MPN linked to multiple internal material numbers

Hi Gurus!
We are combining one SAP system into another, because of an acquisition, on ECC6.0.
The two companies have common MPNs from common suppliers. The two companies will be in different plants, company codes, etc. For the first phase, we would like to avoid re-numbering our internal material numbers. At the same time, we would like to use one common HERS / MPN number, to make purchasing reporting across the plants easier.  If possible, we would like to do something like this: have one HERS / MPN number point to two different internal material numbers, depending on the plant.
Any suggestions? We're open to user-exits, enhancements, and the like, but not modifications.
Thanks for the help.
Jeff K.

Here is the Process of Manufacturer Part Profile :
Create External No ranges for Vendor Account Group MNFR and save.
Now Create Each Make / Manufacturer like ABB as one Vendor in XK01 Trxn code.
Create Material Code original say XXXX in MM01 with ROH material type. (for eg Transistor which is available with ABB & Seimens make)
Create material code for ABB make say 11with Material type HERS which contain only two views (Basic Data & Purchasing) and give Make, Original material No & Material group and other details and save.
Create material code for Seimens make say 12with Material type HERS which contain only two views (Basic Data & Purchasing) and give Make, Original material No & Material group and other details and save.
Create a Purchase order with original Material XXXX, then it will ask for mnfg part profile then select the material and click F4 on it it will show you the created mfg part nos like ABB 11 & seimes 12 and select one and save.
Prerequisite is you have to Activate Mfg part profile in OMPN trxn code
And in Material master Purchasing View Select the mfg part profile and save
Even if you set the Mfg part number in Display mode in SPRO settings system will throw the same error.
Now What can be done is :
Either go to ME21N and Select material tab after inputting and press f4 and select Manufacturer part number options then system will showe the list of mfg part number maintained to that material select the desired and save.
Else go to MM02 Purchasing View and in Mfg part Profile tab there must be a four charecter profile assigned to field Remove this and save.
The Second option is not a good practice.

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    As of configurator 1.7.1 this still seems un-possible.  Contacted Apple enterprise phone support about this and they verified that at this time only one device can be assigned to a user.  A suggested workaround was to label the user with a device specific tag (IE "$USERNAME [iPad]" "$USERNAME [iPhone]") but obviously this leads to some other complications.  I asked the phone representative to please submit feedback concerning use cases where users need to have more than one device assigned.  Hopefully this can be addressed.  If other people have this question I would suggest submitting feedback at (no there isn't an option for configurator but I submitted my feedback under OS X).
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    SAP knows 2 kind of subcontracting scenarios, a purchasing route and a production route.
    in the purchasing subcontract scenario you order the finished material with item category L, you can see the components in the purchase order and you consume the components when you post the goods receipt to  this purchase order.
    in the production route, you create production orders to "manufacture" the finished and to consume the components, the purchase order is only to procure the service. you do goods receipt and cosumption in reference to the production order, and you do a goods receipt for the service in reference to the purchase order.
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    in the production subcontracting process you can enter the info record number in the recipe, so you can establish a permanent link in master data. So SAP exactly knows which info record price to pull for the service orders. and in this process you can enter one info record number in several recipes.

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    Hello Folks,
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    it looks like you are on a good way, just something little is missing. Type MD_T_MATNR is suitable for your issue. I have tried it and probably your problem is that You have to use
    SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_matnr WHERE mara~matnr EQ it_matnr~table_line.
    instead of
    SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_matnr WHERE mara~matnr EQ it_matnr~matnr.
    In this example I suppose that a name of your variable of type MD_T_MATNR is it_matnr. Problem is that table line is not structure, but data element, therefore You have to use ~table_line instead of ~matnr.
    Hope it helps.

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    can  any body suggest how can I do this.

    You can do that.
    1:Assign the new plant to the sales org / distribution channel - Enterprise structure
    2:DO the shipping point determination for the new plant.
    3:Extend the materials to the new plant.
    4:If there is intercompnay process, please check "Assignmnet of organizational units to plants" in navigation SD - Billing - Intercompany billing.
    5: Check if there are any pricing records, output cwhich has Plant as parameters. if yes maintain the entries for the new plant.
    These are the things I could think of.
    Before deleting the existing plants, make sure there are no open documents existing for these plants, else system will not allow to delete.
    Edited by: Sai on Jun 1, 2010 4:19 PM

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    Machine 2:   Forward 4001 to port 3389 for
    Machine 3:   Forward 4002 to port 3389 for
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    Please advise
    Thank you.

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    The following tags occur more than once in the XML file. The "I" and "L" tags and its child tags can occur ones or more than once for each XML file and it is not constant. i.e in one file they can occur 1 time and in another they can occur 100 times.
    "I" and "L" are child tags of <C>
    Tags <C> and <F> occur only ones for each XML file. <C> is the child tag of "A" and "F" is the child tag of <C>.
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    I need to collect <J>, <K> in one internal table KTAB.
    I need to collect <J>, <N> in one internal table PTAB.
    Below is the complete XML file.
    ?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
    With the help of SDN I am able to gather the values of <D> <E> in one internal table.
    Now if I need to gather
    <G>, <H> in one internal table JTAB.
    <J>, <K> in one internal table KTAB.
    <J>, <N> in one internal table PTAB.
    I am unable to do. I am following  XSLT transformation method. If some one has some suggestions. Please help.
    Here is my ABAP program
    TYPE-POOLS abap.
    CONSTANTS gs_file TYPE string VALUE 'C:\TEMP\ABCD.xml'.
    * This is the structure for the data from the XML file
             D(10) TYPE C,
             E(10) TYPE C,
           END OF ITAB.
    * Table for the XML content
    DATA: gt_itab       TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF char2048.
    * Table and work ares for the data from the XML file
          gs_ITAB     TYPE ts_ITAB.
    * Result table that contains references
    * of the internal tables to be filled
    DATA: gt_result_xml TYPE abap_trans_resbind_tab,
          gs_result_xml TYPE abap_trans_resbind.
    * For error handling
    DATA: gs_rif_ex     TYPE REF TO cx_root,
          gs_var_text   TYPE string.
    * Get the XML file from your client
    CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
        filename                = gs_file
        data_tab                = gt_itab1
        file_open_error         = 1
        file_read_error         = 2
        no_batch                = 3
        gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
        invalid_type            = 5
        no_authority            = 6
        unknown_error           = 7
        bad_data_format         = 8
        header_not_allowed      = 9
        separator_not_allowed   = 10
        header_too_long         = 11
        unknown_dp_error        = 12
        access_denied           = 13
        dp_out_of_memory        = 14
        disk_full               = 15
        dp_timeout              = 16
        not_supported_by_gui    = 17
        error_no_gui            = 18
        OTHERS                  = 19.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
              WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    * Fill the result table with a reference to the data table.
    * Within the XSLT stylesheet, the data table can be accessed with
    * "IITAB".
    GET REFERENCE OF gt_shipment INTO gs_result_xml-value.
    gs_result_xml-name = 'IITAB'.
    APPEND gs_result_xml TO gt_result_xml.
    * Perform the XSLT stylesheet
        SOURCE XML gt_itab1
        RESULT (gt_result_xml).
      CATCH cx_root INTO gs_rif_ex.
        gs_var_text = gs_rif_ex->get_text( ).
        MESSAGE gs_var_text TYPE 'E'.
    * Now let's see what we got from the file
      WRITE: / 'D:', gs_ITAB-D.
      WRITE: / 'E :', gs_ITAB-E.
    <xsl:transform xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
      <xsl:output encoding="iso-8859-1" indent="yes" method="xml" version="1.0"/>
      <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
      <xsl:template match="/">
        <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
              <xsl:apply-templates select="//C"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="D"/>
            <xsl:value-of select="E"/>
    Now the above pgm and transformation work well and I am able to extract data into the ITAB. Now what changes should I make in transformation and in pgm to collect
    <G>, <H> in one internal table JTAB.
    <J>, <K> in one internal table KTAB.
    <J>, <N> in one internal table PTAB.
    Please help..i am really tring hard to figure this out. I am found lot of threads addressing this issue but not my problem.
    Kindly help.

    Hi Rammohan,
    Thanks for the effort!
    But I don't need to use GUI upload because my functionality does not require to fetch data from presentation server.
    Moreover, the split command advised by you contains separate fields...f1, f2, f3... and I cannot use it because I have 164 fields.  I will have to split into 164 fields and assign the values back to 164 fields in the work area/header line.
    Moreover I have about 10 such work areas.  so the effort would be ten times the above effort! I want to avoid this! Please help!
    I would be very grateful if you could provide an alternative solution.
    Thanks once again,
    Best Regards,

  • Searching for links across multiple pdf files

    We have thousands of pdf files that are being moved to a new website. Some of these pdf files have links within them (either as text or as a hyperlink). This number is unknown.
    The issue is how to programmatically search across multiple pdf files (numbering in the thousands) looking for links using a regular expression or part of a path. This will have to be able to search behind the text and search for the link url.
    We first need to identify the number of files with links and create a list of the files with links that need modifying. If the number is too great to modify manually, then we would need the ability to programmatically edit these links.
    The pdf files are stored in a database. Also, the pdf files are different versions and some are password protected.
    Is there an Adobe product that will perform this? If not, are there any 3rd party vendor products that will accomplish this?
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    I have no solution, but a thought: the database factor may seem to be
    a killer. But you could look for a solution designed to read PDF files
    from a web site (by spidering or from a list), which would presumably
    load them.
    Or could do a one off extraction of the files from the database into a
    directory and use that for your process. Probably a very good idea,
    since extracting all files from the database is likely to be costly
    and hammer the server (but can be scheduled at a sensible pace), while
    the search process will (if it is possible at all) doubtless need to
    be run countless times.
    Aandi Inston

  • RMDATIND uploading problem with external material numbers

    I'm using LSMW direct input program RMDATIND (Object:0020 Method:0000) for creating materials.
    I have a problem with uploading materials which have two types of external material numbers.
    For example one material number is 1111-333 and then we have 10000000. The problem is that direct input won't create materials with number 1111-333 though it's possible to create them manually. It works fine with material 10000000.
    Does anyone know how fix this issue?

    Sweth123 wrote:
    Hi Guys:
    > Clicked check box External number assignment without Check., When I am creating a material (mm01) with only numeric characters it is giving me an eror message saying for this material type Numeric characters are not allowed.
    > i should be able to create a material with external number range and it can be numeric or alpha numeric?
    > Thanks
    > Sweth
    go to the path Define Number Ranges for Each Material Type click on maintain groups & select the materila type & select the mouse on material type & click on maintain after that maintain the number ranges.
    for ex: from 300000000 to 399999999 internal no.range
                from A                to ZZZZZZ     external no.range
    from this u can able to create a material with external number range and it can be numeric or alpha numeric

  • SELECT with pattern CP '50*' is not working on material numbers MATNR

    I have a specific matchcode for searching on material numbers with a function module as selection method.
    In this function module, the SELECT clause is built dynamically as bellow.
          SELECT (temp3)
             FROM (temp)
             WHERE (temp2) .
    In the "temp2" variable, I use RANGES for the selection simply built with values of SELECT-OPTIONS coming from the search help selection screen.
    I am facing the following problem :
    When a search is executed on material number with the following pattern '50*' --> nothing is found !
    When I run a search on '50575' --> the material number is found !
    I expect it is a problem of convertion routines (external to internal format) but I am not able to fix a solution...
    We are in SAP_BASIS 700.

    I think it can be done.
    I have -    
    CONCATENATE  'Z+_'   '00+' INTO  r_ranges-low .
        r_ranges-sign = 'I'.
        r_ranges-option = 'CP'.
        APPEND r_ranges.
        SELECT  ar_object FROM toasp
          INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF table lt_toasp
           WHERE ar_object IN r_ranges.
    And it returns all values with pattern 'Z_00'.
    (Z1_001, Z1_002 etc.)
    If the pattern '50*' is not working, you could try using '50+++'.

  • CProjects 4.0 - prj linking to multiple sales order

    Can a cProject Id be linked to multiple sales order? Please fwd. some/any documentation in this regard to [email protected]
    How do I create an internal order from cProjects - I intend linking this internal order to multiple sales order?

    The only link between Project and Sales order is as follows:
    In the sales order screen (VA01) go to line item and double click on same --&#61664; go to account assignment screen. There is a filed ‘WBS’ is available.
    You can copy your Project WBS and link sales order to project. You can link as many as sales order to same WBS using same link. There are standard reports also available to check the link. But don’t forget to tick the check box of ‘Billing element’ at the WBS header to run the link smoothly.   
    Enjoy SAP….
    Don’t forget to give points if its useful ans.
    Ketan Dave

  • Split a string into multiple internal tables

    Hi all,
    I need to split a string based internal table into multiple internal tables based on some sub strings in that string based internal table...
    High priority help me out...
    a | jhkhjk | kljdskj |lkjdlj |
    b | kjhdkjh | kldjkj |
    c | jndojkok |
    d |
    this data which is in the application server file is brought into a internal table as a text. Now i need to send 'a' to one internal table, 'b' to one internal table, so on... help me
    <Priority downgraded>
    Edited by: Suhas Saha on Oct 12, 2011 12:24 PM

    Hi pradeep,
    a | jhkhjk | kljdskj |lkjdlj |
    b | kjhdkjh | kldjkj |
    c | jndojkok |
    d |
    As per your statement "Now i need to send 'a' to one internal table, 'b' to one internal table"
    Do you want only a to one internal table and b to one internal table
    Do you want the whole row of the internal table i mean
    a | jhkhjk | kljdskj |lkjdlj | to 1 internal table
    Having the case of an internal table which is of type string,
    1) Loop through the internal table.    LOOP AT lt_tab INTO lwa_tab.
    2) Ge the work area contents and get the first char wa_tab-string+0(1)
    3)   FIELD-SYMBOLS: <t_itab> TYPE ANY TABLE.
      w_tabname = p_table.
      CREATE DATA w_dref TYPE TABLE OF (w_tabname).
      ASSIGN w_dref->* TO <t_itab>.
    Follow the link
    and then based on the sy-tabix values you will get that many number of internal table
           <FS> = wa_tab-string+0(1)
          append  <FS>
    USE SPLIT statement at the relevant seperator
    revert for further clarification
    Edited by: SRIKANTH P on Oct 12, 2011 12:36 PM

  • Configuration of EAN - International Article Numbers

    I have the requeriment to create the configuration of EAN - International Article Numbers (EANs).
    The assumption is:
    EAN = 7891798XXXXXY
    1 - 789 - Standard SAP - Country Brazil
    2 - 1789 -Company Cody
    3 - XXXXX - Sequencial number
    4 - Y - International Article Numbers (EANs)
    To create this confinguration I access the SPRO - Logistics - General - Material Master Settings for Key Fields - International Article Numbers (EANs)
    My problem is, how I can associate this logical to the creation of my materials? Whe I'm creating an material the EAN that appears is 2850052000000
    Thanks in advance,

    If you enter ABCD, the system will interpret your entry as                          
    ABCD______________. However, if you want the system to interpret your               
    entry as right-justified, you must enter 00000000000000ABCD.                                                                               
    After defining the individual number range intervals, you must assign an            
    EAN category to each interval in the IMG activity Define attributes of              
    Each time a number is assigned, the system automatically updates the                
    number level. You can use this IMG activity to correct the number level             
    If you want to assign a number range interval to an EAN whose last digit            
    is a check digit (for example, to conform with CCG standards for all EAN            
    categories), you do NOT have to enter the last digit.                                                                               
    You want to create an interval for 13-figure instore EANs which start               
    with 200. You enter only the first 12 figures, leaving the 13th figure              
    From number             To number                                                                               
    200000000000_           200999999999_                                                                               
    In your case
    enter the tamplate in config as 7891798_____Y. try by adding this

  • Both External & Internal Batch Numbers

    We have turned on batch management @ material level. Is it possible to have both external and internal batches.
    M1 has external batch no.
    M2 has internal batch no.
    M1 is ROH
    M2 is Fert, whose batch will be generated during autoGR

    What Mr. Rajesha told is right It is not possible to have two different type of batch no assignmenmt External & Internal Batch Numbers.
    You can use some of the standard User Exits or develop a custom user exit for this purpose.
    You can use SAP enhancement SAPLV01Z for internal batch number assignment. This enhancement contains two function module exits that you can use to define number ranges or templates for batch numbers:
    EXIT_SAPLV01Z_001. You use this exit to replace the number range object and/or interval proposed by the system with your own number range object and/or interval.
    In addition, you can, for instance, stop the system from assigning an internal number depending on the material or plant. You can also use this exit to stop the dialog box from appearing.
    EXIT_SAPLV01Z_002. Using this exit, you can either change the number assigned by the system, or assign your own number.
    There are many such user exits, please check and use the appropriate user exit.

  • One Rebate Agrement linked to multiple company codes

    Hi ,
    I have a question.Can you let me know on the rebate enhancements if any .I have a scenario where in have to create one Agreement type it can be any rebate agreement ...Customer Rebate ,material Rebate , Heirarchy rebate ..... which can be linked to multiple compnay codes.As per my understanding at the time of  creating Rebate agreement it requires sales area data .If we supress that we can  make a common Rebate agreement type. Can any one explain on this scenario...How can we go ahead
    Kindly let me know if more information is required

    I think that in fact you could create one rebate agreement across payers and company codes (different company codes = different sales organizations), but probably this would only make sense if you you used Extended Rebate Processing.
    After activating Extended Rebate you customize the VAKEY construction for S469 structure update so that the system knows, what are the actual values to settle. If you make sure that the rebate conditions in your agreement do not have the sales organization in the access sequence, then there should be no problem to determine those conditions in invoices across company codes. In fact what is important for rebate settlement is that the rebate condition assigned to the agreement is determined in the invoice, not that the sales organization or payer are the same.
    Once the rebate conditions are determined in invoices, you must somehow settle the agreement. If you settle in one company code and to one payer only, then this is all you have to do - once the invoices have the conditions determined, settlement will see the values.
    If you have to settle across company codes, you will have to introduce the sales organization in the variable key and assign it to sales organization field in the header of the credit memo (VBAK-VKORG). This should work.
    I have never tested this particular scenarion, but I have done so many really strange things with extended rebate that I really think it should work. Just remember - the key is that your rebate conditions are determined in the relevant invoices (easiest to achieve by eliminating sales organization from access sequence). If the value is there, you should always find a way to settle (if standard customizing of extended rebates cannot do it, you always have the last option - RBT_ENH_BADI_SETTLE).
    If you are successful, let me know - I would really like to know if this scenario is possible as well.

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