Ms. Giordano

I need help updating Adobe for kindle fire

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  • Class & int/String issues

    Upon compiling, I am receiving the following errors: cannot find symbol
    symbol : class ButtonPanel
    location: class TeamRosterPanel
    ButtonPanel buttonPanel;
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class ButtonPanel
    location: class TeamRosterPanel
    buttonPanel = new ButtonPanel();
    2 errors
    I've included the code below, but I having difficulty understanding why it cannot find the ButtonPanel class when that class is specified in the code (Line 364).
    Thanks in advance for your help!
    //Modified by Doe, John 20OCT2007
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class TeamRosterApp
         public static void main(String[] args)
                    JFrame frame = new TeamRosterFrame();
    class Player
         String lname;
         String fname;
         int number;
         public Player()
              lname = "";
              fname = "";
              number = 0;
         public Player(String lname, String fname, int number)
              this.lname = lname;
              this.fname = fname;
              this.number = number;
         public void setLastName(String lname)
              this.lname = lname;
         public String getLastName()
              return lname;
         public void setFirstName(String fname)
              this.fname = fname;
         public String getFirstName()
              return fname;
         public void setNumber(int number)
              this.number = number;
         public int getNumber()
              return number;
    class TeamIO
         private static final ArrayList<Player> team = new ArrayList<Player>();
         public static ArrayList<Player> getTeam()
              team.add(new Player("Doe", "John", 69));
              team.add(new Player("Berg", "Laura", 44));
              team.add(new Player("Bustos", "Crystl", 6));
              team.add(new Player("Clark", "Jamie", 24));
              team.add(new Player("Fernandez", "Lisa", 16));
              team.add(new Player("Finch", "Jennie", 27));
              team.add(new Player("Flowers", "Tairia", 11));
              team.add(new Player("Freed", "Amanda", 7));
              team.add(new Player("Giordano", "Nicole", 4));
              team.add(new Player("Harrigan", "Lori", 21));
              team.add(new Player("Jung", "Lovieanne", 3));
              team.add(new Player("Kretchman", "Kelly", 12));
              team.add(new Player("Lappin", "Lauren", 37));
              team.add(new Player("Mendoza", "Jessica", 2));
              team.add(new Player("O'Brien-Amico", "Lisa", 20));
              team.add(new Player("Nuveman", "Stacy", 33));
              team.add(new Player("Osterman", "Catherine", 8));
              team.add(new Player("Topping", "Jennie", 31));
              team.add(new Player("Watley", "Natasha", 29));
              System.out.println("\nOpening team list" + "\n\n" + "****************************************");
              for(int i = 0; i < team.size(); i++)
                   Player p = (Player)team.get(i);
                   System.out.print(p.getNumber() + "\t" + p.getLastName() + "," + p.getFirstName() + "\n");
              return new ArrayList<Player>(team);
         public static ArrayList<Player> saveTeam()
              System.out.println("\nOpening team list" + "\n\n" + "****************************************");
              for(int i = 0; i < team.size(); i++)
              Player p = (Player)team.get(i);
              System.out.print(p.getNumber() + "\t" + p.getLastName() + "," + p.getFirstName() + "\n");
              return new ArrayList<Player>(team);
    class TeamRosterFrame extends JFrame
        public TeamRosterFrame()
            String me = "Campbell, Corey";
              String date;
              Date now = new Date();
              DateFormat longDate = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG);
              date = longDate.format(now);
              setTitle("Team Roster "+me+" "+date);
            this.add(new TeamRosterPanel());
        private void centerWindow(Window w)
            Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
            Dimension d = tk.getScreenSize();
            setLocation((d.width-w.getWidth())/2, (d.height-w.getHeight())/2);
    class TeamRosterPanel extends JPanel
         Player newPlayer = null;
         teamSelectorPanel selectorPanel;
         PlayerDisplayPanel playerPanel;
         ButtonPanel buttonPanel;
         public TeamRosterPanel()
              // fill the team ArrayList
              team = TeamIO.getTeam();
              // add the panels
              setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
              selectorPanel = new teamSelectorPanel();
              add(selectorPanel, getConstraints(0,0,1,1, GridBagConstraints.WEST));
              playerPanel = new PlayerDisplayPanel();
              add(playerPanel, getConstraints(0,1,1,1, GridBagConstraints.EAST));
              buttonPanel = new ButtonPanel();
              add(buttonPanel, getConstraints(0,2,1,1, GridBagConstraints.EAST));
              // set the initial player to be displayed
         // a method for setting grid bag constraints
         private GridBagConstraints getConstraints(int gridx, int gridy,
              int gridwidth, int gridheight, int anchor)
              GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
              c.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
              c.ipadx = 0;
              c.ipady = 0;
              c.gridx = gridx;
              c.gridy = gridy;
              c.gridwidth = gridwidth;
              c.gridheight = gridheight;
              c.anchor = anchor;
              return c;
         class teamSelectorPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
              public JComboBox    playerComboBox;
              private JLabel      playerLabel;
              boolean filling = false;            // used to indicate the combo box is being filled
              public teamSelectorPanel()
                   // set panel layout
                   setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
                   // Player label
                   playerLabel = new JLabel("Select Player:");
                   // Player combo box
                   playerComboBox = new JComboBox();
              public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                   if (!filling)
                        Player p = (Player)playerComboBox.getSelectedItem();
              public void fillComboBox(ArrayList<Player> team)
              filling = true;
              for (Player p : team)
              filling = false;
              public void selectPlayer(Player p)
              public Player getCurrentPlayer()
                   return (Player) playerComboBox.getSelectedItem();
         class PlayerDisplayPanel extends JPanel
              public JTextField   lastNameTextField,
              private JLabel      lastNameLabel,
              public PlayerDisplayPanel()
                   // set panel layout
                   setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
                   // last name label
                   lastNameLabel = new JLabel("Last name:");
                   add(lastNameLabel, getConstraints(0,0,1,1, GridBagConstraints.EAST));
                   // last name text field
                   lastNameTextField = new JTextField(10);
                   lastNameTextField.addFocusListener(new AutoSelect());
                   add(lastNameTextField, getConstraints(1,0,1,1, GridBagConstraints.WEST));
                   // first name label
                   firstNameLabel = new JLabel("First name:");
                   add(firstNameLabel, getConstraints(0,1,1,1, GridBagConstraints.EAST));
                   // first name text field
                   firstNameTextField = new JTextField(30);
                   firstNameTextField.addFocusListener(new AutoSelect());
                   add(firstNameTextField, getConstraints(1,1,1,1, GridBagConstraints.WEST));
                   // number label
                   numberLabel = new JLabel("Number:");
                   add(numberLabel, getConstraints(0,2,1,1, GridBagConstraints.EAST));
                   // number text field
                   numberTextField = new JTextField(10);
                   numberTextField.addFocusListener(new AutoSelect());
                   numberTextField.addKeyListener(new IntFilter());
                   add(numberTextField, getConstraints(1,2,1,1, GridBagConstraints.WEST));
              public void showPlayer(Player p)
              public void clearFields()
              // return a new Player object with the data in the text fields
              public Player getPlayer()
                   Player p = new Player();
                   int n = Integer.parseInt(numberTextField.getText());
                   return p;
              public void setAddEditMode(boolean e)
              class AutoSelect implements FocusListener
                   public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)
                        if(e.getComponent() instanceof JTextField)
                             JTextField t = (JTextField) e.getComponent();
                   public void focusLost(FocusEvent e){}
              class IntFilter implements KeyListener
                   public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
                        char c = e.getKeyChar();
                        if ( c !='0' && c !='1' && c !='2' && c !='3' && c !='4' && c !='5'
                             && c !='6' && c !='7' && c !='8' && c !='9')
                   public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){}
                   public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){}
              class ButtonPanel extends JPanel
                   public JButton addButton,
                   public ButtonPanel()
                        // create maintenance button panel
                        JPanel maintPanel = new JPanel();
                        maintPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
                        // add button
                        addButton = new JButton("Add");
                        addButton.addActionListener(new AddListener());
                        // edit button
                        editButton = new JButton("Edit");
                        editButton.addActionListener(new EditListener());
                        // delete button
                        deleteButton = new JButton("Delete");
                        deleteButton.addActionListener(new DeleteListener());
                        // accept button
                        acceptButton = new JButton("Accept");
                        acceptButton.addActionListener(new AcceptListener());
                        // cancel button
                        cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");
                        cancelButton.addActionListener(new CancelListener());
                        // create exit button panel
                        JPanel exitPanel = new JPanel();
                        exitPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
                        // exit button
                        exitButton = new JButton("Exit");
                        exitButton.addActionListener(new ExitListener());
                        // add panels to the ButtonPanel
                        setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                        add(maintPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                        add(exitPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
                   public void setAddEditMode(boolean e)
              class AddListener implements ActionListener
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                        newPlayer = new Player();
              class EditListener implements ActionListener
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              class DeleteListener implements ActionListener
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                        Player p = selectorPanel.getCurrentPlayer();
              class AcceptListener implements ActionListener
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                        if (isValidData())
                             if (newPlayer != null)
                                  newPlayer = playerPanel.getPlayer();
                                  newPlayer = null;
                                  Player p = selectorPanel.getCurrentPlayer();
                                  Player newPlayer = playerPanel.getPlayer();
                   public boolean isValidData()
                        return SwingValidator.isPresent(playerPanel.lastNameTextField, "Last Name")
                             && SwingValidator.isPresent(playerPanel.firstNameTextField, "First Name")
                             && SwingValidator.isPresent(playerPanel.numberTextField, "Number")
                             && SwingValidator.isInteger(playerPanel.numberTextField, "Number");
              class CancelListener implements ActionListener
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                        if (newPlayer != null)
                             newPlayer = null;
              class ExitListener implements ActionListener
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    }Swing Validator Code:
    //Programmed by Doe, John 20OCT2007
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
    public class SwingValidator
         public static boolean isPresent(JTextComponent c, String title)
                   showMessage(c, title + " is a required field.\n" + "Please re-enter.");
                   return false;
              return true;
         public static boolean isInteger(JTextComponent c, String title)
                   int i = Integer.parseInt(c.getText());
                   return true;
              catch(NumberFormatException e)
                   showMessage(c,title+" must be an integer.\n"+"Please re-enter.");
                   return false;
         private static void showMessage(JTextComponent c, String message)
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(c, message, "Invalid Entry", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
    }Edited by: kc0poc on Oct 21, 2007 8:17 AM

    Ok. Got it, understand it now. Corrected all 58 errors after created the top level classes. It compiles, but I'm now encountering a NullPointerException:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at teamSelectorPanel.fillComboBox(
    at teamSelectorPanel.<init>(
    at TeamRosterPanel.<init>(
    at TeamRosterFrame.<init>(
    at TeamRosterAppTest.main(
    I think I am not initializing something correctly and it involved the "team" variable. Thoughts anyone?
    Thank you as always!
    Below is my code:
    //Modified by Campbell, Corey 20OCT2007
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class TeamRosterAppTest
         public static void main(String[] args)
              JFrame frame = new TeamRosterFrame();
    class Player
         String lname;
         String fname;
         int number;
         public Player()
              lname = "";
              fname = "";
              number = 0;
         public Player(String lname, String fname, int number)
              this.lname = lname;
              this.fname = fname;
              this.number = number;
         public void setLastName(String lname)
              this.lname = lname;
         public String getLastName()
              return lname;
         public void setFirstName(String fname)
              this.fname = fname;
         public String getFirstName()
              return fname;
         public void setNumber(int number)
              this.number = number;
         public int getNumber()
              return number;
    class TeamIO
         private static final ArrayList<Player> team = new ArrayList<Player>();
         public static ArrayList<Player> getTeam()
              team.add(new Player("Campbell", "Corey", 69));
              team.add(new Player("Berg", "Laura", 44));
              team.add(new Player("Bustos", "Crystl", 6));
              team.add(new Player("Clark", "Jamie", 24));
              team.add(new Player("Fernandez", "Lisa", 16));
              team.add(new Player("Finch", "Jennie", 27));
              team.add(new Player("Flowers", "Tairia", 11));
              team.add(new Player("Freed", "Amanda", 7));
              team.add(new Player("Giordano", "Nicole", 4));
              team.add(new Player("Harrigan", "Lori", 21));
              team.add(new Player("Jung", "Lovieanne", 3));
              team.add(new Player("Kretchman", "Kelly", 12));
              team.add(new Player("Lappin", "Lauren", 37));
              team.add(new Player("Mendoza", "Jessica", 2));
              team.add(new Player("O'Brien-Amico", "Lisa", 20));
              team.add(new Player("Nuveman", "Stacy", 33));
              team.add(new Player("Osterman", "Catherine", 8));
              team.add(new Player("Topping", "Jennie", 31));
              team.add(new Player("Watley", "Natasha", 29));
              //System.out.println("\nOpening team list" + "\n\n" + "****************************************");
              //for(int i = 0; i < team.size(); i++)
              //          Player p = (Player)team.get(i);
              //          System.out.print(p.getNumber() + "\t" + p.getLastName() + "," + p.getFirstName() + "\n");
              return new ArrayList<Player>(team);
         public static ArrayList<Player> saveTeam()
              System.out.println("\nOpening team list" + "\n\n" + "****************************************");
              for(int i = 0; i < team.size(); i++)
                   Player p = (Player)team.get(i);
                   System.out.print(p.getNumber() + "\t" + p.getLastName() + "," + p.getFirstName() + "\n");
              return new ArrayList<Player>(team);
    class TeamRosterFrame extends JFrame
         public TeamRosterFrame()
              String me = "Campbell, Corey";
              String date;
              Date now = new Date();
              DateFormat longDate = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG);
              date = longDate.format(now);
              setTitle("Team Roster "+me+" "+date);
              this.add(new TeamRosterPanel());
         private void centerWindow(Window w)
              Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
              Dimension d = tk.getScreenSize();
              setLocation((d.width-w.getWidth())/2, (d.height-w.getHeight())/2);
    class TeamRosterPanel extends JPanel
         Player newPlayer = null;
         teamSelectorPanel selectorPanel;
         PlayerDisplayPanel playerPanel;
         ButtonPanel buttonPanel;
         public TeamRosterPanel()
              // fill the team ArrayList
              team = TeamIO.getTeam();
              // add the panels
              setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
              selectorPanel = new teamSelectorPanel();
              add(selectorPanel, getConstraints(0,0,1,1, GridBagConstraints.WEST));
              playerPanel = new PlayerDisplayPanel();
              add(playerPanel, getConstraints(0,1,1,1, GridBagConstraints.EAST));
              buttonPanel = new ButtonPanel();
              add(buttonPanel, getConstraints(0,2,1,1, GridBagConstraints.EAST));
              // set the initial player to be displayed
         // a method for setting grid bag constraints
         private GridBagConstraints getConstraints(int gridx, int gridy,
              int gridwidth, int gridheight, int anchor)
              GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
              c.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
              c.ipadx = 0;
              c.ipady = 0;
              c.gridx = gridx;
              c.gridy = gridy;
              c.gridwidth = gridwidth;
              c.gridheight = gridheight;
              c.anchor = anchor;
              return c;
    class teamSelectorPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
         public JComboBox playerComboBox;
         private JLabel playerLabel;
         boolean filling = false;            // used to indicate the combo box is being filled
         PlayerDisplayPanel playerPanel;
         public teamSelectorPanel()
              // set panel layout
              setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
              // Player label
              playerLabel = new JLabel("Select Player:");
              // Player combo box
              playerComboBox = new JComboBox();
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              if (!filling)
                   Player p = (Player)playerComboBox.getSelectedItem();
         public void fillComboBox(ArrayList<Player> team)
              filling = true;
              for (Player p : team)
              filling = false;
         public void selectPlayer(Player p)
         public Player getCurrentPlayer()
              return (Player) playerComboBox.getSelectedItem();
    class PlayerDisplayPanel extends JPanel
         public JTextField lastNameTextField,
         private JLabel lastNameLabel,
         public PlayerDisplayPanel()
              // set panel layout
              setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
              // last name label
              lastNameLabel = new JLabel("Last name:");
              add(lastNameLabel, getConstraints(0,0,1,1, GridBagConstraints.EAST));
              // last name text field
              lastNameTextField = new JTextField(10);
              lastNameTextField.addFocusListener(new AutoSelect());
              add(lastNameTextField, getConstraints(1,0,1,1, GridBagConstraints.WEST));
              // first name label
              firstNameLabel = new JLabel("First name:");
              add(firstNameLabel, getConstraints(0,1,1,1, GridBagConstraints.EAST));
              // first name text field
              firstNameTextField = new JTextField(30);
              firstNameTextField.addFocusListener(new AutoSelect());
              add(firstNameTextField, getConstraints(1,1,1,1, GridBagConstraints.WEST));
              // number label
              numberLabel = new JLabel("Number:");
              add(numberLabel, getConstraints(0,2,1,1, GridBagConstraints.EAST));
              // number text field
              numberTextField = new JTextField(10);
              numberTextField.addFocusListener(new AutoSelect());
              numberTextField.addKeyListener(new IntFilter());
              add(numberTextField, getConstraints(1,2,1,1, GridBagConstraints.WEST));
         public void showPlayer(Player p)
         public void clearFields()
         // return a new Player object with the data in the text fields
         public Player getPlayer()
              Player p = new Player();
              int n = Integer.parseInt(numberTextField.getText());
              return p;
         public void setAddEditMode(boolean e)
         // a method for setting grid bag constraints
         private GridBagConstraints getConstraints(int gridx, int gridy,
              int gridwidth, int gridheight, int anchor)
              GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints();
              c.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
              c.ipadx = 0;
              c.ipady = 0;
              c.gridx = gridx;
              c.gridy = gridy;
              c.gridwidth = gridwidth;
              c.gridheight = gridheight;
              c.anchor = anchor;
              return c;
    class AutoSelect implements FocusListener
         public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)
              if(e.getComponent() instanceof JTextField)
                   JTextField t = (JTextField) e.getComponent();
         public void focusLost(FocusEvent e){}
    class IntFilter implements KeyListener
         public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
              char c = e.getKeyChar();
              if ( c !='0' && c !='1' && c !='2' && c !='3' && c !='4' && c !='5'
                   && c !='6' && c !='7' && c !='8' && c !='9')
         public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){}
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){}
    class ButtonPanel extends JPanel
         public JButton addButton,
         public ButtonPanel()
              // create maintenance button panel
              JPanel maintPanel = new JPanel();
              maintPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
              // add button
              addButton = new JButton("Add");
              addButton.addActionListener(new AddListener());
              // edit button
              editButton = new JButton("Edit");
              editButton.addActionListener(new EditListener());
              // delete button
              deleteButton = new JButton("Delete");
              deleteButton.addActionListener(new DeleteListener());
              // accept button
              acceptButton = new JButton("Accept");
              acceptButton.addActionListener(new AcceptListener());
              // cancel button
              cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel");
              cancelButton.addActionListener(new CancelListener());
              // create exit button panel
              JPanel exitPanel = new JPanel();
              exitPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
              // exit button
              exitButton = new JButton("Exit");
              exitButton.addActionListener(new ExitListener());
              // add panels to the ButtonPanel
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              add(maintPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              add(exitPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
         public void setAddEditMode(boolean e)
    class AddListener implements ActionListener
         PlayerDisplayPanel playerPanel;
         ButtonPanel buttonPanel;
         Player newPlayer;
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              newPlayer = new Player();
    class EditListener implements ActionListener
         ButtonPanel buttonPanel;
         PlayerDisplayPanel playerPanel;
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    class DeleteListener implements ActionListener
         teamSelectorPanel selectorPanel;
         PlayerDisplayPanel playerPanel;
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              Player p = selectorPanel.getCurrentPlayer();
    class AcceptListener implements ActionListener
         teamSelectorPanel selectorPanel;
         PlayerDisplayPanel playerPanel;
         ButtonPanel buttonPanel;
         Player newPlayer;
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              if (isValidData())
                   if (newPlayer != null)
                        newPlayer = playerPanel.getPlayer();
                        newPlayer = null;
                        Player p = selectorPanel.getCurrentPlayer();
                        Player newPlayer = playerPanel.getPlayer();
         public boolean isValidData()
              return SwingValidator.isPresent(playerPanel.lastNameTextField, "Last Name")
                   && SwingValidator.isPresent(playerPanel.firstNameTextField, "First Name")
                   && SwingValidator.isPresent(playerPanel.numberTextField, "Number")
                   && SwingValidator.isInteger(playerPanel.numberTextField, "Number");
    class CancelListener implements ActionListener
         Player newPlayer;
         PlayerDisplayPanel playerPanel;
         ButtonPanel buttonPanel;
         teamSelectorPanel selectorPanel;
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              if (newPlayer != null)
                   newPlayer = null;
    class ExitListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    class SwingValidator
         public static boolean isPresent(JTextComponent c, String title)
                   showMessage(c, title + " is a required field.\n" + "Please re-enter.");
                   return false;
              return true;
         public static boolean isInteger(JTextComponent c, String title)
                   int i = Integer.parseInt(c.getText());
                   return true;
              catch(NumberFormatException e)
                   showMessage(c,title+" must be an integer.\n"+"Please re-enter.");
                   return false;
         private static void showMessage(JTextComponent c, String message)
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(c, message, "Invalid Entry", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

  • Colour management of spot colour channels

    I have some single layer images using cmyk (black only) + Pantone Process Blue U that will eventually be printed on a sheetfed offset press. A ballpark estimate would suffice for this low budget book, so I thought I'd give soft proofing a try. I'm therefore interested in understanding Photoshop's implementation of colour management for spot colour channels so as to have a less vague idea of the approximations this workflow involves.
    Moreover, I'm stuck on exporting to pdf to let the client evaluate my conversions of the original rgb scans. Photoshop seems to layer an Euroscale Uncoated v2 overprinting image on top of a spot coloured image whose alternate colour space is "Calibrated RGB". What baffles me is that the pdfs display consistently in Acrobat 8 and 9 but rather differently from the Photoshop document.
    Here come my questions:
    1) Am I right in saying that these programs still don't support colour profiles involving spots? If so, are Adobe people willing to comment on the relevant intricacies?
    2) Which colour profiles and colour conversions do Photoshop and Acrobat use to display such documents?
    3) Which software tools will allow me to convert the Photoshop documents to an output profile for hard proofing?
    4) Short of alternatives, when only K is needed and as long as each spot colour bears a decent resemblance to a cmy primary, how well will the profiling software deal with a cmyk target printed substituting the inks on press?
    Thank you very much for your help.

    As far as I know …
    1) Photoshop uses the Spot setting from your Color Settings (Edit – Color Settings) to display spot channels (and one can use gray-profiles or the K-channel of CMYK-profiles for that); the Solidity one can set manually, but one should bear in mind that even a 100% solid spot channel does not knock out the process channels.
    As for the actual physical properties of the color and its mixing with the other colors I’m afraid Photoshop produces a pretty rough simulation – profiles for more than four colors are considerably more complicated and would, if I’m not mistaken, preclude much of Photoshop’s functionality.
    2) If you pass unprofiled Files between programs they will be displayed using the programs’ respective Color Settings.
    And your screen profile will be employed in the process naturally … but you might want to read up on color management if you want to know more about all that.
    As to why the display differs between Acrobat and Photoshop it would appear that Acrobat use the RGB-setting for displaying spots and not an extra setting like Photoshop.
    3) Photoshop is capable of separating files – but I may not understand what you’re driving at.
    4) Epson-proofers using the latest generation of inks for example have a fairly wide gamut and should be able to simulate a lot of Pantone colors, so you might want to contact your provider to make sure if such a workaround is necessary at all.

  • Missing inventory fields in ZRS 5

    Hello everyone,
    I've installed a ZRS5 to help a customer transition from BOE and while I was re-creating some of the reports I've noticed that some of the inventory fields (for example "last contact" and "last full refresh") that used to be available in BOE are missing from ZRS5. Is there an easy way to add these fields in the datasource definition?
    Also, is there a way to modify the ad-hoc views directly from iReport or Jaspersoft Studio?

    Hello Giordano,
    Almost all the fields in BoE are present in ZR 5. The specific fields you are looking for - "Last Contact" & "Last Full Refresh" are a part of ZENworks System and not of Inventory (as was the case in BoE). You can find them at following path: ZENworks System -> Managed Device Status.
    To add any new objects in Domain would require a modification to domain, which would require a development environment. We would soon provide instructions on how to set this up. Not sure, as to why you want to modify an adhoc view from iReport, but as far as I know, it may not be possible. You can check on the possibility of modifying a report created from Adhoc View in iReport or Jaspersoft Studio.

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    ( Instructor's Solutions Manual ) Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface 4 ed by David A Patterson                
    ( Instructor's Solutions Manual ) Computer Organization and Design The Hardware Software Interface, 3rd edition by David A Patterson and John L Hennessy                        
    ( Instructor's Solutions Manual ) Computer Science Illuminated 4th ed by Nell Dale, John Lewis               
    ( Instructor's Solutions Manual ) Computer system architecture 3rd Ed Morris Mano                  
    ( Instructor's Solutions Manual ) Computer Systems- A Programmer’s Perspective by Bryant, O’Hallaron               
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    ( Instructor's Solutions Manual ) Computer-Controlled Systems 3rd ED by Astrom, Wittenmark                
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    It's also on your phone under your Safari Bookmarks.

  • Problem installing cs5.5 - exit code 6

    Hi everyone,
    I'm trying to install cs5.5 web premium (upgrade) on windows xp sp3 but have some trouble.
    Every program of the suite install right but not acrobat. At the end of installation I receive the error below.
    I try to solve reinstalling and follow this article without success:
    I try also disinstalling AIR and reinstall but the result is the same.
    Anyone could help to found a solution?
    Exit Code: 6
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 11 error(s), 7 warning(s)
    WARNING: DW024: The payload: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Core  {08EF22BC-43B2-4B4E-BA12-52B18F418F38} requires a UI parent with following specification:
        Family: Photoshop
        ProductName: Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Core_x64
        This parent relationship is not satisfied, because this payload is not present in this session.
    WARNING: DW025: The payload with AdobeCode:  {D8CCCF4C-C227-427C-B4BE-736657D2AB7E} has recommended dependency on:
        Family: Adobe Web Suite CS5.5
        ProductName: Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5 X64
        This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
        Removing this payload from the dependency list.
    ERROR: DW025: The payload with AdobeCode:  {D97AF04B-B70A-4862-BC25-31E6D9C4A529} has required dependency on:
        Family: CoreTech
        ProductName: Adobe Player for Embedding x64 3.1
        This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
        Removing this dependency from list. Product may function improperly.
    ERROR: DW025: The payload with AdobeCode:  {D97AF04B-B70A-4862-BC25-31E6D9C4A529} has required dependency on:
        Family: Shared Technology
        ProductName: Photoshop Camera Raw (64 bit)
        This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
        Removing this dependency from list. Product may function improperly.
    ERROR: DW025: The payload with AdobeCode:  {D97AF04B-B70A-4862-BC25-31E6D9C4A529} has required dependency on:
        Family: CoreTech
        ProductName: AdobeCMaps x64 CS5
        This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
        Removing this dependency from list. Product may function improperly.
    ERROR: DW025: The payload with AdobeCode:  {D97AF04B-B70A-4862-BC25-31E6D9C4A529} has required dependency on:
        Family: CoreTech
        ProductName: Adobe Linguistics CS5 x64
        This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
        Removing this dependency from list. Product may function improperly.
    ERROR: DW025: The payload with AdobeCode:  {D97AF04B-B70A-4862-BC25-31E6D9C4A529} has required dependency on:
        Family: CoreTech
        ProductName: AdobePDFL x64 CS5
        This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
        Removing this dependency from list. Product may function improperly.
    ERROR: DW025: The payload with AdobeCode:  {D97AF04B-B70A-4862-BC25-31E6D9C4A529} has required dependency on:
        Family: CoreTech
        ProductName: AdobeTypeSupport x64 CS5
        This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
        Removing this dependency from list. Product may function improperly.
    ERROR: DW025: The payload with AdobeCode:  {D97AF04B-B70A-4862-BC25-31E6D9C4A529} has required dependency on:
        Family: CoreTech
        ProductName: Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin CS5 x64
        This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
        Removing this dependency from list. Product may function improperly.
    WARNING: DW025: The payload with AdobeCode:  {D97AF04B-B70A-4862-BC25-31E6D9C4A529} has recommended dependency on:
        Family: Adobe Web Suite CS5.5
        ProductName: Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5 X64
        This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
        Removing this payload from the dependency list.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{2EBE92C3-F9D8-48B5-A32B-04FA5D1709FA} Adobe XMP Panels CS5 has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {42774483-D33C-46F7-8B20-FD0B1A3DAC25} Adobe XMP Panels CS5_3.1_AdobeXMPPanelsAll will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{2EBE92C3-F9D8-48B5-A32B-04FA5D1709FA} Adobe XMP Panels CS5 has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {42774483-D33C-46F7-8B20-FD0B1A3DAC25} Adobe XMP Panels CS5_3.1_AdobeXMPPanelsAll will be uninstalled now.
    ----------- Payload: {AC76BA86-1040-7D70-7760-000000000005} Acrobat Professional -----------
    ERROR: Impossibile rimuovere la versione precedente di Adobe Acrobat X Pro - Italiano, Español, Nederlands, Português. Contattare il supporto tecnico.
    ERROR: Install MSI payload failed with error: 1603 - Errore irreversibile durante l'installazione.
    MSI Error message: Impossibile rimuovere la versione precedente di Adobe Acrobat X Pro - Italiano, Español, Nederlands, Português. Contattare il supporto tecnico.
    ----------- Payload: {8DADF070-FE60-4899-8EF0-4242E7702F7D} Adobe Fireworks CS5.1 -----------
    WARNING: DF012: File/Folder does not exist at D:\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeFireworks11.1.0All\OEM(Seq 1215)
    ----------- Payload: {53AE650C-B909-474F-8A2E-540944D23A77} Adobe Fireworks CS5.1_AdobeFireworks11.1.0it_ITLanguagePack -----------
    WARNING: DF012: File/Folder does not exist at D:\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeFireworks11.1.0it_ITLanguagePack\OEM(Seq 75)
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR: DW050:  - Acrobat Professional: Install failed

    This is what comes to my attention in the log:
    This dependency is not satisfied, because this payload is x64 and is not supported on this machine.
    ...your machine does not support x64 bit payload.
    That is all what I can establish from first glance, are you trying to install 64bit software on 32 bit machine??

  • JavaServer Faces and table

    I need to create a table as the following with a single column and more rows. I think I need a datatable component because my data are in a list but how can I display all the information in a single column?
    Thanks and bye,
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%" id="AutoNumber1">
    <td width="100%">Title</td>
    <td width="100%">Authors</td>
    <td width="100%">Info</td>
    <td width="100%"> <hr></td>
    <td width="100%">Title</td>
    <td width="100%">Authors</td>
    <td width="100%">Info</td>
    <td width="100%"> <hr></td>
    <td width="100%">Title</td>
    <td width="100%">Authors</td>
    <td width="100%">Info</td>
    <td width="100%"> <hr></td>

    A couple of choices:
    1. Transpose your data source list control so it can be used with a datatable.
    basically turn the columns into rows in the list control bound to datatable.
    2. Use a custom datatable that does what you're looking for. There are a few out
    there that do similar things to what you're looking for in case you don't want to
    build it yourself. I would not suggest that you do since some people already
    did it

  • Acrobat Reader 9 + DdeClientTransaction + FilePrintTo

    this is my problem, I'm developing a software C++ based with a PDF Print functionality using DDE messages.
    The actual released version print PDF with Acrobat 7 and all run correctly, DDE management below:
    ShellExecute for Acrobat Reader execution
    DdeInitialize with CBF_FAIL_ALLSVRXACTIONS
    DdeCreateStringHandle for "acroview"
    DdeCreateStringHandle for "control"
    DdeCreateDataHandle for "[FilePrintTo(...)]"
    DdeClientTransaction with DdeCreateDataHandle and XTYP_EXECUTE
    This code run correctly both Acrobat Reader 7,8 and 9
    Now I'm developing a new release for manage multi-instance of Acrobat Reader and I need to control the single instance directly, this is the new logic:
    ShellExecuteEx for Acrobat Reader execution
    DdeInitialize with CBF_FAIL_ALLSVRXACTIONS
    DdeCreateStringHandle for "control"
    DdeConnectList for check all opened instances of Acrobat Reader
    First strange case, if I pass to DdeConnectList both Topic and Service no instance of Acrobat Reader was found, I must pass only the Topic.. why??..
    Now I loop the connections list with DdeQueryNextServer to find my original instance of Acrobat Reader and get the relative HCONV
    DdeCreateDataHandle for "[FilePrintTo(...)]"
    DdeClientTransaction with DdeCreateDataHandle, the found HCONV and XTYP_EXECUTE
    Now the problem: anytime I launch a print task the DdeClientTransaction fail, the pdwResult return DDE_FNOTPROCESSED and DdeClientTransaction return DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER
    I don't understand where is the problem, the parameters are correct and are the same of the previuos versions.. but the only one difference from the previous version is the connection management, the first with DdeConnect is DDE that check for an open acrobat window and send the dde message by itself, in the new case I search the right window and I send dde message to this one.. any ideas?
    Let me know... I don't know what also can try..
    Giordano Pellegri

    So.. no the problem isn't the number of instances.. but the method to send data between my client DDE app and the Acrobat Reader DDE Server, in my old version I use the method DdeConnect to connect but I don't know to which Acrobat I will connect to, in the other version I use DdeConnectList for check all the Acrobat DDE Server are running, then I select my Acrobat DDE Server and I use this one with the DdeClientTransaction.
    With DdeConnect my sw run correctly with Acrobat Reader 7,8 and 9 without problems.
    Some pieces of code
    Old method:
      hConv = DdeConnect(dwDDEInst,
      hTransaction = DdeClientTransaction((LPBYTE)hDataHandle,
          TIMEOUT * 1000 * multiplier,
    New method:
       hConvList = DdeConnectList( (DWORD)dwDDEInst,
    while ((hConv = DdeQueryNextServer(hConvList, hConv)) != NULL)
    some check for my acrobat window/dde
         hConv = DdeQueryNextServer(hConvList, hConv);
       hTransaction = DdeClientTransaction((LPBYTE)hDataHandle,
          (DWORD)TIMEOUT * 1000 * multiplier, // ms timeout

  • Conf. a Win2K Security Realm on WebLogic

         Hi! I'm having some problems configuring a security realm in WebLogic
    server 6.0sp1.
         I'd like that WebLogic use the Windows2000 security realm as the
    default security (it can be used as the secondary security realm
    if it's the only way).     
    We've been trying to make it work for the last two (business) days
    with no hope of being successfull at all.
         We are using the BEA documentation 'Managing Security' as reference,
    and we have some doubts about what's in there.
    First doubt:     The documentation says that we need to create new
    security realm of the type Windows NT. OK, we did it. But we are
    not sure about how to fill the filed Primary Domain. The documentation
    says to put the host and port of the computer where User and Groups
    are defined for the NT domain. I'm using the same computer for
    both (NT domain and Web Logic), so I put the host name (babalu).
    Wich port should I put?
    Second doubt:     The documentation says to create a systerm user on
    the NT domain using NT administrative tools, names it 'system'
    and set some stuff for it. But windows 2000 already has a user
    with that name (SYSTE, but capitalized) and the property that I
    should set on it doesn't exist! By the way, on the system user
    user that windows2000 has I wasn't able to set any property.
    Last doubt (maybe should be the first one) : Does WebLogic 6.0sp1
    support Security Realms from Windows 2000? Or I need to download
    another plugin or somethign like that?
         Thanks for Reading and (hope) Answering my qusetions!
    Roberto Giordano Barra

    Hi! Thanks for the answer. I'll try to run WebLogic as a service.
    In fact, I tried it before but I wasn't able to. I started the
    service by hand, but I wasn't able to access the server. So, I
    click on the 'remove web logic as service'(something like that)
    in the WebLogic program group. Ok, it was removed. But when I tried
    to put it back I didn't find no funny button to help me! Could
    you help me with that?
    Another thing. If I use NT Realm as a Caching Realm I'll be
    able to see the NT user and users groups with the Web Logic management
    GUI ?
    Thanks once again,
    Roberto Giordano Barra
    "arthur" <[email protected]> wrote:
    By saying win2k I am assuming you mean creating an NT
    Do not bother specifying a port, just put the server name.
    You have to ensure that you are running the weblogic server
    a NT service if you want to use the NTrealm.
    Make sure under Caching Realm you specify the NTrealm.
    That should be it.
    Hope this helps.
    "Roberto Giordano Barra" <[email protected]> wrote:
         Hi! I'm having some problems configuring a security
    realm in WebLogic
    server 6.0sp1.
         I'd like that WebLogic use the Windows2000 securityrealm
    as the
    default security (it can be used as the secondary security
    if it's the only way).     
    We've been trying to make it work for the last two (business)
    with no hope of being successfull at all.
         We are using the BEA documentation 'Managing Security'
    as reference,
    and we have some doubts about what's in there.
    First doubt:     The documentation says that we need to create
    security realm of the type Windows NT. OK, we did it.
    But we are
    not sure about how to fill the filed Primary Domain.The
    says to put the host and port of the computer where User
    and Groups
    are defined for the NT domain. I'm using the same computer
    both (NT domain and Web Logic), so I put the host name
    Wich port should I put?
    Second doubt:     The documentation says to create a systerm
    user on
    the NT domain using NT administrative tools, names it
    and set some stuff for it. But windows 2000 already has
    a user
    with that name (SYSTE, but capitalized) and the property
    that I
    should set on it doesn't exist! By the way, on the system
    user that windows2000 has I wasn't able to set any property.
    Last doubt (maybe should be the first one) : Does WebLogic
    support Security Realms from Windows 2000? Or I needto
    another plugin or somethign like that?
         Thanks for Reading and (hope) Answering my qusetions!
    Roberto Giordano Barra

  • DVA cluster configuration

    Hello everyone!
    I'm about to upgrade a customer's GW8 (on linux) cluster to 2014. I've done some tests in a lab and everything seems pretty straight forward, the only thing that I am missing is the proper configuration for the DVA in a cluster.
    I'd like to have the DVA service migrate together with the PO's resource, I can probably manage to configure it manually by editing the gwha.conf but I was wondering if there was a better way.
    I've looked at the documentation and the only instructions specified in the interop guide are for domains, POs and gateways.
    Can someone give me a few pointers?

    You can cluster a dva service. Here are the steps I use.
    1. on the node where your post office is running, run this command:
    gwadminutil services -i -dva /media/nss/VOL/podirectory/poname.dva
    This will create a dva startup file with the name poname.dva in the post office directory. The startup file name is up to you, but if you are tying the dva to the PO, this may make sense. Also if you create the dva service this way, the service name in the gwha.conf is gwdava.poname
    2. Edit the poname.dva file and add
    --ip <secondaryipaddress>
    3. In the cluster load script for the post office resource, add this line:
    exit_on_error /opt/novell/groupwise/admin/gwadminutil services -i -dva /media/nss/VOL/podirectory/poname.dva
    This will create the dva service on any other nodes.
    4. Add a line to start the dva service
    /etc/init.d/grpwise start gwdva.poname
    5. Add a line to the cluster resource unload script
    ignore_error /etc/init.d/grpwise stop gwdva.poname
    6. Offline/online the resource to test. If OK, the migration to other nodes should work fine.
    7. In GW ADmin console, go to System | Document Viewer Agents, and add a dva record for the dva you created. Make sure you use the secondary ip addr that you specified in the dva startup file. The name of the dva record is up to you.
    8. For any Post Office you want to use this dva, go to it's POA config | Document Viewer Agents, then add the DVA you specified in step 4. This tells the POA to use that DVA.
    Click to add a signature
    >>> gbianchi77<[email protected]> 5/29/2014 4:26 AM >>>
    Hello everyone!
    I'm about to upgrade a customer's GW8 (on linux) cluster to 2014. I've
    done some tests in a lab and everything seems pretty straight forward,
    the only thing that I am missing is the proper configuration for the DVA
    in a cluster.
    I'd like to have the DVA service migrate together with the PO's
    resource, I can probably manage to configure it manually by editing the
    gwha.conf but I was wondering if there was a better way.
    I've looked at the documentation and the only instructions specified in
    the interop guide are for domains, POs and gateways.
    Can someone give me a few pointers?
    gbianchi77's Profile:
    View this thread:

  • Form for send mail

    I'm working with Forms 6i Client/Server.
    I must design a form that it send a some mail through the mail server without use the mail-client (for example Outlook).
    Is it possible to do this ?? without a mail-client??
    Can somebody help me ???
    kind regards.

    A sample of using UTL_SMTP is on OTN just do a search for UTL_SMTP and you'll find it at:
    IF you can't use this solution (old database) you might be able to do it by calling a Java program to send your mails.
    The Oracle9i Forms demos has such a sample using the Java importer.

  • 1.3.1 installation fails

    I'm trying to install 1.3.1 (I have 1.3).
    At the end of the installation wizard, I get this error:
    "Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly component {98CB24AD-52FB-DB5F-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}.
    HRESULT: 0x800736B3"
    System info:
    Windows Vista Home Premium
    Athlon 64 X2
    I tried to diable the firewall, run the installer as administrator, restart the computer, all to no avail.

    Giordano,<br /><br />Resolved my issue. Turns out I had a corrupt transaction log on my C drive. There was an fsutil command that i ran at the command prompt:<br /><br />fsutil resource setautoreset c:\ <enter><br /><br />ran that command, rebooted, and 1.3.1 installed without a hitch

  • Set formsweb.cfg

    what is to corrispond at the formsXX_path and ui_icon on MS in the formsweb.cfg ??

    for icons I suggest to create a jar file and put them into this. Then edit the formsweb.cfg file and set imagebase=codebase in the application definition section.
    Copy the custom jar file into the formsxx\java directory and add its name to the archive parameter
    e.g. archive_jinit = f60all_jinit.jar, myIcons.jar
    This way the icons get permanently cached on the client and you can have them separated for each application. However, simply editing the registry.dat file, as suggested by Shay works as well.

Maybe you are looking for