Multi-linked shipments

i need a script on how we can modify the costing to cater for multi legs in a trip, with an option of showing when its just a full shipment.
(New Multi linked route shipment carrier cost to be split on each route in the shipment and not prorate per volume ratio)

can eny body explain how multi drop shipments are configured in SAP.
There is no special process for multi drop shipments. Use standard 3rd party sales order process to fulfill the requirements.
because my client is having multi drop shipments in his practice.
Ok that is fine.
Eg: only one destination, but the truck has to deliver in multiple locations, for a single customer or multiple customers.
and the frieght varies from one delivery point to another delivery point. how to handle it.
Only one destination, but the truck has to deliver in multiple locations - In my opinion this statement is contradictory.
For a single customer, delivery at multiple locations - use line item functionlity in the sales order and in delivery. Meaning at line item level, change the ship-to party address details.
For multiple customers - create multiple deliveries and different line items.
The frieght varies from one delivery point to another delivery point - Use freight condition type at line item level (item condition type).

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    1)  Have the required leg wise condition types like plant to port, port to customer destination which can be maintained in TK11
    2)  Once you create the shipment document via VT01N, you have to key in manually the different vendor codes under the tab "Stages" and save.
    3)  Now if you create a shipment document, liability will be created on those vendors.
    G. Lakshmipathi


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    You can get link by joinning below tables.Hope these tables will elp to get data.
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    VFKP shipment costing item data
    CESSR service entry sheet details
    EKBE PO history
    RBCO & RBKP invoice item and header tables.
    From cessr you will get shipment cost document and service entry sheet details and you will get from EKBE PO ,service entry sheet and invoice details.

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    Hi there,
    I had a look at your site setup and I don't see any issues there. You have a multi-lingual site and you have a domain for every language. Your content is in different languages, so you're not doing anything wrong. That said, what GA may want you to do is to use a different GA code for every domain. So, you may want to consider creating different GA codes for every domain and then adding them to the bottom of your templates.

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    Any help would be much appreciated,
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    Hi Leonard,
    First off, thanks a lot for escalating this to the engineering team.  I didn't expect that from a free open forum.  - I'm impressed.
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    Hi Sandeep,
    There are various reasons for message 'Order can not be delivered' Following are the possibilities
    1) No lane maintained between source & destination location or the lane is not valid
    2) The order weight or volume exceeds the vehicle capacity (split required)
    3) Incompatibility is maintained in the system
    4) Order can not be scheduled in the planning horizon (if the duration is more than the planning horizon)
    5) No vehicle resources maintained in the optimizer profile or if the resource is not extended to Live Cache
    Multi-modal hierarchy is required only if you are planning a multi-modal shipment & not multi-stage shipment.
    If you have created MTr combination, then it is used in typical scenario os trucks & trailer. You will have to maintain active & passive vehicles in the system & then you can use them using MTr combination.
    Hope this satisfies your queries. In case if you have further doubts, you refer back the question.
    Thanks & Regards
    Sandeep Patil

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    Hello All,
    This problem occurred recently after my powerbook refused to wake from sleep mode:
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    ===== Thursday, May 15, 2008 9:53:04 AM Europe/Amsterdam =====
    2008-05-15 09:55:26.492 Finder[499] CFLog (0):
    CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): plist parse failed; the data is not proper UTF-8. The file name for this data could be:
    The parser will retry as in 10.2, but the problem should be corrected in the plist.
    May 15 09:55:27 fender crashdump[508]: Finder crashed
    May 15 09:55:28 fender crashdump[508]: crash report written to: /Users/jacobc/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Finder.crash.log
    *From /Users/jacobc/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Finder.crash.log:*
    Host Name: fender
    Date/Time: 2008-05-15 09:55:26.586 +0200
    OS Version: 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
    Report Version: 4
    Command: Finder
    Path: /System/Library/CoreServices/
    Parent: WindowServer [71]
    Version: 10.4.7 (10.4.7)
    Build Version: 1
    Project Name: Finder_FE
    Source Version: 5292900
    PID: 499
    Thread: 0
    Exception: EXCBADACCESS (0x0001)
    Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000034
    Thread 0 Crashed:
    0 0x9080d764 CFBundleCopyLocalizedString + 124
    1 Metadata 0x910d989c MDSchemaCopyDisplayNameForAttribute + 60
    2 0x0013a358 0x1000 + 1282904
    3 0x00139d3c 0x1000 + 1281340
    4 0x001936bc 0x1000 + 1648316
    5 0x00261c34 dyldstubOpenADefaultComponent + 432452
    6 0x00261c1c dyldstubOpenADefaultComponent + 432428
    7 0x00153bc4 0x1000 + 1387460
    8 0x00153d78 0x1000 + 1387896
    9 0x000c3130 0x1000 + 794928
    10 0x000c2ab4 0x1000 + 793268
    11 0x001ab9b8 0x1000 + 1747384
    12 0x000735ec 0x1000 + 468460
    13 0x0005ba20 0x1000 + 371232
    14 0x907f2370 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 184
    15 0x907dece8 __CFRunLoopRun + 1680
    16 0x907de29c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 268
    17 0x932aeb20 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 264
    18 0x932ae1b4 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 380
    19 0x932f3348 AcquireNextEventInMode + 72
    20 0x932f3138 RunApplicationEventLoop + 132
    21 0x00008960 0x1000 + 31072
    22 0x00004f18 0x1000 + 16152
    23 0x00069ff0 0x1000 + 430064
    24 0x00069e98 0x1000 + 429720
    Thread 1:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9002f08c kevent + 12
    1 0x92b09e50 TFSNotificationTask::FSNotificationTaskProc(void*) + 56
    2 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x90bc4794 PrivateMPEntryPoint + 76
    3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9002bd08 pthreadbody + 96
    Thread 2:
    0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9002c3c8 semaphorewait_signaltrap + 8
    1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x90030eac pthreadcondwait + 480
    2 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x90bc4984 MPWaitOnQueue + 224
    3 0x92b0a4cc TNodeSyncTask::SyncTaskProc(void*) + 116
    4 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x90bc4794 PrivateMPEntryPoint + 76
    5 libSystem.B.dylib 0x9002bd08 pthreadbody + 96
    Thread 0 crashed with PPC Thread State 64:
    srr0: 0x000000009080d764 srr1: 0x000000000200d030 vrsave: 0x0000000000000000
    cr: 0x44028242 xer: 0x0000000000000007 lr: 0x000000009080d764 ctr: 0x00000000907c6d08
    r0: 0x000000009080d74c r1: 0x00000000bfffede0 r2: 0x0000000000000040 r3: 0x0000000000000034
    r4: 0x000000009086ecec r5: 0x0000000000000000 r6: 0x00000000910f9780 r7: 0x00000000a07c0e44
    r8: 0x00000000000007c8 r9: 0x0000000000000007 r10: 0x00000000a10d7b48 r11: 0x00000000000007c8
    r12: 0x00000000907c6d08 r13: 0x0000000000000000 r14: 0x0000000000000001 r15: 0x0000000000000000
    r16: 0x0000000000000000 r17: 0x0000000000000000 r18: 0x0000000000000000 r19: 0x0000000000000000
    r20: 0x000000007fffffff r21: 0x00000000ffffffff r22: 0x0000000000607a98 r23: 0x0000000000000000
    r24: 0x00000000a10d6d9c r25: 0x00000000006eda30 r26: 0x00000000a10d7b48 r27: 0x0000000000000000
    r28: 0x00000000006edb1c r29: 0x00000000bfffefb0 r30: 0x0000000000000000 r31: 0x000000009080d6f8
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    0x92fcb000 - 0x92fdffff 3.0 /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageCapture. framework/Versions/A/ImageCapture
    0x92ff7000 - 0x93007fff 3.4 /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechRecogni tion.framework/Versions/A/SpeechRecognition
    0x93013000 - 0x93028fff 2.0 (203) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/SecurityHI
    0x9303a000 - 0x930c1fff 101.2 (69) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ink.framework /Versions/A/Ink
    0x930d5000 - 0x930e0fff 1.0.3 (32) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Help.framewor k/Versions/A/Help
    0x930ea000 - 0x93117fff 1.2.5 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting .framework/Versions/A/OpenScripting
    0x93131000 - 0x93141fff 5.0 (190.1) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Print.framewo rk/Versions/A/Print
    0x9314d000 - 0x931b3fff 1.1.2 /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HTMLRendering .framework/Versions/A/HTMLRendering
    0x931e4000 - 0x93233fff 3.4.4 (3.4.3) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/NavigationSer vices.framework/Versions/A/NavigationServices
    0x93261000 - 0x9327efff 3.9 /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonSound.f ramework/Versions/A/CarbonSound
    0x93290000 - 0x9329dfff 1.2.2 (73) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CommonPanels. framework/Versions/A/CommonPanels
    0x932a6000 - 0x935b4fff 1.4.10 (???) /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.fra mework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
    0x93704000 - 0x93710fff 1.4.7 /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
    0x94217000 - 0x942dcfff 1.4.7 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
    0x9432f000 - 0x9432ffff 1.4 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/A/AudioUnit
    0x94331000 - 0x944f1fff 1.4.12 /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
    0x94580000 - 0x945d0fff libGLImage.dylib /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dyl ib
    0x945d9000 - 0x945f3fff 1.4.2 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo
    0x94604000 - 0x94624fff libmx.A.dylib /usr/lib/libmx.A.dylib
    0x94661000 - 0x946a6fff 8.5 (86.3) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Bom.framework/Versions/A/Bom
    0x947c7000 - 0x947d6fff libCGATS.A.dylib /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGATS.A.dylib
    0x947de000 - 0x947eafff libCSync.A.dylib /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCSync.A.dylib
    0x94830000 - 0x94848fff libRIP.A.dylib /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRIP.A.dylib
    0x9484f000 - 0x94b79fff 7.4.5 (67) /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/Versions/A/QuickTime
    0x94c60000 - 0x94cd1fff libstdc++.6.dylib /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
    0x94fff000 - 0x95005fff 3.0.4 (99.8) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FileSync.framework/Versions/A/FileSync
    0x97bd9000 - 0x97bf8fff 3.2.2 (vecLib 3.2.2) /System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib
    0x983fe000 - 0x9840bfff 2.5.6 (AGL-2.5.6) /System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL
    0x99f23000 - 0x9ad33fff 7.4.5 (67) /System/Library/QuickTime/QuickTimeComponents.component/Contents/MacOS/QuickTim eComponents

    Hello BDAqua,
    *Thank-you for your reply. I did Verify/Repair HD Perms and I tried rebuilding the LaunchServices db which produced the following output:*
    fender:~ root# /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/\
    Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister \
    -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
    2008-05-15 14:16:34.902 lsregister[360] CFLog (0):
    CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): plist parse failed; the data is not proper UTF-8. The file name for this data could be:
    Contents/Info.plist -- file://localhost/System/Library/Spotlight/Application.mdimporter/
    The parser will retry as in 10.2, but the problem should be corrected in the plist.
    2008-05-15 14:16:34.999 lsregister[360] CFLog (0):
    CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): plist parse failed; the data is not proper UTF-8. The file name for this data could be:
    Contents/Info.plist -- file://localhost/System/Library/Spotlight/Image.mdimporter/
    The parser will retry as in 10.2, but the problem should be corrected in the plist.
    *I also get similar plist errors when I try to connect to another machine w/ ssh on the commandline. Should I be gathering info on what 'plist' is/does? Or perhaps focusing in on Spotlight?*
    *In addition to "Verify/Repair Disk Permissions", I also ran "Verify Disk" which produced the following:*
    Verifying volume “Piece of the Action”
    Checking HFS Plus volume.
    Checking Extents Overflow file.
    Checking Catalog file.
    Checking multi-linked files.
    Checking Catalog hierarchy.
    Checking Extended Attributes file.
    Overlapped extent allocation (file 27746 /System/Library/Spotlight/Audio.mdimporter/Contents/Info.plist)
    27746 /System/Library/Spotlight/Audio.mdimporter/Contents/Info.plist
    46774 /usr/sbin/sendmail
    Overlapped extent allocation (file 202481 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Italian.lproj/Localized.strings)
    Overlapped extent allocation (file 211340 /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Dutch.lproj/Localized.strings)
    Overlapped extent allocation (file Overlapped extent allocation (file stem/Library/Spotlight/iPhoto.mdimporter/Contents/Info.plist)
    Overlapped extent allocation (file 795359 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadat a.framework/Versions/A/Resources/schema.xml)
    Overlapped extent allocation (file 925283 /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadat a.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Info.plist)
    Overlapped extent allocation (file Overlapped extent allocation (file t/iCal/Sources/C8222BA7-39CF-4ABC-B619-1E055A0B4271.calendar/corestorage.ics)
    Overlapped extent allocation (file 2317978 /Applications/
    Overlapped extent allocation (file 2700229 /Users/jacobc/Library/Application Support/iCal/Sources/3B9F64D7-4E0B-4453-A766-6F508A5C8E6A.calendar/corestorage. ics)
    Overlapped extent allocation (file Overlapped extent allocation (file .app/Contents/Info.plist)
    Overlapped extent allocation (file 4825349 /Library/Google/Google Updater/Google
    Overlapped extent allocation (file 5205635 /Users/jacobc/Library/Application Support/iCal/Sources/C8222BA7-39CF-4ABC-B619-1E055A0B4271.calendar/Info.plist)
    Overlapped extent allocation (file 5205640 /Users/jacobc/Library/Application Support/iCal/Sources/F5DC0046-5D48-4E22-9A28-976879F51096.calendar/Info.plist)
    5205640 /Users/jacobc/Library/Application Support/iCal/Sources/F5DC0046-5D48-4E22-9A28-976879F51096.calendar/Info.plist
    cation (file %@)",1)
    5205642 /Users/jacobc/Library/Application Support/iCal/Sources/216D55EA-00AD-4252-8716-C5C687C5AEDA.calendar/Info.plist
    Overlapped extent allocation (file 5890727 /Users/jacobc/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/42oexbuf.default/extensions/{3f1182ea-3243-4d32-8826-7 1fb1cc9c328}/locale/en-US/overlay.dtd)
    Overlapped extent allocation (file 9657861 /private/var/vm/appprofile/5cnames)
    Checking volume bitmap.
    Checking volume bitmap.
    Checking volume information.
    Volume Header needs minor repair
    The volume Piece of the Action needs to be repaired.
    Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
    1 HFS volume checked
    Volume needs repair

  • Multiple link addons not working on version 21.0

    I have been having problems off and on with Snaplinks Plus (tab addon preferred by most sites I frequent), where it would glitch and stop working. Un- and re-installing it, though a nuisance, has been solving the problem up until now, but since I upgraded to the new version (21.0) of FireFox, neither it nor MultiLinks (which I used in the past) will function at all. I am on several sites where a multiple tab function is fairly important : is there another similar linking addon that will operate on 21.0, or a way to adjust Snaplinks or Multilinks so that they will run?

    Here is the latest info I could find on [ Snap Links Plus]:
    * Review: ''I also found that Firefox 21 broken Snap Links Plus. However the 2.3.2 Beta 15 that is available on their website seems to be working fine.''
    * Review: ''Please update for FF 21. The BETA 2.3.3 B15 works unfortunately not quite correct - for example, google picasa.'' (Translated from German)
    * Beta version download:
    * Support site: [!forum/snaplinksplus Snap Links Plus - Google Groups]
    I didn't see any updated information on the [ Multi Links] extension.

  • Shipment documents:

    Dear SAP GURU,
    I have a scenerio to client is a Testing Labs Which has the send the Reports Through Courier to the Customers.
    Now We want to capture the Bussiness process of the Courier to CUstomer ..
    What would be the best possible solution....
    to COnfigure
    1.SHipment Documents ?
    2.Transportation Planning  ?
    3. Shipment Costs
    Please explain what could be the possible steps....
    Also it would be helpful id you can give me the WEB LINKS...
    thanks ,
    Amlan Sarkar

    Dear Amlan
    Since the client is sending the reports through courier for which courier charges is involved, you can go for Shipment Costs.
    Please go through these links
    [shipment cost|VI01(shipment cost)]
    [Automatic shipment cost determination |Automatic shipment cost determination]
    [Creating Shipment Cost Documents with Work Lists |]
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Mode DFU, can not update error 14

    this is the log:
    2011-01-18 15:49:38.193 [5272:149c]: restore library built Oct 15 2010 at 22:47:15
    2011-01-18 15:49:38.193 [5272:149c]: iTunes: iTunes
    2011-01-18 15:49:38.193 [5272:149c]: iTunes: Software payload version: 8C148
    2011-01-18 15:50:27.897 [5272:14d8]: iTunes: Specifying UOI boot image
    2011-01-18 15:50:27.904 [5272:14d8]: * UUID 870B6DD8-CDB3-1147-919B-FC70E1027B3A *
    2011-01-18 15:50:27.935 [5272:14d8]: requested restore behavior: Erase
    2011-01-18 15:50:27.976 [5272:14d8]: amai: AMAuthInstallPlatformCreateDataFromFileURL: can't resolve file
    2011-01-18 15:50:27.986 [5272:14d8]: amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: C:\Users\Manager\AppData\Local\Temp\PerD900.tmp\amai\debug\tss-request.plist
    2011-01-18 15:50:43.142 [5272:14d8]: amai: tsssubmitjob: HttpQueryInfo returned 200
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.050 [5272:14d8]: amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: received tss response (server version: 0.6.31-b11)
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.093 [5272:14d8]: amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: C:\Users\Manager\AppData\Local\Temp\PerD900.tmp\amai\debug\tss-response.plist
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.705 [5272:e9c]: iBoot build-version = iBoot-931.18.27
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.708 [5272:e9c]: iBoot build-style = RELEASE
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.720 [5272:e9c]: AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.720 [5272:e9c]: AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.720 [5272:e9c]: USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.720 [5272:e9c]: command device request for 'getenv radio-error' failed: 2008
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.721 [5272:e9c]: radio-error not set
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.722 [5272:e9c]: unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.723 [5272:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: production fused device
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.724 [5272:e9c]: interface has 1 endpoints, file pipe = 1
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.724 [5272:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: operation 4 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.803 [5272:e9c]: bootstrapping restore with iBEC
    2011-01-18 15:50:46.815 [5272:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: operation 31 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:50:47.815 [5272:e9c]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: Recovery mode succeeded
    2011-01-18 15:50:48.000 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceRemoval: \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#9d27bbeb
    2011-01-18 15:50:48.001 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x065c9f18, notify: 2, connected: 1
    2011-01-18 15:50:48.001 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::NotifyDisconnect: IBOOT, IBOOT \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#9d27bbeb, inst: 0x65c9f18
    2011-01-18 15:50:48.002 [5272:17b0]: IBOOT, DFU \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#9d27bbeb, inst: 0x65c9f18
    2011-01-18 15:50:48.004 [5272:17b0]: _AMRecoveryModeDeviceFinalize: 01DC3F08
    2011-01-18 15:50:48.008 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceRemoval: \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#9d27bbeb
    2011-01-18 15:50:48.010 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x065c9f18, notify: 2, connected: 0
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.623 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceArrival: \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#577b672c
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.623 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::AddAppleDeviceToDeviceList: \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#577b672c
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.646 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::EnumerateHubPorts: DoesDriverNameMatchDeviceID failed
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.668 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::EnumerateHubPorts: DoesDriverNameMatchDeviceID failed
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.675 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::SetNotification: CONNECT, interface type: 1, id: \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#577b672c, inst: 0x6619500
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.675 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::AddAppleDeviceToDeviceList, new device
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.675 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x065c9f18, notify: 2, connected: 0
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.675 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x06619500, notify: 1, connected: 0
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.675 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::NotifyConnect: Device type: 2, Interfaces total: 2, arrived: 1
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.676 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::NotifyConnect: Interfaces total != arrived, no notification
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.729 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceArrival: \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#577b672c
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.729 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::AddAppleDeviceToDeviceList: \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#577b672c
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.750 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::EnumerateHubPorts: DoesDriverNameMatchDeviceID failed
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.772 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::EnumerateHubPorts: DoesDriverNameMatchDeviceID failed
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.779 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::AddAppleDeviceToDeviceList, device already connected, new interface
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.779 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::SetDeviceID: AMDINTERFACEDFU \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#577b672c, inst: 0x6619500
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.779 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::SetNotification: CONNECT, interface type: 1, id: \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#577b672c, inst: 0x6619500
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.779 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x065c9f18, notify: 2, connected: 0
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.779 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x06619500, notify: 1, connected: 1
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.779 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::NotifyConnect: Device type: 2, Interfaces total: 2, arrived: 2
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.779 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::NotifyConnect: IBOOT, IBOOT \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#577b672c, inst: 0x6619500
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.779 [5272:17b0]: IBOOT, DFU \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#577b672c, inst: 0x6619500
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.779 [5272:149c]: iTunes: SCEP 1
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.868 [5272:12fc]: iBoot build-version = iBoot-931.71.16
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.869 [5272:12fc]: iBoot build-style = RELEASE
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.869 [5272:12fc]: AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.869 [5272:12fc]: AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.870 [5272:12fc]: USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.870 [5272:12fc]: command device request for 'getenv radio-error' failed: 2008
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.870 [5272:12fc]: radio-error not set
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.870 [5272:12fc]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: operation 44 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.870 [5272:12fc]: requested restore behavior: Erase
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.878 [5272:12fc]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: nothing to be done
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.880 [5272:12fc]: unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.880 [5272:12fc]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: production fused device
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.882 [5272:12fc]: interface has 1 endpoints, file pipe = 1
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.882 [5272:12fc]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: operation 4 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:50:50.927 [5272:12fc]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: operation 42 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:50:51.971 [5272:12fc]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: operation 5 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:50:52.635 [5272:12fc]: AMDeviceIoControl: GetOverlappedResult failed
    2011-01-18 15:50:52.635 [5272:12fc]: AMDeviceIoControl: pipe stall
    2011-01-18 15:50:52.635 [5272:12fc]: USBControlTransfer: error 31, usbd status c0000004
    2011-01-18 15:50:52.635 [5272:12fc]: command device request for 'getenv ramdisk-delay' failed: 2008
    2011-01-18 15:50:55.238 [5272:12fc]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: operation 6 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:50:56.252 [5272:12fc]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: operation 7 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:50:56.475 [5272:12fc]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: operation 8 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:50:56.476 [5272:12fc]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: operation 9 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:50:56.476 [5272:12fc]: <Recovery Mode Device 01DC3F08>: Recovery mode succeeded
    2011-01-18 15:50:57.999 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceRemoval: \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#577b672c
    2011-01-18 15:50:58.001 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x065c9f18, notify: 2, connected: 0
    2011-01-18 15:50:58.001 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x06619500, notify: 2, connected: 1
    2011-01-18 15:50:58.001 [5272:17b0]: AppleDevice::NotifyDisconnect: IBOOT, IBOOT \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{ED82A167-D61A-4AF6-9AB6-11E52236C576}\IB0000#577b672c, inst: 0x6619500
    2011-01-18 15:50:58.001 [5272:17b0]: IBOOT, DFU \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#577b672c, inst: 0x6619500
    2011-01-18 15:50:58.001 [5272:17b0]: _AMRecoveryModeDeviceFinalize: 01DC3F08
    2011-01-18 15:50:58.005 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::OnInterfaceRemoval: \\?\USB#VID05AC&PID1281#{B8085869-FEB9-404B-8CB1-1E5C14FA8C54}\0000#577b672c
    2011-01-18 15:50:58.006 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x065c9f18, notify: 2, connected: 0
    2011-01-18 15:50:58.006 [5272:17b0]: WinAMRestore::ProcessDevNodesChanges: device: 0x06619500, notify: 2, connected: 0
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.048 [5272:149c]: iTunes: received kAMDeviceAttached action, device 06939488, AFC error 0XE8000028
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.048 [5272:149c]: iTunes: Restore-mode device appeared, device 06939488
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.048 [5272:149c]: iTunes: Creating restore mode device with usbMuxDeviceID 0X1
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.065 [5272:149c]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 3 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.067 [5272:149c]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 4 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.075 [5272:149c]: Supports value queries: 1
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.082 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 44 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.082 [5272:9dc]: requested restore behavior: Erase
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.087 [5272:9dc]: amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: nothing to be done
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.087 [5272:9dc]: fixed TcpWindowSize (64380) can cause restore failure if too large
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.091 [5272:9dc]: device did not return saved USB log
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.091 [5272:9dc]: device did not return saved panic log
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.098 [5272:9dc]: connected to service
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.099 [5272:9dc]: using protocol version 12
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.148 [5272:9dc]: unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.150 [5272:9dc]: board config = n81ap
    2011-01-18 15:51:01.169 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 28 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:51:04.173 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 28 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:51:11.105 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 11 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:51:12.051 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 12 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:51:12.990 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 12 progress -1
    2011-01-18 15:51:23.517 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 0
    2011-01-18 15:51:33.533 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 1
    2011-01-18 15:51:33.534 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Initialized communication with client
    2011-01-18 15:51:36.299 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 5
    2011-01-18 15:51:36.299 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Starting to send payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:36.984 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 6
    2011-01-18 15:51:36.984 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:37.682 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 7
    2011-01-18 15:51:37.682 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:38.702 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 8
    2011-01-18 15:51:38.702 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:39.467 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 9
    2011-01-18 15:51:39.467 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:40.357 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 10
    2011-01-18 15:51:40.357 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:41.249 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 11
    2011-01-18 15:51:41.280 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:42.365 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 12
    2011-01-18 15:51:42.365 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:42.892 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 13
    2011-01-18 15:51:42.892 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:43.370 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 14
    2011-01-18 15:51:43.370 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:43.899 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 15
    2011-01-18 15:51:43.900 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:44.446 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 16
    2011-01-18 15:51:44.446 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:44.869 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 17
    2011-01-18 15:51:44.869 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:45.519 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 18
    2011-01-18 15:51:45.519 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:46.037 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 19
    2011-01-18 15:51:46.037 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:46.538 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 20
    2011-01-18 15:51:46.538 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:47.046 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 21
    2011-01-18 15:51:47.046 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:47.557 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 22
    2011-01-18 15:51:47.557 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:47.966 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 23
    2011-01-18 15:51:47.966 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:48.530 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 24
    2011-01-18 15:51:48.530 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:49.000 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 25
    2011-01-18 15:51:49.000 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:49.529 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 26
    2011-01-18 15:51:49.529 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:50.015 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 27
    2011-01-18 15:51:50.015 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:50.527 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 28
    2011-01-18 15:51:50.527 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:50.983 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 29
    2011-01-18 15:51:50.984 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:51.584 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 30
    2011-01-18 15:51:51.584 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:52.254 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 31
    2011-01-18 15:51:52.254 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:52.752 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 32
    2011-01-18 15:51:52.752 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:53.316 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 33
    2011-01-18 15:51:53.316 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:53.865 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 34
    2011-01-18 15:51:53.865 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:54.405 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 35
    2011-01-18 15:51:54.405 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:55.585 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 36
    2011-01-18 15:51:55.585 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:56.959 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 37
    2011-01-18 15:51:56.959 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:57.992 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 38
    2011-01-18 15:51:57.992 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:58.846 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 39
    2011-01-18 15:51:58.846 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:59.266 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 40
    2011-01-18 15:51:59.266 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:51:59.980 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 41
    2011-01-18 15:51:59.980 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:00.720 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 42
    2011-01-18 15:52:00.720 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:01.467 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 43
    2011-01-18 15:52:01.467 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:01.900 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 44
    2011-01-18 15:52:01.900 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:02.501 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 45
    2011-01-18 15:52:02.501 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:03.099 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 46
    2011-01-18 15:52:03.099 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:03.801 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 47
    2011-01-18 15:52:03.801 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:04.776 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 48
    2011-01-18 15:52:04.776 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:05.803 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 49
    2011-01-18 15:52:05.803 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:06.758 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 50
    2011-01-18 15:52:06.758 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:07.710 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 51
    2011-01-18 15:52:07.710 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:08.736 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 52
    2011-01-18 15:52:08.736 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:09.634 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 53
    2011-01-18 15:52:09.634 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:10.672 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 54
    2011-01-18 15:52:10.672 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:11.697 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 55
    2011-01-18 15:52:11.697 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:12.807 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 56
    2011-01-18 15:52:12.807 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:13.956 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 57
    2011-01-18 15:52:13.956 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:14.849 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 58
    2011-01-18 15:52:14.850 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:15.486 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 59
    2011-01-18 15:52:15.486 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:16.218 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 60
    2011-01-18 15:52:16.219 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:16.820 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 61
    2011-01-18 15:52:16.820 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:17.280 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 62
    2011-01-18 15:52:17.280 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:17.886 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 63
    2011-01-18 15:52:17.886 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:18.522 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 64
    2011-01-18 15:52:18.522 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:19.120 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 65
    2011-01-18 15:52:19.120 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:19.661 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 66
    2011-01-18 15:52:19.661 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:20.239 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 67
    2011-01-18 15:52:20.239 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:20.808 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 68
    2011-01-18 15:52:20.808 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:21.552 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 69
    2011-01-18 15:52:21.552 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:22.071 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 70
    2011-01-18 15:52:22.071 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:22.579 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 71
    2011-01-18 15:52:22.580 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:23.167 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 72
    2011-01-18 15:52:23.167 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:23.669 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 73
    2011-01-18 15:52:23.670 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:24.245 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 74
    2011-01-18 15:52:24.245 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:24.773 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 75
    2011-01-18 15:52:24.773 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:25.381 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 76
    2011-01-18 15:52:25.381 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:25.996 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 77
    2011-01-18 15:52:25.996 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:26.333 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 78
    2011-01-18 15:52:26.333 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:26.947 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 79
    2011-01-18 15:52:26.947 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:27.454 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 80
    2011-01-18 15:52:27.454 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:28.082 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 81
    2011-01-18 15:52:28.082 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:29.051 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 82
    2011-01-18 15:52:29.051 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:29.953 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 83
    2011-01-18 15:52:29.953 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:30.519 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 84
    2011-01-18 15:52:30.519 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:31.072 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 85
    2011-01-18 15:52:31.072 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:31.715 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 86
    2011-01-18 15:52:31.715 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:32.234 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 87
    2011-01-18 15:52:32.234 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:32.767 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 88
    2011-01-18 15:52:32.767 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:33.483 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 89
    2011-01-18 15:52:33.483 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:34.098 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 90
    2011-01-18 15:52:34.098 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:34.769 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 91
    2011-01-18 15:52:34.769 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:35.338 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 92
    2011-01-18 15:52:35.338 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:35.804 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 93
    2011-01-18 15:52:35.804 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:36.293 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 94
    2011-01-18 15:52:36.294 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:36.773 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 95
    2011-01-18 15:52:36.773 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:37.480 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 96
    2011-01-18 15:52:37.480 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:38.153 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 97
    2011-01-18 15:52:38.153 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:38.688 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 98
    2011-01-18 15:52:38.688 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Sending payload
    2011-01-18 15:52:39.623 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: operation 13 progress 100
    2011-01-18 15:52:39.623 [5272:9dc]: ASR progress: Finished
    2011-01-18 15:52:42.101 [5272:9dc]: device returned AMR error 14
    2011-01-18 15:52:42.107 [5272:9dc]:
    ==== device restore output ====
    5PMUPowerSource: AppleUSBCableType USBHost
    AppleEmbeddedUSBArbitrator::handleUSBCableTypeChange : Connected to a USB host, entering device mode
    AppleEmbeddedUSBNub::withProvider : allocated new nub 0x8252b300
    AppleEmbeddedUSBNub::initWithProvider : finished nub init
    AppleEmbeddedUSBArbitrator::_publishNubs : nub published
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::init : Logging Buffer Length = 4K
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::start : object is 0x82419000, registers at 0xce6cc000, 0x86100000 physical
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::findMaxEndpoints: in EPs: 7, out EPs: 7, max_endpoint: 8, num_endpoints: 14
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::handleUSBCableConnect cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::start : start finished
    AppleNANDLegacyFTL started with IOFlashStoragePartition provider
    AppleNANDLegacyFTL located at physical nand block offset 16
    metadata-whitening was found and it's set to 1
    default-ftl-version was found and it's set to 1
    diag-bits is supplied by AppleNANDFTL
    [FTL:MSG] Apple NAND Driver (AND) RW
    [FTL:MSG] FIL_Init [OK]
    [FTL:MSG] BUF_Init [OK]
    [FTL:MSG] FPart Init [OK]
    display-scale = 2
    display-rotation = 0
    IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(): Searching for SDIO device in slot: 0
    IOSDIOController::enumerateSlot(): Found SDIO I/O device. Function count(1), memory(0)
    found suitable IOMobileFramebuffer: AppleCLCD
    display: 640 x 960
    unable to find baseband service
    unable to get device IMEI
    imei is NULL
    found PTP interface
    IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CIS(): Device manufacturer ID 0x2d0, Product ID 0x4329
    IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CIS(): Manufacturer: ""
    IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CIS(): Product: ""
    IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CIS(): ProductInfo0: "s=B1"
    IOSDIOIoCardDevice::parseFn0CIS(): ProductInfo1: "P=N81 m=2.2 V=m"
    AppleBCMWLAN::init(): AppleBCMWLAN-44.12.21 Nov 10 2010 12:24:05
    AppleBCMWLAN::init(): Starting with debug level: 4, debug flags: 00000000
    AppleBCMWLAN::init(): AppleBCMWLAN-44.12.21 Nov 10 2010 12:24:05
    AppleBCMWLAN::init(): Starting with debug level: 4, debug flags: 00000000
    AppleBCMWLAN::parseApplePrivateCIS(): @24 - Invalid 2.4 GHz Cal data in tuple 0x02
    AppleBCMWLAN::handleBluetoothRegistrationGated(): Wrote bluetooth Mac Addr 18:e7:f4:37:33:61
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: PTP
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: PTP
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: iPod USB Interface
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: USBAudioControl
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: USBAudioStreaming
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: IapOverUsbHid
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: PTP
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: AppleUSBMux
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice - Configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device + Apple USB Ethernet
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: PTP
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: AppleUSBMux
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice Interface: AppleUSBEthernet
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function USBAudioControl
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function USBAudioStreaming
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function IapOverUsbHid
    virtual bool AppleUSBDeviceMux::start(IOService*) build: Oct 21 2010 21:07:47
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function AppleUSBMux
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function AppleUSBEthernet
    AppleUSBEthernetDevice::start: Host MAC address = 1a:e7:f4:34:31:36
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction Register function PTP
    AppleSynopsysOTGDevice::gated_registerFunction all functions registered- we are ready to start usb stack
    AppleS5L8930XUSBPhy::powerUp : with_hsic: 0
    AppleEmbeddedUSBArbitrator::enableDeviceClock : enable: 1, index: 0
    read new style signature 0x43313131 (line:407)
    [FTL:MSG] VSVFL Register [OK]
    [WMR:MSG] Metadata whitening is set in NAND signature
    [FTL:MSG] VFL Init [OK]
    AppleS5L8930XUSBPhy::enableDeviceMode : enable: 1
    IOReturn AppleUSBDeviceMux::setPropertiesGated(OSObject*) setting debug level to 7
    [FTL:MSG] VFL_Open [OK]
    [FTL:MSG] YAFTL Register [OK]
    close(caller = 0x58b9): remote port = 49152
    close(caller = 0x58b9): remote port = 49153
    close(caller = 0x58b9): remote port = 49154
    close(caller = 0x58b9): remote port = 49155
    client protocol version 12
    unable to open /usr/local/share/restore//options.n81.plist: No such file or directory
    * UUID 870B6DD8-CDB3-1147-919B-FC70E1027B3A *
    Restore options:
    UUID => <CFString 0xc1d190 [0x1d09fc]>{contents = "870B6DD8-CDB3-1147-919B-FC70E1027B3A"}
    SystemPartitionSize => <CFNumber 0xc1d100 [0x1d09fc]>{value = +1024, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
    entering partitionnanddevice
    device supports boot-from-NAND
    nand device is already partitioned
    entering waitfor_storagedevice
    NAND driver status = ready
    AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x83cbe880 established 62078<-lo0->49152 62078<-usb->512
    void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleMuxTCPInput(__mbuf*) received reset, closing 0x83cbe880
    AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x83cbe780 established 62078<-lo0->49153 62078<-usb->768
    AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x83cbe880 established 62078<-lo0->49154 62078<-usb->1024
    AppleUSBDeviceMux::sessionUpcall socket is closed, session 0x83cbe780 (62078<-lo0->49153 62078<-usb->768)
    AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x83cbe700 established 62078<-lo0->49155 62078<-usb->1280
    AppleUSBDeviceMux::sessionUpcall socket is closed, session 0x83cbe880 (62078<-lo0->49154 62078<-usb->1024)
    AppleUSBDeviceMux::sessionUpcall socket is closed, session 0x83cbe700 (62078<-lo0->49155 62078<-usb->1280)
    AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x83cbe800 established 62078<-lo0->49156 62078<-usb->1536
    [FTL:MSG] FTL_Open [OK]
    AppleS5L8930XUSBArbitrator::handleUSBCableTypeChange : no change in cable-type
    entering formateffaceablestorage
    effaceable storage is formatted, clearing it
    effaceable storaged cleared
    entering ramrodprobemedia
    device partitioning scheme is GPT
    findfilesystempartitions: storage=/dev/disk0 system=/dev/disk0s1 data=/dev/disk0s2s1 update=
    entering checkfor_restorelog
    executing /sbin/fsck_hfs -fy /dev/disk0s1
    AppleImage3NORAccess::start imageVersion: 3
    disk0s1: ioctl(_IOW,'d',24,4) is unsupported.
    ** /dev/rdisk0s1
    Executing fsck_hfs (version diskdev_cmds-488.1.7~391).
    ** Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
    ** Checking extents overflow file.
    ** Checking catalog file.
    ** Checking multi-linked files.
    ** Checking catalog hierarchy.
    ** Checking extended attributes file.
    ** Checking volume bitmap.
    ** Checking volume information.
    ** The volume Untitled appears to be OK.
    executing /sbin/mount -t hfs /dev/disk0s1 /mnt1
    restore log does not exist
    entering clean_NAND
    NAND format complete
    entering ramrodprobemedia
    findfilesystempartitions: storage=/dev/disk0 system= data= update=
    entering formatstorage_forLwVM
    use-lwvm property not found
    entering createfilesystempartitions
    unable to open : No such file or directory
    creating 2 partitions
    creating encrypted data partition
    entering ramrodprobemedia
    device partitioning scheme is GPT
    findfilesystempartitions: storage=/dev/disk0 system=/dev/disk0s1 data=/dev/disk0s2s1 update=
    wipe entire partition: 1 (old = 0 new = 1024)
    block size for /dev/disk0s1: 8192
    /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v System -b 8192 -n a=8192,c=8192,e=8192 /dev/disk0s1
    executing /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v System -b 8192 -n a=8192,c=8192,e=8192 /dev/disk0s1
    Initialized /dev/rdisk0s1 as a 1024 MB HFS Plus volume
    block size for /dev/disk0s2s1: 8192
    /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v Data -J -P -b 8192 -n a=8192,c=8192,e=8192 /dev/disk0s2s1
    executing /sbin/newfs_hfs -s -v Data -J -P -b 8192 -n a=8192,c=8192,e=8192 /dev/disk0s2s1
    Initialized /dev/rdisk0s2s1 as a 29 GB HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal
    entering restore_images
    executing /usr/sbin/asr -source asr://localhost:12345 -target /dev/disk0s1 -erase -noprompt --chunkchecksum --puppetstrings
    ASR STATUS: start 223 multicast-client
    ASR: Waiting for connection attempt from server
    void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult(BulkUSBMuxSession*, errno_t) new session to port 12345 failed: 61
    void AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult(BulkUSBMuxSession*, errno_t) new session to port 12345 failed: 61
    ASR STATUS: setup
    ASR: Validating target...
    ASR: done
    ASR STATUS: metadata
    ASR: Validating source...
    AppleUSBDeviceMux::handleConnectResult new session 0x83cbe580 established 12345<-lo0->49159 12345<-usb->2304
    ASR: Using Hardware AES
    ASR: Using Hardware AES
    ASR: Using Hardware AES
    ASR: done
    ASR: Using Hardware AES
    ASR: Warning: You may not be able to start up a computer with the target volume.
    ASR: Retrieving scan information...done
    ASR: Validating sizes...
    ASR: done
    ASR STATUS: restore
    AppleBCMWLAN::handleIOKitBusyWatchdogTimeout(): Error, no successful firmware download after 60000 ms!! Giving up...
    ASR: asr:
    ASR: Image failed signature verification
    ASR: asr:
    ASR: Failed to read the stream
    ASR: :
    ASR: Authentication error
    ASR: __decompressChunk: backing store read at offset 586108758 length 214199 failed with error 80
    ASR: __decompressChunk() error: 80
    ASR: __decompressChunk: backing store read at offset 585225805 length 160052 failed with error 80
    ASR: __decompressChunk() error: 80
    ASR: __decompressChunk: backing store read at offset 584433565 length 119605 failed with error 80
    ASR: __decompressChunk() error: 80
    ASR STATUS: fail
    AppleUSBDeviceMux::sessionUpcall socket is closed, session 0x83cbe580 (12345<-lo0->49159 12345<-usb->2304)
    ASR: Could not restore - Authentication error
    ASR STATUS: fail
    ==== end of device restore output ====
    2011-01-18 15:52:42.108 [5272:9dc]: AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle
    2011-01-18 15:52:42.226 [5272:9dc]: removed personalized bundle
    2011-01-18 15:52:42.226 [5272:9dc]: <Restore Device 06A3A430>: Restore failed (result = 14)
    2011-01-18 15:52:42.421 [5272:149c]: iTunes: Restore error 14
    Some one can tell me, how can i fix it, coz the ipod youch 4G its new, and i couldn't put any music

    Welcome to the discussions,
    Error 13 and 14: These errors are typically resolved by performing one of more of the steps listed below:
    Perform USB isolation troubleshooting, including a different USB port directly on the computer.
    Put a USB 2.0 hub between the device and the computer.
    Try a different USB 30-pin dock connector cable.
    [Eliminate third-party security software conflicts|]
    There may be third-party software installed that modifies your default packet size in Windows by inserting one or more TcpWindowSize entries into your Registry. If your default packet size is set incorrectly it can cause this error. Contact the manufacturer of the software that installed the packet size modification for assistance.
    Connect your computer directly to your Internet source, bypassing any routers, hubs, or switches. You may need to restart your computer and modem to get online.
    Try to restore from another known-good computer and network.
    copied from [Update and restore alert messages on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch|]

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