MP3 data rate problem - and solution

One of the things on my "To Do" list for this vacation was to rip every one of our CDs and put them onto MP3 CDs for the cars. I hate having those CD towers next to the entertainment center. It seems so, well, old fashioned. You know?
So, I wisely ripped them to the relatively high quality 320Kb/s. Wisely? Uh oh. Apparently not.
It seems that the MP3 player in the car can't handle that high a bit rate (they skip) and I was going to have to rip them again. What? No! Not at all. I have been saved. I downloaded a free file converter called Switch from NCH Software.
What a life saver. It allowed me to convert thousands of songs at one time. Not only that, it allowed me to keep the same directory structure. I had the files all well organized by what CD I wanted to write them to in a folder called Music for Cars and it allowed me to convert them into a folder named Music for Cars 128.
I just told it the input and output upper level folder, what the data rate was that I wanted to use. and I am just sitting back while my relatively fast PC takes about 5 seconds to convert each file. This is so cool. I still have the 320Kb/s to play on my PC, but I will also have 128Kb/s to play in the car - where, let's face it - the quality isn't quite as important when you live in California since most of the time the windows are open and you are competing with the wind noise anyway. Right? Even if my 59 year old ears could hear the difference between 320 and 128. I listened and I swear I can't really tell. Perhaps at a higher volume. I suppose I need to rip White Rabbit (the greatest rock and roll song of all time) and play it at a very high volume, I might hear the difference.
The software doesn't seem to have downloaded any additional, annoying programs, toolbars, or crud like that.
Isn't it amazing what programs are out there for free? And they work great. I would really have hated to have to rip all of those CDs again. And converting even one folder at a time would have been time consuming. This way is just so easy.

I agree with you on 100% the price/quality of downloads.  However I look at it like this:
While it is “only” $.99, I’ve though that is a lot considering I’m not really getting anything tangible, (like no cover art, no lyrics or liner notes, and no physical medium)  But I also thought how many times I would buy an entire CD/Album for 1-2 songs on it.  Then it becomes much cheaper to just get the 1-2 songs I want, and the only ones I would have played.
I remember the days long ago when my friends and I would ogle the cover art and try to figure out what the artist meant.  These days I think the artist has nothing to do with the cover art and it was probably choosen by the record label. 
If I need the lyrics, I just Google it.  Once again, I don’t to have to deal with storing the paper and plastic.
I like the fact that I don’t have physical media cluttering the house.  I prefer it in electronic form.  This is just me.
I would not call myself a music aficionado who can hear the difference. For those who can, I admire and envy them.  I don’t have that gift.  (I have trouble tuning my daughter’s guitar, even with an electronic tuning aid)
I realize everyone is different.  I collect/admire things others probably ask “why?”.  There is no right or wrong on tastes, and this is what makes life interesting.

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    Vikas dinaker

    Dear Vikas,
    Kindly check C13_BB_Config guide as service marketplace.
    It says in section on page 57, the below mentioned paragraph.
    3. On screen Create Problem maintain the following data:
    Be sure that the descriptions of the following problem(s) and solution(s) are defined in all languages that you want to use (e.g., in the E-Commerce Internet Customer Self-Service).
    4.Choose Enter. The default parameters are filled; please also see the NOTE following this description.
    5.Enter the problem description listed in the box below. The first line should not exceed 40 characters, for this is like a short description of the problem that will be displayed in the first line of the hitlist in the search.
    hope this helps

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    2. Create a single problem (list all questions)  for every product line and create multiple solutions that are linked to that problem (solution for each question)
    3. Is LMSW a good tool for loading data in mass?
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    Edited by: Glenn Michaels on Jun 14, 2008 9:52 PM

    Hello Glenn,
    If it helps, here's a scenario about KB on my company system.
    Our call center supervisors are the persons who creates problem and solutions in our KB. They maintain it but don't use IS01 transaction. They use instead  People Centric BSP's for Problem s and solutions (they're integrated in IC webclient with the help of transaction launcher).
    Normally, they prefer creating multiple solutions to one problem, instead of single problem - single solution method. This because some questions may have multiple solutions. They could put all the solutions text in one solution object, but for maintainance purposes we think it's better to create multiple solutions object to every solution text, because if one solution becames obsete, all we have to do is unlink instead of changing the text.
    We don't use LSMW. I don't have much experience in LSMW, but if you use it, be careful to respect KB interval numbers for problems and solutions. We implement an initial set of problems and solutions in our Development system, and we passed to the Quality and Produtive system, with the precious help of sap note '728295 - Transport the SDB customization between two CRM systems' and '728668 -Transport the content of the SDB between two CRM systems'.
    One cool idea to use the KB is using Auto-suggest feature. The idea is to integrate the links between problems and solutions with, for example, service ticket categorization, using BSP Category modeler, and when an agent classifies a ticket, at the top of the screen it will appear the suggested solutions/problems for the classification choosen.
    I think that's all.
    Sorry for my poor english. Today I'm not feeling very inspirated
    Kind regards.
    Edited by: Bruno Garcia on Jun 17, 2008 9:51 PM (added note 728668)

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    What about this?
    Best regards,
    Thomas Wagner

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    bbcamaro68 wrote:
    Hey i was having the same issues i tried contacting apple but got no where, it wouldnt let me restore and back up i keep getting the same error message. 
    went on my iphone under settings and restored back to factory settings, (not data just the factory settings for iphone) 
    and this fixed the problem, ios 5 update with no further problems. 
    hope this helps. 
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    Hello Douglas,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with the built-in iSight camera on your MacBook Pro.  I recommend the following steps for this issue:
    Important: Follow these instructions in order. Test the camera between steps to see if the issue is resolved.
    Built-in iSight cameras
    These steps are for iSight cameras that are built into a computer, such as the iMac G5 (iSight) or later, the MacBook, or MacBook Pro.
    See if the issue is application-specific.
    Try another application (iSight works with applications like iChat, PhotoBooth, and iMovie HD 6) to see if the iSight camera exhibits the same behavior in all applications. If it only happens in one application, try reinstalling that application.
    See if the issue is user-specific.
    Test your iSight camera in another user account. If the issue only occurs in one user, the issue would be isolated to user settings.
    Find out if the computer recognizes the iSight
    Check System Profiler (in the Utilities folder, inside the Applications folder). Under the USB header, check to see if the iSight camera is detected.
    Reset SMC or PMU
    Reset your computer's SMC or PMU, and then check System Profiler again. (SMC reset instructions for iMac G5 (iSight), Intel-based iMacs; PMU reset instructions for MacBook and MacBook Pro.)
    If your built-in iSight camera is still not behaving correctly after trying all these steps, you may need to contact Apple or an Apple-Authorized Service Provider for service.
    You can find the full article here:
    How to Troubleshoot iSight
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • Review Problems and Solutions after upgrade question

    I have recently migrated from WSS 3.0 to Sharepoint Foundation 2010.  I now have a the following messages in Sharepoint Admin.
    The SharePoint Health Analyzer has detected some critical issues that require your attention. View these issues.
    Accounts used by application pools or service identities are in the local machine Administrators group.
    Using highly-privileged accounts as application pool or as service identities poses a security risk to the farm, and could allow malicious code to execute. The following services are currently running as accounts in the machine Administrators group: SharePoint
    Central Administration v4 (Application Pool)
    SPTimerV4(Windows Service)
    Built-in accounts are used as application pool or service identities.
    Using built-in accounts like Network Service or Local System as application pool or as service identities is not supported in a farm configuration. The following services are currently running as built-in identities on one or more servers: SPSearch4(Windows
    The last time I tried to correct this type of issue I wound up creating a problem that I was unable to correct.  I had to  reinstall Sharepoint.  How critical is this and what is the best way to make these changes without causing larger problems? 
    I am using two accounts to run the services/pools/etc.  Well 3 if you count the Local System.  Account #1 and #2 are not in the Admins group.  They were when I installed everything but I have since removed them.

    Hi Poly,
    I recommend to follow the steps below to see if the warning message remains:
    1.   Re-run Rule Definition.
    In Central Administration, go: Monitoring > Health Analyzer > Review rule definitions. On the Health Analyzer Rule Definitions page, in the Category: Security group, click the rule definition link, Accounts used by application pools or service identities
    are in the local machine Administrators group. Click the Run Now button, then click Close. Wait a minute or two, and then return to Review problems and solutions page.
    2.   Reset Farm Service.
    Login to the local machine hosting the farm Central Administration application. Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Services and scroll down to the SharePoint 2010 Administration service. Double-click this service, select the Log On tab. If not selected,
    select  the This account option and then enter or re-enter the farm account. At the warning prompt, "The new login name will not take effect until you stop and restart the service," click OK. Stop and restart the service, and then
    click OK. Wait a minute or two, and then return to Review problems and solutions page.
    3.   Reset the Farm Timer Service.
    Login to the local machine hosting the farm Central Administration application. Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Services and scroll down to the SharePoint 2010 Timer service. Double-click this service and select the Log On tab. If not selected,
    select  the This account option and then enter or re-enter the farm account. At the warning prompt, "The new login name will not take effect until you stop and restart the service," click OK. Stop and restart the service, and then
    click OK. Wait a minute or two, and then return to Review problems and solutions page.
    More references:
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Knowledge Search - Problems and Solutions

    I am creating Problems and Solutions (in IS01). But that is not visible in knowledge search in IC Webclient.
    I have also done compilation in SPRO -> CRM -> Enterpise Intelligence -> SAF, but not getting the result.
    Please Help.

    -  Your IC WebClient Profile should point to the Knowledge Management Profile which point to the Configured Knowledge Base ( Problems and SOlutions )
    - I hope SAF Diagnosis Tool looks good ( CRMC_SAF_TOOL )
    -  I hope you have gone through the Best Practice Document ( help portal ) for Interaction Center which tells step by step ways to configure Knowledge Base

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    I am unable to delete unwanted songs from my wish list. Does anybody else have this problem and/solution. Thanks

    I have the same problem, and other people have also posted about it. I assume that there is either a bug with the current version of iTunes and/or that there is a problem at Apple's end

  • Problems and solutions for 9i DB R2 install on Redhat Linux AS 2.1

    Installing 9iDB R2 on Redhat Linux Advanced Server 2.1 (aka Redhat Enterprise Linux (AS))
    and applying patchset 2 (
    This is a certified platform but I hit many problems getting the install to work. Here are the problems I hit and how I solved them.
    Note: This is not intended to be a install for dummies but just an account of all my problems and how I overcame them. I spent 10 hours on this certified install (mostly looking for solutions to the problems I was having)
    I had a Intel Pentium 3 with 512 Meg RAM. (test machine)
    1. Install Redhat Linux
    2. Install Sun JDK 1.3.1 (this is not actually required for this install. I installed it as I was planning to install 9iAS after this)
    3. Install binutils- (also not required. I installed it for 9iAS)
    All other components were ok on my Redhat Linux install (i.e. kernel version, glibc)
    4. Create oracle user with dba group
    5. Create oracle home and oracle base directories. Ensure these are owned by oracle with rwx
    6. Set kernel parameters and make sure that they are initialized every startup:
    I managed to locate this script in the Redhat document called
    "Deploying Oracle9iTM on Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS"
    create a file called in /etc and give it execute permissions
    # configures kernel and system parameters for Oracle9i R2
    # File handles
    echo 65536 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
    ulimit -n 65536
    # Shared memory
    # The default SHMMAX value is too low and likely to cause a failure during
    # database creation. SHMMAX should be equal to half of your system's physical
    # RAM.
    # The default is for 512 MB of RAM. Replace the default value as appropriate
    # for the amount of memory in your system, i.e.,
    # 512 MB : 268435456
    # 1 GB : 536870912
    # 2 GB : 1073741824
    # 4 GB : 2147483648
    echo 268435456 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
    # It is generally safe to leave these next two values as they are
    echo 4096 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni
    echo 2097152 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmall
    # Semaphores
    echo 250 32000 100 128 > /proc/sys/kernel/sem
    # Sockets
    echo 1024 65000 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
    # Processes
    ulimit -u 16384
    # chmod +x /etc/    # make executable
    # . /etc/ # apply changes now
    edit /etc/rc.local to ensure this is run on startup
    append to /etc/rc.local
    # configure system for Oracle9i R2
    bash /etc/
    7. create a generic oracle environment setup script for all users to run
    create the file /etc/profile.d/
    be sure to change the variables to your environment (ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID)
    # Configures the user's environment for Oracle9i R2
    chmod 755 /etc/profile.d/
    This file will run when a user logs in.
    8. Install oracle DB
    This took me quite a few attempts.
    The first Install I did I received the error jre was not found. This issue seemed to be relating to the fact I was not installing on a Pentium 4. Oracle was looking for the jre in oracle.swd.jre/bin/i686 (and .../lib/i686) when some of the files were placed in i386 and java was looking in i386. This created a real mess. I had encountered a similar problem on a previous install on a different platform. I found articles of people that tried to just link the directories with symbolic links but this never worked. I tried my own version but also failed.
    The solution that worked for me was to de-install, remove all the oracle directories created by the install (this part I had always done) AND also delete the file /etc/oraInstl.loc. This makes the Installer truly believe this is the first time Oracle has been installed on this box. My jre problem disappeared after that. (I don't know why it just didn't work in the first place...)
    The next error I received was an ORA-03113 when creating the database (in the dbca). (It was actually at this point that I found the document from redhat as mentioned in my set 6 above) I also noticed that when running the install of the database, the default was for Oracle's SGA to use 70% of the available memory on my machine (I have 512M so that's 360M). Oracle instructed me to set shmmax to around 240M. This may be why the database creation failed as I thought the shmmax parameter needed to be larger that SGA. Anyway, I reduce the SGA to 50% and it worked.
    This error may also have been caused by the kernel parameters not being set properly after a reboot so if you implementing stop 6 above. You may never get this problem, hopefully.
    8. Install the universal Installer (a prerequisite for installing the patchset 2)
    You will need this to install the patchset 2. You can get it from metalink by searching for the bug number in the patch area. Search for bug/patch number 2878462 in patches. (37Meg for linux intel)
    (Did you know that when oracle refer to a bug number, you should treat this as a patch number? General the bugs are not available for public viewing but oracle create a patch of the same number as a placeholder. So don't search for the bug in the site search or by doc id, go straight to the "patches" area and enter the bug number as a patch number, you'll have more success. - I only found that out today after struggling with metalink for the last 4 years)
    9. Install the patchset 2
    I downloaded patchset 2 (which will bring my DB version to (220Meg). There is a special symbolic link command you'll need so make sure you remember to do this.
    $ cd $ORACLE_BASE/oui/bin/link
    $ ln -s
    10. Migrate your database
    I could not get this to work. The docs says I need at least 150M shared_pool_size and 150M Java_pool_size before running the startup migrate. As I only have 512Meg RAM (and shmmax set to 230M) I did hold much hope that this would work. I started my DB without the migrate option just to see if it would actually open with 300M in my pools. It did, so I shut it down and restarted with the migrate option. After 5 minutes of heavy processing (I still have an empty database) my server appeared to hang. I decided to restart the machine and just re-create my DB with the new patchset already applied. I delete my $ORACLE_BASE/oradata/<sid> directory and remove the entry from /etc/oratab and re-created my DB. This worked fine :)
    I hope this document helps you for your install. Please drop me line if it does help and I'll endevour to write more documents like this one.
    Please drop me a quick line at [email protected] even just to say "thanks".
    I will include a few keywords here to help the searches find this document. (mainly the keywords I searched on and failed to find a doc like this one)
    ORA-03113 ORA-3113 03113 3113 jre was not found jre not found i686 i386 i586 9iDB R2 Redhat Advanced Server 2.1 AS Enterprise Linux (AS) RH install error installation errors oui dbca problem issue
    Good luck,
    Tim Daniell.

    The trick that worked for me was on a 2nd attempt. I installed once, let it fail with "jre was not found", de-install through the installer, delete all directories and files under $ORACLE_BASE (including $ORACLE_HOME), and also delete /etc/oraInst.loc.
    I don't know why it fixes itself with this. Oracle say this is an unresolved bug 2726268 that lies in the installer. This is still unresolved by Oracle (as at 02-June-03) therefore it is not a published bug/patch. If this doesn't work, I suggest you open an iTAR and see if Oracle has any more suggestions for you.

  • Maintaining Problems and solutions in IS01

    Hi all,
    I am working on CRM 5.0. In it, I have created a problem in IS01. After saving and releasing it, it appears in the search help. But when I try to display or change it, I get an error ' Problem no. xx does not exist'.
    Plz help.
    One more query, are FAQs related to the Software Agent Framework(SAF)? I have seen that in SAF, when we go to 'Name and Configure Search Engine', there the host IP and port no. for the search engine are not provided.
    Thanks and regards

    Dear Vikas,
    Kindly check C13_BB_Config guide as service marketplace.
    It says in section on page 57, the below mentioned paragraph.
    3. On screen Create Problem maintain the following data:
    Be sure that the descriptions of the following problem(s) and solution(s) are defined in all languages that you want to use (e.g., in the E-Commerce Internet Customer Self-Service).
    4.Choose Enter. The default parameters are filled; please also see the NOTE following this description.
    5.Enter the problem description listed in the box below. The first line should not exceed 40 characters, for this is like a short description of the problem that will be displayed in the first line of the hitlist in the search.
    hope this helps

  • My Iphone/ Ipod touch 4th gen WiFi problems and solution

    Just wanted to let people know the problems that I had with my 4th gen Ipod touch and Iphone 4 WiFi connections (and my solution).
    I was having consistent problems with my WiFi connection at home - my devices were connecting fine to the router and apparently the signal was full strength; however, nothing was working properly (internet, itunes, app store). To be specific the devices would work for 5-10 minutes but then the connection would start to falter. My other wireless devices were working fine (HTC Hero, laptops etc.) - just the ipod and iphone seemed to suffer from this signal problem (although the router was always apparently connected).
    Obviously, I read countless forums to try and diagnose the problem. There seemed to be a litany of possible causes and I tried the following to resolve the issue:
    - updated router (Netgear WGR614 v6) firmware
    - rotated wireless encryption (WEP/WAP/nothing)
    - changed router channel
    - reset router power
    - reset network settings on Apple devices
    - changed g and b settings on router
    Nothing seemed to work so I began to question the hardware i.e. the router (which I knew was working from my other devices) and the iphone/ipod.
    I tested my iphone and ipod on other wireless networks (McDonalds in the UK has free WiFi) and found that, in contrast, they worked fine on other networks. I had read a few posts from people saying that my router was perhaps too old. So as a last resort I bought myself a new router (Netgear WNR2000 v2). I was loathe to do this earlier in case it didn't work, since reasonable spec routers are £50
    Anyway it worked ... straight away. I have tested the new connection at home using this SpeedTest app. D/load = 9.01 Mbps, U/load = 0.46 Mbps, Ping 65ms. The router is using the full encryption (WAP2 something ...) and N connection.
    As you can probably tell I'm no WiFi expert - I just wanted to post this in case people are having similar issues with older routers. I wasn't able to find any definitive advice and solutions from other users so I though I'd contribute here, which I guess is the first port of call for new Apple users, like me
    I bought the new router 10 days ago and have been enjoying my full speed connection ever since - touch wood. Hope this helps.

    Sounds like an intermittent contact problem some where eon the logic board. Hard to trace down and fix

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