Mpeg2-lines, h264 no lines

When I render with mpeg2 the lines that appeared on my footage timeline, don't dissaspear. But I discovered when I use h264, they do disappear. Word to the wise, plus wondering if I'm not using mpeg2 settings properly, I just use the regular settings?

I'm not sure what interlaced lines or deliverables are technically. But the lines aren't on the original footage, and they are crossed lines that move. I think The other footage is a bit affected as well. Also I feel like the way the footage grows in size when I put it on the timeline,after I resize it it is changed also.
Any idea how to make mpeg2dvd not have interlaced? Its a film to be watched on both tv and computers.I would love to not reimport, but the whole file will only render in peices.

Similar Messages

  • Differences between MPEG2 and H264

    I have just purchased a HD PVR to record HD from the TV.  A bonus is that it connects to our wireless network and I can view and play files on my PC (which is in another room).  I have an HD video camera but usually render the output to DVD PAL so I can burn a DVD and watch it on the TV.  Now I can output in HD without the need for a Blu Ray burner, I am wondering what format I should be choosing for the final output:
    1. MPEG2 1080i 25 fps OR
    2. H.264    1080i 25 fps
    The file size is about 15-20% smaller with H264, but it's the quality that is of most importance to me.

    What are your output bitrate settings?
    For fast moving subjects (sports) setting the bitrate higher is needed... I will guess the same is true when the camera moves as you describe
    I know that for a DVD (all I create) I have the maximum bitrate on an Encore render set to 8... since you are going HD, you should check into those settings

  • Hardware encoding for mpeg2 and h264

    Hi Folks,
    I'm looking to clear up the bottleneck of processing mpeg2s. I have a 2009 quadcore mac pro and it's not bad for speed, but I just finished a 36 hour video transfer to DVD for a client and the processing took 4.5 nights (I ran my files overnight while I worked on other projects during the day).
    So, I'm looking for a hardware solution mpeg2 encoding. I see GrassValley has the firecoder, but it was PC only? I'd like something similar to the Maxtrox CompressHD which exports right from within FCP. I think the CompressHD is what I'll get for h264 encoding although I'll admit to date, it's mostly been personal encoding of my own home movies for AppleTV and my Pentax DSLR and headcam which shoot HD. I know clients will want that service as well.
    Any suggestions for the mpeg2? I realize it maybe a dying breed (re: using DVDs), but most of my clients are older and prefer DVDs.

    Thanks Shane. I figured as much, but wanted to double check in case I missed a setting list for either device.
    I shudder when I think of virtual clusters b/c, as mentioned, I can never get them to work right. Either that, or my set up isn't optimal (I'm over a giga-ethernet and have a 2009 MP and a 2006 MP (and a few other machines i 'could' use).
    The odd thing is that Bitvice, from Innobits, accesses all cores without any tweaking, set up (or begging It just works. I was just hoping for a solution.
    I will admit that I've yet to try a cluster since the latest compressor update, but I'll review the links I have again.
    Fingers crossed
    Thanks for taking the time to answer - I do appreciate it and I always value your input.

  • New Calculated field question. Complicated I think.

    I have managed to create this table from a MySQL database:
    The field 'Total' is a calculated field using this SQL query:
    $query_Recordset1  = 'SELECT *, `Disk I/O`+`MPEG2-DVD`+`H264-BR`+IFNULL(`MPE On`,`MPE  Off`) As Total, `CPU`*`Cores` As Phys_Cores FROM `Personal_data` WHERE 1  ORDER BY (`Disk I/O`+`MPEG2-DVD`+`H264-BR`+IFNULL(`MPE On`,`MPE Off`)),  `Date & Time` ASC';
    So far, so good, but as you may have  noticed, there is a next field called 'Rel. Perf.' which only contains  blanks. And that is where my problems start.
    The table is sorted by 'Total' and the first record shows these figures and field names that are relevant for my question:
    Fields: 'Total'  'Disk I/O'  'MPEG2-DVD'   'H.264-BR'   'MPE On'   'MPE Off'
    Values:  131,        67,              21,                  37,              6,              64
    In addition, I use four 'weight' figures, let's say these are 0.27 , 0.30 ,  0.20 and 0.23 denoted as W1, W2, W3, W4.
    First step is to calculate four temp values, using a formula like this resulting in T1, T2, T3 and T4:
    T1 = W1 x  Total /Disk I/O; T2 =  W2 x Total/MPEG2-DVD ; T3 = W3 x Total/H.264-BR ; T4 = W4 x Total/(IFNULL(MPE On, MPE Off)
    Note that this only applies to the top record and here the SUM(T1, T2, T3, T4) results in 131, equal to the Total.
    The result of 100 x SUM(T1, T2, T3, T4)/ Total = 100 should be the 'Rel.Perf.' result for the top record.
    Now  is gets difficult. Let me call the records R1, R2, R3, ..., Rx. Now, in  the previous step we have established that the figure 100 should into  R1.
    For R2 the result of the 'Rel.Perf.' is 100 x SUM(T1 x Disk  I/O(2), T2 x MPEG2-DVD(2), T3 x (H.264-BR(2), T4 x (IFNULL(MPE on, MPE  Off)))/ Total(2)
    For R3 the result of the 'Rel.Perf.' is 100 x  SUM(T1 x Disk I/O(3), T2 x MPEG2-DVD(3), T3 x (H.264-BR(3), T4 x  (IFNULL(MPE on, MPE Off)))/ Total(3)
    etcetera for all the rest of the records in the table.
    A  complicating factor is that the reference point of the top machine  should remain fixed at 100, but when doing queries, the top machine may  not be in the query results, but all the query results for the Rel.Perf.  should be derived from these scores. Life would be infinitely easier if  one would be certain that the top machine is fixed, but that is not the  case.
    Sorry to make this such a long and complicated post, but  for those who have struggled through this long message, if you have any  suggestions on how to make this work, I would appreciate it.
    Thanks in advance.
    Harm, while non is intended.
    PS. I have been trying to generate a SQL query, using the following code:
    $query_Recordset1 = 'SELECT *, FORMAT(`Disk I/O`+`MPEG2-DVD`+`H264-BR`+IFNULL(`MPE On`,`MPE Off`),0) As Total, FORMAT((54.661*`Disk I/O`+161.25*`MPEG2-DVD`+71.66666*`H264-BR`+645*IFNULL(`MPE On`,`MPE Off`))/129,1) As RPI,`CPU`*`Cores` As Phys_Cores FROM `Personal_data` WHERE 1 ORDER BY 54.661*`Disk I/O`+161.25*`MPEG2-DVD`+71.66666*`H264-BR`+645*IFNULL(`MPE On`,`MPE Off`), `Disk I/O`+`MPEG2-DVD`+`H264-BR`+IFNULL(`MPE On`,`MPE Off`) ASC';
    For static work it is OK, but not when a new top performer submits his data.

    Hi William,
    Per my understanding that you want to count the number of the value in the field wait which is smaller then 15, right?
    I have tested on my local environment and that you can add the calculated field (Count) using the expression as below:
    Insert an outside group row and then get the total count by using below expression:
    Preview you will get the result like below:
    If your problem stil exists, please try to provide some sample data and the exprect count result you want.
    Any problem, please feel free to ask.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Apple TV vs PS3 - I'd have an AppleTV any day

    I'd been considering getting a 2nd AppleTV for a while, but was tempted to try out some other media players/extenders.
    There are only a couple of things for me that stop AppleTV being a killer device.
    First - the limited choice of video file formats. I hate transcoding things.
    Second - the odd decision to have an unusable USB port. It could be so easy to add storage capacity.
    Third - why no random music video play?
    There are lots of other little things I'd like but those 3 are top of my wishlist.
    Anyhow, waited for the UK PS3 price drop, bought a 60GB PS3 a few days later (new 40GB not backwards compatible with PS2 games, not that I have any, but I do have some PS1 games which are still entertaining though incredibly dated!).
    Early impressions of the PS3 are not great.
    I'm surprised it won this EISA award:
    Noise - surprisingly noisy fans, even when fairly idle vs completely silent AppleTV. Strange how some fan noise is intrusive, other fan noise isn't - my projector fan noise is quite loud but not annoying like the PS3.
    Audio output - I can only select 1 output at a time unlike AppleTV's audio outs all on concurrently. With the PS3 I have optical out to my AV kit, but if I just want to listen to audio through the plasma via HDMI I have to access settings menu and change it! Arghhh!
    Media playback - far from good. It seems to be incredibly fussy about encoding of files. I'd say 80-90% of files I have in supposedly supported formats are not recognized. Thinsg are just reported as corurpt data when they play back fine on a PC/Mac. This includes MP3s, MPEG2 files, h264/MPEG-4 files. The ability to hook up a FAT32 external drive via USB 2 is great, but absolutely useless if it won't play the media on it. Ok, it's early days yet, and I may be starting to learn what works and what doesn't, but I wasn't expecting to have to transcode things again just so they conform to the Sony's idiosyncrasies. Also even if you can get your VOBs to play you cannot output 5.1 surround from media stored on hard drive/memory cards.
    Interface - pretty hopeless IMO vs simple pleasing AppleTV interface.
    Games - well it's a games machine, not much more to say, stunning visuals but so far my PS1 games are more fun!
    DVD/BluRay playback - excellent playback, but the fan noise!!!
    Streaming - so far only tried Eye Connect from Elgato - absoluteley useless, can't view anything - either reports network errors or incompatible/corrupt data. Might try Media Tomb, but installation looks far from simple. Compare that with near perfect iTunes streaming.
    Wireless - g vs AppleTv's n. Used in identical spot to AppleTV I get 20-40% signal strength vs 4-5 bars for AppleTV. PS3 seems to be a sod for wireless protocols too, so I've had to compromise everything else to get the connection up.
    Usability factor - Mrs AC can easily use the AppleTV, not so sure she'll easily get the hang of navigation on the PS3, the interface really is naff.
    Ho hum, should have bought another AppleTV saved £150 quid, donned the asbestos underpants, and dabbled with modding the AppleTV, perian etc.
    So all in all, AppleTV ain't perfect, but it's small, cute, quiet and pretty much just works.....will have to wait and see what the next iteration of the product brings to the party.

    Hi Winston, I assume you've played with a PS3 then. The interface is very quick and responsive but just seems a cluttered mess to me.
    There are quite a few nice things about the PS3, but from a media playback viewpoint it's currently not ticking the right boxes for me.
    In essence I just want to copy stuff onto a USB drive plug and play. Should be easy but isn't.
    I've been a bit on an early adopter over the years, but less so these days, and would have thought with all the PS3 firmware updates it would be more refined for media playback from hard drives - streaming may well be a different matter with Windows media servers, but my XP box is all disconnected at present as I'm decorating a room so haven't tried it.
    BluRay disc playback is superb, and so are the games in HD, but visual eye candy alone doesn't make up for boring films or tedious games - perhaps I'm just getting old, but I watched Spiderman3 (blockbuster rent some BluRay thankfully) the other day, fantastic visuals but what a cheesy film.
    The one interesting thing was that I had a file (.m2ts) from my Sony HD camcorder, and that played back very well, so I could quite easily store and playback my unedited home movie footage using the PS3 - HD encoding takes ages to do, so why not just playback the original? (File size being the obvious issue with FAT32).
    Anyhow, I'm digressing, I think the PS3 has lots of potential, it's just that AppleTV does 'what it says on the tin' much better, and AppleTV obviously still has untapped potential to be even better than it is now.

  • In need of an answer desperately!

    I've been trying to burn this project over a week!  Initially, my ISO file would end up being larger than what Encore showed and it wouldnt fit on the BD.  You guys helped me realize that a blank disc only has 22.5GB.  I thought i would solve my problem by simply removing some of the video to get below the threshhold.  I tried that multiple times to no avail.  I finally removed enough video to get down to image size of 19.27 (according to Encore).  I created the ISO and it came out again at 24.2GB and wouldnt fit on a disc.  After reading the forums, i decided to change the codec from MPEG2 to H264 to reduce the size.  Encore didnt show any difference in file size.  I rendered all of the files BEFORE creating the ISO.  5 hours later, I checked the total size of all the rendered files (in the Transcodes subfolder, in the project folder), both audio and video, and the total wa 19GB.  Confident I was in the clear, I created thte ISO adn this time the file was 30.1GB!
    A few questions: How could the ISO be larger using the H264 codec and removing about 85 minutes of video?  What does "Building the movies" mean if everything is already transcoded?  WIll 320 minutes of 720x480 H264 widescreen video with PCM audio with max video/audio bitrate of 15Mbps fit on a 25GB BD?
    Background info:
    Encore CS3.01.008
    Windows 7
    only 5 basic menus with 19 seconds of video and audio background, no motion graphics
    no ROM content
    12 timelines
    4 playlist
    4 chapter playlist
    The video was transcoded in Encore using the blu ray 720x480, 29.97i, NTSC, H.264, max 15MB bitrate
    Yes..I cleaned the media cache
    Thanks for your help in advance!

    Thanks to all of you for your help.  I'm giving up on this project and starting from scratch!  I've learned a fw things along the way:
    Chapter playlist are not compatible with blu ray
    A blank 25 GB disc has only 22.5GB of free space
    Build your project to not exceed 20 GB in Encore to be safe
    Avoid having any blank spaces in your project and disc names. Use the underscore character instead
    Ensure your video and audio files are exactly the same length on your timeline
    Encode/transcode your files outside of Encore
    For blu ray, use H.264 as opposed to Mpeg 2 where possible
    Never promise yuor mom "you'll have the DVD tonight" !
    There was one question that was never answered.  What is Encore doing when it says "Building the movies" while burning an ISO?

  • Getting as close to a lossless conversion as possible

    I posted another question a few weeks ago that wasn't answered. It concerned my Sony HDD camcorder and the back that it's mpeg2 files it records (though imported fine through iMovie 08) resulted in slightly jerky footage compared to a pure burn using Canon's windows tools (you just press a "Burn to disk" on the camcorders docking station)
    While I'm still not compeltely sure, I think now it's to do with the conversion, it strikes me that the burn in windows doesn't have any sort of file conversion whatsoever, the mpeg2 files are the right format for the DVD, so they get there (albeit in a vob with minimal fuss).
    In iMovie my process is to import them from the camera, which (I think) converts the mpeg2 to h264, and then I can export my movie as DV which converts again, or select the "Share to media library" as large which I'm not sure on the format h264 again ?
    So when I finally get the movie into iDvd it then has to go back into mpeg2 having had the guts ripped out of it. I'm still not sure why the resulting movie appears to be slightly worse in terms of the smoothness, as it's writing correctly at 25fps (I'm in PAL land) but there's a diff between the original mpeg2 file and the final result.
    So my idea for fixing this issue as best I could is to convert the mpeg2 files before iMovie gets it's hands on them. SO I figure I could use Streamclip to convert to DV, but then what's the best way of then exporting from iMovie to iDVD. Can I get something close to lossless ? Any recommendations on the mpeg2 -> DV conversion in streamclip in way of the settings I should be using. I'm tending to deinterlace because it looks better on screen - but the DVD will be interlaced anyway won't it ?

    SO I figure I could use Streamclip to convert to DV, but then what's the best way of then exporting from iMovie to iDVD.
    MPEG Streamclip with the $20 QT MPEG-2 Playback component will convert your original HD camcorder files to DV. If the files do not require any editing, they can then be authored directly to DVD by iDVD. If they require editing, you have the following options:
    1) Import to iMovie '08 which converts the original content to an all I-frame MPEG2/AIFF (i.e., equivalent of an M-JPEG/AIFF) and then exports the data as MPEG4/AAC for authoring to DVD as multiplexed MPEG2/PCM by iDVD, or
    2) Convert to DV and import as an iMovie HD DV project. Files will be edited as DV and exported/sent to iDVD still in the DV compression format with all effects, transitions, and titles also rendered as DV for authoring by iDVD as MPG2/PCM VOB title sets. (I.e., there is one less conversion using this work flow depending on whether you consider the initial iMovie '08 import a conversion or more of an "expansion/decompression" of data.)
    Can I get something close to lossless ?
    This is a very subjective are of discussion and has been hashed and re-hashed in this forum many times already. Suffice it to say that either work flow can be made to produce "acceptable" results depending on numerous factors. No process of multiple conversion is truly lossless nor artifact free -- especially when going from a delivery/distributio compression format to an editing format and back to a delivery/distribution format.
    Any recommendations on the mpeg2 -> DV conversion in streamclip in way of the settings I should be using.
    Not really much to say here as the DV format is very standardized with relatively few user options. Any of the DV modes (DV, DVCPRO, or DVCPRO50 will work. (I tend to prefer DVCPRO for quality to files space considerations but this is really up to the user.) You, of course, will want to keep to the standard used by the camcorder -- PAL or NTSC. And you will want to flag the content properly as to anamorphic content -- especially if you plan to use iMovie '08 which previews and exports using this anamorphic flag to set the final aspect ratio. It also goes without saying that you should always re-sampe the audio content. Other than that, you should feel free to experiment.
    I'm tending to deinterlace because it looks better on screen - but the DVD will be interlaced anyway won't it ?
    Unless you are using a custom authoring work flow (e.g. bitVice de-interlaced source to DVD Studio Pro), I would recommend leaving this setting alone for DVD use. (I.e., I de-interlace for iPhone, iPod, TV, and/or online postings.)

  • Poor encoding quality for HD

    I recently bought a Panasonic Camcorder 3CMOS to get the best HD quality (MEPG2 1080x1920 50i/s progressive)
    But I was frustrated by the Pr Encoder. I set the highest quality parameter with MPEG2 (bitrate up to 35 Mps, 2 passes) and H.264 (like wise) and did not get even the quality provided by the very simple editing application delivered by Panasonic with the camcorder (Coding H264).
    Is there any way to replace the Pr encoder for the exportation of sequences.
    Thank you for your help.

    I also have a Panasonic, the SD-707, and I noticed the same as you. Downscaling to DVD is good, not as best as it can be but I can live with that quality. But exporting HD is bad (MPEG2 and H264).
    So, I've decided to export from Premiere to HUFFYUV and after that, I use ffmpeg to convert to x264. And that quality is soooo much better.
    I've also tried Komisar VFW x264 build but the exported movie stutters so it's unusable. I would know if Premiere could export directly to x264 because it's a high quality codec and better than the build-in mainconcept H264.
    I've converted some movies of my son for the web with ffmpeg and everyone who have seen those like the quality. I've tried to get the same quality with Premiere but the filesize is much bigger and the quality worse. With ffmpeg I scaling down to 1280x720 and use a bitrate of 1500k. A movie of 5 minutes is 59 MB.
    So, maybe you can try ffmpeg and compare it with Premiere export.
    You can download HUFFYUV here:
    FFMPEG can you download from here:
    You can download both for free.

  • Quicktime Player - won't play movie

    I have a movie file which works on my old 10.6 Snow Leopard machine (it's a m4v file), but Quicktime player under 10.8 refuses to play it. Whenever I try to open it, it complains of a missing codec (but doesn't state what). However I can watch the preview in Quicklook. If I try to watch it in VLC, the sound comes out all distorted and sounds like something from the 80s, while the 10.6 machine plays it nicely.
    I've tried to copy it via various methods incase it's getting corrupted in transit, but I get the same result.
    Any tips or recomendations for a movie player that might play this file?

    Hi Sam,
    .m4v is the format and codec is the component / resource used build the movie i.e m4v is a box that is carrying the movie and the movie was created using codec like MPEG or MPEG2 or H264 and so on... try to get this App or, try to update your VLC player....
    Good luck...

  • Adobe Encore DVD Quality

    My friend and I, we do weddings, he as the photographer and am the videographer.
    I edit in Adobe Premiere Pro CC and once the video is ready i exported as MPEG2 or H264, Lately I've been using MPEG2 cuz i make a DVD Menu in Adobe Encore CS6
    Once i finish the Menu in Photoshop i imported into Encore and i tried so many presets and mothods to have at least 90% of the quality but the dvd menu still low quality.
    Tried DVD MPEG2, Blu-Ray MEPG2, Blu-Ray MP4 but nothing
    I burn in Dual Layer DVD
    and 4.7 Gb DVD
    Speed 1x
    Side: One
    Layer Break: Automatic ( I don't know what this it )
    Regions : All
    I will attached 2 pics.
    In full screen the project burned it looks fatal.

    Thanks for your tips John
    I edit my menu in  DVD MPEG2 but still look terrible I'm not pretty sure if the dvd are bad quality or something else.
    I edit my videos in 1920x480 24fps once i export my video  in mpeg2-dvd i have low quality cuz transcode form 1 format to another
    so Basically in your experience what would be the best option to edit videos, export them and make the dvd for weddings

  • Confused regarding .VOB, .BUP, and .IFO files

    I am a renowned impulse shopper (for example, I went researching new computers and came home with an iMac 1 day later with no clue how to work it), and I have been reading these discussion pages constantly for the past week. I do not want to go buying unfamiliar stuff to accomplish my goal without getting some advice, based just on what I have gleaned from the discussions. I hope this is ok.
    My goal is to convert my home VHS videos into an editable format within iMovie 08 so that I can edit, then burn them to DVD. Here is what I have so far...I really hope you can provide some advice as to whether I am on the right track?
    For using my VHS player, I was advised to use Dazzle (or Video Capture for Mac), but the website says it converts into MPEG-4. I have read that this is the lesser quality compared to MPEG-2 so I am not sure if there is better equipment or will this be fine? Before being told about Dazzle, I was looking for a cheap DVR that would connect to my computer.
    For the VHS that I have already had Wal-Mart convert to DVD, I have tried to copy them onto my hard drive but they are in a VIDEO_TS folder filled with .VOB, .BUP, and .IFO files. Naturally, I cannot play those files. I read that MPEG Streamclip and iSquint are popular tools for these files, but I must admit to feeling idiotic when reading more about them. I do not know what would be best for my project.
    Thanks so much for any advice and guidance on this very confusing topic. I simply want to understand and buy what I need the first time to achieve my goals using my nice, new shiny iMac!

    My suggestion would be to convert to DV for editing, mpeg2 and h264 are both compressed and are not generally a first choice for editing purposes, h264 is much more efficient than mpeg2, so of the two would I believe be the better option regardless of the fact that you couldn't use mpeg2 with imovie anyway.
    To convert VHS you will need some form of capture hardware such as a stand alone device or a PCI card although if you know someone with a miniDV camera with pass through capability you could also use that.
    As for those DVD's you got done at wal-mart, I don't know if they offer it as a service but you would be better getting them as data DVD's with DV files on them rather than DVD format. For those that you already have mpegstreamclip would be my tool of choice, again converting them to DV.

  • Capture card plug-in

    My company has developed a H.264 HD capture card and I would like to support it in Adobe Premiere Elements 8/9 (PE).
    I have a few questions that I hope you can help answer :
    1.     Which SDK should I use for the plug-in ?
    2.     The card supports only compressed streams, meaning it has to be decoded in PE for preview. Is this type of use case supported ?
    3.     What type of plug-in/plug-ins will I need to develop ? Are there examples ?
    Thanks for any guide.

    I was wondering the same thing.
    'was just looking around MSDN for you.
    Basically you should build a WDM filter. It exposes itself as a DirectShow pin which the user can join to.
    For capture that would be your "WDM Filter"-> FileOut Filter
    For preview (sorry doesn't look like you can do it at the same time unless there is a "Duplicator filter".. Anyhow for preview you would join the "WDM Filter" -> "h264 Decode Filter" -> "Display Filter".
    I also came across this: 2a-4975-89f8-c933624642ed
    it is a comment on how Microsoft has a free non-GPL h264 decoder shipped with Win7 and above.
    Here is the MPEG2 & MPEG4/h264 Decoder Filter (NOTE it's 32bit only)
    Zac, can you confirm that he should:
         Step 1: make a WDM Filter
         Step 2: use the generic Capture Recoder from Prem PE to attach to the now standard capture device.
    Or... does he need to explicitly code for his filter connected to the Win7 h264 Decoder then into Prem PE.
    I'm interested to understand how this works. Please keep us up to date with your progress.

  • Radeon, XBMC, HD Audio plus a 50% decrease in CPU usage over Catalyst

    Radeon, XBMC, VDPAU, HD Audio plus a 50% decrease in CPU usage over AMD Catalyst Drivers
    Big Thanks goes out to Fritsch! I could not have put this all together without him doing all the upfront grunt work.
    For Fritch's thread and install guide for Ubuntu:
    Linux Radeon OSS with vdpau (Ubuntu How To).
    Since you are using Arch Linux (which requires Linux experience) I take that into account with my instructions. Consider this an OVERVIEW with the various packages, patches, etc. that you will need to do it yourself.
    (If you have installed Arch, XBMC, etc. this should be a breeze. Otherwise, if you need additional help... post and I or someone else will reply.)
    What you get:
    - Bitstream Audio (including DTS-HD, TrueHD, LPCM 7.1)
    - max resolution: 2048 x 1152
    - mpeg2, mpeg4, h264, vc1 accleration
    - Bob deinterlacing via vdpau
    - 24 fps Video Playback (AMD and Intel Haswell CPUs)
    - XBMC runs with 50% less CPU usage over AMD Catalyst Drivers
    Hardware tested on:
    CPU - AMD 8350
    Video Cards Tested - AMD 5770 and AMD HD6450
    1. Install of Arch (Running Linux Kernel 3.12.1)
    2. Install the mesa10-git
    3. Install linux-firmware, xorg-server, xf86-video-ati, xorg-xinit, etc. using Pacman (Arch Package Manager).
    Below is a link to my xorg.conf:
    Note: I am running Xen, unRAID, XBMC and several other VMs. XBMC is my desktop so I disabled composite. If you are running a desktop, enable it.
    Radeon xorg.conf
    Be sure to check out the Radeon Wiki on how to set up your xorg.conf correctly and other settings like Dynamic power management.
    4. Add radeon.dpm=1 clocksource=hpet hpet=enable to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub.
    5. Update grub.
    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    6. Add export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=vdpau and export VDPAU_DRIVER=r600 to /etc/bash.bashrc and to /var/lib/xbmc/.bashrc.
    7. Unmute any of the S/PDIFs that might be muted.
    8. Store alsamixer settings.
    alsactl store
    9. May be required - Edit /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf and set the correct card and device id.
    For my System:
    defaults.pcm.card 0
    defaults.pcm.device 3
    10. Install xbmc-xvba (FernetMenta).
    11. Enable XBMC to autostart:
    systemctl enable xbmc.service
    To start xbmc:
    systemctl start xbmc.service
    12. Add / Create advancedsettings.xml (location: /var/lib/xbmc/.xbmc/userdata) and add the following:
    <loglevel hide="false">0</loglevel>
    <delay>175</delay> <!-- set to zero or adjust if audio seems out of sync with 24p movies -->
    13. Restart XBMC for the above settings to be used:
    systemctl restart xbmc.service
    XBMC Settings:
    Settings->System->Video Output:
    Vertical Sync: Always Enabled
    VDPAU: On
    Prefer VDPAU Mixer: ON
    VAAPI: Off
    XVBA: Off
    Adjust Refreshrate to match video: Off <--- If this is not set to off DTS-HD and TrueHD will not work.
    Sync Playback to Display: Off <--- When turned on audio sync issues are possible.
    Settings->System->Audio Output
    Audio Output: HDMI
    Speaker Configuration: 7.1 (5.1 if that is how many speakers you have)
    Boost Volume Level on Downmix: On
    Output To All Speakers: Off
    Dolby Digital (AC-3): On
    DTS: On
    AAC: On (Not every Receiver can decode AAC. If not, set it to off)
    Multichannel LPCM: On
    Audio Output Device: HD-Audio Generic
    Passthrough Output Device: HD-Audio Generic
    Last edited by ddeeds (2013-11-29 05:19:44)

    I followed these instrucitons and the worked perfectly on my HTPC build (running the AMD APU A4-4000 on a Gigabyte GA-F2A88XN-WIFI).  I have a quick question though.  When I want to shutdown or reboot I hit the power button on the lower left of the XBMC main window.  Usually a dialog menu pops up giving me the option to Suspend, Shut-Down, Reboot... etc. etc.  The menu in the xbmc-xvba build only shows "Exit".  How do I enable these other options?  I'd like to at least be able to shutdown or reboot from within XBMC.
    Nevermind, I solved it..
    I found this thread
    It says that running XBMC as a service will not register my session and polkit will not work.  I have to autologin as the user xbmc and startx automatically.
    I followed the instructions here and here.  Then I added "exec xbmc --standalone" to the end of my /var/lib/xbmc/.xinitrc file.
    Everything works fine now.
    Last edited by necbot (2013-12-05 17:30:18)

  • Audio in Encore is too short

    When I export multiplexed audio it causes short audio in Encore. It works fine when not multiplexing as two separate files but I prefer to have it come in as one file as it is simpler for beginning students. Mpeg DVD multiplexing has worked without a hitch for years but somehow, sometimes (but not always) the audio comes in a couple seconds short on CS6. I have seen another thread on this subject, but it didn't have a solution other than not multiplexing. Since multiplexing is still an option, it should work. 

    Yes, multiplexing is supported, but it has always had sometimes where it did not work as expected. You apparently had better luck than many.
    Because Encore (any DVD authoring program) must de-multiplex such streams before it can build the vob containers, it has made sense to me to use the default/recommended method for MPEG2-DVD/MPEG2-Bluray/H264-Bluray - which is separate files for video and audio.
    Since some of the time you will get problem results, the choice is to teach mpeg and then how to redo the export to demuxed or to teach demuxed. Either is a legitimate option.

  • Panasonic camcorder AG-HMC41E.

    Have purchased the AG-HMC41E and set the recording to 1080 50i 25p.
    Shot a few minutes of video and used Log and Transfer in FCP 7.0.2
    Selected the best clips,edited and exported to Quick Time and back.
    Sent to Compressor.
    Overwhelmed by choices to be made.
    Selected HD H.264 10.3Mbps.
    Did I select the best and most appropiate setting for writing to a DVD?
    Thank you,

    Hey Michael
    I think you may have misunderstood my reply, as what your camera shoots is not important.
    As previously noted, standard definition DVD's for playback in a regular DVD player should be MPEG2 not H264 and you would be best off using the presets already provided in Compressor for this task. If you want to make a Bluray disc then again, use the presets provided in Compressor.

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