailboxes are moved to Exchange 2007 but still appearing in exchange 2003 With Red Cross

     I am moving  mail boxes from exchange 2003 to exchange 2007 sp1. Excahnge 2007. After the mailboxes
    are moved successfully to exchange 2007 i can still see some mailboxes in exchange 2003 with red mark on them. Please check the attached snapshot.

    Followed this Kb article and finished

  • I have moved but my iPad is still marking my position at my old place

    I have an iPad 3 wi-fi only, my home internet is cable (Telstra). I recently moved to a new house, my connection was moved and I kept the same modem.
    However, my iPad is still marking my position on Maps as if I were in my old place. How can I fix this? Any clue where the problem may be? Modem configuration? Carrier (Telstra)? Or Apple location services?

    Wi-Fi only iPads do not have the GPS chip installed that allows for precise location determination. Instead the devices location is determined by a database listing that gives the location of the router. Your router might have moved with you but its location as listed in the database did not change. That's why your location shows as your previous residence. The location of the router may be updated eventually but it won't happen quickly, I think.

  • I want to take all the data stored on my mac and put it on an external hard drive, what all can be moved off the computer and still work and what can't?

    Im looking to get some external terabytes and move data or files from my internal drive to the external drive, i was wondering what has to stay on the computer to function still and what can me moved if not all of the files on the internal drive. i know i can move the videos and pictures, but what about program data or files or whatever may be nedded to run all of the apps and programs i have on my computer. if i could get some insight, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Freeing Up Space on The Hard Drive
      1. See Lion/Mountain Lion/Mavericks' Storage Display.
      2. You can remove data from your Home folder except for the /Home/Library/ folder.
      3. Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on freeing up space on your hard drive.
      4. Also see Freeing space on your Mac OS X startup disk.
      5. See Where did my Disk Space go?.
      6. See The Storage Display.
    You must Empty the Trash in order to recover the space they occupied on the hard drive.
    You should consider replacing the drive with a larger one. Check out OWC for drives, tutorials, and toolkits.
    Try using OmniDiskSweeper 1.8 or GrandPerspective to search your drive for large files and where they are located.

  • My Gamers Club Unlocked membership expiration is still wrong.

    I have mentioned this several times and seems nothing has been resolved.
    I renewed GCU back in September 2013, about a week after it expired.  I then renew once again sometime in November I think.  That time the GCU was for 2 years as the program had been overhauled.  Therefore my GCU should be until September 2016 yet it still shows 2015 on the MYBB page.
    Additionally, I only receive one welcome pack of coupons despite two separate renewals (a 1 year and then 2 year).

    Hi k41,
    First, I sincerely appreciate your continued patience in regards to your Gamers Club Unlocked (GCU) expiration date discrepancy. As we’ve stated previously on the forums, this is a well-known issue within our My Best Buy team and they have been working to resolve this since the issue began occurring. We are very confident that this will be resolved well before your benefits would ever expire.
    In regards to your GCU Welcome Packet, the Welcome Packets are generally sent within 2-3 business days of signing up for the program. I further apologize as it sounds like you may not have received one of your packets! I’m going to send you a private message with more information in regards to this. As a reminder, you can check your private messages by clicking the small envelope on the top right of the screen.
    Thanks again and you’ll be hearing from me soon!
    Brian|Senior Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Users moved out of POWL but still it is running and consume memory.

    We are on SRM6.0 and we have issues with POWL session close. Some users runs POWL w/o any selection which inturns run the POWL forever. While users logoff from the system but still the POWL is running in system and consume lots of memory in system. I am looking the ways to kills the session automatically once the users logoff or close the portal. Do let me know if you have any inputs.
    Thanks, Sachin

    Hi Sachin
    SAP Note 1134640 - SRM 6.0 / 7.0 POWL: no refresh when
    clicking on query name
    SAP Note 1134761 - SRM 6.0 / 7.0 POWL: Display 'Query has
    been changed'
    SAP Note 1410793 - SRM Shopping Carts (SC) header POWL
    query-- OPEN THIS FILE SC_header_POWL_query.pdf FOR MORE INFO SC_header_POWL_query.pdf given by richardo cavendi for us..
    regarding your BBP_DOCUMENT_tab- invoice entry - leave as it is . it may harm your business object. you can delete it after some 2 years. Even SAP dont recommend to delete. some accident happen during that time. SRM system is very robust in this matter. CLean job verifies the docuemnt .if any changes happened by the enduser before running the clean job. it makes the entry. Indeed it is not SAP problem. whenever enduser /procurement department made mistake , this entries are sticked permanently. This is my opinion.
    regarding your  new UOM query
    SMOF_DOWNLOAD report helps to transfer ..
    whenever you change any  UOM  on Material master and immediately updates in SRM by CRM*table settings.

  • Changed DC IP address, still wrong in DNS

    I've been banging my head for a few hours on this and can't seem to correct it. Here's what's going on:
    We have 2 domains in our forest. The DC with the problem is part of the child domain. It's IP changed from a 10.90.0.x to 10.238.0.x static IP.
    I noticed some replication problems with the Replication Status Tool and what I've found is a DNS problem between the Parent and Child DNS servers.
    If I do an nslookup on the record in the child domain DNS server, it resolves to the new IP address. If I do it on the parent domain DNS server, it resolves to the old IP address.
    I've tried deleting that msdcs record in both sets of DNS servers and restarting NETLOGON, but within a few minutes, the parent gives the old IP address again and stops replication from happening.
    Is there some way to scrub the DNS servers of any trace of that old IP address? Is there something on the DC itself that could be giving the wrong IP to the DNS servers?
    Thanks for any suggestions anyone has

    Hi Spencer,
    After changing the ip addreess of the DC, have you run the following commands?
     ipconfig /flushdns
     ipconfig /registerdns 
    Checkout the below thread on similar discussion,
    This has nothing to do with the problem. 
    The record is properly registering locally, the issue is with the zone being properly replicated to the parent.  I suspect that you have (Or had) to wait for the zone to be replicated up to the parent.  Depending on the zone transfer schedule it
    can take time.  My guess is everything is now working correctly.
    Paul Bergson
    MVP - Directory Services
    MCITP: Enterprise Administrator
    MCTS, MCT, MCSE, MCSA, Security, BS CSci
    2012, 2008, Vista, 2003, 2000 (Early Achiever), NT4
    Twitter @pbbergs
    Please no e-mails, any questions should be posted in the NewsGroup.
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Moving to Korea - will power still work?

    I'm moving to Korea this weekend and I currently live in the US. Will this work with just a power converter kit or will I need something bigger or better?

    frostbyte3964 wrote:
    I'm moving to Korea this weekend and I currently live in the US. Will this work with just a power converter kit or will I need something bigger or better?
    You don't say what computer you are using, but the MBPs are multivoltage (automatic switching) and I my G5 is dual-voltage. It may have a switch, but unless you have a very old computer, it should not be a problem.
    DO NOT USE a power converter unless it specifically states it's for delicate electronic equipment. If you need to change the voltage use a transformer. A power converter can damage your computer.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Need help installing 8800GT into Mac Pro (early 2008)

    i'm having the hardest time installing my newly purchased (through newegg) evga geforce 8800GT video card into my mac pro (8-core model purchased in early 2008.) when i first installed it and booted up, i heard a nonstop beeeeeeeeep. i called evga an

  • How to set focus on component guaranteed?

    Hi All, I want to run my swing based application on win NT OS with JDK1.5. Now i need to set focus on my JFrame window (this is my requirement) but smetime it focussed and sometime it fails. So i need some guaranteed solution or approach so that it f

  • Opening a Word File

    Hey I got a question for a program that im programming im trying to program a button that opens a word File the moment u click on the button. Anychance any of u know how to realize this ? Please let me know. Steven

  • Adobe Acrobat repeatedly asks me for my license, but then doesn't allow me to sign in

    I had to uninstall and then reinstall Adobe Acrobat Pro due to a problem I was facing. Upon reinstalling it, I had a choice as to whether to enter a license code or continue with a trial that would expire in 32,767 days. I opted for the former, but b

  • Unexpected error on install photo CD plugin on MAC photoshop CS3

    Unexpected error on install photo CD plugin on MAC photoshop CS3. How to solve the problem?? Detail: MAC mini 10.4.11 installed CS3 design stantand i followed all step showed on readme.txt i have copyed the Kodak Photo CD folder to application:photos