MSI GT 780DX Keyboard problem

So one day typing away on my keyboard on my laptop, the "tab" key had broken in that the two hooks keeping it down broke off. It's now kept on by the back two hooks. This occured randomly, and I believe it was a faulty piece. The repair center for MSI Laptops is 5mins from my house. My laptop is under warranty and registered with MSI. Am I able to go in person and take it in to get a replacement keyboard? I need to know as soon as possible, as it is my school laptop. I would fix it myself with glue but that would void my warranty.

You have to contact MSI about this and make sure it is ok:
>>How to contact MSI.<<

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    Quote from: Tiradus on 26-December-11, 23:02:55
    Hi Everybody,
    I'm experiencing the same problem.
    Is there anything to do to solve this problem ?
    Thank you by advance and I wish you season's greetings.
    hey mate,
    sorry to tell u that there is no solution for this problem they said its a gaming laptop with a gaming keyboard !!
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    Hello Lilarban97,
    Suggest also updating the BIOS & EC. I remember SSE requires some support from BIOS & EC or there will be some weird symptoms happened. SSE will create some virtual devices in the system to make some keyboard functions to work. Based on the symptom you described, the created virtual keyboard seems to suppress your physical keyboard device due to some unknown reasons.

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    Hi, DR -
    The numeric keypad not working sounds like MouseKeys became enabled in the Universal Access part of System Preferences.
    The Shift key and Command keys not working sounds like Sticky Keys became enabled in the Universal Access part of System Preferences.
    Check the Universal Access control pane in System Preferences - if those features are checkmarked, try unchecking them.

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    Hi Rob,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    It sounds like your running into an issue with the keyboard on your MacBook Pro. The article linked below provides suggestions that will resolve most keyboard issues like the one you described.
    OS X Mavericks: If keys on your keyboard don’t work
    If other keys don’t work
    You may have accidentally set an option that changes how your keyboard operates.
    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Dictation & Speech, then click “Text to Speech.” If “Speak selected text when the key is pressed” is selected, deselect it or click Change Key to select another key.
    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Accessibility, then click Keyboard. Make sure Slow Keys is turned off. If Slow Keys is on, you must hold down a key longer than usual before it’s recognized.
    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Accessibility, then click Mouse & Trackpad. Make sure Mouse Keys is off. If Mouse Keys is on, pressing keys in the numeric keypad moves the pointer instead of entering numbers.
    Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Keyboard, then click Input Sources. Select “Show Input menu in menu bar.” Open the Input menu and make sure the correct keyboard layout is selected. To see the keyboard layout, click Keyboard, then choose “Show Keyboard & Character Viewers in menu bar.”
    I hope this helps.

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    Affected sites -- at least these

    Solution posted on Brazilian Archlinux forum. Credits to user "920608".
    Section "Files"
             #RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
    Section "ServerFlags"
               Option "AutoAddDevices" "False"

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    Any help would be appreciated as I am now in Los Angeles using a borrowed Mac! :-) 

    i have something along the lines of the same problem.
    my conclusion is something in the last system update screwed it up.

  • G560 Keyboard Problem

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    it is actually a security program put in lenovos to prevent keyloggers from
    getting your info on what you type into your computer. but to solve this problem,
    go to start -> type in msconfig -> enter -> startup -> and uncheck GID
    Desktop Application -> restart.
    what the program does is save everything you type as consecutive numbers.
    That way people looking at the keyloggers won't be able to see what you
    actually type in since they show up as consecutive numbers with no 
    distinguishable pattern to crack the code. that is why in some games everything
    shows up as numbers even tho you type a letter.

  • U310 KEYBOARD problem

    Lenovo u310 /no touch/
    Recently had keyboard problem. with 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 0 and F1 F2 F3 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12
    keys not working. Had new clean install of windows 8, and windows 7 afterwards.
    Still these keys not working.
    Driver is up to date. Tried updating online from internet.
    no luck.

    hi ns3035,
    Thank You for using Lenovo Community Forums!
    I'm Thinking about stuck key or button on your system.
    Can you try running Passmark Keyboard Test a key or button will show red on the image if it is being pressed or held down.
    Try doing a BIOS Reset as well
        Keep on hitting F2 when you turn it on,
           Once inside BIOS, hit f9 to load default and f10 to save and exit
    Best Regards
    Solid Cruver
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • Floating keyboard problem

    I have this floating keyboard problem. Is there a fix to this?
    I jail broke my device and I know it's not anything I downloaded after that because none of the things I downloaded have anything to do with mail or photos. This only happens when I try to send a photo through email. Help please!
    Link to pic of problem: 2D19BB81-2136-000000C6A8F32FCD_zpsa2359318.jpg

    Jailbreaking voids the Apple warranty and also means that you will not get any support from Apple, including from this Apple forum. Jailbreaking can't be discussed in this Apple forum.
      Unauthorized modification of iOS has been a major source of instability, disruption of services, and other issues

  • Numeric keyboard problems

    can anyone help with advice regarding my keyboard problem. Basically, I have tried two different apple keyboards and neither of them will work on the numeric keypad. Does anyone know what is wrong?

    If restarting the computer, logging in and out of a user account, trying a second
    user account to see if the problem exists computer-wide or only in one account,
    does not work, you could see if resetting PRAM/NVRAM or even PMU for that
    specific computer may flush the system, should it be a software error.
    There is an Apple Hardware Test on the bootable Installer disc DVD which
    came with your computer, and perhaps that could spot some error in the
    USB or keyboard, but it may not show a subtle issue, such as a bad cord
    or one port connector in the computer which may be bent, etc.
    User account issues are sometimes responsible for other problems, but there
    could be something a bit screwy with the port the computer keyboard is plugged
    into; so have you tried a different port? Does that part of the board work if the
    computer is started up in SafeBoot?
    Does Keyboard Viewer show any activity on the keyboard in that area even
    though the input does not show on the screen?
    On a portable computer, there is a way to turn off the Numeric Keyboard area,
    which is different than a full-size keyboard; you can make it 'ignore input' to
    the computer if the correct settings or other keys are selected to do so. And I
    wonder if this is possible with a regular full size external keyboard on an iMac.
    Some settings in Universal Access in a desktop computer may affect how
    the keyboard works; or what may be expected from pressing some keys
    may change due to settings accidentally chosen through this panel. A few
    can be activated by accident, if some check-boxes were default-chosen.
    With the portable computer, it takes a bit more effort to ignore numeric
    keyboard, since it is part of the main built-in keyboard. In a desktop
    Mac, the keyboard/mouse controls in System Preferences panel offer
    a few choices, and Universal Access offers others which can be turned
    on or off at times without a conscious effort; given pre-conditions in there.
    So, if the software and/or settings in the system are to be ruled out, any
    possibility of settings or a damaged OS X need to be weeded out. If
    the hardware is known good and that includes the logic board and or
    USB ports used to connect the USB standard or pro keyboard to the
    Mac are good, then further investigation is required. Patient, tedious.
    {If you use a powered USB hub, be sure to have the keyboard directly
    plugged into the computer. A mouse can be run from a powered USB
    hub, but some hubs don't work or work incorrectly in some cases with
    keyboard commands on startup. And having too many things attached
    in a string of USB devices (unpowered hubs, etc) can cause a brown-
    out or power failure; since USB can only support a limited number of
    items attached to the computer's internal powered ports. Be they USB
    or FireWire, there is a limit and rules apply; should peripherals be in
    a string attached to a computer, so demand won't exceed supply.}
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • IOS 7, iPad 4: keyboard problems with Shift key

    Since I have upgraded my iPad 4 to iOS 7 a few days ago the keyboard drives me mad: I did not experience the overall slowness of the keyboard as reported by so many others. Anyway, I reset my settings just to be safe. But the reset had absolutely no influence on my real problem which is as follows:
    Whenever and wherever (each app) I type, it is just a matter of luck whether or not the keyboard will recognise me typing the Shift key in order to get capital letters - and there are many caps in German words because each noun must be in caps! In 70% of all cases iOS will just write my capital letters as lower-case ones because it just does not recognise me hitting the Shift key, especially when typing quickly. Under iOS 6 this problem did not exist. I am losing so much time fixing missing capitalisation in all my texts (I use iPad for business) and/or typing extra slow and hitting the virtual Shift key on the screen extra hard that there is absolutely no flow in typing. Everything is just slow, whacky and it drives me nuts! How can it be that the latest iPad 4 with so much CPU power cannot handle a simple thing as typing caps? I am also experiencing problem when using the wipe-up gesture to get umlauts on vowels. It is not as bad as with Shift, but also noticeable.
    Is there any solution to this problem? It is a major impediment and I am even considering an iOS downgrade because it is basically killing my ability to work efficiently with my iPad. Otherwise I am kinda okay with iOS 7, but this is a real show stopper. I wonder why I found nobody else on the whole web mentioning this problem.

    Thank you Habitoti for describing the necessary change to the way that we need to type on ios devices to avoid the capital letter problem.
    Holding the shift key fractionally longer solves the problem. But why oh why would Apple require users to fundamentally change the way they touch type by introducing a different keyboarding protocol like this? It is most unlike Apple to have us now have to consciously think about how to touch type all over again.
    Intuitive operating systems are what make Apple so great. This keyboard problem is definitely not intuitive and it is driving me crazy.
    Apple, you need to change the time weighting on the shift key in iOs 7.04.
    Please, pretty please!

  • Really weird keyboard problem with my macbook.

    Hi Everyone,
    I've been having an unexplainable keyboard problem all day now. The keyboard on my Macbook is unresponsive, and the trackpad is stuck on right click. BUT when I plug in a USB keyboard, both my macbook keyboard and my trackpad work after I restart. They continue to work for a little while, but a couple minutes after I unplug the USB keyboard, the both stop working again. I can't seem to figure out what the problem is. Is there anyone out there that has any experience with something like this?

    If cleaning your keyboard does not help, take the computer to an Apple store or an AASP.  Whichever is more convenient for you.
    How to remove and clean your Macbook Pro Keyboard
    Cleaning Macbook keys after a spill

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