Moving tracks onto a new computer.

I just purchased meself a new desktop computer to replace my laptop which is slowly dieing a death, but all my tracks are on my laptop and I'm unsure how to go about transferring them over, without having to reburn all my old cds.
When I plug my ipod into my new pc obviously it brings up the track listings on the library, but is there anyway of being able to make the tracks permanantly move into the library on the new pc?
any help would be much appreciated

There are a few things you could do, from networking the two computers, using an external hard drive or even using your iPod to make the move. Have a look at this User Tip: Migrating iTunes for Windows to a new PC
If you can network the computers there is also this one: Copying songs over a network to use with iTunes for Windows
You can also copy the songs directly from the iPod, though moving the iTunes folder is the best way to maintain all of your settings, ratings etc. There is a manual method of accessing the iPod's hard drive and copying songs but not playlists back to iTunes on Windows posted in this thread: MacMuse - iPod to iTunes
If you prefer something more automated then there are a number of third party utilities that you can use to retrieve the music files and playlists from your iPod, this is just a selection. Have a look at the web pages and documentation for these, they are generally quite straightforward.
iPod Access Mac and Windows Versions
YamiPod Mac and Windows Versions
PodUtil Mac and Windows Versions
iPodCopy Mac and Windows Versions
PodPlayer Windows Only
iGadget Windows Only

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    Hello Barry,
    Since you said PC, I'm directly assuming you're using a Windows platform.
    iTunes doesn't have the option to transfer songs FROM iPods TO hard drives... something which I think should be part of it.
    You can copy your music directly from your iPod, just browse around the drive through My Computer... otherwise you can use winamp and mlipod... just a few minutes of downloading and installing.
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    Eching the comment above I suspect you only copied the media folder, instead of copying the main iTunes folder. Playlists, ratings, play counts etc. are all stored in the iTunes Library.itl file that is the core of your library. Migrate the whole library properly and everything ends up on the new system. This is my suggested process.
    Backup the library with this User Tip.
    Restore the backup to your new computer using the same tool used to back it up.
    Deauthorize the old computer if you no longer want to access protected content on it.
    Keep your backup up-to-date in future.

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    For iTunes purchases...
    Launch iTunes on the new computer. From the iTunes menu bar click Store > Authorize This Computer
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    Fro non iTunes purchases see Zevoneer's post here > Moving files from Ipod to Itunes: Apple Support Communities

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    [Mac OS X 10.4 Help: Using Migration Assistant to transfer files|>
    [Mac OS X 10.3, 10.4: Transferring data with Setup Assistant / Migration Assistant FAQ|]
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    The handle says is all. Totally lost here & in a virtual house of cards. Please first see screen-shot.
    I have the Mozilla calendar (Lightening?) program on my computer. Is this screen-shot Thunderbird or is it an add-on called Lightening that was added on to Thunderbird? I don't even recall how I acquired in a few years ago. Whatever it is I find in invaluable. Indispensable. Brilliantly conceived. A superb creation.
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    After I downloading, installing, and adding-on what I need, how do I then move (migrate) my profile (data) over to new computer?
    Please know that I do know where that 'profile' and its .ics calendar profiles are stored. I am also well backed up. I just need to know how get (downloaded/install) what I need and move this over to the new computer. (See screen-shot)
    First, what must I download and install and add on. Second how do I move this data/profile (a virtual Life) over to the new computer without it all coming down like a house of cards?
    Please, unless it's all been documented in one location, a link to this and a link to that probably won't be very helpful. Anyone who can lay-out a simple, easy to follow plan (1, 2, 3, 4, done) will be a hero and make a significant contribution to people who dread buying a new computer for precisely these reasons. It will certainly encourage more people to use this absolutely wonderful personal management system. It's the best I've ever seen and I must keep it. But it's soooo risky.

    Obviously the screen-shot is posted so show what I see now and want to see when I am done. Was the ''really ''not clear? Nothing could be more germane ("Germaine" is a person's name) than a visual that shows the multiple calendar dynamic and what I actually want to see nor better communicants the fact that all I want is that and not other programs in a suite – a question btw asked but not answered.
    "I have no idea what the threshold issue is. Perhaps Zeno can assist you."
    I now see Zeno's reply but I never got an email re: my questions and just noticed it. I will respond to him separately. But ''obviously ''the ''''threshold'''' issue is ISSUE ONE (1) exactly what, and only what, must I download and install.
    Was that really not clear? That was not answered in your first reply. And since you here, later, state that Lightening does not need to be downloaded and installed how on earth could you presume the first threshold issue (question 1) was a joke?
    Once again I wrote and you even quoted me “Please, unless it's ALL been documented in ONE LOCATION, a link to this and a link to that probably won't be very helpful. Anyone who can lay-out a simple, easy to follow plan (1, 2, 3, 4, done) ...”
    As this exchange demonstrates, that statement has certainly proven to be correct.
    You then wrote, “Read the question... the question is. How do I move my profile to a new computer? You are the one making much more of it than that. ... All covered in the link.”
    What “the” (singular) of several links (plural) you provided are you talking abut? But no matter. No it was not "all" covered in the multiple links you sent which do not address the more important threshold question (1). The only issue you addressed was (2) data transfer which is secondary to the threshold issue which is ISSUE question one (1). Threshold issue/question presented: before we can go to question (2) we must address question (1).
    As I stated “Please know that I do know where that 'profile' and its .ics calendar profiles are stored.”
    You replied “No you do not. Local calendars are not stored in ICS files.”
    First please notice you make no attempt to clarify where they are; but, once again, please read carefully. I did not say that the calendars are “stored in the ICS files” but that the .ics files ARE the calendars and I do know there they are stored.
    Please see the screen-shot you claim is not germane? Each of those different colored calendars are (“not stored” in but are) .ics files that are stored in the Profile directory. In the directory c:\Users\myName\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird is a directory or folder called \Profiles and in that directory is a file named 9w2ydrc4.default. That file IS the profile. In that profile is a folder called “calendar-data” and in that folder are the calender .ics files that are the different colored calenders you see in the very germane screen-shot. So I do know where the calendars are. So I gather that all I copy into the Profiles directory is the file (profile) called 9w2ydrc4.default.
    Again, as I wrote before, I do not want a full suite with email. So what do I downloaded and install to get only what you see in the screen-shot. I don't think we ever installed a full suite before. I never saw and email program. So, again,'' asked but not answered. ''
    Then you stated, I do not need to download and install Lightening (please notice, is a partial answer to my first, threshold, question you presumed was a joke) but only Thunderbird since “Lightning is already in your profile so will move with it When you actually move the profile.”
    Well, since you like to use links, exactly what is your documented Mozilla authority for that hearsay? Since I posted the question I have spent much time at Mozilla. Literally everything I have seen indicates I must first download and Thunderbird. But again, I do not want to and never did, install a full suite of programs and, as far as I know, there is no Mozilla mail or other suite programs on this (my current old computer) and there never were. So, once again'', asked and not answered).''
    Everything at Mozilla states I must first download & install Thunderbird'' and then ''add-on Lightening. Nothing I have seen at Mozilla suggests otherwise or states that when we want to get Mozilla calendars over to a new computer we must first and *only* download and install Thunderbird and then just copy the profile (9w2ydrc4.default) into the 'Profiles' directory. Nothing I have seen at Mozilla suggests I do not have to download and install Lightening. So please show me where Mozilla documents that. ''' Please notice that even Zeno states, “You download AND INSTALL LIGHTNING as an add-on.'''”
    Since this contradicts you do tell me: what is your Mozilla authority for claim that I do not need to download and install Lightening because it's already in my profile? I see nothing in my profile that suggests Lightening is there.
    Finally, I wrote to you “ is axiomatic that Windows transfer wizard does NOT transfer programs but only data. You did not know this?” I only wrote that because it appeared your reference to Transfer Wizard was a response to the threshold question of (1) how to I get the program onto the new machine. But your response is''' very '''strange for you wrote “You are the first person I have encountered that thought it did more than transfer data.” Show me where I said that. I said the opposite. How on earth did you come to that interpretation as a response to my simple and very clear statement that " is axiomatic that Windows transfer wizard does''' NOT transfer programs but only data.'''.”

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    Is there an easy way to merge them and move them onto the new computer without being plagued by duplicates?
    Thanks in advance

    Unfortunately, no, it is hard to somehow automerge a couple libraries and avoid duplicates. iTunes is very stupid in that it is no able to determine duplicate files and so treats all files the same and adds them all. Which is good because you don't want iTunes determining three tracks are the same song because they have the same artist and song title and throwing two in the trash when in fact one was a studio version, another a live version and the other an alternate outtake version. You would make a lot of people angry doing that.
    So, iTunes leaves determining if tracks are duplicates up to the user. You can use the command to show duplicates, but that is only to help you determine which songs MIGHT be duplicates and leaves it up to you to make that determination.
    Therefore, when adding tracks, like from other libraries, iTunes does not make any attempt to determine, warn, let alone restrict duplicate tracks.
    About the only thing I can think of to help is to go into the libraries of the computers you are getting rid of and manually deleting stuff you know are duplicates. For example, on your main library you see you have 8 albums by U2. Go delete those albums from the other libraries. Repeat as necessary to at least get them other libraries reduced considerably. Then it will be much easier to try and determine where they are different to grab the different things to put into the main computer's library.
    Good luck,

  • I had iTunes on my last computer. It included hundreds of cd's I had downloaded. Is it gone? Can I retreve it from somewhere? I would like to get that info onto my new computer. Thx, dave.

    I had iTunes on my last computer. It included hundreds of my cd's that I had downloaded. I would like to get them onto my new computer. Thx, dave.

    No backup obviously, or you wouldn't need to ask.
    Do you still have the last computer? Even if it won't run it might be possible to extract the files from the hard drive.
    Do you have any of this media on an iDevice? If so see this post from forum regular Zevoneer for options on moving your iPod data back to your computer.
    Are you based in US? If so you should be able to redownload your music previously purchased from the iTunes store without being charged again.

  • Old computer is broke, how can I get my songs onto the new computer?

    My other computer with Itunes and all my songs was dropped and broke. We were unable to recover any of the songs. I have all the songs on my ipod though. So I downloaded Itunes onto this new computer, and now I am trying to add my recently downloaded songs to the ipod, and it keeps telling me that I need to erase the library and replace it with the new library. I don't want to lose all the songs I have now! What can I do? Is there any way to put all the songs from my ipod into Itunes just by using the ipod??

    Connect your iPod to your computer. When you get the message that it is linked to a different library and asking if you want to link to this one and replace all your songs etc, press "Cancel". Pressing "Erase and Sync" will irretrievably remove all the songs from your iPod. Your iPod should appear in the iTunes source list from where you can change the update setting to manual and use your iPod without the risk of accidentally erasing it. Also when using most of the utilities listed below your iPod needs to be enabled for disc use, changing to manual update will do this by default. Check the "manually manage music and videos" box in Summary then press the Apply button: Managing content manually on iPod
    Once you are safely connected there are a few things you can do to restore your iTunes from the iPod. If you have any iTunes Music Store purchases the transfer of purchased content from the iPod to authorised computers was introduced with iTunes 7. A paragraph on it has been added to this article: Transfer iTunes Store purchases using iPod
    The transfer of content from other sources such as songs imported from CD is designed by default to be one way from iTunes to iPod. However there are a number of third party utilities that you can use to retrieve the music files and playlists from your iPod. You'll find that they have varying degrees of functionality and some will transfer movies, videos, photos, podcasts and games as well. Have a look at the web pages and documentation, this is just a small selection of what's available, they are generally quite straightforward. You can also read reviews of some of them here: Wired News - Rescue Your Stranded Tunes
    TuneJack Windows Only
    iPod2PC Windows Only
    iGadget Windows Only
    iDump Windows Only
    iRepo Windows Only
    iPodRip Mac & Windows
    YamiPod Mac and Windows Versions
    Music Rescue Mac & Windows
    iPodCopy Mac and Windows Versions
    There is also a manual method of accessing the iPod's hard drive and copying songs back to iTunes on Windows or a Mac. The procedure is a bit involved and won't recover playlists but if you're interested it's available at this link: Two-way Street: Moving Music Off the iPod
    Whichever of these retrieval methods you choose, keep your iPod in manual mode until you have reloaded your iTunes and you are happy with your playlists etc then it will be safe to return it auto-sync. I would also advise that you get yourself an external hard drive and back your stuff up, relying on an iPod as your sole backup is not a good idea and external drives are comparatively inexpensive these days, you can get loads of storage for a reasonable outlay.

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    Moving this discussion to the Acrobat Installation & Update Issues forum.
    Pdurr0426 if you received the software on CD then please copy the installation files to a USB drive on a computer which does have an optical drive.  You can then install from the USB drive on the new computer.

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    Moved from Cloud forum to Downloading forum
    Download from
    Follow the Very Important instructions on that page before you click the download links.
    Enter your serial number to license CS5 on your computer.

  • I am trying to put the music from my ipod onto my new computer. After installing itunes and connecting my ipod touch a message comes up saying that my ipod is already synced with another library. What can I do to sync it with a new library?

    I recently got a new computer and got rid of my old one. I am trying to put the music from my ipod touch onto my new computer but keep getting a message saying that my ipod is already synced with a library and cannot be synced with more than one. How do I access that library on my new computer and if I can't are their other ways for me to put the music on my ipod into my new computer?

    Syncing to a new iTunes library or computer will erase your ipod. Only if you back up your iPod manually before syncing, you can restore your device from that backup again. A manual backup does not include the sync process.
    Disable autosync in iTunes, connect your iPod to your new computer and right click on it in the device list and choose backup. iTunes will backup your ipod without syncing.
    Transfer your purchases the same way, choosing "transfer purchases" this time.
    When you connect your iPod for the first time, all media content will be erased. But you can restore your settings and app data from your manual backup afterwards.
    Don't forget to set up at least one contact and event on your new computer to be able to merge calendars and contacts when you sync the ipod for the first time.
    Music is one way only, from the computer to your device, unless you bought the songs in itunes and transferred your purchases.
    There is 3rd party software out there, but not supported by Apple, see this thread:
    About backups and what's saved:
    How to back up and restore:
    How to download apps for free again:
    Saving other data is also described here. How to back up your data and set up as a new device

  • Can I put my music from my ipod onto a new computer without losing music?

    I have had to recently get a new computer. I have iTunes downloaded. I would like to put the music that i have on my ipod onto the new computer. I am afraid to sync in that I will lose my music and have to redo my library and lose purchased music as well.
    Is it possible to do it without losing music?

    One of the reasons why including your iTunes library with your computer's backup is a good idea. Use this link for future reference in this regard.
    iTunes includes an option to transfer iTunes content that was purchased/downloaded from the iTunes store from an iPod, iPad, and iPhone, but this is for iTunes content that was purchased/downloaded from the iTunes store only.
    First you need to authorize your new computer with your iTunes account with iTunes if you haven't already done so.
    With your iPhone connected and without syncing, at the iTunes menu bar go to File and select Transfer Purchases From - the name of your iPhone.

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