MPLS, VPLS, MAC-in-MAC Ideas for my application

I have a provider that serves me a 100mb/s Ethernet port, Single VLAN, between two locations. They block important traffic to me like STP BPDU's, VTP etc..
What technology can I use to take everything, STP, VLANs, Multicast etc.. and encapsulate it and get it all back out on the other side?
Can I use point to point MPLS with two low cost routers?
My provider only has Ethernet in the core. They use Ethernet switches as a CPE Demarc on both sides and an Ethernet Switch cloud core.
Thank you.

L2TP is not the same as QinQ (also known as vlan stacking, etc).
First make sure your PVLAN has enough MTU to support the inner instance of 802.1q
vlan 2
name Your_PVLAN
mtu 1504
interface GigaEthernet1/1
description Uplink to Your LAN
switchport access vlan 2
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel <<< This is the magic
switchport nonegotiate
mtu 9216
no ip address
l2protocol-tunnel cdp << The rest of the magic
l2protocol-tunnel stp <<
l2protocol-tunnel vtp <<
no cdp enable
spanning-tree bpdufilter enable << Recommended
On your uplink you only need to be able to transit VLAN2.
This is one way. There might be others.

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