Multi Characteristic average aggregation in BEX

I have a query with one formula that should consider always 3 characteristics for the calculation.
P1 M1 I1  Formula
P1 M2 I2  Formula
is working for all types of drill because I set Formula aggregation Average by P
P1 M1 I1  Formula
P1 M1 I2  Formula
is not working if  I remove I or M dimensions from the query
P1 M1 I1  Formula
P2 M1 I1  Formula
is not working if I remove P dimension
Basically I would like that the formula result is always calculated as the P, M, I dimension by this order were there all the time.
I also try to fix the 3 dimension in the layout but without success.
Can you help me out? Thanks

Read this:
Why Calculated Key figure instead of New Formula?
The replacement of formula variables with the processing type Replacement Path acts differently in calculated key figures and formulas:
If you use a formula variable with u201CReplacement from the Value of an Attributeu201D in a calculated key figure, then the system automatically adds the drilldown according to the reference characteristic for the attribute. The system then evaluates the variables for each characteristic value for the reference characteristic. Afterwards, the calculated key figure is calculated and, subsequently, all of the other operations are executed, meaning all additional, calculated key figures, aggregations, and formulas. The system only calculates the operators, which are assembled in the calculated key figure itself, before the aggregation using the reference characteristic.
If you use a formula variable with Replacement from the Value of an Attribute in a formula element, then the variable is only calculated if the reference characteristic is uniquely specified in the respective row, column, or in the filter.
Once again give a try we made formula variable in formula instead of that make use of CKF.
It may work.

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    Thank you very much. These problems always disturb my life!!!

    1) You are correct...i hve also faced enough problems reg aggregation...but I think some of might be solved in BI 7.0 bex designer..
    as of old versions: you can write VB code/macros to get desired results...
    2) I m not sure which scenario you rae talking abt....aggregtaion would be dependent on lots of factors.....
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    One more thing, which just comes into my mind:
    How exactly are the average values calculated? Do you take all leave nodes belonging to a higher level node or do you take the child nodes?
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    Hi Deepthi,
    Use Exception aggreation for the key figure calculating OverTime.
    with reference characteristic as 0CALDAY.
    If you are in BEx 3.x, you may creat a new calculated key figure , with the original key figure and in the properties of this calculated key figure, you can exception aggregate using enhanced properties...displayed with a button below...
    In BEx 7.x.. you can create a new selection and in aggregation tab in the selection properties mentione the exception aggregation as Sum with reference characteristic as 0CALDAY.
    Hope this helps,
    Best regards,

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    Can I assume that there is no solution for this issue ??

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    Assuming as Val2 is primary info object and compound object is Val1.
    Drag Val1 into rows, properties --> display as --> No display
    Drag Val2 into rows, properties --> display as --> you can choose as you need, key or text.

  • Aggregation in BEx query

    Hi Gurus,
    I am stuck in a peculiar problem. I would try to explain with the scenario. The below is how I get the data from our cube to my Bex query
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    01.01.2011     X1                  10                    1                  1
    02.01.2011     X1                  10                    1                  1                                       (Line item was changed on this date)
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    01.01.2011     X1                  30                    1                  1
    01.01.2011     X1                  40                    1                  1
    Result                                                           5                   5
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    01.01.2011     X1                  10                    1                  1
    02.01.2011     X1                  10                    1                  1                           
    01.01.2011     X1                  20                    1                  1
    01.01.2011     X1                  30                    1                  1
    01.01.2011     X1                  40                    1                  1
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    I am not able to achieve this. Can you please help.

    Hi Rahul,
    You can get the unique count with reference to particular characteristic by creating CKF, but I think if you put the reference characteristic in drill down it might not work.
    Check the following document,

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    -on slide exit: go to next slide
    Last slide button
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    I can't understand why.
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    I am FAR from being an expert with Aggregator and Multi-SCO builder, but I have learned this much:
    a. Aggregator is far simpler to use and works more consistently. To get one course to open first, once you "ADD" the courses in Aggregator, use the ARrow tool to move the one you want to open first up.
    b. Multi_SCO is much more complicated to use, but I think that is really what you want to use, unless you like that huge gray tab hanging off the side.
    I am LEARNING this stuff every day and here is what I know so far... somebody out there please jump in and correct me if I'm wrong but here's the way I am trying to use the MULTI-SCO builder. I am doing this....
    1. I have a course with 8 modules. Even tho every module doesn't have a test, it still needds to have a Manifest. To do that, I go into each course and  turn ON "Report Score." Inside each module, within the SCORM Manifest, I then give each module a DIFFERENT sco identifier name. I use numbers with the names and keep the order sequential, depending on what I want to load when... i.e.,  SCO_1 (no spaces in the names here) for the first course, and  SCO_2.
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    I may not be exactly write, but I am very close... if anybody else can chime in and correct any wrong parts here, we could figure this thing out and document it ourself... since Adobe has totally fallen down on the job.
    Good luck witih it!!!
    If I am on the right track... it is the order in which the LMS reads the SCOs

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    You should be able to use a single FFT vi in a for loop. If your data is in a 2D array representation with each row representing a channel and you leave the indexing enabled you can pass your data array into the loop and it will strip off each row automatically. You could then pass each row of data to the FFT and pass the results out to the boundary of the for loop. This will then build an array containing the FFT results for each row (channel).

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    I am not able to fix a value of a char JO_SREG(sales region) while creating aggregate.
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    Please tell me why the values in the value help are not coming.

    Check that master data for JO_SREG is available???
    If you have not maintained the master data for JO_SREG then you wont be able to see the values.
    Let me know if it helps?

  • Average of characteristic

    Hello experts,
    I want an average-aggregation of a key figure to be calculated and displayed in Bex not only according one dimension (like 0CALDAY),  as chosen in the InfoObject's declaration, but also according other dimensions like product or region etc.!
    any suggestions?

    Hello Anu,
    I am a little bit confised.
    CKF = characteristics figure?
    what do you mean by enhane" tab? there is a "aggregation"-tab where I gave exception aggregation as " Average" and reference characteristic as 0CALDAY.
    If I choose product as reference characteristic for the exception aggregation I only get the average along product dimension!
    so I have the same problem with the product dimension, right??

  • 'Average Weighted with Calendar Days' in Exception Aggregation

    Dear specialists,
    I have created a query with a lot of calculated keyfigures.
    One of my calculated keyfigures shows percentage values.
    When I select a calendar day, my report shows correct results
    for the percentage values.
    But when I execute the report without selecting a calendar day,
    I get strange results like 3,21 % instead of 97,49 %.
    There is a new functionality with version 7.0, where we can set
    Aggregation properties like 'Average Weighted with Calendar Days' .
    But when I select this with Ref. characteristic 'calendar day',
    my report does not show any value or any result.
    Are there any other properties to set in Aggregation or Calculations.
    Please give me more information about this issue
    regards Osman Akuzun

           When you define an Exception aggregation on number of work days. There might be some reference characteristic defined in your Bex.
    For exmaple, take a scenario like below. Your BW data is like below
    0Employee           StockIssued
    XXX                            50                                
    XXX                            10              
    YYY                           20              
    YYY                            30             
    YYY                            40             
    ZZZ                            50              
    ZZZ                            100            
    ZZZ                            30              
    Suppose the first row which has values like XXX and 50 is not a working day and remaining all are working days then the exception aggregation applied using AV2 on the characteristic  0Employee will be caluclated in your Report as below
    For XXX, it will       10/1 = 10 (because only 1 working day for the employee XXX)
    For YYY, it will       90/3 = 30 (because all  3  are working days for the employee YYY)
    For ZZZ, it will       180/3 = 60 (because  all  3  are working days for the employee ZZZ)
    This is how the exception aggregation works. Try to see the similar kind of example in your system and try to relate in the same lines explained by me. You can understand.

  • Aggregation Behaviour in BEX Analyzer

    Hi Experts,
    using an Info-Set I combine information from to Info-Provider.
    One Info-Provider contains key-figure "amount" while the other Info-Provider contains key-figure "factor".
    Within a Query based on my Info-Set I multiply "amount" with "key-figure". This works fine for the smallest granularity.
    The Problem appears when I start aggregation in BEX.
    Now the cumulated "amount" is multiplied with the cumulated "factor". The results are wrong.
    What can I do?
    Exception aggregation is in my point of view not an answer, since "amount" has to be weighted with "factor".

    Hi Thorsten,
    how umulated "amount" is multiplied with the cumulated "factor". in query, in calulated key figure you have options.
    right on Calculted keyfigure which useing for mutiplication -> proprties -> botttom of properties you have option before aggregation. check this option.
    hope this helps
    Daya Sagar

  • Bex Issue : before aggregation

    I have a problem in Bex that I thought to solve with the "before aggregration" option in Bex Analyzer but this doesn't seem to be possible.
    My query looks initially like this for 1 shipment 1344601 that is linked to 2 deliveries
    Shipment Delivery Del.Quantity Counter Del.Quantity/Count
    1344601   81209721  41.160 KG     2      20.580 KG      
    1344601   81209722  14.840 KG     1      14.840 KG
    Resultrow .............56.000 KG     3       35.420 KG
    This 35.420 KG is the right total delivery quantity for shipment 1344601. Note that counter is calculated via a formula with before aggregation. Also the Del. Quantity is included in a formula with before calculation.
    When I now remove the drilldown on the delivery my result is wrong :
    Shipment      Del.Quantity Counter Del.Quantity/Count
    1344601       56.000 KG    3       18.666.67 KG
    Resultrw     56.000 KG    3       18.666.67 KG
    The system is dividing 56.000 KG by 3 which leads to an incorrect result of 18.666.67 KG.
    ==> My problem is that I can't put the Del.Quantity/Count on calculation before aggregation, although Del.Quantity and Counter that are used in the calculation have both calculation before aggregation.
    Via a little trick (include the calculation in a new calculated keyfigure where I multiply it by 1) I could put it on calculation before aggregation but then the query execution fails.
    Does anyone know a solution for this behaviour as I think lots of you might have faced similar situations and I would like to avoid to solve this in data staging as this doesn't seem unsolvable in Bex to me...
    Message was edited by: Wim

    As per the my knowledge, we can use the properties of Before Aggregation in Bex Analyser.
    for ex. when u excute your query, by default the result of the calculated key figure is generated after aggregation. But we can change this property to before aggregation by going to context menu of the calculated key figure for the analyer.
    But it is considered as a bad practice in SAP.
    If you want to use this option in query designer it not available,
    because when we use calculated key figure in formulas it calculate as after aggregation. If you want to change it, we can change at analyser level.
    Hope u understood.
    Assign points if useful.

  • SAP BWoH 7.4 GUI (For Bex New Features)

    Hi All,
    In the new Release of of BW on HANA 7.4, I have come across new features like Multi dimensional exception Aggregation where we can use 5 different reference characteristics, Current member variable,. I would like to check these new features. Currently we are using SAP GUI 7.3. and could not find these new features in the query designer. Could you please suggest if there is a new GUI available to see these new features in Bex? or please let me know where can I find these new features.
    Best Regards

    Hi Suman,
    Thanks for your response, to be more clear, my question is regarding GUI only, the system is already on HANA, its 7.4. But the GUI we are using is 7.3. shold there be a new GUI after 7.3?

Maybe you are looking for

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