MSI K8T Neo broken - CPU broken as well?

About 10 days my system (see sig for details about my system) broke down. When I pressed the power button absolutely nothing happened. I first thought that the PSU is broken so I replaced it with an old 420W Super Flower PSU. When I tried to turn the system on the fans started but after about 0.5 seconds (or something like that...) they stopped and the system remained completly silent. Therefore no PSU problem (I also succesfully tested my Enermax PSU later with the Cooltek PSU tester). I used my old XP 1800+ system to test the graphic card and the RAM and those components seem to be undamaged. It seems that the mainboard is broken and I will send it back for replacement. But here comes my question:
I have no possibility to test my AMD 64 CPU. If I decide to send it back and it's not broken I need to pay for the testing. Furthermore I heard that it takes a very long time for AMD to test returned CPU's whereas the Mainboard replacement should not take much time. Is it likely or unlikely that the CPU is damaged? Should I send it back or keep it?
Thanks for your opinions,

Can you try the old Superflower, with some old videocard and some old memory like PC-2100????
See what happens....
As that old PSU wouldn't be able to power the current videocard....
Also, Enermax'ses can die just like any other part of the system

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  • Msi k8t neo fis2r odd post issues

    well, i went over to a friends house, pulled out his ram..put in in my posted and boot to windows..perfectly..
    so then i go into the bios and up the that i can put my old ram back stopped responding when i updated the bios becuase it set the voltage back down to
    i put my ram back in once the voltage is set to 2.75 v and it booted a few times perfectly..i unhooked everything and came home..well
    now i try to boot the pc and once again it will not boot? is it possible that the cmos got cleared when i unplugged the pc???
    i know my ram isnt bad..i ran it on a friends system while playing games for hours..this motherboard is driving me insane..someone really dropped the ball when they made many issues with having to fool around with voltages etc..cant even get the damn system to post if the voltage isnt up and even then sometimes it seems to not want to ..its crazy..
    i know none of my components are NOT broken because ive stresssed them all fully in other peoples computers..
    if anyone has any clue as to how i can get this thing to post to get back in the bios plz at wits end
    my system specs are
    athlon 64 3000+
    512mb mushkin special 2-2-2 ram (i will change the timings to the recommended slightly delayed timings but i have to actually get into the bios to make this possible)
    msi k8t neo fis2r bios 1.4

    Southmike is sooooooooo right on that one. I see a lot of folks running stuff on other computers with + results and then nothing on the Athlon64 - equipped systems. Well, I think it's O.K. to a certain point, at least to find out if an item is not defunct. But, most of the problems are RAM and PSU related. After that, I believe the BIOS is the biggest issue. And I think some of our forum readers don't actually understand the settings they mess with. I for one, do not fully understand a few of them myself! That is why it's important to make changes in BIOS one at a time.....if you are not as experienced as a lot of folks here at the forum are.

  • [Athlon64] MSI K8T Neo FSR / Early Chipset Initialization

    Hi There,
    My MSI K8N Neo Platinum has a broken LAN interface, i don't have the papers of it so I can't send it for RMA. So i bought a MSI K8T Neo FSR.
    But there is a problem, when i power up the system, the fans are spinning, the hard disk spins up and the CDRW/DVDROM drives are working. The only thing the system does is hanging at the "Early Chipset Initialization" state accoding to the D-Bracket.
    - Tried an other VGA Card > No result (Radeon 9200, Club3D)
    - Bought other memory (I do have 1GB now , but still no result)
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    I tried my processor, memory, PSU and vga card (6800LE) back in my K8N system and it works great, so i don't think my PSU is too weak.
    And I aint thinking that my motherboard is broke, it still beeps without memory in it.
    I am getting really confused, i'm out of money now so i can't buy some new stuff.
    Anyone ideas?
    Specs in signature. (PSU 18A @ 12V), sorry for my bad english. 

    Quote from: fafner on 03-May-05, 20:55:16
    Why don't you get a PCI network card for the K8N system?  No need to fuss around with a new mb just to get a LAN connection.
    Don't want to use PCI-Cards
    Have you tried removing the RAM and then doing a Bios reset? Sometimes things get sticky if the RAM is still in place during a Bios reset.
    I would also unplug anything that is not entirely needed to boot so you can simplify the problem.
    Another hint. As the RAM controller is inside the CPU the system will not do anything right without RAM. The CPU will imediately hang.
    Just tried a BIOS reset without RAM in the system, the system won't boot. Only the CPU, VGA card and the memory is placed. Only the 4pin 12v and the 20 pin is connected.
    It just won't work, maybe the board is dead?

  • [Athlon64] TV tuner problems on MSI k8t neo

     I used TV@nywhere Master. Since beginning it worked.
    After graphic card reclamation (MSI GeForce 6800 LE) I tried another graphic cards (at first Legend 64 [1 MB, PCI], later Riva TNT 2 vanta [16 MB, AGP], GeForce 5600 VIVO [128 MB, AGP]). With this Legend graphic card at first my PC beeps for a while, but Windows XP started (even without graphic drivers). I tried another graphic cards (with correct graphic drivers), but since then there was no video on my TV tuner (channels were recognized, sound was possible to hear, but only black screen). I got new GeForce 6800 LE card, but the problem was the same also with this card.
    I reinstalled windows XP several times, but always with the same behavior.
    Maybe similar as it is mentioned here: (TV@nywhere Master sound but only black picture.)
    I tested TV tuner at my friend's PC and it worked, so TV tuner is not broken.
    So I bought new TV tuner card (Sapphire theatrix 550), but this card was not even detected under Windows device manager.
    When I tried to install ATI drivers, I got BSOD and my PC was restarted.
    (there was no problem at my friend's PC [athlon xp 2200, nforce 2 chipset])
    Is it problem with PCI slots of my motherboard?
    My system:
    MSI k8t neo (k8t800 chipset)
    Athlon 64-3000+
    512 MB DDR
    MSI GeForce 6800 LE
    Windows XP SP2

    Just to note:
    there was also problem with network (not detected).
    Reclamation was necessary.
    There was no similar problem with returned motheboard.

  • [Athlon64] MSI K8T Neo FIS2R BIOS Update when? CnQ no workie!

    The MSI K8T Neo FIS2R (MS-6702) hasn't had a BIOS update since 3-4-2005!
    I put a Sempron 64 3000+ in my motherboard, and was very disappointed that it is recognized as an "AMD Unknown Processor".  Sure, it works, but one of the reasons I bought it is in the hopes of getting AMD Cool n Quiet to work.  However, apparently the AMD driver can't recognize the CPU due to the old BIOS on the motherboard.
    Every other MSI skt 754 board supports Sempron E6 revision already.  Why not the K8T Neo FIS2R?  Where have all the MSI BIOS programmers gone?  I have been waiting 2-months for a BIOS update to support the E6 Semprons.  I have asked and begged MSI Tech Support.  I am tempted to switch to ASUS or some other company that is actually timely with BIOS updates.  Only reason I haven't yet, is this board is everything I want EXCEPT for Cool n Quiet not working.  It's starting to look like there is no BIOS update in sight, so I am very disappointed.
    Anyone here work for MSI can confirm there are no plans for a BIOS update?  Because I don't want to wait around for something that's not going to happen.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to imply I thought the mods here are MSI staff... I was just kind of hoping there's MSI staff lurking here, seeing what people think of their products or seeing what people complain about.
    No, pretty much C 'n Q is the only reason I'm disappointed, but it was something I was really set on getting to work since this is a server that's up 24/7, but isn't utilized but maybe 4hrs out of a given day.  I could reduce frequency and voltage, but unlike C 'n Q, it won't automatically increase speed and voltage based on demand - which is something I want since although it's a server, I also use it as a regular PC as well.
    I've even tried the 2.33 beta BIOS with no change, and even found a 5.52 BIOS in their BIOS testing directory.  I guess that BIOS was for a different kind of 6702, although I had pulled out the peripheral modules with AMI's MMTOOL and they looked the same as the existing BIOS, but that BIOS killed my motherboard so it couldn't have been for a regular 6702.  I had to desolder the BIOS chip with a heat gun, reprogram the old BIOS back on it with an EPROM programmer, and solder in a socket.  I guess that shows my dedication to get C 'n Q working!

  • MSI K8T Neo D-Bracket Early Initialization

    I recently put togther my computer
    -msi k8t neo fisr
    -athlon 64 3200
    -thermaltake xaser II case
    -hardcano II
    -thermaltake xaser III 480w power supply
    -thermaltake silent boost k8 fan and heatsink
    -2x 512 corsair xms 3200 v1.1 cl2
    -samsung 16x dvd rom
    -ati radeon 9700 pro /w zalman heatsink
    Im kinda newbie at making computers(only my second time making a comp)
    For some reason my computer hangs at early chipset initialization nothing shows up on screen, when i take out everything my computer beeps 3 times in intervals and still hangs on early initiliaztion.When i just put my memory in, the beeps stop but comp still hangs at early intialization.Anyone got any ideas?Could it be i installed my cpu wrong? bad video card?Or could it be i put in the pins wrong? Well thnx for looking and i appreciate any help.

    We have seen this happen alot in the P4 Forum, As There seems to be numerous Members that are having some compatability issues with the ATI-9700, Pro, and Non Pro VPU's . Someone Contacted ATI Tech. Support Directely and recieved this Response >> Dated Dec 24, 2003 at 01:10 PM reply
    Hi David,
    This video card has a know problem with the some of the MSI manufactured motherboards. It seems that the Boards involved are the VIA series, and the INTEL i865PE series. The only ATI cards that work have to have a serial # with -30 at the end or higher or they will not work. Because this card is discontinued our supplier cannot gaurantee a -30 card as a replacement. We can only exchange for a different item within the first 15 days so the only thing I can suggest is to see if you have a friend that may want to buy the card as there is probably nothing wrong with it and then buy another one. Any of the new 9600 or 9800 series don't have this problem. If you have any other questions let me know. Thanks alot.
    Ryan S.   Senior Tech. ATI Canada
    I hope that this is Not the case with your Board. And now we have also seen that this compatability issue is NOT Just limited to the i865PE's as I have seen Threads involving both the SIS 655 and the INTEL i875P MSI Boards also.
    I have also recieved word that some of the Rev.1-A 9700 Boards were also only 4 Layer PCB's, Not the Normal 5 Layer, and this is Leading to the Graphic Cards NOT Making Good Contact in the AGP Slot. And I have Read that this can be somewhat remedied by trying to (Gently) Making sure that the Card is inserted Completely into the Slot, also try (Again very gently) wiggling the Card back, and forth, to help establish better contact with the cards Gold Fingers, and the slot itself........I dont know, check and see if your Card is one of the -30 Cards, or look in SANDRA, and Under "Information Module", select "PCI, AGP, Card Reader" and Check AGP, and see what the Rev. is for your Card if it has the (A_1) then it may be a Thin one , I know; sounds rediculous, does'nt it? Sorry I could not Be of Any more assistance........Let us know.........SEAN REILLY875

  • MSI K8T Neo - does it support ddr2 modules?

    MSI K8T Neo - does it support ddr2 modules?

    Quote from: Zoolisha on 03-July-07, 06:05:07
    tnx :(
    its a CPU problem not a mobo. don't be disappointed from the board. if the CPU can work with DDR2 the board will have those DIMM slots.
    i mean if you got board with DDR2 memory support and also have DDR2 memory sticks, you have to change CPU as well.

  • How to install a fresh copy of windows xp with sp2 on a msi k8t neo

    My specifications:
    CPU: AMD ATHLON 64 - 3000MHZ
    HDD: WD 120GB ( C: 60GB, D: 60GB )
    HDD: SEAGATE 4GB ( E: 4GB )
    DVD: NEC 3520
    CD: SONY
    The system is on drive C:
    primary master HDD 4GB ( on drive E: )
    primary slave NONE
    secondary master CDR DVD-RW
    secondary slave CDR SONY
    and last HDD 120GB on primary raid ( on drive C: and D: )
    NONE on secondary
    I have 2 floppy disks: on the first one it says G72-PRSA060, Promise 376/378 Driver, Disk 1 of 1
    on the second one it says G72-VASA040, VIA SATA RAID Driver, For VT6420/VT8237, Disk 1 of 1
    Can please someone tell me how to install a fresh copy of windows xp on my computer from scratch? All I know that I have to press F6 at some time and insert one of the disks but I don't know which one. And I don't know when to insert a second disk.
    Thanks for helping me

    Yeah.  I remember when I had that board.  I found the best SATA ports were the Promise ones, but...
    What do you think, Tiresmoke?  You had the same board too if I'm not mistaken.

  • [Athlon64] MSI K8T NEO-V : incompatibility with ATI RADEON 9800 PRO

    I read all the subjets on this forum about Radeon problems with MSI K8T NEO motherboard.  Most of the peple can't use their graphic card in all situations.
    My PC is :
    -MSI K8T NEO-V
    -AMD-64 3200
    -Power : 400W
    -ATI RADEON 9800 PRO
    -1 Go DDRAM (2x512 in single channel)
    -Hercules Digifires 7.1
    I bought a new MSI K8T NEO-V with AMD 64.
    The problem is that I can't use the computer in the games with AGP 8X even if I try to enable-disable all the options possibles in BIOS and Windows (fast write ...) : The computer freeze (screen disapear as if there was no video signal), reboot or return to Windows disabling the accelerated mode.
    But in AGP 4X, all the game run without problem with all setups of BIOS !!!
    I tried all the drivers (the new and the old drivers).  Even if all are updated, it freeze.
    There are no BIOS update for my motherboard. I saw that some people had BIOS update for compatibility with some Radeon cards ...
    So, I don't know how to repair the problem because AGP 8X is AGP 8X and not 4X, and my Radeon run fine on other computer, and nothing say that Radeon 9800 pro don't run on this motherboard.
    Does someone have the solution to make it work ? Does a new BIOS or driver update exist somewhere for Radeon cards ?

    What Bas said about 30+ amps on the 12v rail does have merit. Even if you don't use it now there may come a time when you want to upgrade the system and certainly you won't want to buy yet another PSU then. A High end vid card now takes almost as much as the CPU to operate. Now days the 12v rail is the most important. Past systems regulated everything off the 5v railk and 12v was used mostly for powering drive motors. Now though the MB's use the 12v line to regulate all the voltages for the CPU, Chipset and other features as does the Vid cards. 3.3 volt lines are used for memory so we hardly use any 5v nowdays.
    You have an older viod card and that does not eat much 12v but if you upgrade the most likely peice will be the vid card. You could go through this whole thing all over again if you are not careful to plan for that now with a new PSU purchase.
    If the computer shop gives you a bunch of bull about power needs havbe them stop by the forum and we can help set them straight on this. There is more than enough data from MSI and historical data here that suggests that 16a on the 12v rail is certainly not enough. Hey I am not trying to sell you anything. I am just trying to help you get it right. The computer shop is the one trying to sell you something we just feel they are selling the wrong junk.

  • FAQ for MSI K8T NEO

    Is there a FAQ for the MSI K8T NEO motherboard?
    About 3 years ago I build a computer using the ABIT KT7Raid Mbd.
    Although I had the ABIT manuals I found that wasn't enough to guide
    me thru setting up the board, installing the OS, and downloading
    all the correct drivers. Fortunately there was a very extensive FAQ
    (written by Paul Howland) that had all this information and more.
    I just bought a MSI K8T with a Athlon 64-3000 CPU and I am in
    the same boat. I have the MSI manual but it doesn't lead me thru
    the steps for installing WinXP and making sure I've got all the
    latest drivers. Is there such a FAQ, or has it gotten so easy that
    a FAQ is no longer required? (Like maybe WinXP already has all
    the drivers required?)

    do you have a SATA or normal IDE heard drive?
    if SATA, you need to press F6 at the start of windows xp install to install the SATA drivers, depending on which controller you hooked the hard drive up to (promise or VIA)
    thats about it really...
    everything else is on the CD, then you can use live update to get the latest drivers and bios.

  • Msi k8t neo fis2r problems part 3

    sometimes when the computer is turned on it just turns the fans and leds on but doesnt boot up...
    most of the time it loads up and i boot to the windows xp cd and i install the drivers for sata and then when it reaches the point of copying the files it will give me a bsod and say that there is a problem with the irql driver and then force me to shut the pc down..
    sometimes it makes it past that and will begin to copy files onto the hard drive, like somehow the data is becoming corrupted..however it will start to say that the files cant copy randomly and it will allow me to retry..they will copy the 2nd time usually..i can keep hitting retry and it will usually go gets to 30 something % and then crashes to bsod just giving me some random error..for some reason the files keep screwing up that go on the sata drive....I just replaced the old power supply that wasnt working with an antec true watt 430 watt power supply, so i know it isnt that..
    i just cant figure out what the heck is going on..any help would be specs are
    athlon 64 3000+ cpu
    msi k8t neo fis2r motherboard
    mushkin special cas 2.0 2-2-2-5 512 mb pc 3200
    western digital 8mb cache 80 gb sata hard drive
    sapphire radeon 9800 pro 128 mb 8x agp

    fyi look an your cd sticker ity will show power, consumption, but they are way lower than you would think, hard drives,can be only 10 watts, less then some case lights , and fans, cd are  similar.. your video, is the biggy somewhere between 90~150 watts..yikes .next to the cpu..and the mobo can use 50 or so (not sure about new mobos)  not to mention the ram 1024 is @40 watts or so., dont forget about 25watts per pci card, not counting the sound card which can be double....
    ergo the need for a big psu..
    the combined total ratting on a psu is not the max number that the psu is rated, that is surge value.. so a 500 may only hold 400 sustained , and that will drop as the machine heats up, so in the end your 500 may onlyy pull 366 @50'c...

  • MSI K8T NEO FIS2R No VGA help plz!

    Hi, ive just purchased a new athlon 3000 64 cpu retail and an msi k8t neo fis2r motherboard, the specs and problem are below but plz bare in mind i am a system builder for the last 3 years i have tried alot of things to solve this.
    AMD 3000 64 RETAIL CPU
    120 GIG WD HD
    Anyway the problem is this when i put the system together and turned it on i dont get any vga the monitor just says NO SIGNAL and when i look at the graphics card the fan on it isnt spinning.
    Yet i have my old setup which is as follows,
    1024MB DDR333 AMSUNG
    120 GIG WD HD
    400 WATT PSU
    Basically the same as above i just changed the cou and mobo now when the graphics card is in that system it works fine no problems as soon as i try it in the new a64 system it doesnt work the fan doesnt spin and nothing comes on screen, ive tried everything i know ive double and trebble checked connections and ive tried removing components and then trying it, no matter what the graphics wont work.
    I figured the motherbaord must be faulty and am going to contact the place i got it from but it would be good if anyone here knows how to solve it if it isnt the motherboards fault.
    thanks very much.

    Thanks guys, huess what like an idiot i forgot to put the 4 pin 12v in :( doh
    Anyway it works fine now, but i have high temps core centre says 56 degrees right now while im typing this ? is this accurate or am i in trouble ?
    Oh yeah and everytime i load windows it says new hardware found ide channel then secondary ide channel then it says a problem occured during your new hardware installation and it calls the hardware HDC it says this twice aswell.
    ANy help guys ?

  • Motherboard Monitor settings for MSI K8T Neo-FIS2R

    I'm new to motherboard monitor and there are no predefined settings available for the MSI K8T Neo-FIS2R.
    Anyone help me with the appropriate settings to monitor temps and fans?

    Yeah I can do that - but I'm not confident of the settings or readings.  For example - the CPU temp Is only sort of correct if I set it to sensor Winbond 2 2N3904.  But after displaying what I believe is correct for a few seconds it changes to something ridiculous like 7C.  I've tried all the other board sensors listed and they either say my CPU temp is 118C or 7C.  System temp seems to work, but again I'm not sure.   Hence my post here.
    It is also odd that CoreCenter and MBM disagree about a few things.  Like the +12.00 rail Corecenter says 12.00v and MBM says 12.22V.  Or Fan 1 that is easly 2X what corecenter says.
    And if you run CoreCenter WHILE running MBM all kinds of wierdness happens - like CPU temp fluctutating wildly or CPU fan speed synchronizing and then not.
    Plus clock speed is a consistent 2001 with CC and 1998 with MBM.
    So I want someone who knows what they are doing to do the configs - clearly that's not me.

  • Will Gainward 6800GT fit my MSI K8T NEO FIS2R?

    Horror picture on a ABIT NF7-S
    I saw this picture and saw that the card i extremely long!
    Anyone here on the forum that can guarantee that my Gainward 6800GT card (with a red gainward cooler) will fit on my MSI K8T NEO FIS2R?

    I think I have found out the problem  
    Using my old Enermax (350) I was able to boot up the AMD 64 2800 every time but the PSU made this weird electrical sound - I think because it was being overloaded (I think as it doesn't make this sound when used with my XP 1800). I then reverted back to my new X-Pro (460w) and after a few attempts I managed to get the ram module and CPU powered... slowly adding more fans it became harder to boot and eventually the GPU fan wouldn't run once I plugged another fan in... I'm guessing this is because my PSU is too weak to power the juice guzzling AMD  
    I'll need to break the bank once again I suppose  

  • 2800+ & MSI k8t Neo

    Hello !
    How much can i set VCore on AMD64 2800+    now it's 1.47V
    I have Mobo MSI K8T Neo.
    Thx a lot , orig = 1.833GHz , i'm running 2.025 GHz @ 225x9.0
    GretZ !

    you can undervolt it too.  I've got the same chip and board and I run fsb at 215 Mhz (1930 MHz cpu speed) and vcore at 1.4 (lowest). It's very stable.  I got a few errors when I ran it at 220 MHz, but that just because I had the voltage down.  You probably won't miss those 70Mhz of cpu and it makes a big difference in the temp, which means you can set your fan to be more quiet.

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