MRS couldn't be considered as supply or demand in ASCP

Here is the situation:
I created some MRs by using CMRO , and the MRs could be seen in UMP,but after I runned ASCP,the MRs wasn't considered as supply or demand in ASCP.
I want to confirm two things:
1. Would ASCP take MRS as supplies or demands or not?
2.If this is possible and how could these MRs be displayed /considered in ASCP.
Is there anyone who gets some helpful information for me》

Nothing to do with being smart or not. Just an oversight based on a routine getting disrupted by some new excitement. So you got to learn something new (which is wonderful about disruptions to routines), and you thankfully shared it with the rest of us.
While it's easy to say it makes sense it would have to be plugged in to operate closed, I think it's more of an afterthought of it making sense than it having to be that way. I'm sure some would complain about it not allowing you to drain the battery in that way. I like that it wants to be plugged in as it probably needs the extra boost of power anyways.
Again, thanks for sharing.

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    RDBMS :
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          item.inventory_item_id, item.organization_code, item.item, item.description
        , item.make_buy,item.planner_code
        , planned.compile_designator, planned.order_type_text, sum(planned.quantity_rate)planned_total
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        , sum(job.required_quantity-job.quantity_issued)job_open, job.required_month
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        , purchase.item_revision prev, purchase.promised_month, purchase.ship_to_organization_id 
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        , req.item_revision rrev, req.destination_organization_id, req.org_id, req.need_by_month
        , sum((req.quantity-req.quantity_cancelled)-req.quantity_delivered)req_open
        , cost.item_cost,cost.cost
    (select mtl.inventory_item_id, mtl.segment1 item,mtl.description,decode(mtl.planning_make_buy_code,1,'Make',2,'Buy') make_buy
            ,mtl.organization_id, mtp.organization_code, mtl.planner_code
           ,to_char(add_months(sysdate,+1),'YYYY_MM')month1, to_char(add_months(sysdate,+2),'YYYY_MM')month2
    from    inv.mtl_system_items_b mtl, inv.mtl_parameters mtp
    where    mtl.organization_id = mtp.organization_id
    --planned orders - 3 months --
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    from   apps.mrp_orders_sc_v
    where  order_type_text in ('Planned order','Planned order demand')
    and    to_char(trunc(new_due_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') <= to_char(add_months(:Month,+2),'YYYY_MM')
    and    to_char(trunc(new_due_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') >=  to_char(:Month,'YYYY_MM')
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            ,nvl(quantity_issued,0)quantity_issued, date_required,to_char(trunc(date_required,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') required_month
            ,wip_entity_id,creation_date, wip_job_status
    from    apps.wip_requirement_ops_inq_v
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    and     wip_job_status not in ('Closed','Cancelled','Complete')
    and     to_char(trunc(date_required,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') <= to_char(add_months(:Month,+2),'YYYY_MM')
    and     to_char(trunc(date_required,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') >= to_char(:Month,'YYYY_MM')
    --qty onhand--
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    from     inv.mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
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    -- po - 3 months--
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          , nvl(pll.quantity_rejected,0),nvl(pll.quantity_cancelled,0)quantity_cancelled,poh.segment1 po_num
           ,pll.promised_date, to_char(trunc(pll.promised_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM')promised_month
    from   po.po_lines_all pol, po.po_headers_all poh, po.po_line_locations_all pll
    where  poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
    and    pol.po_header_id = pll.po_header_id
    and    pol.po_line_id = pll.po_line_id
    and    pol.cancel_flag != 'Y'
    and    pol.item_id is not null
    and    to_char(trunc(pll.promised_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM')<= to_char(add_months(:Month,+2),'YYYY_MM')
    and    to_char(trunc(pll.promised_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM')>=  to_char(:Month,'YYYY_MM')
    --reqs - 3 months--
    (select prh.segment1 req_number,nvl(prl.quantity,0)quantity,nvl(prl.quantity_delivered,0)quantity_delivered
    from   po.po_requisition_headers_all prh, po.po_requisition_lines_all prl
    where  prh.requisition_header_id = prl.requisition_header_id(+)
    and    nvl(prl.cancel_flag,'N') !='Y'
    and    prh.authorization_status != 'CANCELLED'
    and    to_char(trunc(prl.need_by_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') <= to_char(add_months(:Month,+2),'YYYY_MM')
    and    to_char(trunc(prl.need_by_date,'MM'),'YYYY_MM') >=  to_char(:Month,'YYYY_MM')
    (select msib.inventory_item_id,msib.organization_id,cqm.material_cost,cic.item_cost
    ,(case when cqm.material_cost=0 then cic.item_cost else cqm.material_cost end) cost, cqm.cost_group_id
    from inv.mtl_system_items_b msib
         ,(select cql.cost_group_id,cql.inventory_item_id,cql.organization_id,cql.layer_quantity,cql.material_cost,mp.organization_code
             from bom.cst_quantity_layers cql, inv.mtl_parameters mp
            where mp.default_cost_group_id = cql.cost_group_id) cqm
        ,bom.cst_item_costs cic
    where msib.inventory_item_id = cqm.inventory_item_id(+)
    and msib.organization_id = cqm.organization_id(+)
    and msib.inventory_item_id = cic.inventory_item_id(+)
    and msib.organization_id = cic.organization_id(+)
    where item.inventory_item_id = job.inventory_item_id(+)
    and   item.organization_id = job.organization_id(+)
    and   item.month1 = job.required_month(+)  -- 2009_07 --
    and   item.inventory_item_id = onhand.inventory_item_id(+)
    and   item.organization_id = onhand.organization_id(+)
    and   item.inventory_item_id = purchase.item_id(+)
    and   item.month1 = purchase.promised_month(+)  -- 2009_07 --
    and   item.inventory_item_id = req.item_id(+)
    and   item.month1 = req.need_by_month(+)  -- 2009_07 --
    and   item.inventory_item_id = cost.inventory_item_id(+)
    and   item.organization_id = cost.organization_id(+)
    and   item.inventory_item_id = planned.inventory_item_id(+)
    and   item.organization_id = planned.organization_id(+)
    and   item.month1 = planned.mrp_sugg_due_month(+)  -- 2009_07 --
    and   item.make_buy = 'Buy'
    and   item.item in ('161309040','744L755','150-GFM') --test items --
    group by item.inventory_item_id,item.organization_code,item.item,item.description,item.make_buy,item.planner_code
          ,job.required_month ,onhand.total_qoh , purchase.item_revision,  purchase.promised_month
            ,purchase.ship_to_organization_id  ,cost.item_cost,cost.cost
           ,req.item_revision, req.destination_organization_id,req.org_id,req.need_by_month
    order by item.organization_code,item.item

    Six things:
    (1) Where are the one-to-many relationships between your tables? If a single row in mtl can match two (or more) rows in mrp, and can also match two (or more) rows in wip, then it looks like, when you join both of them them, you'll have a chasm trap, that is, you'll get all the matching rows from mrp paired with all matching rows from wip. Are you sure your existing query is producing the right results?
    Are there one-to-many relationships with the other tables in your original query?
    (2) Are your DATEs always at midnight? If not, avoid using BETWEEN and LAST_DAY for DATE comparisons: otherwise you'll miss everything between 00:00:01 and 23:59:59 on the last day.
    That is, instead of
    and     mrp.new_due_date(+) BETWEEN :Month AND LAST_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(:Month,2))ypou should say
    and       mrp.new_due_date (+)     >= :Month
    and       mrp.new_due_date (+)     <  ADD_MONTHS (:Month, 3)(3) The basic way to pivot the months of mrp_due_date is:
    SELECT    ...
    ,       NVL ( SUM ( CASE
                     WHEN  mrp.new_due_date >= :month
                     AND   mrp.new_due_date < ADD_MONTHS (:month, 1)
                     THEN  mrp.quantity_rate
               , 0
               )          AS mrp_qty_0
    ,       NVL ( SUM ( CASE
                     WHEN  mrp.new_due_date >= ADD_MONTHS (:month, 1)
                     AND   mrp.new_due_date <  ADD_MONTHS (:month, 2)
                     THEN  mrp.quantity_rate
               , 0
               )          AS mrp_qty_1When you do this, do not GROUP BY TRUNC (mrp.new_due_date, 'MM').
    The code above does two months: I'm sure you get the idea for how to do more.
    To get dynamic column headings (such as Jun_2009 or "2009-06" instead of the generic mrp_qty_o) requires dynamic SQL. The best way to do dynamic SQL depends on the tool that is producing the query (e.g. SQL*Plus). What are you using? Are you willing to change, if it helps?
    (4) Displaying separate columns from one row as a single column on multiple rows is called unpivoting. How badly do you want to do that? Your query would be simpler and faster if the output had only one row per group (rather than one row for mrp_qty and another row for wip_wty). That one row could have six columns (e.q. June_mrp, June_wip, July_mrp, July_wip, August_mrp and August_wip) instead of three. Depending on your front-end tool, you might even be able to wrap the single row of output so that it always appeared as two rows, each with three columns.
    (5) Sorry I told you to do
    and     mrp.order_type_text(+) in (...)I never use the + outer-join notation any more, so I forgot about the ORA-01719 error. There's no problem having an outer-join condition like that using ANSI notation. (One more reason to switch.)
    (6) As you noticed, this site doesn't like to print the &lt;&gt; inequality operator, even inside tags.
    Use the equivalent != operator instead, when posting on this site.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Supply and Demand Propagation not working in SCM5.0

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    I am trying to use the standard default SAP Planning area 9ASNP01 and am curious what needs to be done to use it?
    I am submitting on OSS message for this, but am curious to see if anyone is using S&OP currently in APO?
    Ken Snyder
    [email protected]

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    Please share your ideas.

    If you need a chart like this:
    And you have a data grid in excel like this:
    Here is the binding you need for the column chart component:

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    I need Supply and Demand Query in a single SQL. I have a requirement to put the Supply and Demand in a single reporting structure for a particular org/item/product line. I have the supply and Demand Queries seperately, but iam not able to join them to look like the below
    Item Prod_line Org Demand_Type Demand_qty Supply_type supply_qty
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    Edited by: user12086827 on Oct 20, 2009 6:04 AM

  • Modelling organization as supplier and using in ASCP

    Bit lengthy problem but Interesting : Please read on .,
    Following is the org structure:
    OU1 - Plant D (destination plant)
    OU2- Pant S (source plant)
    The plants need to be in 2 diff OUs so that invoices can be made.(within single OU its not possible)
    We need to have IR/ISO setup so that the implementation is seamless and easy to use.
    Plan owning org is Plant D (dest) and though we will be including we should not consider BOM explosion and res const etc in the plant S(source) and there will be a separate plan run there.
    I tried modelling the same with assigning supplier name and site to the plant S(source) say Supp A and Site A.
    However following are the issues:
    1. The supp A and Site A details need to be given in supplier defn in OU2(source plant's OU)
    Though in supply demand form in ASCP I see in sources tab :org id (Plant S) , supplier name :Supp A and site name: Site A,after req import and implementing it as PO, the ship to Dest becomes the OU2 and not OU1 as expected.
    2. How to prevent planning for the BOM/Comp / Resources at the Plant S(source) level in the plan owned by Plant D (dest) ?
    Are there any pointers to use both simplicity of IR/ISO and not planning for source plant as well ?
    Best Regards

    Hi Sara
    Have your earlier problem of Creating Customer resolved?
    As I said in my earlier post related to Creating Customer, this is not the right Forum the right Forum for Customer Vendor master data is :- [Customer / vendor master data Forum|ERP SCM Customer & Vendor Master;
    How to differentiate Supplier and Customer in one system
    Customer is created using T-code XD01 / VD01, whereas Vendor by using XK01. Both will have different No. range if you set properly.
    Do I need to create two different company codes and etc
    Edited by: AA on Aug 10, 2009 1:31 PM

  • MRS - CRM Integration:  Resource Planning Node for CRM demands

    Hi all,
    We have a multi backend scenario where MRS 800 add-ons (ECC and NW add-on) have been installed in ECC. Demands can come from the ECC PM/CS orders or from the CRM system as Service orders.
    For PM/CS orders, from the work center of the activity or operation, the system determines the planning node and assigns the demand to that planning node. But we need help in identifying the Evaluation Path for determining the Resource Planning Node for demands coming from CRM. Currently we have to manually select the CRM Service Order to be able to view the demands in the MRS planning board.
    The service organization structure has been created manually in CRM and is not available in ECC system. We are unable to identify which organization structure can be used as resource planning structure (in the Planning board which is in ECC) for CRM service orders. 
    Please provide your inputs on these two issues in the MRS-CRM scenario:
    1. What is the evaluation path for determining the Resource Planning Node for demands coming from CRM system?
    2. Which organization structure can be used as resource planning structure (in the Planning board which is in ECC) for CRM service orders?
    I would appreciate any help in this regard.
    Thank you!

    You can find the related screenshots under this link
    Thank you

  • Implementing MRS 9 missing node /MRSS/IMG Sources of Demand Orders

    We just install MRS 9 on a ECC 6 system and when I want to do the customizing for PM/CS I can't the in the /MRSS/IMG the node /MRSS/IMG >Sources of Demand> Orders.
    What did I do wrong here?

    Hi Boby,
    a lot of questions
    1. Question: Here is the Customizing Path
    2. Basic Settings is a customizing path:
    3, This is where you do the PM/CS Customizing
    Generally you are right, there are many inconsitancies which often lead to irritation, you can also find this in the descriptions of the customizing activities.

  • How to create new supply for demand if already supply exists.

    We have 2 orders for 1 item. One for Domestic and other for Export. Item already have existing qty in onhand, and we dont want ASCP to see that and want to create new planned order(Supply)...This is for perticular item.
    Please help ASAP.

    what if you created safety stock for the item?
    what if you create a non net sub inventory that isn't included in the plan and transfer the on hand you dont want ASCP to see into this S.I?
    hope this helps

  • MRP is considering Repair orders as Demand

    Hi ,
    We are into and using MRP for Planning.
    The system is considering Repair sales orders also as  a Demand. We do not want these repair sales orders as demad.
    Please advice can we restrict this.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Ravi,
    While Running Planning Data Pull request set Internal Repair Orders and External Repair Orders parameters as No.
    Abhishek Sharma
    Please mark the post correct or helpful, if answered

  • Supply and Demand Collaborative Planning

    Is it possible to upload data via Demand collaborative planning?  I understand how to download the data to a spreadsheet.  The download funtionality is controlled by the user parameter.  Is there a user parameter for uploading data via this tool?

    Hi James ,
    Not sure on the upload of the data from upload option of excel but yes you can exchange data from external system.
    refer help document on link [Requesting data (pull activity)|]

  • How to consider 'Stock in quality inspection' in SNP

    In my SNP Planning Area there is a Key Figure (Quantity Available) to display the stocks (CC- Stock; CE- SubConStk; CK- RstrUseStk).
    The business want me to add the QM stocks (Stock in quality inspection) in the SNP run so I added the category CF to this KF however the QM quantities never are available.
    Could you pls give some information?

    Senthil Mareeswaran wrote:
    > Hi Leo,
    > Your requirement can be done.
    > In transaction /SAPAPO/MSDP_ADMIN,  if you double click a particular planning area, it will display
    > the various key figures, info, key figure aggregation, locking logic etc.,
    > Under key figure tab, click on key figure selection, you need to maintain category group and
    > category which corresponds to stock in quality inspection. 
    > Use the category group to specify the order categories you want to be considered by
    > Supply Network Planning (SNP) when reading the key figure from liveCache.
    > You create category groups in SNP Customizing activity Maintain Category Groups. You can also
    > specify per category the quantity types you want the system to read.
    > Hope this will resolve your query.
    > Please confirm your findings.
    > Regards
    > R. Senthil Mareeswaran.
    Hi Senthil,
    I followed the steps you have given, but I'm still not able to see the value populating in my SNP Planning tables.
    I created ZCC - ATP Category group and assigned CI, CK ATP category for Blocked stock and restricted stock.  I added 9AADDKF2 in my SNP planning area and changed the semantic to 000 to make it livecache order KF. I assigned the ATP Category group ZCC to this KF and saved the planning area. After activation, I went to my planning view, but this KF value is not populated.
    Is there something I'm missing here?

  • SRM SUS Supplier operating in more countries?

    Hi all.
    SRM SUS 7.0
    We are implementing SRM SUS, and my question is quite simple: A vendor that in ECC has more than 1 purchasing organization, how can I distinguish among those in SUS so that not all contact persons are receiving the PO?
    I would expect to simply use either the purchasing org or company code, but the organizational setup for SUS is so limited, that the EKORG og BUK are not even considered.
    Supplier ABC operates in EKORG 1 and 2; with 1 overall SAP vendor number. That's standard. In SUS the supplier is created in the PPOMV_BBP with no respect to BUK, and EKORG is not even a parameter/an attribute you can use while creating the vendor org units. When the supplier is replicated to SUS, it is created in PPOMV_BBP. Then you create a contact person in SUS to let SRM know who to send the PO for this vendor number to. However, the contact person does - again - not take either BUK or EKORG into consideration.
    I can only see that if you use SAP ECC with 1 overall vendor number for multiple purchasing organizations, then SUS will not be able to distinguish and send the "New PO in SUS" info to the right contact persons, since there seem to be no organizational setup for SRM SUS...
    I hope I am overlooking something simple, so any input is valid!

    Hi Sam.
    Thanks for the input. However, what you state is not accurate for our scenario at least. In MN04 we simply control the output conditions in ECC - however, for our MM-SUS implementation given our current ECC/SRM releases, we use XML out from ECC and into SRM again; not regular output conditions.
    And my issue is still the following:
    Functional scenario:
    Supplier called ABC operationg in 2 countries but with 1 overall vendor number
    Contact Person 1 created for vendor; this is in pur org 200
    Contact Person 2 created for vendor; this is in pur org 300
    Contact 1 should only see POs in pur org 200 in SUS; Contact 2 should only see POs in pur org 300 in SUS.
    In ECC, this would be vendor ABC and create him in the 2 different pur orgs; no problem. In SUS, however, the vendor master (or BP) does not use the purchasing org in any case. And when creating the contact person in SUS for the overall vendor ABC, there is no org maintenance either. Therefore, all POs from ECC to SUS will be sent to both contact 1 and 2 because SUS does not seem to know how to handle 1 vendor number with multiple purchasing organizations.
    This sounds strange to me! Any other input?
    Edited by: Solar SCM on Jan 10, 2012 12:05 PM

  • Same Supplier supplying to different regions

    HI All,
    While running ASCP plan(We are using Enforce Demand Due Date Plan), what would be lead time if I am procuring from same supplier site for different organizations,
    say I have org A in USA & Org B in UK, both getting supplies from same supplier site XYZ,
    Supplier Site XYZ, Inventory Org A, Lead Time 30
    Supplier Site XYZ, Inventory Org B, Lead Time 10
    So now what will ASCP suggest if there is demand to procure for Org A from supplier site XYZ, will ASCP give lead time as 30 Days or will it give 10 Days considering its EDD Plan & will try to crush the lead time as small as possible? We use same data collection for both the orgs
    Vivek K

    Yes Vivek, there is a solution for this also and below are the steps.
    ASCP Planning will only support a single Global ASL for each Supplier / Supplier Site
    You can create a separate supplier site for each requirement as per the following example:
    SupplierA / SupplierSite_XYZ will supply 2 different organization and requires different planning attributes for each org it supplies.
    This could include - In ASL Planning tab - Processing Lead Time, Supplier Capacity Calendar, Supplier Capacity values
    You have organizations A, B
    You can create new supplier sites to map each org - using the Org code makes it easier to keep track of different requirements
    Then create Single Global ASL for each SupplierA / SupplierSite_XYZ_A and SupplierA / SupplierSite_XYZ_B combination listed above.
    Abhishek Sharma
    Please mark the post correct or helpful, if answered

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