MSI VOX software crashes

Folks I have Vista Home Premium on my Laptop but the MSI VOX keep crashing when I try to click program or device. "InterVideo?WinDVR Application has stopped working".
Any help?

This one?
Has it ever worked?
Try running WinDVR (MSIPVS) in compatibility mode for Windows XP. Which driver did you install, as there are no Vista drivers for this device?

Similar Messages

  • MSI Vox Software

    My friend gave me his MSI VOX USB 2.0 device but he lost his software. How can I get a copy? Do I need to purchase again or is there a way to download it?
     I didn't have any luck finding what you need at MSI website. Probably best for you to simply buy a new product instead of going around in circles again.

  • [Vox] MSI VOX TV BOX USB 2.0 problem with audio drivers compatibility

    Ok,let's go...
    I have a DELL Latitude d510 laptop with a centrino 1.73 GHz procesor and a soundcard supported by Sigmatel software Sigmatel C-Major audio.I bought MSI VOX TV BOX USB 2.0 and tried to install it on my lap top.Yes,I had problems with SP2 on my XP and the MSIVPS software from the instalation CD was crashing every time I tried to start it,but I solved those problems by downloading the latest drivers and the 3.xx version of MSIPVS.But...I still have a problem with audio.To be precise it seems that my audio drivers are incompatible with the VOX drivers.So now I have video but I don't have audio.Also I installed the tv card on my desktop machine and it worked like a charm(everything workes:audio,video,the old MSIPVS which I like better than the new one cause it supports my remote,has better way of managing scanned channels,e.t.c ,but I have USB 1.1 on my MB so the image quality is very poor).I did a lot of experimenting,for example i uninstaled my audio drivers(that Sigmatel C-Major thing),and installed the old MSIVPS and guess what...IT WORKED but there is no use from this cause I don't have audio On the other hand if I have everything installed then in the MSIVPS (the 3.xx version not the old one) under audio I get CD Player as an input audio device(what happened with microphone...?).To cut the long story short I tried a bunch of things and still no audio.Is there any other case of DELL audio software-VOX incompatibility?Any ideas,or solutions?

    thank you for answering me. y have no pci card working, only usb 2.0 and sata devices. also, the MSI geforce 9600gt PExp 2.0 gpu. the only usb 2.0 devices which work, are the flash (pen) drives, keyboard and mouse. but no way that the WLAn adapter and TVcapture, both usb 2.0 work.i've  tested them front side and rear side and is the same failure: if i use a pendrive, works ok. if i insert the wlan or the tv capture stop work as the 2.0 and a advertising window tell me to change to a 2.0 port, means the ports are working slower, at 1.1.  i still have the other PC, built on the MSI K9N4-slif mobo, tested them and both devices work at perfection.  i have 2 screenshots to show you:
    this, is the device manager (sorry, in spanish but you understand that's about the nVIDIA EHCI USB 2.0 controller. the 2nd one seems to be more sensitive (works worth) then the first one. when the tvcapture begin work, then fails, i'm trying to update this controller, does it ok but then the devicemanager-window freeze. i must stroke the "enter" key to "accept" / finish the update. then, fails again:
    the other one is from everest corporate edition:
    both drivers marked with purple colour!
    i think i should update this Win XP drivers, but how? the usbport.inf file (C:\Windows\inf) don't change anything. i don't want to switch xp to vista, i'm happy whit it.
    i'm thinking also on another possibility: could be an energy failure? some usb devices, like the big usb flash dives. 250-320gb, fail because the 5v/usb are receiving it's not enough. could be, but that means this mobo has no solution and i'll loose my money.
    thank you very much and i'll stay alert of your suggestions. by

  • MSI VOX audio problems

    I have window 7 x64 bit and the software is not compatible, however I did find an alternative software program that works perfectly except there is no sound transferance from the audio (RCA) input to the usb out to the computer. The video is excellent however.
    I'm using the built in audio of my Asus P6T. Viewing the window 7 mixer shows no audio playback from the unit.
    I'm using native drivers that Windows 7 has incorporated but I also tried the drivers from msi using compatibility mode/admin function.
    Any other ideas?
    Thank you.

    Yup, it works.
    If anyone wants to use it as a capture device with windows 7 x64, then let windows 7 use default drivers and install a free program called Golden Videos :
    No tuner though but that's ok;)
    BTW, do you really need the transformer for power or is the USB power source adequate?
    Thanks again!

  • Msi vox usb 2.0 remote/sound problems

    please help! i just purchased a new MSI VOX USB 2.0 external tv tuner and i'm having lots of problems...
    1. the dial on the side of the box that is supposed to turn the tuner on/off or change channels doesn't do a thing.
    2. the remote doesn't work at all
    3. sound - i'm using this on a notebook computer and i don't have a line in port. i assume i would be able to just go through the microphone port but it is not so. in the options under properties>device, i can only choose the audio input source to line in (which i don't have) or cd audio (?). it doesn't even work if i set my computer recording settings to 'microphone'... even though i CAN record the microphone input in a sound recording program, i can't hear in in real-time... right now the only way i can hear the TV is to connect the audio cable through my desktop's line in! i can't even hook my speakers directly into the box because the pin hole is too small to fit a normal audio jack...
    is my only solution to buy some sort of audio pin converter so i can hook my speakers/headphones directly into the box??
    i've downloaded the newest drivers and they don't help at all with any of my problems.
    i'm using a notebook computer with windows xp...
    please help! thanks very very much!!

    I had/have the same problem, with a Dell Laptop running windows XP.  
    my first solution was to buy a male-male audio connector and hook it directly to my speakers, but having to switch from that and my computer wasn't much fun, I found another work around.
    I bought snapstream's beyond TV, and everything has worked well, and I like the snapstream software better than the default software, anyway.  The only problem is that you can't use the composite or S-video inputs, as far as I can tell.  (and having to spend $50 on another piece of software, but use the trial version first to make sure it works)

  • Does MSI VOX usb2.0 support a digital cable signal?

    yah... thats about all i would like to know..
    can msi vox handle a digital cable signal?
    Thanks for any answers you can provide.

    hi guys im chris from the uk anybody using the vox box can connect it to a freeview digital receiver and get great results
    i have just done so,tho i know the hole idea was to use the unit for lap tops it works great via the digital box!! the only fault is the lip synk is very slightly out!! im set up on a standard home comp system with a 250 gb hd so i can record to hard drive obviously im connected via composite lead not via the co-ax im very impressed by the unit now,tho through the standard co ax the system was quite poor oh! one problem with recording i found was if you dont have enough hard drive space it will crash your system to the blue screen of death!! also the system drags a bit when using other applications when the unit is running!! my next project is to send the signal via a video sender wireless unit to my main tv ,will let u know how that goes
    chris ps nice site stu thanx for all the usefull info ,not tried your update yet as the system is working fine,i guess im one of the lucky ones

  • MSI VOX Sound problem (not the buzzing)

    I've looked through numerous threads and forums and havent been able to find the problem I'm trying to solve right now.
    Heres the situation.
    I have recently bought a MSI VOX tuner box to help me record some older tapes from a camera. I plug everything in and when I playback i get both sound (from line in) and picture. Everything seems to be working perfectly fine but when I have recorded some footage from the camera and play it, theres no sound. I've tried everything (i think) and while I can hear the sound when I record it from the camera, theres no sound when I play the recorded data from my computer.
    I've tried uninstalling all my codecs and installing them one by one while trying to record a bit before each new codec. Still doesnt work.
    Using G-Spot to render the file i get the following result:
    Any ideas? Its driving me crazy!  

    well done
    msi support is bad enough, but their software is made by intervideo - you should have a look at their support section at , i think there is ONE FAQ about installing DirectX 9.0, AND THATS IT!! thats all the online help you get!!!
    at least if you have to pay for some decent software, you'll get some good support behind it - is PowerVCR by Cyberlink by any chance? might have to try that myself...  

  • MSI DVD Software Problem

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    The card seems to works very well, but the MSI DVD program, fails right after starting to read the DVD, it appears that the first few frames of the DVD come up and then it crashes.
    The computer is running Windows XP Home edition, freshly installed and the latest drivers for the video card for Windows Update.
    I have searched far and wide for a new version of the MSI DVD software and cannot find it anywhere.
    Can anyone from MSI, or otherwise knowing person, let me know were I can get a version of MSI DVD that works with Windows XP?
    By the way, just to try out the hardware and setup, I downloaded trial versions of other DVD players and they work fine. But why buy another player is one came with the video card?
    I am assumming the MSI DVD comes with the DVD Decoder software included, right?
    Thanks for anyone who can help me out. :O

    Have you tried Live Update?  I experienced the same problem but after trying various methods of my own, I took it to the place we got it from and they fixed it for free.  

  • [Vox] MSI VOX TV Box doesn't work

    I hope somebody here can help.
    I loaded up the drivers from the CD that came with my MSI VOX TV Box USB 2.0 and nothing is happening.  I also tried the drivers and software from MSI's website. 
    When I load up the hardware driver, I get an error message saying the driver doesn't pass the Windows Logo test.  If I continue with the installation, my computer recognizes the card, but I can't do anything with it.  The software that came with the VOX (it came with Intervideo MSIPVS 3) doesn't load up.  The WINDVR.exe program shows up in the processes when I click on CNTL-ALT-DELETE, but the program doesn't do anything on my computer. 
    I am running Windows XP Media Center on my laptop.
    Please let me know if you can help or if I need to provide any other info.

    Thanks for replying. 
    I am running Windows XP MCE version 2002 service pack 2.
    Dell Inspiron 6000
    Intel Pentium M 1.60GHz
    797MHz, 512 RAM
    60GB hard drive
    I am using the power adapter that came with the Vox.  I used it with the power supply as well as just with the USB 2.0 cable. 
    Please let me know what other information I should provide. 

  • MSI VOX USB 2.0 Don't work

    Hello Team.
    I have a "MSI VOX USB 2.0 TV TUNNER", the install has been ocurre without problems but when has tried to run the "MSI PVS" this send a error with the next exeption "0xc00000fd the memory cant read in 0x775735a9". I did un-install everything and after I did install the driver and the software again but this dont work.
    Then I download the last updated driver from "MSI website" and the last updated version of "MSI PVS" and don't work again.
    After this I did buy the "Intervideo's WinDVR 3" and my TV Tunner work with this but I cant choose the channels, always the software will be send me to "list of channels" I am doing click in "automatic exploration" and the software just send "0 Stereo", somebody know how can i solve this problem? Intervideo just said that I need check this problem with the TV tunner' company
    I have:
    P4 HT 3.2 GHZ
    MB Intel
    1024 GB DDR2
    MSI NX6600 LE PCI Express
    2x100GB SATA
    1x40GB IDE
    Windows 2000 Server SP4
    Sincerely Antony Acuna
    Sorry my english it's not good

    Hi dear Dr Stu.
    I can not change my operating system beacuse I need run SQL Server 2000 enterprise edition and some software that just run over system server editions, I thing that will be run beacause in the product features show "Windows 98/Me/2000/XP".
    Intervideo said that the MSI VOX USB 2.0 is not listed into the support cards.
    Do you have someting idea?, the problem is that the MSI Box has been a price over that this is.
    Thanks in advanced.
    Antony Acuña

  • How to get and install the new MSI Bluetooth Software Package

    How to get and install the new MSI Bluetooth Software Package
    This little FAQ will only cover the new version of MSI Bluetooth Software Package.
    First thing too do is unistall any older version of the MSI Bluetooth Software.
    Do this through the Add/Remove program applet in your control panel.
    There seams too be only through Live update you could get the new version of MSI Bluetooth Software Package.
    If you can't see any enter for MSI Bluetooth Software in the Live driver section of Live update then you have too enter the following too your registry.
    Create following code in Notepad and save it as MSILD.reg, then run the file.
    ;-->Code start
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MSI\Drivers\MSI Bluetooth Software]
    ;-->Code end
    Rerun the Live update and hopefully you will now see a entry for MSI Bluetooth Software in Live driver section.
    Install the new version of MSI Bluetooth Software and reboot your computer. Even if the setup program doesnt told you too doit.
    After rebooting the computer you will see the Bluetooth icon in the taskbar. If it's Red then try too start the Bluetooth services by right click on the try icon and the only alternetiv there is.
    If the Bluetooth services is asking for a valid licens.dat then you should do the following.
    Surf to Jon's Bluetooth guide and download the patcher from the link there.
    Unzip the the patcher and then run the BTWPatcher.exe program.
    Now the Bluetooth services will start and you will bee able too configure your own settings for the Bluetooth services.
    If nothing of this work you could try the complete Bluetooth solution at Jon's gudie and install the IBM version of the same program. I havent test this solution and will not do soo.

    I have the MS-6968 device and i want to use driver 1.4.x or 3.0.x. I found the driver but i cannot find any WIDCOMMSecurity code.
    So, can anyone give me a link for BTWPatcher.exe???
    It cannot be found here (Jon's Bluetooth ) anymore.


    my bb all of a sudden just blanked out on me...i have on idea what is wrong with it or how to fix it!!! PLEASE help!!!! the phone went dead so i plugged it up to charge and when i came back to the phone it was on the blackberry screen and it was loading LIKE NORMAL BUT THENit would finish loading it was like it was stuck then it would blank out and start all over loading again. i have tried battery pull but i knew it wouldnt work cause the problem was much worse. did the software crash or something???? HOW CAN I FIX IT??? IM LOST AND DONT KNOW WHERE TO EVEN START TO TRY AND FIX IT!!!!

    bunnybunny wrote:
    I am having the SAME problem too!!!! I installed a new app... and my bb is dead... anyone can help me?
    Dead, as in a black screen and the red LED blinks?
    If your BlackBerry stays powered off with a black screen, follow the instructions below. The only indication of life might be the blinking red LED light in the top corner. Nothing seems to wake it up and Desktop Manager doesn't recognize any device is connected.
    1) Make sure you have Blackberry Desktop Manager installed.
    2) On your PC, go to Start > Run and copy and paste the following line exactly (meaning with the quotation marks):
    "c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader\loader.exe" /nojvm
    3) The Application Loader Wizard will appear -- click "Next."
    4) In the "Connection:" drop-down menu, you should see "USB-PIN: UNKNOWN". Click the "Next" button.
    5) You should then see a list of applications ready to be installed for your Blackberry. Hit Next and Finish and you are well on your way to getting your Blackberry back to life. Just don't disconnect anything and let the lengthy process finish completely.
    NOTE: If you do not see a list of applications mentioned in step 5 and instead see the message "The Blackberry Desktop Software does not have Blackberry Device Software for the device that you have connected to the computer. Contact your wireless service provider or system administrator," then you must download Blackberry's Operating System for your carrier and device.​Operating_System_Downloads
    Just select the appropriate carrier and network type, select your Blackberry model from the list and download the latest version. Install this download and follow the above steps again and you should be on the right path.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
    Join our BBM Channels (Beta)
    BlackBerry Support Forums Channel
    PIN: C0001B7B4   Display/Scan Bar Code
    Knowledge Base Updates
    PIN: C0005A9AA   Display/Scan Bar Code

  • IMac issues: Overheating, Software Crashing, Screen Burn

    To whomever is helpful,
    My 24" iMac, early 2008 model has been experiencing problems that have gotten progressively worse over the past three months. The iMac began to heat up more than usual, and it's gotten hotter progressively over that course. The iMac is almost unusable after thirty minutes unless the screen brightness is turned down as low as possible. Software crashes, everything from advanced programs such as the Adobe suite, and the Chrome web browser which is not supposed to tax the memory very much, if at all. I have 4 gigs of RAM installed, and I believe the issue is heat related. As a sidenote, if the iMac gets hot enough, there is screen burn when moving application windows, and they disappear only after 10 minutes in sleep mode.
    In my mind, all of this is abnormal, and earlier today I tok my iMac to the Genius Bar at my local Apple Store, and the Genius didn't spend five minutes diagnosing my problems likely because there was a long line of people waiting. All he told me was to go home and run Activity Monitor and Disk Utility to see if there's a problem, and also to reinstall the operating system and the applications that crash. I've tried that, and as expected it didn't do anything, and I'm wondering if anyone has insight that could be of use, and if maybe I should send my iMac to AppleCare for them to look at it. Any help would be greatly appreciated appreciated.

    Chad, very sorry to hear of your problems.
    If your Mac is still under warranty (sounds like it might be) I'd suggest the following.
    Call Apple, and politely request they send a warranty tech to your location to address the issue.
    Ask that the tech come prepared to replace your Mac if they are unable to fix it.
    Although I am not an expert, this doesn't sound like a problem you could have caused. If you didn't break it, you shouldn't have to be involved in fixing it. You paid good money for a product, and you deserve to have it.
    Again, I'm assuming you're still under warranty.
    If you decide to try this, I hope you'll report how it works out for you, so we can learn from your experience. Thanks, and good luck!

  • HP scanner software crash

    I have a HP Scanjet 4850. Scanner software crashes as it reaches the final part of the scan. The scanner has become temperamental gradually since I bought it new one and a half years ago. Problems include software unable to intialize, the mouse becoming 'jittery' then freezing and the programme crashing. I have reset the scanner, uninstalled and reinstalled the software, checked cable connections and used a different computer USB port to no avail. Scanner software is Scan Pro 8.4. I have also ask for help in the HP scanner forum but no replies.
    Grateful for any suggestions!

    Helllo Clea Rees and anyone who can help,
    HP support suggested I do an ordinary uninstall, repair permissions then download software from their site. This was unsuccessful. I then tried a manual uninstall, using instructions provided by HP, and re-installed with software from HP site. Again unsuccessful. Maybe try with software from CD?
    Decided to check console and system logs after a scanner crash. Below are some system logs with repeats taken out:
    May 20 10:21:31 Gigi-G5 crashdump[199]: HP Scanjet Manager crashed
    May 20 10:21:32 Gigi-G5 crashdump[199]: crash report written to: /Users/gigi/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/HP Scanjet Manager.crash.log
    May 20 10:21:36 Gigi-G5 kernel[0]: USBF: 82. 56 AppleUSBEHCI[0x1fe0800]::UIMCheckForTimeouts - Async USBCMD and USBSTS not synched ON (#20)
    May 20 10:21:58 Gigi-G5 kernel[0]: USBF: 103.220 AppleUSBEHCI[0x1fe0800]::UIMCheckForTimeouts - Async USBCMD and USBSTS not synched ON (#41)
    May 20 10:21:59 Gigi-G5 kernel[0]: USBF: 103.983 ControlTransaction: control packet 1 error 0xe0004057
    May 20 10:21:59 Gigi-G5 kernel[0]: USBF: 104. 84 [0x2053400] The IOUSBFamily is having trouble enumerating a USB device that has been plugged in. It will keep retrying. (Port 2 of hub @ location: 0x4b000000)
    The last report about "The IOUSBFamily is having trouble enumerating a USB device" - does this mean there is a USB problem? I have 'Googled' this report and a lot of people have this problem with various devices plugged in to the USB. I didn't find a report about scanners. Through lack of technical expertise I had difficulty understanding problem solving suggested, also wondered if these suggestions relevent to HP scanners.
    Grateful for any suggestions

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    My iPhone software crashed and I had to get a new phone. I had a lot of song purchases on my phone from iTunes. I authorized this computer with my iTunes but I am unable to recover my songs that were on my phone. How am I able to get those songs back?

    PaulaMS wrote:
    My iPhone software crashed ... I am unable to recover my songs that were on my phone. How am I able to get those songs back?
    Download Past Purchases  >
    OR Re-Sync your Content from your Computer.
    See here  >
    From Here  >

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