Multi-Row Tab Pages

In developing Forms with multiple rows of tab pages, I've
encountered ONE navigation problem I can't seem to overcome:
navigation from any row to the topmost tab page of any other row.
I've attached code to triggers from the form level on down to the
item level in an effort to get around this problem, but none
appear to fire during this scenario.

depending on the complexity of your logon page a very simple way can be to just create individual HTML pages that do a POST to the actual login page (
If this is not enough than you probably have to create individual logon PAR files and access them (
I am not sure about the redirection after the log off. I think it is only possible to log off to one URL ( Of course you could implement some logic there so that this URL redirects to the individual login-URL.

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  • "1) it takes TOOOOOO LONG for multi-row tabs to close when i click "close all/other tabs" and 2) it takes TOO long for Firefox to appear after i click the icon on the desktop"

    1) When many tabs are opened in multiple rows (say 50 or 100) it may take an enternity for them to close after I click the appropriate command
    2)MOre often than not, it takes the browser too long to appear (open) after I initiat it by clicking the desktop or start menu icon.
    NB: My first question is PRIMARY (critcally important) and second is additional (would very much like to receive an answer but it's not critical).
    Thanks a lot in advance!
    Best regards, Dmitry.

    Sorry about the bookmarks misread, I installed a Multi-Row Tab style, not for me but it in use deleted 126 of 130 tabs in about 3 seconds and then the last 4, no idea why that happens with the with the multi-row style.
    Did those 100 pages have web forms in them that you filled in an Firefox may be saving data along with the session.
    Here is a test page that you can quickly load up to 120 tabs at a time with an extension such as "Linky". See it if it takes an eternity to close them with the Multi Row tabs extension you are using, then try the same with the extension disabled. Works fast for me all tabs are on one row.
    * 001 '''Tab Capacity Test'''<br>
    Two Extensions to Help -- you may already have one or both
    * '''Stylish-Custom''' :: Add-ons for Firefox<br>
    * '''Linky''' :: Add-ons for Firefox<br>
    Style that can be installed after installing "Stylish" extension, style will show two rows of tabs you have to scroll up/down. '''This style does not recognize app-tabs formatting, new in Firefox 4.'''
    * '''App: Multi-Row Tab Bar''' - Themes and Skins for Browser <br>
    I put all my tabs on one row you probably would not like it, but you might like the one with the tab borders, which almost works again using multi-row tabs:
    * Tabs Bar Minimal Size - Themes and Skins for Browser <br>
    * '''Tab Color Underscoring active/read/unread''' - Themes and Skins for Browser<br>

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    I´ve been implementing a JSP multi-row editable page according to the paper:
    I noted that the code provided in the example just considers handling updates from the multi-row page, by comparing the existing rows in the ControlBinding rangeSet with the ones that came from the page.
    However, I need the ability to handle new rows from the same multi-row form that came from the page. So how can I achieve this task? What code should I include in the processUpdateModel method to handle new inputs?

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    --validation type: Function returning boolean
    v_count pls_integer default 1;
    select count(*)
    into v_count
    from datahub.site_phone_assign s
    where s.phone_id = :P9_PHONE_ID
    END IF;
    IF (v_count) > 0 THEN
    END IF;
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    Edited by: Shravanv on Feb 18, 2010 1:50 PM

    In a Tabular Form you need to loop through the records on the screen, so doing a check on :P9_PHONE_ID doesn't work...
    Patrick Wolf made a general solution for this problem, you can read about it here:

  • New tab page rows and columns problem

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    You're using Nightly, which is a highly experimental version of Firefox intended for testing. In the latest version, modifying the ''browser.newtabpage.columns'' and ''browser.newtabpage.rows'' preferences in about:config behaves as you describe (in my case, I actually only get 3 rows, presumably because of higher DPI settings). This issue has already been reported.
    * [ Bug 988459 - New-tab-page is not showing the defined number of tiles anymore]
    Please read the Bugzilla etiquette page before deciding to comment on bug reports.
    If you don't want to test a cutting edge version of Firefox and report issues with it, switch to the release version.

  • How to retreive multiple rows on a tabbed page

    Dear Gurus,
    I am new to Forms Programming. I have 4 tab pages on the canvas. On one of the tab page I am trying to retrieve multiple rows from the database. I want that the data should be automatically displayed as user changes to that tab page.
    The problem which I think is that the cursor is not moving from the first tab page to the new tab page. When I am trying to use go_item, it is not allowing me to change the tab page as all the items on this tab page is display item. Even go_block is not working. I am writing both the functions on When_Tab_Page_Changed trigger.
    Please Help!!!!!!!!

    Try this one. Check the logic. I didn't have much time to program. With this draft you can begin to do what you need.
    Bye, Aron
    create or replace package testpkg is
            type TYPE_TESTNAMES IS TABLE OF testnames%rowtype index by binary_integer;
            procedure getByStatus(countToReturn in NUMBER,status in NUMBER,newStatus in NUMBER, records in out TYPE_TESTNAMES);
    end testpkg;
    create or replace package body testpkg IS
    procedure getByStatus(countToReturn in NUMBER,status in NUMBER,newStatus in NUMBER, records in out TYPE_TESTNAMES)
            selectedIds MESSAGE_ID_TABLE;
            cursor select_messages_by_status (currentStatus NUMBER) is
                        select id
                     from testnames
                     where status= currentStatus
                     for update;
            cursor t (currentStatus NUMBER) is
                        select *
                     from testnames
                     where status= currentStatus
                     for update;
            r testnames%rowtype;
            i int := 0;
          open select_messages_by_status(status);
          fetch select_messages_by_status bulk collect into selectedIds limit countToReturn;
          for selectedId in selectedIds.first..selectedIds.last loop
                update testnames set status = newStatus where id = selectedId;
          end loop;
          open t(status);
                fetch t into r;
                exit when t%notfound;
               records(i) := r;
               i := i + 1;
          end loop;
    end getByStatus;
    end testpkg;
    -- Test program
    r testpkg.TYPE_TESTNAMES;
    testpkg.getByStatus(2, 0, 3, r);

  • Multi-Row Delete from a table via a button without submitting the page

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    I thought of creating a PL/SQL function for the deletion and calling it from Javascript linked to a button. I have done the PL/SQL and the button but don't know how to call PL/SQL from JS. And is this the correct way of doing something like a deletion? Any documents that show how can this be done will be much appreciated....
    I had a look at the forum and the documentation but could not find anything for multil-row deletion triggered from a button.
    Your help is appreciated as I'm a newbie :-)

    I actually found the solution. I created a button (that submits) and a computation that calls the PL/SQL function conditional on that button being pressed. Initially I got confused because I already had another PL/SQL function attached to different button. I didn't think that having two buttons that submit the page and call different functions was possible.

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    Thanks for help.

    Unfortunately, the builtin MRU process supports only 1 updatable region per page.

  • Multi-row blocks overlap on same canvas

    I have a problem designing a Form. We use Designer 6i and we generate with the Headstart 6.5 (first version) scripts.
    I want to make a master-detail form and both of those blocks have to be on 1 tabpage. Both blocks also are multi-row block. Every time i generate it the two blocks overlap eachother in the canvas. I tried it with item groups for both blocks. I used the X and Y position in the properties of the block (module components) but they keep on overlapsing (Because it looks like both blocks start from the same starting point, so that makes them overlap). Is this a know bug or did anyone ever had the same problem?
    Oh yeah, and on both blocks i did put the preference set from Headstart (QMS65_MULTI_RECORD_BLOCK).
    Please help.
    Kind regards,

    Set the "placement property" of the master block component to "new tab canvas page" and the detail component to "Same tab canvas page". You can set the size of the first master block for example: X = 102 and Y = 61
    You dont need to set the size of the detail block.
    Hope this helps you,

  • Tab Page Form

    I'm trying to create a new form in designer 6i. I want two
    blocks on each tab page, top one is several non bound text items
    for search criteria and bottom is base table block. I set
    properties to new tab page(top block), and same tab page for
    bottom block, 3 pages of em. The 2nd two pages look good, top
    has several items and bottom has multi row spread table. The
    first page tho, no matter the order of pages, puts both blocks
    at 0,0 and on top of one anohter. I've tried everything and it
    ignores the x and y for the block if I put them in designer and
    I don't see a set block property position...
    Any idears?
    Thnaks, Gerry
    [email protected]

    For each form page you could
    Define an unconditional before header page process or a before-header page computation
    Set the page-item corresponding to the PK of the form's base table to have the value contained in the application item

  • My New Tab Page does not work at all. I just have the empty squares with nothing in them at all?

    My New Tab Page does not work at all. I just have the empty squares with nothing in them at all?
    I know how to use about:config & have had the usual problems with newtab page tiles but this is more like a bug- using 33.0.1. Doesn't show tiles icon in top right corner just shows a gear that is used to hide the empty tiles that I can't fill with sites. First it would only show 2 rows of 4 columns even though I had it set to 5 & 6 then few days later for no reason they went empty with a serrated line around the tiles & can't drag from the bookmarks---- really bloody annoying!!!!!!! Possibly a setting in the about:config but i can't fig it out?

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  • How do I display more icons on the New-Tab page? I tried about:config

    The New-Tab page I see doesn't match what FF shows in help. I changed rows and columns and nothing changed.

    With the latest Firefox update, the number of tiles is now determined on screen size - if you zoom out or expand the window you can have more tiles appear.
    If you want to set a fixed number of tiles, you can do so with the following extension:
    You can also see '''jscher2000''''s Chosen Solution here:
    It requires the [ Stylish] add-on but will automatically shrink the tiles on the page and will limit the tiles based on what you entered for your rows and columns in the '''about:config''' page:

  • How to restrict number of Rows in page?

    Hi Experts,
    I have scenario when i convert the Report in to PDF i have to display 10 Rows per page. \
    Any ideas !!!

    I have tried this method at my end and its working perfectly fine.
    1. I created a variable at report level as:
    v Test = Floor(RowIndex()/10)
    2. Added this variable in the Block as a new column.
    3. Select the v Test column, Right Click and set as section.
    4. Go to structure mode select section and go to properties tab and select the property "Start on new page" under Relative Position.
    After following these steps, if you are not able to get the result then can you provide details of the failure or what results did you get and so on.

  • Is there a way to create multiple New Tabs pages and name them?

    This feature is great but I would like to be able to create multiple new tabs pages and label them. This would be more useful than tabs groups that all load at once.

    No that is (currently) not possible.
    It will be possible in future Firefox version to specify the number of rows and columns.
    *[ bug 752841] - [New Tab Page] make the number of tabs adjustable
    <i>([ please do not comment in bug reports])</i>

  • How To Create Multi Row Edit Forms in a JSP

    Hi, Could someone tell me how can i create multi edit rows in BC4J JSP edit page.

    Refer to
    BC4J Multi-Row Extension API which provides multiple row operations to BC4J-based web application.

Maybe you are looking for