MSI 460gtx texture memory

I need to know  m2d1gd5 model's texture memory specification. I need it to know to use successfully at video editing. Parameter measured in Mb.

Quote from: ipri on 12-May-11, 10:50:59
I need exact parameter daloona..
But what parameter though?

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  • Problem loading image into texture memory

    Hi there, I am currently porting our new casual PC game over to the iPad using the pfi, the game was written in Flash so the porting process isn't that hard thankfully, it's mainly just optimizing the graphics.
    So far things are going smoothly, I was initially worried about graphical performance, but since we put everything into the GPU that's no longer a concern- it runs super smooth at 60fps at 1024x768, we can have a hundred large bitmaps rotating and alphaing at once with no slowdown.
    However there is one weird problem which is really worrying me at this point- it seems that the speed at which images are loaded into video memory as textures is vastly different depending on what else is being run on the iPad, for example:
    * If I run my game with nothing else in memory, it will run fine at 60fps, and load up large images into texture memory very fast.
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    * To make matters worse, if I repeat the same test using the RAGE app from ID software (which is very graphically intense), my game actually slows down to 1 fps and runs extremely slowly as soon as I run it and the frame rate never returns to normal. If I then double-click the home button, shut down RAGE, then go back to my game, it will run fine.
    I have read that sometimes when you load images into texture memory it will have to reclaim that memory from other apps, but that doesnt exaplain why it slows down every time I want to load something, or why the game would slow right down to a crawl.
    So then it seems that having other Apps in memory is slowing down my game, or stopping it from working altogether. Obviously this is not ideal and would stop us from releasing, so is there any way I can stop this, has anyone come across the problem? Please help!
    PS. this problem also happens on an iPhone 4, as I have performed the same tests.

    Hi _mz84
    First thing I noticed, is that you did not close your
    <embed> tag
    <embed src="gallery1.swf" bgcolor="#421628" width="385"
    height="611" wmode="transparent" />
    If that doesn't solve your troubles, try the following
    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="611"
    width="385" align="middle" data="gallery1.swf">
    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never" />
    <param name="allowNetworking" value="internal" />
    <param name="movie" value="gallery1.swf" />
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <param name="scale" value="noscale" />
    <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
    <param name="bgcolor" value="#421628" />
    hope this helps out.

  • Black screen on MSI P43-C51, memory incompatible?

    I've recently bought a new computer. Everything seems to be in good order, except when I start it I get a black screen. Disks are spinning, I hear it boot up and everything, lights seems to be in the proper places, but the screen remains black.
    Searching around, users with similar problems usually seems to have memory problems, therefore I'm suspecting that's my case too. I've triple-checked that they are properly inserted.
    PSU: 400W Corsair
    GFX: Sapphire Radeon HD 5830 1GB DDR5
    Motherboard: MSI P43-C51
    Memory: 2x2GB Kingston 1066 MHz DDR3 CL7
    CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.93 MHz
    Is the memory incompatible as I suspect, or is there any other answer? Would be thankful if you could tell me. Thank you.

    it's an Intel C2D with 2.93 GHz freq I think
    What is the exact model name of that CPU?
    Searching around, users with similar problems usually seems to have memory problems
    Your problem could be caused by any (or several) of the following things:
    - memory problem (test each stick individually in the first memory slot, test other memory modules)
    - PSU problem (PSU defective or power connectors not hooked up properly (24 Pin ATX, 4 or 8 Pin +12V CPU, 6/8 Pin PCI-Express (video card))
    - shorting issue (test the board outside the case on a non-conducting surface in barebone configuration)
    - defective CPU
    - defective video card
    - defective motherboard (bent or broken CPU socket pins, defective sub-circuits, defective chipset components, defective voltage regulators etc.)
    - CMOS mess (--> >>Clear CMOS Guide<< )

  • 3d picture texture memory leak?

    I'm further investigating using the 3D picture controla nd have found out a couple of really cool things.
    1. Object instantiation : You can add lots of copies of objects to a scene which allows them to share much data (The "Drawable" item is shared) but allows applying individual scaling, transformation, texturing and so on.  This saves a HUGE amount of memory when instantiating lots of objects.
    2. Viewports: You can define several different viewports for a 3D picture which allows limiting the display of an object to a certain portion of the 3D picture.
    3. "WindowtoObjectCoords" allows for an easy method to "pin" an object at a specific point on the 3D picture display.  Coupled with a Viewport, we can implement a nice rotating 3D coordinate display which doesn't pan or scale with the rest of the picture.
    I then got greedy.  I wanted to start instantiating several thousand primitives, but applying a different texture to each to give a multicoloured effect.  This works fine but whenever I run the program, I get a memory leak and I can't figure out how to get rid of this.  Following image has 8192 instances of a single box with different textures, rotations and translations applied to each.
    If anyone could have a look to see what I'm actually doing wrong, that would be greatly appreciated.  The solar system example doesn't seem to suffer from this problem, but it doesn't use multiple instantiation of objects.....
    I've had this problem before.  I feel it's related to texturing but I'm not sure.  Maybe the memory leak is only noticeable when texturing is used due to the much larger memory footprint.
    Say hello to my little friend.
    RFC 2323 FHE-Compliant
    3D texture memory ‏66 KB

    Ok, last post, I promise.
    When freeing up memory used for a 3D picture like this, using a recursive method needs to take care to obtain a reference to each object's "Drawable" and "Texture" before removing the texture and ultimately destroying the object.  Then the Drawable and the Texture need to be destroyed also (close Reference).  Done properly it seems to be do-able.  This is because the "Drawable" and "Texture" are pointers to other data structures which are not freed up by destroying the object using them.  They need to be destroyed individually.
    So I think I have a working version.  I can instantiate over 65000 objects, each with their own texture, rotation and translation and I can release them after execution with a "wobble" in the LabVIEW.exe idle memory of about 2MB.  That is to say, it increases the first few times and then stays pretty much stable.  The memory usage goes up more than 200MB when running.
    Say hello to my little friend.
    RFC 2323 FHE-Compliant

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    I searched the forums for an answer before posting but didn't find one.
    What is the most effective texture memory setting in AE CS5 with the GTX 285?

    I suggest setting it to 80% of the VRAM memory on the card.
    See "Render with OpenGL".

  • MSI 648 Max - Memory question

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    I have an old MSI 648 MAX MB for which I would like to do a RAM upgrade.
    I can get DDR400 RAM quite easily, but they are Apacer 512MB DDR400 modules, which do not appear under the list of supported RAM modules.
    Does anyone know if this RAM is supported, and if not at DDR400, can the BIOS settings be changed to allow it to run at DDR333?

    Good day,
    Here is the specs of the PC:
    Processor : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 Northwood 2.40GHz
    Mainboard : MSI 648 Max (MSI MS-6585)
    Memory : 2 x Apacer Technology 512MB DDR400
    Video Card : NVIDIA GeForce 6800 AGP
    Hard Disk : ST380011A (80 GB)
    DVD-Rom Drive : LITE-ON DVD SOHD-167T
    CD-Rom Drive : ASUS CRW-2410A
    Network Card : Realtek Semiconductor RT8139 (A/B/C/810x/813x/C+) Fast Ethernet Adapter
    Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.01.2600 Service Pack 2
    PSU : ProCase SH-400WA8/P4
    I will run MemTest86+ later and report back the results.
    Best regards

  • EAGL - Double allocation of texture memory?

    I am using a 1024x1024 texture page in Opengl, and everything loads and displays fine. However when looking in Leaks tool, I see that the memory for the texutre page is double what it should be. (1024x1024x4 = 4.4mb, but 8.8 are allocated). I'm using code based on the Apple default OpenGL ES project. I think I'm freeing everything possible. Leaks says that either GLClear or GLRendererFloat are malloc'ing 4.2 mb.. Any ideas? Here is my texture loading code:
    spriteImage = [UIImage imageNamed:[list objectAtIndex:i]].CGImage;
    // Get the width and height of the image
    width = CGImageGetWidth(spriteImage);
    height = CGImageGetHeight(spriteImage);
    // Texture dimensions must be a power of 2. If you write an application that allows users to supply an image,
    // you'll want to add code that checks the dimensions and takes appropriate action if they are not a power of 2.
    if(spriteImage) {
    // Allocated memory needed for the bitmap context
    spriteData = (GLubyte *) malloc(width * height * 4);
    // Uses the bitmatp creation function provided by the Core Graphics framework.
    spriteContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(spriteData, width, height, 8, width * 4, CGImageGetColorSpace(spriteImage), kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast);
    // After you create the context, you can draw the sprite image to the context.
    CGContextDrawImage(spriteContext, CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, (CGFloat)width, (CGFloat)height), spriteImage);
    // You don't need the context at this point, so you need to release it to avoid memory leaks.
    // Use OpenGL ES to generate a name for the texture.
    glGenTextures(1, &spriteTextures);
    // Bind the texture name.
    glBindTexture(GLTEXTURE2D, spriteTextures);
    // Speidfy a 2D texture image, provideing the a pointer to the image data in memory
    glTexImage2D(GLTEXTURE2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GLUNSIGNEDBYTE, spriteData);
    // Release the image data
    Thank you very much

    There shouldn't be any issues with freeing spriteData as you did in the original example. You should be able to use leaks to verify where all surviving allocations are from, and determine that it isn't spriteData.
    The software renderer used by the simulator is quite different than the OpenGL implementation on the device. You should use leaks on the device and verify that the problem does, or does not, occur there. If it is Sim only, don't worry about it.

  • Msi Fx5700 Td128 Memory Bandwidth

    Hello to all!
    Please tell me the MEMORY BANDWIDTH for this  card:
     MSI GeForce FX5700(non Ultra) TD128
     memory implemented: SAMSUNG
    On website is 14,4GB/s , but in Quick Users Guide 8,8GB/s.
    What No. is the right No.?
    Please answer someone...

    14.4 is the bandwidth for the Ultra so I assume it isn't the same on the non ultra.
    You can calculate it by finding the rated timing of the memory chips and therfore the memory clock (approximatly).
    For instance 2.8ns (should be marked on the chip -28) is 1/2.8ns=357MHz.
    Using DDR it is effectively 714MHz, and using 128bit wide BUS you get 11.4GB/S

  • MSI R6670 MD2GD3 Memory Clock 667 MHz When 1334 MHz?

    Hi there,
    I Recently purchased a MSI R6670 MD2GD3 2GB DDR3 graphics card, but since day one I've noticed something odd with it; according to the product site, its Memory clock should mark 1334 MHz, but when I open Afterburner or a benchmark software like FurMark I'm getting a 667 MHz memory clock, which is effectively half of what's noted.
    What could be the issue here? It is noted that this is a Double memory graphics card, so maybe one nucleus is malfunctioning?
    HP Pavilion p7-1154
    AMD QuadCore A6-3600 2.10 GHz Processor
    6GB DDR3 RAM
    Windows 7

    that frequancy is normal, after all you bought a Card With GDDR3 (Graphics Double Data Rate) Memory on it!
    so even though your seeing 667Mhz its actually 667x2 as its double!
    DDR3 1066MHz shows as 533MHz
    DDR3 1334MHz shows as 667MHz
    DDR3 1600MHz shows as 800MHz
    this is because it only sees half as its Double Data Rate
    any DDR standard of ram shows only Half (1/2) the Frequency (GDDR5 is an exception as that one is 1/4) so the frequancy you are seeing is correct for 1334MHz

  • MSI Z77A-G43-memory problem

    I bought lately new cpu,mb and memory. When i turned it on it was still rebooting after few seconds after start. So i treid to put just one memory in slot. It worked but only if memory is in bank 3 or 4. In 1,2 computer is still rebooting. Also it works with two memory modules, but putted in 3,4 slots only. And just in single channel. I saw that many people have the same problem and shop service wrote them that it works like that. First You put memory in slots 3,4 and then in 1,2. It is strange for me. I don't have two another memory modules to check if this is true and I want to that it works in dual channel, not single. So, is this true or mb is broken?

    Hello. I have the same problem, except, I use 4 Dimms in 4 slots on my MSI board. I installed speaker on MB to see if there are any beep sounds during the booting, but all seems ok. The problem is the PC keeps still rebooting after about 5 sec. from the start. There aren´t any visual information on screen, since the start is so short. I tried to install dimms in 2nd and 4th slot first. Then to 1st and 3rd. In both cases the problem was still the same. When I put all rams in all 4 slots, the result is the same (restart for ethernity). The only way that goes is the PC runs with only 1 dimm in either 1st or 2nd slot. I tested all the memory modules and all of them work fine. I even tried this on a differennt mainboard from ASUS P8Z77-V LX. Now I tested it on MSI Z77A-G43. Both mainboards are new. There is a very slim change that both of them would be defective. Before I got MSI MB, I ran couple of days on the ASUS MB and everything was perfect, so I don´t think that CPU is defective. I even ran a few benchmarks on it. But I still don´t understand why can´t I run the system with all 16 GB of RAM instead of 4 GB in one slot. Please help me.   

  • MSI K9A2 CF Memory problem?

    I have a pc with a MSI K9A2 CF mobo running with a 1.2V bios
    this 1:
    Phenom 9600
    3gb ddr2
    ATI HD3850 512 mb
    1 terra HD
    Vista 64 home prem.
    Now i have 3gb ddr2 from Geil
    it's pc2 6400 800mhz cl 4-4-4-12
    with 2x 512mb en 2x 1gb
    I installed Vista 64 home premium and bought 8 gigs DDR2, it's 2 sets of 4gb
    this 1: they have thesame specs only its cl 5-5-5-15 and 1.8v instead of 2.1 volt, my old are 2.1V.
    When i plug em in and turn on my PC i wont get any signal AT ALL, my monitor doesnt even react and stays on standby mode. I re-plugged my old memory and everything works fine. I changed the volts, which were on 2.1V, to 1.8V in my Bios and tried again, no reaction. I tried several combinatiosn and only 1 set of the new memory but it doesnt work.
    Is it mayb the BIOS that needs an update or should i change Volt AND the CL 5-5-5-15 timings?
    According to the website of MSI my mobo would be able to use the new memory i bought doesnt it?
    I hope any1 of u experts got an idea =)
    Gaarman, holland.

    Well, put command rate at 2T and try all 4 sticks, however it might fail again as the CPU needs to be able to start before the BIOS kicks in.
    Judging on your higher needed voltage, these sticks are not very good....
    On your link:
    *note: All DDR2 Value 800 modules were tested on NForce 4 Intel Edition, Intel 955 and Intel 975 platform mother boards for performance, stability and compatibility.
    This doesn't sound very promising either.
    AMD is NOT Intel, it has a far faster memory controller then the listed testing systems....else try DDR667 and see what happens if you use that speed.

  • MSI K9VGM-V memory prob

    hello, i have many pc to assemble but i have big memory problem.
    mbd MSI K9VGM-V   ms6353 rev 1.0
    cpu am2 3800
    mem value OCZ,  OCZ platinium ,nspire generic or many other generic ram.
    when i start the pc with anything ram of this list the keyboard don't run!
    but when a put a  value ram kingston on the mobo all is perfect.
    What'S is the problem..i have many many system to assemble. please reply me fastly!
    Sorry for my english...i am french canadien!

        i am not a newby!   the prob is a batch of mbd!!! i buy 20 new mbd whitout this prob!
    big quality !!!!!!!!   

  • MSI 770-C45 memory caching shadowing

    I use I 770-C45 motherboard and I want to install Windows 7 Ultimate. But I get BSOD's when the installation is going on or shortly after that. I think I have to disable memory caching/shadowing, but I can't find this options in the bios. Do these options have other names? Where can I find the options to disable them?

    - AMD Athlon II X4 630 2.8GHz 2MB AM3 Box
    - MSI 770-C45 AMD 770 (could not locate erp), (bios 7599v11)
    - OCZ 2x2GB DDR3 PC8500 CL7.0 Gold Edition
    - XFX ATI Radeon 4870HD PCI-E 512 MB
    - Samsung 1TB SATA300 32MB, HD103UJ
    - PSU: OCZ Voeding StealthXStream 500W (DC: +3.3V, +5V, +12V1, +12V2, -12V, +5Vsb)
    - Windows 7 Ultimate
    One time the install of Windows was possible, but after that I got several BSOD's (with different codes: 0x0000007e, 4e, 8e, 50, 34). I wanted to install Windows 7 Ultimate for the second time, third time and so on, but I always get a BSOD when the install is working (extract files or when the install is finishing).
    I got  the advice to disable memory shadowing/caching in the bios, but I can't find these options. Are there maybe other things to do to make the computer work?

  • MSI 890FXA-GD70 Memory Power Phase Issue

    Other one for the books of bug or things MSI could do better on. Well as spec show there memory power phase control on this board and I can't get the phase system to stick after a reboot from OS. Bios dose give set of choices to have it disable or auto, but when system boot up there no phasing being done. Using the MSI ControlCenter you can turn it to auto and it wont work until you change one more thing in the bios for DDR setup "Memory Power Down Enable - Channel", but after a reboot and reload MSI ControlCenter and change it back to auto, everything work great. Until you reboot and all setting are reset back to bios level for MSI ControlCenter and is back to being disable. Seeing there no choice to set profile and have it load at boot. I'm at other dead stick. Even making MSI ControlCenter boot at start of the OS, still using bios level settings. So anyone know what going on, without knowing command being used by MSI ControlCenter to turn it on, really can't make small app to auto run at boot up.
    OS type Window 7 64bit

    Dear starfoxACEFOX,
    Thank you for reporting this issue.
    Here is the latest Beta BIOS for your review.
    The latest Control Center v1.0.173 from our website:

  • MSI 975X OC memory and stuff

    I do not have any issue with my setting, but there are few things I am not sure to understand very well. I went through a lot of the msgs here and in other websites. However, I still have a few questions:
    1 - I OC the FSB to 333 MHz, the memory can't run with any other setting than 1:2 and 4-4-4-12 or 4-4-4-11. And the funny thing, 4-4-4-11 performs worse on Sisandra Memory benchmark than the 4-4-4-12.
    a) Am I running 1:1 (333x2x2 = 1K bus)?
    b) Why does it not run at other levels? My understanding is it would be running at lower MHz (i.e.: 333x1.2x2)
    2 - That stupid Core software coming with the MSI CD don't stop to sound an alarm. All my fans are running fine and the temperature is 42. Is there any way to shut it off?
    3 - I know it is not related directly with the content of that board, but maybe someone already got that issue: Aquamark3d does all the tests, but at the end, it crashes before giving any results. I did not have that issue with the Asus P5W or my dell computer. I am suspecting 2 things now: the MSI board or the latest ATI driver. Anyone had/has the same issue?
    Thank you
    -MSI 975X Platinum
    -Bios type and revision: latest
    -CPU E6600
    -Memory OCZ 667MHz 4-4-4-12
    -Video card ATI X1900 XT
    -Power Supply Master Cooler 600 Watts
    -Hard Drives: Crappy EIDE 250 MBs
    -Optical Drives: NEC 2500A
    -Operating system Windows XP Professional SP1 up to date with all patches

    2 - That stupid Core software coming with the MSI CD don't stop to sound an alarm. All my fans are running fine and the temperature is 42. Is there any way to shut it off?
    well just dont use it. (remove it from autorun, or uninstall it). he is probably alarm low FAN's RPM check in core center config to fix it. you can also recheck BIOS settings to ensure fans speed. you can also disable Smart fan features to ensure system is cooled well.
    3 - I know it is not related directly with the content of that board, but maybe someone already got that issue: Aquamark3d does all the tests, but at the end, it crashes before giving any results. I did not have that issue with the Asus P5W or my dell computer. I am suspecting 2 things now: the MSI board or the latest ATI driver. Anyone had/has the same issue?
    yep dont worry about that its normal as you know Auamark is pretty old. its gives this problem in high end Ati VGA cards, not problem related (etc mobo or somethink other). happend the same with Sapphire x1600XT at Soltek 754 mobo.
    for 1st question answers you should wait little abit more:) here few usefull software wich will give you usefull info and some of question you can answer himself during waiting:
    All version is the latest:                                                     CPU-Z                                                                 Central Brain Identifier                    Everest Ultimate Edition 2006 Build 3.01.704 Beta

Maybe you are looking for

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