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    Please let me know Which CKM is used for moving data from Oracle to delimited file ?
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    A CKM is a Check KM which is used to validate data and log errors. It is not going to assist you in data movement. You will need an LKM SQL to File append as answered in another thread.
    Assuming that you have a one to one mapping, to make things simpler you can duplicate the Oracle based model and create a file based model. This will take all the column definitions from the Oracle based model.
    Alternatively, you can also use an ODI tool odiSQLUnload to dump the data to a file

  • Which method is used for event creation

    Dear All,
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    Thanks in

    Hi Sahu,
    I dont think they have used the Function module or change document or any other kind of methods to trigger the workflow. This is because RELEASESTEPCREATED method is a standard method and it will be triggered by standard SAP. They can not make changes in standard sap saying RELEASESTEPCREATED should be triggered for this Purchase Org .
    Istead what i think is, they might have given the Event Condition for each workflow.
    In SWDD>> basic settings>> Start Events, we can give condition on triggering the workflow.
    Please check this.

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    No, this is not possible due to limitations of the underlying protocols.
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    Hi Nerva,
    Thank you for your question, there is a add on I have been recommended to custom set up of opening windows in new monitors. It's called [ Monitor Master].
    However, in regards to the session remembering which monitor the window was open in, in the profile folder there is a file that stores window positions and dimensions. It is called localstore.rdf.
    Please stay tuned for more investigation, as there are definitely bugs on file for similar issues. Pinpointing it is the hard part.

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    JarleEkanger wrote:
    How about this? Use Delete array subset to extract chunks for averaging, and a shift register to retain the remaining array.
    It is typically not advisable to use "delete from array" in a tight loop. The constant memory reallocations due to array resizing are probably inefficient.
    Here's one simple way to do it..
    (If the number of points is not divisible by 10, the excess tail is discarded. You can easily modify that behavior if desired.)
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    averages of 10.png ‏5 KB
    averages of ‏9 KB

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    Hi Jagrut,
    Good ... Check out the following examples
    <b>Get a date</b>
    DATE_GET_WEEK Returns week for a date
    WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY Returns first day for a week
    RP_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS Returns last day of month
    FIRST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET Get first day of a period
    LAST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET Get last day of a period
    RP_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS Determine last day of month
    <b>Date calculations</b>
    DATE_COMPUTE_DAY Returns a number indicating what day of the week the date falls on. Monday is returned as a 1, Tuesday as 2, etc.
    DATE_IN_FUTURE Calculate a date N days in the future.
    RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL Add days/months to a date
    RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL Add/subtract years/months/days from a date
    SD_DATETIME_DIFFERENCE Give the difference in Days and Time for 2 dates
    MONTH_PLUS_DETERMINE Add or subtract months from a date. To subtract a month, enter a negative value for the 'months' parameter.
    DATE_CREATE Calculates a date from the input parameters:
    Example: DATE_CREATE
       anzahl_jahre  = 1
       anzahl_monate = 2
       anzahl_tage   = 3
       datum_ein     = '20010101'
       datum_aus     = l_new_date.
       l_new_date = 20020304
    data: new_date type d.
    months = -5 " Negative to subtract from old date, positive to add
    olddate = sy-datum
    NEWDATE = new_date.
    write: / new_date.
    HOLIDAY_GET Provides a table of all the holidays based upon a Factory Calendar &/ Holiday Calendar.
    HOLIDAY_CHECK_AND_GET_INFO Useful for determining whether or not a date is a holiday. Give the function a date, and a holiday calendar, and you can determine if the
    date is a holiday by checking the parameter HOLIDAY_FOUND.
    data: ld_date                 like scal-datum  default sy-datum,
          lc_holiday_cal_id       like scal-hcalid default 'CA',
          ltab_holiday_attributes like thol occurs 0 with header line,
          lc_holiday_found        like scal-indicator.
        date                               = ld_date
        holiday_calendar_id                = lc_holiday_cal_id
        WITH_HOLIDAY_ATTRIBUTES            = 'X'
        HOLIDAY_FOUND                      = lc_holiday_found
        holiday_attributes                 = ltab_holiday_attributes
        DATE_AFTER_RANGE                   = 2
        DATE_BEFORE_RANGE                  = 3
        DATE_INVALID                       = 4
        HOLIDAY_CALENDAR_NOT_FOUND         = 6
        OTHERS                             = 7.
    if sy-subrc = 0 and
       lc_holiday_found = 'X'.
      write: / ld_date, 'is a holiday'.
      write: / ld_date, 'is not a holiday, or there was an error calling the function'.
    Checking dates
    DATE_CHECK_PLAUSIBILITY Check to see if a date is in a valid format for SAP. Works well when validating dates being passed in from other systems.
    Converting dates
    DATE_CONV_EXT_TO_INT Conversion of dates to SAP internal format e.g. '28.03.2000' -> 20000328 Can also be used to check if a date is valid ( sy-subrc <> 0 )
    Function to return literal for month
    he table you want to use is T247. You can also use the function MONTH_NAMES_GET.
    You can also try table T015M. It has the month number in it's key.
    DATUMSAUFBEREITUNG Format date as the user settings
    MONTH_NAMES_GET It returns all the month and names in repective language.
    Good Luck and thanks

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    Basically we  would like to utilize such function  in every sp and log errors of each sp in a error log table

    Thanks .
    I was able to write this however I am thinking I am missing something
    CREATE FUNCTION testfunction1()
    RETURNS @temp_error TABLE (
    id int identity(1,1),
    procedure_name varchar(255),
    line_number int,
    error_number int,
    error_message varchar(max),
    error_state int,
    error_severity int,
    occurence_datetime datetime default current_timestamp,
    user_name sysname default suser_name(),
    login_name sysname default suser_name()
    insert @temp_error(procedure_name,line_number,error_number,error_message,error_state,error_severity)
    select error_procedure(),error_line(),error_number(),error_message(),error_state(),error_severity()
    CREATE TYPE test_type AS TABLE(
    id int identity(1,1),
    procedure_name varchar(255),
    line_number int,
    error_number int,
    error_message varchar(max),
    error_state int,
    error_severity int,
    occurence_datetime datetime default current_timestamp,
    user_name sysname default suser_name(),
    login_name sysname default suser_name()
    create proc usp_error_test
    @test_type AS test_type READONLY
    begin try
    select 1/0
    end try
    begin catch
    select * from testfunction1(@test_type)
    end catch

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    I would have a look at
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    Hi Ram,
    Its ApEx Dictionary.

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    Kim Berg Hansen wrote:
    Personally I use brain, pen and paper for designing/modelling - then simply write scripts to create those tables.Me too.
    But of course I realize that is not the way of a modern programmer :-)No, modern programmers rely less on the brain part.
    I have heard other people saying that the (now free) [url]SQL Developer Data Modeler is helpful for modelling. I haven't any personal experience, though.
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