MPEG4 - AAC Problem!

Hey guys, Firstly i'm not the best person with Computers so excuse me if i've done something majorly stupid.
Bought a new phone today - Samsung D600; if you're wondering. Anyway, it doesn't support MPEG4 files, which is what the songs in my iTunes library are currently in. It does support AAC, so i thought i was in luck. However when i convert songs into AAC I just get a duplicate of the first file, still in MPEG4.
Any ideas? Anybody else have this problem? All help is appreciated, including other ways in which to convert files.
Thanks in advance...

All music files from the iTunes Music Store are protected and can not be converted to another format. The file suffix "m4p" means "MPEG4 Protected."
Files imported from audio CDs are AAC files with an mp4 file suffix by default. They are unprotected, industry standard AAC files, and should not need to be converted if the phone supports AAC.

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    I finally rec'd QuickTime for the web and it's accompanying CD. I installed it in OS 9, restarted, and had the option of converting the .avi to multiple different formats including .mp4 and .mov. After registering it and activating it I converted the file to .mov then transferred it to my eMac and imported it to iMovie where I was able to adjust the sound track to be in sync with the video track.
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    Thanks again,
    Martin J. Estrada

  • .avi converted to MPEG4 but problem

    Yes I was able to add a .mov ext to it but the video is not showing up. It was created on a PC using Tony Hawk helmet cam. I would like to use these clips to make low quality video of my bike rides etc.
    As I said, I get audio but the Quicktime video pane is blank (white screen). Are there any tricks to converting it to any Quicktime format that would make the video appear? I can tell it has large amounts of data as it should (28mb) for a 4 minute video. When I initially uploaded it from the network, I proceeded to open it and Quicktime pro notified me that I needed a plugin and directed me to the plugins and update page you find in the Quicktime preferences pane when you click the update tab. Any help would be great!
    Thanks in advance,
    Martin J. Estrada

    Since you are able to open it you can probably
    find the file format and comporession (codec) by
    using MovieInfo in the Window menu of the Quicktime
    Player. Some folks report that this menu item does
    not work for them with all codeds. If that is the
    case you could open Movie Properties if you have QT
    Pro, select the video track and then check Format in
    the submenu.
    I'm anxious to try this in Quicktime pro tonight when I get home. I hadn't even thought to check Movie info or Movie properties.
    ALso, if it is an avi you could try the Divx codec
    listed on the component page that Apple directed you
    When I was directed to the component page, the DiVX player was the logical choice for trying this. I downloaded it and gave it a shot with only the identical results, no picture, just sound.
    If none of this works you could try ffmpegX to see if
    it will read and/or convert to a suitable format.
    Also, take a look this freeware: VLC, which may be able to read
    and convert the file.
    I searched here yesterday for information before I had even transfered it to my eMac and read somewhere about VLC and ffmpegx. I already have VLC on my iMac and gave it a shot with the same results. I don't believe I have the current version of VLC though, so I'll update it tonight and try it again. If perhaps this is the fix, will it now be possible to convert it for the purpose of exporting to iMovie and how, or will I still need to hunt the plugin or codec?
    ffmpegx is a component of HandBrake is it not.
    Incidentally, the software that came with the TH helmet cam is designed for the PC platform only and can convert the captured video footage to .avi or .wmv only. I'm wondering if there is a utility or application out there that makes these devices recognised when connected to a Macintosh.
    Additionally, I forgot to mention that I tried conversion through MPEG Streamclip (?did I say that right?), also sound only. I've had success using this to convert MPEG4 and H264 to .mov files for import to iMovie and thought it might help.
    Anyway, I really appreciate your consideration and view at my post. I look forward to letting you know I've found a solution because I see a lot of posts similar to mine (but pertaining to iPod transfer) with no resolution so to speak.

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    I'm not sure about your rhythmbox woes but if memory serves me RealPlayer for Linux will play the mp4 files. You can grab the PKGBUILD from punkrockguy318's tur.

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    Hi funnyjanni,
    May be I am writing this after 4 years.
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    Could you please tell me what to do more simply?
    I'm saying that the modal message you are getting seems to indicate the data content in your movie does not appear to match what the file container says it is. This could mean that the file is corrupted or that someone has made manual modifications of some sort that the QT X Player does not like.
    Since an MOV container is generic and may contain any valid combination of audio and video data, I was simply wondering if you could re-save the the movie to an MOV file container before attempting to edit it in the QT X Player. This operation does not require the data to be re-compressed and may satisfy whatever problem the player thinks you have with the file. As an alternative, you could try editing the file using the MPEG Streamclip application which, if the source data is really MPEG4/AAC or H.264/AAC, will allow you to save the trimmed data to either and MP4 or MOV file container if that is a matter of any great importance to you.

  • Which MPEG4 flavours are compatible with iMovie 08?

    Hi there!
    I just tried out iMovie 08 and I like it quite a lot. But there is a problem with my videos, which seem to be incompatible. I record video with an Casio Exilim EX-S500 camera which produces in an Avi-container with tracks in this format:
    1. Video: M4S2 aka MS MPEG-4
    2. Audio: DVI ADPCM
    Ok, I found out that the sound format is kind of problematic, but I don't know what's the matter with the video stream. MPEG-4 should work. There is nowhere a list to be found exactly stating the video formats iMovie 08 likes. It would be nice to use my videos as they are, but if conversion cannot be avoided (arg!), I would like to know a good target format.
    *Which format*
    *a) works fluidly with iMovie 08 (skimming etc.) and*
    *b) preserves the visual quality of my movies without exploding file size?*
    I'm experimenting with MPEG-4 and H.264 encoding in MPEG Streamclip just now. I'm trying to find a suitable setting for the quality control.
    Best regards,

    Ok, I found out that the sound format is kind of problematic, but I don't know what's the matter with the video stream. MPEG-4 should work.
    MS MPEG-4 is a proprietary, non-standard MPEG-4 compression format. While you may have the appropriate QT component installed that will allow you to play these files back in the QT Player, I am not sure the codec will allow iMovie '08 to import/edit the video natively. And, as you previously indicated, the DVI ADPCM audio is known not to be compatible. Best approach would be to convert files to a fully supported (i.e., QT playback, conversion, and edit compatible format) manually or simply import them to iMovie '06 if your QT components support conversion to DV by iMovie '06.
    There is nowhere a list to be found exactly stating the video formats iMovie 08 likes. It would be nice to use my videos as they are, but if conversion cannot be avoided (arg!), I would like to know a good target format.
    For the most part, users here are still learning which compression formats are compatible and which aren't. I like AIC/Linear PCM (Apple Intermediate Codec with "Big Endian" audio), H,264/AAC, MJPEG/Linear PCM, DV, and MPEG4/AAC formats when proper data rates are used to preserve maximum quality. Would also like to use Apple Animation/Linear PCM which is import/edit compatible but it has an output bug which renders all video as a "black" display. Apple Video does the same thing but has less color depth so I would avoid it anyway. At least one individual has indicated Photo-JPEG video may have the same "black" display problem but I was not able to confirm this. Other formats will likely remain a questionable until somebody tries them and reports back. I suspect there may be other, less commonly used formats that also may be compatible.
    I'm experimenting with MPEG-4 and H.264 encoding in MPEG Streamclip just now. I'm trying to find a suitable setting for the quality control.
    H.264 usually works best if you simply do not limit the video data rate. However, to give you an idea of the data rates involved, this usually requires a video data rate on the order of 18-20 Mbps for VGA SD dimensions. MPEG-4 video data rates usually need to be 2.0-2.5 times as great. Total AIC audio + video is about the same as H.264/AAC, DV usually about 55 Mbps, and MJPEG/Linear PCM only about 12.5 Mbps (which is why I suspect iMovie '08 uses it for thumbnails and storage of photos used in a project).

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    I tried to drag it to iTunes but it didn't appear, though it would play in QuickTime. Then I noticed that the filename ended .aac and not .m4a so I changed it and immediately the icon changed too, to the "musical note". I dragged it to iTunes and STILL it did not appear!
    So I changed it back to .aac and now not even QT will play it.
    These are the output format specs in the Ondesoft app :
    output format aac
    MPEG4-AAC - Normal Quality( 44100 Hz, stereo , 192 kbps )
    In the profile information it says:
    [Audio]codec=aac sample_rate=44100 hz channel=2 bitrate=192 kbps
    So what's wrong? Why doesn't changing the filetype to .m4a cause iTunes to load it into its Library? And why has changing the filetype back to .aac caused QT to stop 'seeing' it? It still plays ok in the Audio Recorder app.

    Oh, I know what has happened. I went back to the Audio Recorder, and saw in the 'Output Format' list that while aac was top of the list, there was also m4a lower down. So I re-recorded the music as m4a and this time it loaded into iTunes ok.
    But here is a mystery - the profile information for both formats was the same, i.e. aac 41000 Hz 2 channel. If both are exactly the same format - and I'd always believed that iTunes's default format was AAC - then why does iTunes recognise one but not the other??

  • QuickTime wont play my mpeg4 movies

    I just got a new Sony DSC-T99 Cypbershot camera. the "HD" video files that I've been taking will not play in quicktime. I import them through iPhoto, then when I double click the video I get the following message. "Additional software is required for QuickTime to playback this media. It may be available from the QuickTime Components page." Then it will play the audio but the screen is black.
    the files are .mp4. I think 1280 x 720.
    I tried importing through iMovie '09 and was also unsuccessful.
    Any suggestions... I dont want to have to convert files everytime I want to watch a video I recorded.

    If I wanted to post a sample of the video, how would I do that?
    If the file is smaller than your ISP/Mail client limit, email it. If larger and your ISP includes adequate free storage space post it there. If you have a MobileMe account, post it to your Public folder. If you don't have commercial online storage space available, check into site offering free temporary storage for the purpose of posting/distributing files. (Unfortunately, I don't use the latter, and so cannot suggest any by name for you.)_ If all else fails, email me and I will see about setting up a temporary password for you to post it my account area.
    I am told thh file is MPEG-4, AVC/H.264, Approx. 30 fps, Progressive, AAC, mp4 format. they couldn't tell me the exact data compression. I was however, able to watch the file using the VLC media player. Does that help?
    Not really. Information available online already indicated the 1920x1080 mode employed AVCHD (format developed jointly by Sony and Panasonic which was designed for Blu-ray disc compatibility) and the 1280x720 mode using MPEG-4. Since you were not 100% sure about the mode and did not indicate if your attempt to import via iMovie was done directly from the camera (calls special different import modules) or from iPhoto via the Finder (a simple Move/Copy operation) we still do not have the total picture. I would however, lean more towards it being an MPEG4/AAC file in an MP4 file container requiring an add-on video component. Nor have you indicated whether or not you have the Perian component package installed which might be able to handle the video data.

  • Quicktime wont play mpeg4 videos

    hi, i have downloaded quicktime 7.1.3 and iTunes for windows but i cant seem to play mpeg4 videos on them. They will play but the screen is mostly white and the video is not visible. i dont know if i have installed it wrong or the settings are wrong. plz help me

    If I wanted to post a sample of the video, how would I do that?
    If the file is smaller than your ISP/Mail client limit, email it. If larger and your ISP includes adequate free storage space post it there. If you have a MobileMe account, post it to your Public folder. If you don't have commercial online storage space available, check into site offering free temporary storage for the purpose of posting/distributing files. (Unfortunately, I don't use the latter, and so cannot suggest any by name for you.)_ If all else fails, email me and I will see about setting up a temporary password for you to post it my account area.
    I am told thh file is MPEG-4, AVC/H.264, Approx. 30 fps, Progressive, AAC, mp4 format. they couldn't tell me the exact data compression. I was however, able to watch the file using the VLC media player. Does that help?
    Not really. Information available online already indicated the 1920x1080 mode employed AVCHD (format developed jointly by Sony and Panasonic which was designed for Blu-ray disc compatibility) and the 1280x720 mode using MPEG-4. Since you were not 100% sure about the mode and did not indicate if your attempt to import via iMovie was done directly from the camera (calls special different import modules) or from iPhoto via the Finder (a simple Move/Copy operation) we still do not have the total picture. I would however, lean more towards it being an MPEG4/AAC file in an MP4 file container requiring an add-on video component. Nor have you indicated whether or not you have the Perian component package installed which might be able to handle the video data.

  • Problems importing files already in iPhoto

    OK... so I have imported videos into iMovie that were originally in .avi format, and were not in my iPhoto library, and they've worked just fine. But when I try to upload files that are already recognized by iPhoto and have thumbnails attached, I can't seem to select them for import. The files are orignially in .mpg format, but I have also tried converting them to .avi and iMovie still won't allow them to be selectable when trying to import.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    OK... so I have imported videos into iMovie that were originally in .avi format, and were not in my iPhoto library, and they've worked just fine. But when I try to upload files that are already recognized by iPhoto and have thumbnails attached, I can't seem to select them for import.
    Unlike files imported into previous versions of iMovie, files transferred at the "Finder" level into iMovie '08 are not automatically converted to DV for editing. Instead, iMovie '08 checks to see if the files contain audio and video content which is editable in its "native" compression format. If the audio and video content is editable, then the files are normally imported. If not, the iMovie '08 will not import them.
    The files are orignially in .mpg format, but I have also tried converting them to .avi and iMovie still won't allow them to be selectable when trying to import.
    Muxed compression formats like MPEG-1, MPEG-2, VOB, MOD. TOD, Flash, etc., do not contain audio and video synchronized instances (i.e., frames) of data and therefore cannot be edited in "frame level" editors like iMovie, FCE, FCP, QT Pro, etc. Nor, can they normally be properly converted to editable QT compatible formats using QT applications like GarageBand, iTunes, QT Pro, etc. without losing the audio content.
    Files like AVI or MOV are actually just containers -- not an audio/video compression format. They can contain hundreds of combinations of audio and video compression formats which may or may not be "Edit" compatible with iMovie '08. Therefore, whether or not a particular file can be imported directly to iMovie '08 usually depends on what audio and video codecs where used to create each particular file. Casio digital cameras, for instance, often use an AVI file containing MJPEG video (which is compatible) and DVI ADPCM audio (which is not). The same holds true foe Kodak's MOV files which contain MJPEG video (still edit compatible) with µ-Law audio (another incompatible audio format).
    The basic strategy here is to actually open the file, check the codecs used, and convert any "offending" data to an acceptable compression format for import/editing. Conversion compatible formats like MJPEG/µ-Law or MJPEG/DVI ADPCM can be converted to iMovie '08 editable files by QT applications like iMovie '06, GarageBand '08, iTunes, QT Pro, as well as, any number of third-party file conversion applications. Also be advised also that there appears to be a bug in the import of some supposedly compatible files (like MPEG4/AAC slideshows created by iPhoto) which seem to import on some platforms but not on others. Strangely enough, if your platform will not import such files directly, simply placing the data in an MP4 file container without performing any re-compression makes the file data iMovie '08 compatible.

  • How to make a slide show or edition including mpeg and other formats

    I am i bit puzzled by the use of iphoto/imovie/itunes.
    I have a Sony camera which generates jpg photos and mpg videos; besides, i have 3gp and mp4 videos from cell phones.
    Firstly, i imported all of them to iphoto. I used a automator workflow to help importing from hotsynced Palm centro files, to discover the first problem with the 3gp files: they could not be iported by workflows.
    Still, they could be seen in iphoto, but then i tried to make a slide show. My idea was to put the photos and videos of a certain event to be watched together, or at least to be able to watch the videos in a sequence, without having to click on each one.
    I didnt get it in iphoto, so i switched to imovie. it was even worse, since it cannot import the mpgs and the 3gps (the jpg photos were ok). What could i do about that? is there any converter or other way?
    then i tried the itunes, and it was the opposite: it imported and played in sequence the mpg videos, but not the photos. This is a workaround anyway, since the program expects to play movies, and makes my daughter a "star", but that`s ok, she is one to me.
    i'll be thankful for hints on how to make the imovie compatible with the 3gp and mpgs, or finding some way to do this edition in iphoto or even with itunes.

    I see, it sounds reasonable , i think i will buy the pro and try.
    QT Pro ($30) and MPEG Streamclip (free) complement each other. In many cases one can do things that the other cannot. For instance, MPEG Stramclip can handle/edit multiplexed formats while QT Pro cannot. QT Pro allows layering of data tracks while Streamclip does not. Streamclip merges file streams more easily than QT Pro but QT Pro allows the "Movie to MPEG-4" export to "passthrough" the video while Streamsclip does not. And so on and so forth...
    I was referring to the mpegs from the Sony camera, of which a have hundreds, shot in the last 3 or 4 years, mainly from my 5-year old daughter. Is the above true to these?
    That still doesn't help. By "sony camera," are you referring to a still digital camera (multiplexed MPEG-1) or a Sony video camcorder taking MPEG-4/AVCHD with AC3 audio in an MPEG wrapper, a Sony DVD/HDD camera storing some kind of MPEG-2/AC3 files. On a Mac, the extension MPG normally refers multiplexed MPEG-1 (or MPEG-1 audio layer) files while MPEG normally refers to multiplexed MPEG-2 video content with MPEG-1, layer 2 audio (MPEG2/MP2) but may also refer to files with MP3 or AC3 files in an MPEG, VOB, or TS wrapper. In addition it may loosely refer to elementary M2V video streams (M2V video file paired with a separate AIFF or AC3 file), a standard MPEG4/AAC file (in an MOV or MP4 wrapper) or a standard H.264/AAC file in MOV, MP4, or M4V wrapper). Since the handling, conversion, editing requirements vary with each type of file, it becomes important to what specific kind of content/file container we are dealing with here.

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