Multiboot does not work

I have installed multiboot(arch linux x86_64)
but it doesn't start.
if I start, it shows
Error: USER:<name> is not admin!
I tried adding <name> to adm group by:
$usermod -a -G adm <name>
and it was successful
but the error still comes
Error: USER:<name> is not admin!
I also tried to edit following the instructions given in the link above and now it looks like this:
(But it didn't work) How can I make multiboot work
#! /bin/bash --posix
chemin="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")";pwd)/$(basename "$0")";
dossier="$(dirname "$chemin")"
export chemin dossier
cd "${dossier}"
###Pour exporter la librairie de gettext.
set -a
set +a
export TEXTDOMAIN=multisystem
export TEXTDOMAINDIR=${dossier}/locale
#stop si root!
if [ "$(id -u)" -ne "0"]; then
zenity --error --text "$(eval_gettext "Erreur: pas en root!")"
nohup "$dossier"/
exit 0
#gtkrc perso
#bonne adresse pour les styles gtkrc ==>
# Example pour modifier style des boutons nommés stylebt
#style "styleBorderless" {
# GtkButton::inner-border = {10, 0, 0, 10}
# xthickness = 0
# ythickness = 0
#widget "*stylebt" style "styleBorderless"
#Exemple pour changer police d'un widget nommé GtkEditFontMonospace
#style "styleGtkEditFontMonospace" {
# text[NORMAL] = "#ffffff"
# base[NORMAL] = "#000000"
# font_name = "monospace 16"
#widget "*GtkEditFontMonospace" style "styleGtkEditFontMonospace"
if [ -f "$HOME/.multisystem/gtkrc" ]; then
export GTK2_RC_FILES=$HOME/.multisystem/gtkrc:~/.gtkrc-2.0
#Test les path et ajout à .profile de user si path existe et non present dans $PATH
#pour fonctionnement de which en user non sudo sur les bases Debian
function FCT_CHECKPATH()
[ ! -f "$HOME/.profile" ] && >"$HOME/.profile"
. $HOME/.profile
export PATH=$PATH
path_actuels="$(echo $PATH | tr ":" "\n")"
I=$IFS; IFS=":"
for test_path in $path_curents; do
if [[ ! "$(grep "^${test_path}$" <<<"${path_actuels}")" ]]; then
echo Ajouter PATH: ${test_path}
if [ "${path_add}" ]; then
echo "PATH=\"${path_add}\$PATH\"" | tee -a "$HOME/.profile"
export PATH="${path_add}$PATH"
#Path gtkdialog
#Check version gtkdialog
function funcGTKDVGet() {
echo "Gtkdialog version: $GTKDV"
if [[ $GTKDV < $GTKVMINI ]]; then
GTKVADV="This application requires at least gtkdialog-$GTKVMINI,\nPlease updrade your version.\nWebsite:"
echo -e "\033[1;47;31m $GTKVADV \033[0m"
zenity --info --text "$GTKVADV"&
exit 0
#Créer dossier pref
if [ ! -d "$HOME/.multisystem/" ]; then
mkdir "$HOME/.multisystem/" 2>/dev/null
#Mettre à jour les icones GTK ! à revoir ...
#gtk-update-icon-cache -t "$HOME"/.local/share/icons/hicolor/
#manque ==> index.theme voir ==> /usr/share/icons/hicolor/index.theme
#Caler lang si user n'a pas réglé dans gui de multisystem
if [ ! -f "$HOME/.multisystem/lang_sel.txt" ]; then
while read line
if [ "$(grep -i "$(echo $line | awk -F'|' '{print $3}'| sed "s/\..*//")" <<<"${LANG}")" ]; then
echo $line | awk -F'|' '{print $3}'| sed "s/\..*//"
echo $line >"$HOME/.multisystem/lang_sel.txt"
done <<<"$(cat "${dossier}/lang_list.txt" | sed "/^$/d")"
#Si ne trouve pas de traduction passer en Anglais.
if [ ! "$(cat "$HOME/.multisystem/lang_sel.txt")" ]; then
echo "English|en|en_US.UTF-8" >"$HOME/.multisystem/lang_sel.txt"
cat "$HOME/.multisystem/lang_sel.txt"
#pour slitaz
if [ "$(which tazpkg 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
export LANG="$(awk -F\| '{print $3}' "$HOME/.multisystem/lang_sel.txt")"
declare -x LANGUAGE="$(awk -F\| '{print $3}' "$HOME/.multisystem/lang_sel.txt")"
echo LANGSEL:$(cat "$HOME/.multisystem/lang_sel.txt")
#zenity --info --text "$(export)"
#locale -a
#cat /etc/default/locale
#/etc/environment or ~/.gtkrc
#sudo locale-gen --purge fr_FR.UTF-8
#dpkg-reconfigure locales
#dpkg-reconfigure console-data
#dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
#if [ ! "$(ps ax | grep -v grep | grep "hal-lock --interface org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume --exclusive --run ${chemin}")" ]; then
#hal-lock --interface org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume --exclusive --run "${chemin}"
#exit 0
. ./
#Gui logo
# font-family=\"purisa\" weight=\"bold\"
if [ "$(grep "fr_FR" <<<"${LANG}")" ]; then
export MOD_WAIT='<window title="MultiSystem-logo" window_position="1" decorated="false">
<text sensitive="false" use-markup="true" wrap="false" angle="10">
<input>echo "\<b>\<span color=\"#EB2C00\" size=\"larger\">○ NOUVEAU !\nLa première clé USB MultiSystem du marché\nest disponible sur\</span>\</b>" | sed "s%\\\%%g" | sed "s%\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n%%g"</input>
<input file>./logo_pub.jpg</input>
<input file>./pixmaps/multisystem-wait.gif</input>
export MOD_WAIT='<window title="MultiSystem-logo" window_position="1" decorated="false">
<input file>./logo.png</input>
<input file>./pixmaps/multisystem-wait.gif</input>
#Lancer logo
gtkdialog --program=MOD_WAIT &
sleep .5
#detect process
#zenity --info --text "$(pgrep -xlc multisystem) $(pgrep -xlc gui_multisystem)"
if [[ "$(pgrep -xlc multisystem)" -gt "1" || "$(pgrep -xlc gui_multisystem)" -gt "1" ]]; then
wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo"
#Activer fenetre
xdotool windowactivate $(wmctrl -l | grep 'MultiSystem' | awk '{print $1}')
exit 0
#Verif dépendances...
for i in $(grep -v "^#" <<<"${testlist}" | xargs)
if [ ! "$(which $i 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
errorlist=(${errorlist[@]} $i)
#Stop si
if [ "$(echo "${errorlist[@]}")" ]; then
echo -e "\033[1;47;31m $(eval_gettext 'Erreur il manque: ')${errorlist[@]} \033[0m"
cat /etc/group | grep ^users | grep $USER
exit 0
#dpkg -L grub-pc
#mettre en place les icon pour lancement si pas installé!
mkdir -p "$HOME"/.local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ 2>/dev/null
#comparer nombre icon et maj si diff
if [ "$?" -eq 0; then
cp -f "${dossier}/pixmaps/"* "$HOME"/.local/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/
#Vérifier que GParted n'est pas open!
if [ "$(ps aux | grep -v grep | grep 'hal-lock.*interface org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Storage.*exclusive')" ]; then
zenity --error --text "$(eval_gettext "Erreur: un logiciel bloque l\'utilisation des disques, veuillez le fermer.")"
nohup "$dossier"/
exit 0
#Vérifier que user est bien administrateur
if [ "$(cat /etc/group | grep ^users)" ]; then
if [ ! "$(cat /etc/group | grep ^users | grep $USER)" ]; then
zenity --error --text "$(eval_gettext "Erreur:") USER:$USER is not admin!"
nohup "$dossier"/
exit 0
#Fermer logo
#zenity --info --text "logo3"
#wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo"
#Système de détection
source ./
sleep .1
#Thème (laisser en doublon ici !)
. ./
#mettre en place autorun.inf/multisystem.bat/icon.ico
if [ ! -f "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/autorun.inf" ]; then
#echo -e '[AutoRun]\r\nShellexecute=multisystem.bat\r\nICON=icon.ico\r\nLabel=MultiSystem' | tee "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/autorun.inf"
echo -e '[AutoRun]\r\nICON=icon.ico\r\nLabel=MultiSystem\r\n\r\n[Content]\r\nMusicFiles=false\r\nPictureFiles=false\r\nVideoFiles=false' | tee "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/autorun.inf"
#copier .ico
cp -f "${dossier}/icon.ico" "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/icon.ico"
#par securité verifier multisystem.bat
#7295356a95fc3e312ec342f57b944662 .../multisystem.bat
#if [ "7295356a95fc3e312ec342f57b944662" != "$(md5sum "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/multisystem.bat" | awk '{print $1}')" ]; then
#zenity --info --text "$(eval_gettext "ATTENTION!\nle fichier multisystem.bat à été modifié, Virus?")"
#Vérifier les mise à jour! / uniquement si installé!
if [[ "${dossier}" == "/usr/local/share/multisystem" && "$(cat "$HOME/.multisystem/checkupdate")" = "true" ]]; then
wget -t1 -T1 -O "/tmp/multisystem/version-multisystem.txt"
if [ "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/version-multisystem.txt 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
echo ok
if [ "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/version-multisystem.txt)" != "$(cat /usr/local/share/multisystem/version-multisystem.txt)" ]; then
zenity --info --text "$(eval_gettext "Une mise à jour de multisystem est disponible")"&
#Avertissement si user supprime OS dans gui de multisystem
[ ! "$(cat "$HOME/.multisystem/check_rem" 2>/dev/null)" ] && echo "true" >"$HOME/.multisystem/check_rem"
check_rem="$(cat "$HOME/.multisystem/check_rem")"
#Activer icon dans menu gnome
if [ "$(gconftool-2 --get "/desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons" 2>/dev/null)" = "false" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$HOME/.multisystem/active_icon" ]; then
zenity --question --text="$(eval_gettext "Activer les icones dans les menus de gnome ?")"
if [ $? = "0" ]; then
echo ok >"$HOME/.multisystem/active_icon"
gconftool-2 --set "/desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons" --type bool "true"
#mettre à jour le menu du tree
#relever icone|iso|date
gtkdialog --program=MOD_WAIT &
sleep .1
#wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo"
#Corriger bug 1.96 de mon grub.cfg
if [ "$(grub-install -v | grep 1.96)" ]; then
sed -i "s/linux16/linux/g" "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
sed -i "s/initrd16/initrd/g" "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
sed -i "s/--config-file=\/boot\/grub\/menu.lst//g" "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
sed -i "s/(\${root})//g" "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
sed -i "s/^set root=${root}/#set root=${root}/g" "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
sed -i "s/\#set root=(hd0,1)/set root=(hd0,1)/g" "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
#Onglet À propos
while read line
echo "multisystem-$(echo ${line} | awk -F'|' '{print $2}')|$(eval_gettext 'Traducteur') $(echo ${line} | awk -F'|' '{print $1}'), $(echo ${line} | awk -F'|' '{print $4}')|$(echo ${line} | awk -F'|' '{print $5}')" >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-about
done <<<"$(cat "${dossier}/lang_list.txt" | sed "/^$/d")"
#check .deb
verify_update="$(dpkg -l "multisystem" | grep "^ii multisystem" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $3}')"
#Si .deb est installé
if [ "${verify_update}" ]; then
echo "<span color='"'#4CB23F'"'>Version:${verify_update} $(cat ./version-multisystem.txt)</span>" >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputversion
#Si .deb n'est pas installé
elif [ ! "${verify_update}" ]; then
echo "<span color='"'#4CB23F'"'>Version:$(cat ./version-multisystem.txt)</span>" >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputversion
#Onglet Non-Libre
#Créer dossier nonfree
mkdir -p "$HOME"/.multisystem/nonfree 2>/dev/null
#Check les files
if [ -f "$HOME"/.multisystem/nonfree/plpbt.bin ]; then
echo 'gtk-ok|plpbt.bin' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
echo 'gtk-no|plpbt.bin' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
if [ -f "$HOME"/.multisystem/nonfree/plpcfgbt ]; then
echo 'gtk-ok|plpcfgbt' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
echo 'gtk-no|plpcfgbt' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
if [ -f "$HOME"/.multisystem/nonfree/NTDETECT.COM ]; then
echo 'gtk-ok|NTDETECT.COM' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
echo 'gtk-no|NTDETECT.COM' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
if [ -f "$HOME"/.multisystem/nonfree/SETUPLDR.BIN ]; then
echo 'gtk-ok|SETUPLDR.BIN' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
echo 'gtk-no|SETUPLDR.BIN' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
if [ -f "$HOME"/.multisystem/nonfree/RAMDISK.SY_ ]; then
echo 'gtk-ok|RAMDISK.SY_' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
echo 'gtk-no|RAMDISK.SY_' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
if [ -f "$HOME"/.multisystem/nonfree/RAMDISK.SYS ]; then
echo 'gtk-ok|RAMDISK.SYS' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
echo 'gtk-no|RAMDISK.SYS' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
if [ -f "$HOME"/.multisystem/nonfree/BOOTSECT.BIN ]; then
echo 'gtk-ok|BOOTSECT.BIN' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
echo 'gtk-no|BOOTSECT.BIN' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
if [ -f "$HOME"/.multisystem/nonfree/firadisk.ima ]; then
echo 'gtk-ok|firadisk.ima' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
echo 'gtk-no|firadisk.ima' >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree
#Détreminer éditeur text
if [ "$(which nautilus)" ]; then
elif [ "$(which dolphin)" ]; then
elif [ "$(which rox-filer)" ]; then
elif [ "$(which thunar)" ]; then
elif [ "$(which pcmanfm)" ]; then
#forcer à true par defaut
echo 'true' >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-update-bootloader
#Onglet par defaut
echo 0 >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab1
echo 0 >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab2
echo 0 >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab3
#Bas de pages commun des onglets secondaires
function FCT_HOME()
echo '<pixmap>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<hbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" height_request="30" image-position="0" relief="2" xalign="0" yalign="0">
<input file icon="multisystem-home"></input>
<label>'$(eval_gettext 'Retour Accueil')'</label>
<action>echo 0 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab1</action>
<action>echo 0 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab2</action>
<button name="stylebt" height_request="30" image-position="0" relief="2" xalign="0" yalign="0">
<input file stock="gtk-quit"></input>
<label>'$(eval_gettext 'Quitter')'</label>
<action>wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo"</action>
<action>wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo2"</action>
<action>wmctrl -c "VBox"</action>
#Onglet lister_lang
function FCT_lister_lang()
cat "$HOME/.multisystem/lang_sel.txt" | awk -F'|' '{print $1}'
cat "${dossier}/lang_list.txt" | sed "/^$/d" | awk -F'|' '{print $1}'
export -f FCT_lister_lang
export texte_annonce="MultiSystem recherche des traducteurs,\nMerci de nous contacter\nsi vous souhaitez participer\nContact:[email protected]\n\nMultiSystem looking for translators,\nThank you contact us\nif you want to participate\nContact:[email protected]"
#Onglet Télécharger des LiveCD
echo All | tee /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-output-list
function FCT_download_livecd()
listcat="$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-output-list 2>/dev/null)"
#Audio Utility Antivirus Gamer
if [ "$(grep -E "(Audio)|(Utility)|(Antivirus)|(Gamer)" <<<"${listcat}" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
cat "${dossier}/list.txt" | sed "/^#/d" | sed "/^$/d" | grep -E "\|${listcat}\|"
elif [ "${listcat}" = "All" ]; then
cat "${dossier}/list.txt" | grep -v "^#" | sed "/^$/d"
elif [ "${listcat}" = "clear" ]; then
echo "||||"
elif [ "${listcat}" ]; then
cat "${dossier}/list.txt" | sed "/^#/d" | sed "/^$/d" | grep -iE "\|.*${listcat}.*\|.*\|.*\|"
export -f FCT_download_livecd
#Onglet Mise à jour
function FCT_update()
$radio1 && xdg-open ''&
if [ "$radio3" == "true" ]; then
nohup ./ &
#maj partielle
elif [ "$radio4" == "true" ]; then
wget -nd -O /tmp/multisystem/ 2>&1 \
| sed -u 's/\([ 0-9]\+K\)[ \.]*\([0-9]\+%\) \(.*\)/\2\n#Transfert : \1 (\2) à \3/' \
| zenity --progress --auto-kill --auto-close --width 400 --title "$(eval_gettext 'Téléchargement en cours...')"
if [ "$(diff /tmp/multisystem/ ${dossier}/ 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
if [ "$(du -h "/tmp/multisystem/" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $1}')" == "0" ]; then
zenity --error --text "$(eval_gettext 'Erreur de téléchargement')"
elif [ "$(grep FCT_RELOAD /tmp/multisystem/ 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
cp -f /tmp/multisystem/ "${dossier}/"
zenity --info --title MultiSystem_Information --text="$(eval_gettext "Pas de mise à jour disponible,\nVous utilisez bien la dernière version du script.")"
#Relancer gui
nohup "${dossier}/" &
sleep 1
exit 0
export -f FCT_update
#Onglet Déboguer
echo "" >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb
export message_debug="$(eval_gettext "Patience test en cours...")"
#test écriture sur disque
function FCT_debug_write()
#espace dispo dans clé usb
available="$(($(df -aB 1 $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb) | grep ^$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb) | awk '{print $4}')/1024/1024))"
if [ "${available}" -lt "1024" ]; then
message_debug="$(eval_gettext "Erreur: pas suffisament de place libre pour effectuer ce test,") ${available} < 1024Mio"
echo "${message_debug}" >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb
exit 0
echo -e "\E[37;44m\033[1m ${message_debug} \033[0m"
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=1000000 of="$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/multisystem-1Gb.file"
rm "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/multisystem-1Gb.file"
echo -e "\E[37;44m\033[1m $(eval_gettext 'Attente, appuyez sur enter pour continuer.') \033[0m"
echo "" >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb
#test lecture
function FCT_debug_read()
#dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024 count=1000000 of="$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/multisystem-1Gb.file" >dev/null
#dd if="$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/multisystem-1Gb.file" bs=64k | dd of=/dev/null
#rm "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/multisystem-1Gb.file"
echo -e "\E[37;44m\033[1m $(eval_gettext 'Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe d\047administrateur') \033[0m"
sudo hdparm -Tt $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb)
echo -e "\E[37;44m\033[1m $(eval_gettext 'Attente, appuyez sur enter pour continuer.') \033[0m"
function FCT_debug_repair()
echo -e "\E[37;44m\033[1m $(eval_gettext 'Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe d\047administrateur') \033[0m"
sudo umount -f $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed 's/[0-9]//')1 2>/dev/null
sleep 2
sudo dosfsck -r -w -v $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb)
calc_fatresize="$(sudo fatresize -i $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb) -q | grep '^Max size' | awk '{print $3}')"
echo calc_fatresize:${calc_fatresize} $((${calc_fatresize}/1000/1000))M
sudo fatresize -p -s $((${calc_fatresize}/1000/1000))M $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb)
gvfs-mount -d $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb) 2>/dev/null
echo -e "\E[37;44m\033[1m $(eval_gettext 'Attente, appuyez sur enter pour continuer.') \033[0m"
export -f FCT_debug_write FCT_debug_read FCT_debug_repair
#Onglet N°5 Formater votre clé USB
export format_text="$(parted -s $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed 's/[0-9]//') unit MB print)"
echo -e "${format_text}" >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-format-text
function FCT_format()
echo -e "\E[37;44m\033[1m $(eval_gettext 'Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe d\047administrateur') \033[0m"
sudo echo
sudo umount -f $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed 's/[0-9]//')1 2>/dev/null
echo -e "\E[37;44m\033[1m $(eval_gettext 'Veuillez saisir votre mot de passe d\047administrateur') \033[0m"
#shred - Écrire par dessus un fichier pour en camoufler le contenu, et optionnellement l’effacer
#shred -n 1 -z -v $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed 's/[0-9]//')
dd if=/dev/zero of=$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed 's/[0-9]//') bs=512 count=1
sudo parted -a cylinder -s $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed 's/[0-9]//') mklabel msdos
sudo parted -a cylinder -s $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed 's/[0-9]//') unit MB mkpart primary fat32 1 100%
sleep 2
sudo umount -f $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed 's/[0-9]//')1 2>/dev/null
sudo mkdosfs -F32 -v -S512 -n multisystem $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed 's/[0-9]//')1
sleep 2
sudo parted -s $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed 's/[0-9]//') set 1 boot on
#Vérifier/Réparer fat32
#sudo dosfsck -t -a -r -v $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb)
sudo dosfsck -p -a -w -v $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb)
sleep 2
sudo umount $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed 's/[0-9]//')1 2>/dev/null
calc_fatresize="$(sudo fatresize -i $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb) | grep '^Max size' | awk '{print $3}')"
sudo fatresize -p -s ${calc_fatresize} $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb)
echo -e "\E[37;44m\033[1m $(eval_gettext 'Formatage effectué,\nveuillez débrancher/rebrancher votre clé USB\navant de relancer multisystem.') \033[0m"
exit 0
export -f FCT_format
#Onglet N°6 Afficher/Masquer des fichiers/dossiers dans votre clé usb
function FCT_hidden_update_tree()
#Mettre en forme pour le tree
echo -e "$(stat -c %n "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/"* | awk '{print $0}')" | while read line
var="$(echo "$line" | sed "s|$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/||")"
echo "var:${var}"
if [ "$(grep "^${var}$" "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/.hidden")" ]; then
echo "multisystem-red|$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/${var}" >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-hidden
echo "multisystem-green|$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/${var}" >>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-hidden
function FCT_hidden_showall()
stat -c %n "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/"* | awk '{print "multisystem-green|" $0}' >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-hidden
echo "" >"$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/.hidden"
function FCT_hidden_hiddenall()
stat -c %n "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/"* | awk '{print "multisystem-red|" $0}' >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-hidden
echo -e "$(stat -c %n "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb )/"* | awk '{print $0}')" | sed "s|$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/||" >"$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/.hidden"
function FCT_hidden_modify()
rechercher="$(echo "${1}" | sed "s|$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/||")"
if [ ! "$(grep "^${rechercher}$" "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/.hidden")" ]; then
#zenity --info --text "Masquer ${rechercher}"
echo "${rechercher}" >>"$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/.hidden"
#zenity --info --text "Afficher ${rechercher}"
sed -i "s|^${rechercher}$||" "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/.hidden"
sed -i "/^$/d" "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)/.hidden"
export -f FCT_hidden_showall FCT_hidden_hiddenall FCT_hidden_modify FCT_hidden_update_tree
function comment()
{ true; }
export -f comment
MULTISYSTEM='<window spacing="0" width_request="400" height_request="420" window_position="1" title="MultiSystem" icon-name="multisystem-icon" decorated="true" resizable="false">
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'$(comment Onglet masqué primaire 0)'
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'$(comment Onglet N°0 MultiSystem)'
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<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
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<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="100" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext 'Tester dans Qemu')'">
<input file icon="multisystem-qemu"></input>
<action>./ qemu</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="100" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext 'Tester dans VirtualBox')'">
<input file icon="multisystem-vbox"></input>
<action>./ vbox</action>
<tree icon="multisystem-tux" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Double clic pour modifier les noms dans le menu du bootloader.")'" rules_hint="true" headers_visible="false" hover_expand="false" hover_selection="false" exported_column="1">
<input icon_column="0">if [ "$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-laisserpasser-usb)" = "ok" ];then cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mise-en-forme;else echo "multisystem-logo|||||||";fi</input>
<action>./ menu\|$tree</action>
<vbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="40" tooltip-text="Menu up">
<input file stock="gtk-go-up"></input>
<action>test $tree && ./ selup\|$tree</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="40" tooltip-text="Menu move">
<input file stock="gtk-jump-to"></input>
<action>test $tree && ./ move\|$tree</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="40" tooltip-text="Menu down">
<input file stock="gtk-go-down"></input>
<action>test $tree && ./ seldown\|$tree</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="40" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Supprimer un système d'exploitation")'">
<input file stock="gtk-delete"></input>
<action>test $tree && ./ selclear\|$tree</action>
<checkbox width_request="32" height_request="40" use-underline="true" active="'$check_rem'" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Prévenir avant de supprimer")'">
<action>if true echo "true" >"$HOME/.multisystem/check_rem"</action>
<action>if false echo "false" >"$HOME/.multisystem/check_rem"</action>
<vbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="40" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Afficher/Masquer des fichiers/dossiers dans votre clé usb")'">
<input file icon="multisystem-hidden"></input>
<action>echo 1 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab1</action>
<action>echo 6 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab3</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="40" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Ajouter une option de démarrage (cmdline)")'">
<input file stock="gtk-edit"></input>
<action>test $tree && ./ cmdline\|$tree</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="40" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Ajouter mode persistent")'">
<input file icon="multisystem-save"></input>
<action>./ persistent\|$tree</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="40" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Créer CD pour lancer USB")'">
<input file icon="multisystem-cdrom"></input>
<action>./ cdamorce</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="40" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Internationalisation")'">
<input file icon="multisystem-language"></input>
<action>echo 1 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab1</action>
<action>echo 1 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab3</action>
<vbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="80" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Réglages Grub")'">
<input file stock="gtk-preferences"></input>
<action>./ pref</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="80" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Mettre à jour Grub2")'">
<input file icon="multisystem-grub48"></input>
<action>./ grub</action>
<checkbox width_request="32" height_request="40" use-underline="true" active="true" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Décochez pour déplacer rapidement les menus, ne pas mettre à jour les bootloader, ATTENTION! cochez lors du dernier déplacement pour mettre à jour les bootloader.")'">
<action>if true echo true >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-update-bootloader</action>
<action>if false echo false >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-update-bootloader</action>
<vbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="80" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Télécharger des LiveCD")'">
<input file icon="multisystem-download"></input>
<action>echo All | tee /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-output-list</action>
<action>echo 1 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab1</action>
<action>echo 2 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab3</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="32" height_request="80" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Mise à jour")'">
<input file icon="multisystem-update"></input>
<action>echo 1 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab1</action>
<action>echo 3 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab3</action>
<checkbox width_request="32" height_request="40" use-underline="true" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext 'Vérifier les mise à jour à chaque lancement')'">
<action>if true echo true >"'$HOME'/.multisystem/checkupdate"</action>
<action>if false echo false >"'$HOME'/.multisystem/checkupdate"</action>
<input>cat "'$HOME'/.multisystem/checkupdate"</input>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<vbox height_request="70" spacing="0">
<text sensitive="false">
<input>echo "'$(eval_gettext "Volume USB:")'$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb) UUID:$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-uuid-usb)\n'$(eval_gettext 'Point de montage:')'$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-mountpoint-usb)\n'$(eval_gettext 'Taille:')'$(($(df | grep ^$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb) | awk '\''{print $2}'\'')/1024))Mio '$(eval_gettext 'Occupé:')'$(($(df | grep ^$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb) | awk '\''{print $3}'\'')/1024))Mio '$(eval_gettext 'Libre:')'$(($(df | grep ^$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb) | awk '\''{print $4}'\'')/1024))Mio\n'$(eval_gettext 'Nombre de LiveCD:')'$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nombreiso-usb)"</input>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<hbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" relief="2" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext 'Sauvegarde/Restauration')'">
<input file icon="multisystem-save2"></input>
<action>./ save</action>
<frame '$(eval_gettext "Glisser/Déposer iso/img")'>
<hbox spacing="0">
<entry primary-icon-name="multisystem-seliso" secondary-icon-name="'${theme_btn}'"
accept="filename" activates-default="false" fs-folder="'$HOME/'" fs-action="file"
fs-filters="*.iso|*.img" show-hidden="false" fs-title="Select an iso file"
tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Glisser/Déposer iso/img")'"
primary-icon-tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext 'Utilisez ce bouton si le Glisser/Déposer ne fonctionne pas.')'"
secondary-icon-tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Ajouter un liveCD")'">
<action signal="changed">test "$DAG" && echo "DAG:$DAG"</action>
<action signal="changed">test "$DAG" && ./ add\|"${DAG}" &</action>
<action signal="changed">clear:DAG</action>
<action signal="changed">refresh:DAG</action>
<action signal="changed">refresh:MESSAGES</action>
<action signal="changed">refresh:tree</action>
<action signal="primary-icon-press">fileselect:DAG</action>
<action signal="secondary-icon-press">./</action>
<button name="stylebt" relief="2" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext "Quitter")'">
<input file icon="multisystem-exit"></input>
<action>wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo"</action>
<action>wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo2"</action>
<action>wmctrl -c "VBox"</action>
<action type="exit">exit</action>
'$(comment Onglet N°1 Menus)'
<vbox spacing="0">
<hbox spacing="0">
<hbox spacing="0">
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<input file stock="gtk-preferences"></input>
<action>./ pref</action>
<text width_request="157" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Réglages Grub')'</b>"</label>
<hbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-grub48"></input>
<action>./ grub</action>
<text width_request="157" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Mettre à jour Grub2')'</b>"</label>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-grub48"></input>
<action>./ burg</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Mettre à jour Burg')'</b>"</label>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file stock="gtk-save"></input>
<action>./ save</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Sauvegarde/Restauration')'</b>"</label>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-save"></input>
<action>./ persistent\|$tree</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Ajouter mode persistent')'</b>"</label>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-resize"></input>
<action>./ persistent-resize</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Redimensionner persistent')'</b>"</label>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-download"></input>
<action>echo All | tee /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-output-list</action>
<action>echo 1 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab1</action>
<action>echo 2 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab3</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Télécharger des LiveCD')'</b>"</label>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-language"></input>
<action>echo 1 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab1</action>
<action>echo 1 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab3</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Internationalisation')'</b>"</label>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-gparted64"></input>
<action>echo 1 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab1</action>
<action>echo 5 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab3</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Formater votre clé USB')'</b>"</label>
<hbox spacing="0">
<hbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file stock="gtk-execute"></input>
<action>echo "" >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb</action>
<action>echo 1 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab1</action>
<action>echo 4 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab3</action>
<text width_request="157" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Déboguer')'</b>"</label>
<hbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-vbox"></input>
<action>./ installvbox</action>
<text width_request="157" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Installer VirtualBox')'</b>"</label>
<hbox spacing="0">
<hbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-update"></input>
<action>echo 1 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab1</action>
<action>echo 3 > /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab3</action>
<text width_request="157" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Mise à jour')'</b>"</label>
<hbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file stock="gtk-delete"></input>
<action>nohup xterm -title 'Uninstall' -e "sudo ./" &</action>
<action>wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo"</action>
<action>wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo2"</action>
<action>wmctrl -c "VBox"</action>
<action type="exit">exit</action>
</button><text width_request="157" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Désinstaller')'</b>"</label>
'$(comment Onglet N°2 Démarrage)'
<vbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-cdrom"></input>
<action>./ cdamorce</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Créer CD pour lancer USB')'</b>"</label>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-grub48"></input>
<action>./ infoboot\|grub</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Boot depuis Grub/Grub2')'</b>"</label>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-windows48"></input>
<action>./ infoboot\|xp</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Boot depuis Windows XP')'</b>"</label>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-windows48"></input>
<action>./ infoboot\|vista</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Boot depuis Windows Vista')'</b>"</label>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-apple48"></input>
<action>./ infoboot\|macintel</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Boot depuis MacIntel')'</b>"</label>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-qemu"></input>
<action>./ qemu</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Tester votre liveUSB dans Qemu')'</b>"</label>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-vbox"></input>
<action>./ vbox</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Tester votre liveUSB dans VirtualBox')'</b>"</label>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="36" height_request="36">
<input file icon="multisystem-vbox"></input>
<action>wmctrl -c "VBox"</action>
<action>./ &</action>
<text width_request="345" use-markup="true">
<label>"<b>'$(eval_gettext 'Tester un LiveCD dans VirtualBox')'</b>"</label>
'$(comment Onglet N°3 Non-Libre)'
<vbox spacing="0">
<text use-markup="true" wrap="true" width-chars="70" sensitive="false">
<input>echo "\<b>\<big>'$(eval_gettext "Partie Non Libre de MultiSystem")'\</big>\</b>" | sed "s%\\\%%g"</input>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<button name="stylebt" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext 'PLoP Boot Manager est un freeware.')'">
<input file icon="multisystem-plop-logo"></input>
<label>'$(eval_gettext 'Télécharger PLoP Boot Manager')'</label>
<action>./ plop</action>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<button name="stylebt" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext 'Utilisé pour démarrer les iso de Windows XP')'">
<input file icon="multisystem-windows48"></input>
<label>'$(eval_gettext 'Télécharger firadisk.ima')'</label>
<action>./ firadisk</action>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<vbox homogeneous="true">
<button name="stylebt" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext 'Utilisé pour les iso BartPE')'">
<input file icon="multisystem-windows48"></input>
<label>'$(eval_gettext 'Télécharger Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1')'</label>
<action>./ bartpe</action>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<hbox height_request="200">
<tree hover_selection="true" headers_visible="false" exported_column="0">
<input icon_column="0">cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-nonfree</input>
<action signal="button-press-event">nohup '${navuse}' "$HOME"/.multisystem/nonfree&</action>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
'$(comment Onglet N°4 À propos)'
<vbox spacing="0">
<text use-markup="true" wrap="true" sensitive="false">
<input>echo "\<b>'$(eval_gettext 'MultiSystem recherche des traducteurs,\nSi vous souhaitez participer,\nMerci de nous contacter.\nContact:')'[email protected]\</b>" | sed "s%\\\%%g"</input>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<vbox height_request="32" homogeneous="true">
<text use-underline="true"><label>_</label></text>
<text use-markup="true">
<input file>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputversion</input>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<input file>"'${dossier}'/pixmaps/multisystem-map-flags.png"</input>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<hbox height_request="160">
<tree headers_visible="false" exported_column="1">
<input icon_column="0">cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-about</input>
<action>xdg-email --utf8 --subject "MultiSystem translation" --body "message" "${tree3}" &</action>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<input file>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-inputtab2</input>
<action signal="show">refresh:tree</action>
'$(comment Onglet masqué secondaire 1)'
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<notebook show-border="false" show_tabs="false" page="0" labels="0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11">
'$(comment Onglet N°0 N/A)'
<vbox spacing="0">
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<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
'$(comment Onglet N°1 Internationalisation)'
<vbox spacing="0">
<vbox height_request="370">
<frame '$(eval_gettext 'Changer de language')'>
<hbox spacing="0" height_request="32">
<input file icon="config-language"></input>
<text width_request="5" use-underline="true"><label>_</label></text>
<comboboxtext allow-empty="false" value-in-list="true" tooltip-text="'$(eval_gettext 'Changer de language')'">
<input>bash -c "FCT_lister_lang"</input>
<action signal="changed">echo "$(grep "^$lister_lang" "'${dossier}'/lang_list.txt")" >"$HOME/.multisystem/lang_sel.txt"</action>
<action signal="changed">nohup "${dossier}/" &</action>
<action signal="changed">wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo"</action>
<action signal="changed">wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo2"</action>
<action signal="changed">wmctrl -c "VBox"</action>
<action signal="changed">exit:selang</action>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<text use-markup="true" wrap="true" sensitive="false">
<input>echo "\<b>\<big>'$texte_annonce'\</big>\</b>" | sed "s%\\\%%g"</input>
'$(comment Onglet N°2 Télécharger des LiveCD)'
<vbox spacing="0">
<vbox height_request="370">
<entry activates_default="true">
<button name="stylebt">
<input file stock="gtk-find"></input>
<action>echo "$QUOI" >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-output-list</action>
<button name="stylebt">
<input file stock="gtk-find"></input>
<action>echo All | tee /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-output-list</action>
<button name="stylebt">
<input file stock="gtk-find"></input>
<action>echo Audio | tee /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-output-list</action>
<button name="stylebt">
<input file stock="gtk-find"></input>
<action>echo Utility | tee /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-output-list</action>
<button name="stylebt">
<input file stock="gtk-find"></input>
<action>echo Antivirus | tee /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-output-list</action>
<button name="stylebt">
<input file stock="gtk-find"></input>
<action>echo Gamer | tee /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-output-list</action>
<tree headers_visible="true" exported_column="3" rules_hint="true">
<label>Name|Bootloader|Category|URL Download</label>
<input icon_column="0">bash -c "FCT_download_livecd"</input>
<action>test ${tree_list} && xdg-open ${tree_list} &</action>
'$(comment Onglet N°3 Mise à jour)'
<vbox spacing="0">
<vbox height_request="370">
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<vbox width_request="400" width_request="50"scrollable="true">
<text use-markup="true" wrap="true" width-chars="70">
<input>echo "\<b>\<span color=\"red\">'$(eval_gettext "A ce jour MultiSystem est gratuit\nmais son développement n\\047est pas sans frais!\nSi vous l\\047utilisez régulièrement\net que vous souhaitez qu\\047il continue à évoluer,\nmerci de faire un geste de soutien via paypal.\n\npar avance MERCI!\nFrançois Fabre @frafa")'\</span>\</b>" | sed "s%\\\%%g" | sed "s%\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n%%g"</input>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<label>"'$(eval_gettext 'Vérifier les mise à jour à chaque lancement')'"</label>
<action>if true echo true >"'$HOME'/.multisystem/checkupdate"</action>
<action>if false echo false >"'$HOME'/.multisystem/checkupdate"</action>
<input>cat "'$HOME'/.multisystem/checkupdate"</input>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<vbox spacing="0">
<radiobutton active="true">
<label>"'$(eval_gettext "Faire une donation")'"</label>
<label>"'$(eval_gettext "Ne pas faire de donation")'"</label>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<vbox spacing="0">
<radiobutton active="true">
<label>"'$(eval_gettext "Mise à jour")'"</label>
<label>"'$(eval_gettext "Mise à jour partielle")'"</label>
<input file>'${theme_bdo}'</input>
<button name="stylebt">
<input file icon="multisystem-update"></input>
<label>'$(eval_gettext 'Mise à jour')'</label>
<action>bash -c "FCT_update" &</action>
<action>wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo"</action>
<action>wmctrl -c "MultiSystem-logo2"</action>
<action>wmctrl -c "VBox"</action>
<action type="exit">exit</action>
'$(comment Onglet N°4 Déboguer)'
<vbox spacing="0">
<vbox height_request="370">
<frame Debug>
<vbox scrollable="true">
<input file>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb</input>
<hbox homogeneous="true">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="180">
<input file icon="gtk-execute"></input>
<label>"'$(eval_gettext "fdisk -l")'"</label>
<action>fdisk -l $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed '\''s/[0-9]//'\'')>/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="180">
<input file icon="gtk-execute"></input>
<label>"'$(eval_gettext "parted print")'"</label>
<action>parted -s $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed '\''s/[0-9]//'\'') unit MB print >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb</action>
<hbox homogeneous="true">
<hbox spacing="0">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="115">
<input file icon="gtk-execute"></input>
<label>"'$(eval_gettext "Afficher mbr")'"</label>
<action>dd if="$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed '\''s/[0-9]//'\'')" bs=512 count=1 | xxd >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="65">
<input file icon="gtk-execute"></input>
<label>"'$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed 's@/dev/@@')'"</label>
<action>dd if="$(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb)" bs=512 count=1 | xxd >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="180">
<input file icon="gtk-execute"></input>
<label>"'$(eval_gettext "udevadm info")'"</label>
<action>udevadm info -q all -n $(cat /tmp/multisystem/multisystem-selection-usb | sed '\''s/[0-9]//'\'') >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb</action>
<hbox homogeneous="true">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="180">
<input file icon="gtk-execute"></input>
<label>"'$(eval_gettext "Version Grub2")'"</label>
<action>grub-install -v >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="180">
<input file icon="gtk-execute"></input>
<label>"'$(eval_gettext "Réparer fat32")'"</label>
<action signal="button-press-event">echo '${message_debug}' >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb</action>
<action signal="button-press-event">refresh:debug_edit</action>
<action signal="button-release-event">bash -c "xterm -e FCT_debug_repair"</action>
<action signal="button-release-event">echo >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb</action>
<action signal="button-release-event">refresh:debug_edit</action>
<hbox homogeneous="true">
<button name="stylebt" width_request="180">
<input file icon="gtk-execute"></input>
<label>"'$(eval_gettext "Benchmark écriture")'"</label>
<action signal="button-press-event">echo '${message_debug}' >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb</action>
<action signal="button-press-event">refresh:debug_edit</action>
<action signal="button-release-event">bash -c "xterm -e FCT_debug_write"</action>
<action signal="button-release-event">refresh:debug_edit</action>
<button name="stylebt" width_request="180">
<input file icon="gtk-execute"></input>
<label>"'$(eval_gettext "Benchmark lecture")'"</label>
<action signal="button-press-event">echo '${message_debug}' >/tmp/multisystem/multisystem-test-usb</action>
<action signal="button-press-event">refresh:debug_edit</action>
<action signal="button-release-eve

Lone_Wolf wrote:
Not sure why the usermod command didn't have the desired effect, but the gpasswd command is the preferred way :
# gpasswd -a [user] [group]
I tried this and restarted
#gpasswd -a <user> adm
Adding <user> to group adm
and it exited successfully but still it didn't fix the problem

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    Dear tdsouza
    Welcome in lenovo forums
    just a clarification , do you mean option Rotate is dimmed in setting 
    Please let me know 
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

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    Your tablet uses Android OS.
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    Direct Insertion
    Insert the jpg, gif, or png image directly in your template.
    ...This works obviously
    URL Reference
    1. Insert a dummy image in your template.
    2. In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
    url:{'http://image location'}
    For example, enter: url:{''}
    ...This works too when I hardcode an url as url:{''}
    Element Reference from XML File
    1. Insert a dummy image in your template.
    2. In Microsoft Word's Format Picture dialog box select the Web tab. Enter the following syntax in the Alternative text region to reference the image URL:
    where IMAGE_LOCATION is an element from your XML file that holds the full URL to the image.
    ...This, however, does not work.
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    PS: My BI version:

    Hi Oeren,
    your steps seem basically to be correct. I have a tutorial how to do this here (in german)
    when you see the URL corrently as long as you have it as a plain text field, the XML tag and the
    referencing seem to be OK.
    Here are two thought - the issue might be one of these ...
    How did you insert the dummy image into the word document - did you do it via "insert" or
    via "link to file". "Link to File" does not work - you must choose the simple "insert".
    Another one: Does your BI Server have a connection to the internet - is the proxy server correctly set ..?
    Does this help ..?
    Cloud Computing mit APEX umsetzen. Jetzt!
    SQL und PL/SQL: Tipps, Tricks & Best Practice

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    If you restored to factory settings/new iPod and still have the problem that indicates a hardware problem.
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    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Hey , Welcome to the HP forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here. I see that you are having some issues with adjusting the power save mode settings on your Laserjet P1606dn. I can help with that. First make sure the printer is plugged directly into a wall outlet and not a surge protector. If the printer is connected with an ethernet cable to a router then you may be able to do this instead:On the printer hold down the button that looks like a sheet of paper with an arrow on it for about ten seconds. This should print out a report.On your Mac open a browser and enter the printer's IP Address in your Address bar exactly as it appears on the page. When you are finished click on enter/return.This will open the printer's Embedded Web Server. In here you may be able to find some options to adjust the power save settings.If the above does not work then this troubleshooting may assist you with the utility:Go to Applications, and if you have it open the Hewlett-Packard folder.Run HP Uninstaller to remove any existing software from you system.On the Mac go to the Apple icon and Sytem Preferences.Open Printers and Scanners.Hold down the Command key and click on the picture of your printer on the left.Click on Reset Printing System.Go to Applications and Utilities.Open Disk Utility.Click on Macintosh HD on the left.Click on Verify Disk Permissions. This should take about ten minutes.Click on Repair Disk Permissions. This should take about ten minutes.Restart your Mac.Plug in the USB cable between the printer and the router.Check for Product Updates on your Mac.Try running the tool again.If this resolves everything please let others know by clicking on Accept as Solution below my post.
    I hope this helps and I hope you have a great day! 

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    The sound seems very faint but can here static on playback.

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    No I did not use any unauthorized methods for anything, I simply reset my phone back to factory.
    <Edited By Host>

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    I am using home sharing since about a year without any problems. After updating to snow leopard 10.6.4 and iTunes 9.2 it suddenly does not work anymore.
    On my iMac and my Mac Book Pro I get error code 3259 and it tells me to check my firewall and to enable Port 3689.
    I did not change anything in the firewall settings, itunes on both allows data traffic in both directions. I also do not find any option to activate a port ( also wondering why this is suddenly now necessary)
    I deactivated home sharing on both machines and enabled it again. It still does not work.
    On both machines iTunes displays the the library on the left side but like said it is not accessable
    With Finder I can access the other computer from both machines without any problem.
    Any help to solve this would be very much appreciated

    first of all, if you are behind a router firewall, and have your network secured (WPA2 and a long, non-dictionary password made up of letters and numbers), you don't need the software firewall on your Mac(s).
    @ least turned if off for troubleshooting purposes.
    turn home sharing off on both computers, and make sure
    (a) both Macs have access to the internet
    (b) iTunes on both machines is authorized for the same iTunes account.
    turn home sharing back on on both Macs.
    does it work ?

  • Adobe photoshop cs2 download on adobe website does not work-  the serial number does not work?

    photoshop cs2 download on adobe website does not work - the serial number given isn't recognised when you enter it when trying to install. the live chat at adobe cannot help and suggested that I may find the answer here. Can anyone help with this?

    Adobe has decommissioned the CS2 activation servers, so your old serial number is no longer usable.
    If you download the special non-activating version of CS2 that Adobe has made available to licensed CS2 users, you MUST also use the new serial number provided by Adobe on that download page:
    That S/N does work.  I double checked.

  • Unable to install "Mavericks" as it asks for my 'Admin Password" and it does not work. Have not used it since I got my iMac in 2008. First upgrade to do so. Any solutions please?

    I have a 2008 iMac which had Leopard initially and I have upgraded to each new OS without a hitch. I downloaded "Mavericks" and began the install, it asked me for my "Admin Password" which I have never ever used since I set the Mac up, I have it safely tucked away so entered it, it rejected it each time. Am sort of lost now, as if my "Admin P/W" does not work here can I go from here?
    I have seen many others with this problem but so far most of the solutions seem to be for the "log in" or "User" password not the Admin one.
    I am running Mountain Lion successfully.
    I have my original disks as supplied and also a Snow Leopard install disk.
    I have seen some info about fixing this via Lion Recovery partition which I must have due to using Mt Lion.
    How can I repair this situation.
    Thank you to all those who respond.

    Thanks for your reply.
    I have visited both the sites you listed but it seems to me that the solutions mentioned are to fix the User or log in p/w's.They do not seem to refer to the admin one again.
    I understand about it being just like other user accts but the fixes do not really refer to it only the above two.
    I have no problem booting up my Mac, I do not use a log in p/w so my problem is with the Admin p/w that was set up back in 2008. This is what I need to reset etc.
    I am quite confused over these pw's as to just what is what and I need to make sure I understand all before I get into deeper trouble following these links.
    This Admin p/w that was set up has never been used and is the only p/w I have except for my Apple ID. All previous upgrades only required my user name log in which has no p/w set up.
    I hope you can follow me here butI have read so much on this it is becoming very confusing about whcih p/w's are what.

Maybe you are looking for

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