MSI K7T Pro 2-a

Alright, I have an MSI K7T Pro 2-a (not 266) and I need to see if anyone has had this problem before. The board started giving me this crazy error about the floppy drive so I ordered a new bios for it. Now it will post video fine, but 10 - 15 seconds after post it will just crash. I have tried a number of CPU's (duron 700, duron 1.1, tbird 600, tbird 1.0) and they all do the same thing. My next step is to get an RMA and just send the board in, but I figured Id see if the forum could help before I went through all the trouble.

never really seen a trend with that board
will get you most posts re it to read

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    in the summer the reboots are the most  :(

    See this topic:
    You probably have the same problem.. I have it too :(
    Good luck,

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    Since you have a KT266 Motherboard and you posted in the nVidia/AMD/SiS Motherboard Forum, I moved the thread to Via Forum for you.
    Good Luck,
    P.S. Here is the CPU Support Table for your Mobo:
    K7T266 Pro2-A CPU Support Status

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    i dout it ,but to say no for sure you will have to try
    its certainley not one msi ever tested in it

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    thanks for reply
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    Man, did I  well anderstand you? You mean that if I plug in 8x graphic card the system wil be stable? Ex. MSI GForce 4 Titanium 4200 128DDR? And will work fine on the MB?
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    Any help much appreciated.
    Thanks ssilent11
    I should have tried search engine first, sorry.
    Found the answer there, thanks wonkanoby

    1.2GHz Athlon (12X100) is the highest cpu you can go with this board. Also bios v.2.9 is good. No need to flash, as higher biosies for faster cpus are for different models (K7T Turbo).
    After my opinion, 2.9 is the best bios for this mobo. If you have low rpm cpu fan, then bios v.3.4 is for you.

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    160 gb with a bios update,no problem what you want to do

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    The motherboard isn't frieing CPU's, I'm pretty sure the old CPU is fine too....
    RMA the board to MSI, as it happens on some boards and they need to be repaired.
    Contact your dealer or your nearest MSI Quarters on what to do.
    MSI warrants the board for 2 years, so that shouldn't be a problem.

  • Win XP & K7T Pro 2

    MSI K7T Pro 2-A
    AMD Duron 700
    PSU 300W
    256 Ram (133)
    3d Prophet II Mx
    AOC monitor 7Vlr
    here's the problem:
    My computer freezes very frequently. (when running outlook Express, IE6, or any kind of software...)
    2 things can happen then:
    - a blue screen appears telling most of the time: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (but not every time) and physical memory is emptied. then I can reboot my computer with a reset.
    - monitor screen suddenly become black but computer is still running and I can stop it only by switching off the power supply. nothing else works.
    I noticed also that many programms crashed with no specific raison. (music player, internet explorer, etc)
    What is weird is I have Win XP running with no problem during 6 months and one day all these things happened .
    I have downloaded all the latest drivers, flashed the Bios, tried with different material. (tried different ram)
    I brought the computer back to my vendor and they told that the PSU was dead so they changed it but I'm still having troubles ...

    yes I read many threads on the forum about this problem.
    at least cool to see I'm not the only one to have this problem..
    However I can't see anything wrong when watching on my mother board.
    I checked temperature and it stays between 35°C & 39°C.
    Cooler seems to have a normal speed.
    But the fact is now my computer is crashing after 10-15 minutes.
    BTW what about the latest MSI mobos? any problem detected?
    and if I want to keep my AMD Duron processor which mobo should I choose?

  • GF4 Ti4200 and K7T Pro ?

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    PS:I saw in our Czech diskussion pages there is pretty noise fan,but othervise is it very good graphic.

    You have 2 capture sources, you need the software to be able to allow you to select the one you want.
    You should try virtualdub, supposed to be good and it's free.

  • MSI K7T266 Pro (MS-6380) with Athlon XP 2000+ Thoroughbred

    ...I used search, but I couldn't find anything compared to my problem... maybe someone can help me... ok... the problem...
    My hardware: This is the motherboard I'm talking about (MSI K7T Pro (MS-6380)). And the processor is Athlon XP 2000+ Thoroughbred A.
    This processor in not on the supported CPUs page. But someone told me then it is maybe still possible to get this motherboard and this CPU to run correctly. Maybe with a special BIOS update or something.
    Does anyone knows something about that?

    I agree that if it can run a 1.4 as far as power it should run a 2100+. It appears that the multiplier is there as it should support up to 15x. I think it would work as it is only another 66mhz, you might however have to use beta bios VA1.6 . My mb will recognise my cpu as a 2200+ when O/C high enough, but my MB only support 2100+ yet tables are there for supporting the cpu.
     I think like most of the issues MSI knows that it can work but is worried for some reason or another of components being damaged so they will not officially support. It might only fail in 10% or maybe less of the cases but thats enought to stop MSI, Is that enough to stop you?
    Than again it is only 66mHz I doubt you'd see the difference, Is it worth the trouble? I wouldn't chance it for 66mHz you could easily O/C to that speed, actually faster.
    Good luck

  • K7t Pro 2a problem (it boots and after 1 hour it stops)

    Since 1 week now I have a problem with my MSI K7T Pro 2a mainboard.  
    When I'm working the first hour(s) my pc works ok, but at a certain moment I hear a 'whistle' (somebody told me it's a condenser that works bad).  When that sound is over (in less then a minute) my pc stops working.  
    The only way to shutdown my pc is to press the powerbutton for a couple of seconds.
    When I press the powerbutton again it wont boot anymore.  I could wait some time or I can unplug my pc and it works again for only 1 minute.  After a couple of hours I can work further.
    I check everything (powersupply, cpu, memory, hd) but I know for 100% that it is the mainboard.
    I bought this on the 01/feb/2001.
    Please help me.
    Rope (sorry for my bad english)

    Hi, what have you done finally?Quote
    Originally posted by foosman
    My motherboard is out of warranty...just barely.  So, I decided to take a try at fixing it today.  I noticed a capacitor that visually looked bad (it looked kind of rusty on top and was bowed out).  I pulled it and a 2nd capacitor which was also connected in parallel with it.  They were 2700uf capacitors...according to my meter, one measured 8000uf and the other 4100uf.  I assumed these were bad and replaced them.  I did not have any 2700uf, so instead used some larger 4400uf I had.  I assumed these are bulk capacitors for power regulation and the size wasn't too critical.  I still have the same problem.  This did not fix it.  Machine is behaving the same way.  I'm getting close to giving up.
    Can you tell me what you mean by condenser?

  • K7T Pro-2 U rev 1 turn off after 20secs.

    Houston, i got a problem!
    My computer has always been working fine for at least 13month, period of first use of my motherboard and CPU.
    Well,  2 weeks ago, i got this first crap, screen turned off and all devices too, just the motherboard was running, thus i shutdown and re-turn on my computer--> nothing and 4 red LED.
    CPU dead?  i guess no 'cause, i plug off my PowerSupply cable and re-plug it in, the system's running while 20-30seconds and shutdown but fan's still running, though if i reboot it, i got 4 red disgnostic's LEDs, and i just have to plug in/off PS cable to reboot system which will finally shutdown after 20-30seconds....
    I try to change some parts: memory, gfx card, therm' paste, plug off all devices --> no chance
    Anyway about Therm' paste, i first used silver grease, but during 10month i haven't gotten any problems, i changed sliver grease for thermal paste now, but problem stills.
    My box:
    MSI K7T Pro-2 U rev 1
    Duron 1,2 Ghz
    392 SDRAM PC 133
    Geforce 2 MX
    ps: sorry for my english, it's not my first language.

    oh no, this is not this kind of traces, it's lighter and really fine, maybe it was just a layer of dust.
    Anyway, capacitors don't seem defect.
    Well i repeat to be sure :
    i can boot my computer, the detection cycle pass but during boot  20-30sec later, screen/devices turns off but fans still running.
    if i reboot, i get 4 Red LED thus i have to plug off my cable from wall and re-plug it in to have the possibilty to redo boot detection until it crashs 20 sec later .
    Thus the MB can turn on, i see bootsequence and even linuxboot on my screen.
    I have disconnected my HD because when i boot on it with "Trend Antivirus" enabled from BIOS, it shouts: "Boot virus detected, type ENTER for ..etc..etc.."
    Nevertheless, even with no devices enabled except Dvd for booting with a LinuxLive i go to the wall after 30sec
    CPU is well detected
    Memory also (3x128) i tried several combos and other memory
    About PSU, i haven't opened it yet even if i have doubt about its culpability.
    cheers and really thank you!

  • K7T Pro - boot problems - suggestions

    I've been searching this forum for a few hours now trying to sort a problem for a friend of mine. Maybe I'm overlooking something. Please feel free to give me any tips/suggestions!
    computer specs:
    MSI K7T Pro with AMD 1333 processor
    2 x 128 mb
    GeForce 2
    system doesn't boot, d-led is red, green, red, red
    siren like sound
    what i want to do:
    * check capacitors for leakage
    * do c-mos clear (what to do, to achiev this?)
    * replace battery with new one
    Any other suggestions?
    Thanx in advance!

    The better way to get help is to give a full spec of PC includding Power source's details (Amps to 3.3v 5v 12v ) What is memory brand ? Hope is not Crucial.  8)

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