Multiclip issues trying to mix SD & HD footage.

I shot 3 cameras, two in SD and a master shot in HDV of a play. I am trying to use the Multiclip feature in FCP 6.0.5.
It states in the manual that I can make a multiclip out "anything" but I have hit the issue that it will only make a multiclip out of footage shot in the same codec! So I took my HDV footage and put it into a SD timeline and then discovered FCP wont make a multiclip using a Sequence Timeline either!
I wanted to use the wideshot in HD as a mastershot that I could cut too when the other two closeup cameras had missed an actor (as there are 13 on stage) and be able to zoom into the HD frame to provide closeups.
Can anyone suggest a workaround to these issues?

So I down converted my HD clip to SD and now I can create a Multiclip. Thx
Next problem is, one of the cameras angles has been shot darker than the others. So I appled a brightness filter to the clip in the browser so it would apply to the whole shot and this does not transfer to the Multiclip version. So I re-generated the Multiclip with the filter applied to the clip and again does not carry over! Definetly discovering some major limitationns of the Multiclip feature!
Message was edited by: PersonalMovies

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    Mr. Snook wrote:
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    emphasis on "tiny amount"
    TINY fractions of a second. this is how you get the "full sound"
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    Describe the issues.
    Some things to try first:
    1. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord for 30 seconds or longer) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    2. Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    3. Change the channel on your wireless router (Auto or Channel 6 is best). Instructions at ork.html
    4. Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    5.  Renew IP Address: (especially if you are droping internet connection)
        •    Launch Settings app
        •    Tap on Wi-Fi
        •    Tap on the blue arrow of the Wi-Fi network that you connect to from the list
        •    In the window that opens, tap on the Renew Lease button
    6. Potential Quick Fixes When Your iPad Won’t Connect to Your Wifi Network t-connect-to-your-wifi-network/
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    Wi-Fi Fix for iOS 6
    How To: Workaround iPad Wi-Fi Issues
    Another Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems
    Wifi Doesn't Connect After Waking From Sleep - Sometimes increasing screen brightness prevents the failure to reconnect after waking from sleep. According to Apple, “If brightness is at lowest level, increase it by moving the slider to the right and set auto brightness to off.”
    Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems?
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    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues
    Fix Slow WiFi Issue
    How To Fix iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
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    Some Wi-Fi losses may stem from a problematic interaction between Wi-Fi and cellular data connections. Numerous users have found that turning off Cellular Data in Settings gets their Wi-Fi working again.
    You may have many apps open which can possibly cause the slowdown and possibly the loss of wifi. In iOS 4-6 double tap your Home button & at the bottom of the screen you will see the icons of all open apps. Close those you are not using by pressing on an icon until all icons wiggle - then tap the minus sign. For iOS 7 users, there’s an easy way to see which apps are open in order to close them. By double-tapping the home button on your iPhone or iPad, the new multitasking feature in iOS 7 shows full page previews of all your open apps. Simply scroll horizontally to see all your apps, and close the apps with a simple flick towards the top of the screen.
    Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings grayed out or dim
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

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    When downconverting to SD for editing, it looks as though the video from the FX1 will have black bars at the top and bottom - something I don't mind, but my customer may have questions about.
    1) Will it be odd to mix footage from the FX1 that has been downconverted to DV with standard DV footage from the Canon GL2? Is there a way to import the footage (anamorphic, or whatever) so that there are no bars? Or, what is the correct setting for importing into FCP? Again, the bars don't bother me and if they have to be there, I can tell the customer that in the future I'll deliver it to them in HD.
    2) When I do edit for HD, will it look odd when switching between the FX1 and GL2? I don't mind the GL2 having bars on the side.
    I guess my overall question is: What's the best way to import footage into FCP 4.5 when using HDV, and are the bars going to be there no matter what if I deliver the final video in standard DV? Again, the bars don't bother me, I'm just worried about how the customer will view this.
    - John

    I deal with similar issues with legacy 4x3 Beta SP mixed with HD quite a bit. I'm speculating, as I have not had to mix HDV and DV yet, but this is how I would try to deal with it were I in your shoes.
    You can put both in a time line, but it will be painful to edit this way. One or the other will need to be rendered, and the actions you take with the footage will cause you to have to render again. And again. And again. No Joy.
    I would look for a down convert with edge crop from the camera. This will chop off the edges of your HDV frame. As mentioned above, this might have a different name, but the key is to get footage that is of the same format (DV) and aspect ration (4x3) as your GL footage. Edit in DV.
    You could import it 16x9 (black bars on top and bottom as you say) DV, blow it up so the black bars go away, and then slide it back and forth in the canvas with the motion controls in order to adjust the framing. Indeed you might have to do this if you did not shoot with 4x3 safety in mind. This is called "pan and scan" and it is how movies shot wide screen were squeezed onto our 4x3 TVs. If you have to do this your HDV footage will look quite poor. Down conversion and then scaling up is not good JuJu.
    But, if you can't find a way to play the hdv footage out DV 4x3 center cut, or crop or whatever your camera calls it, you might be forced into this scenario.
    You might try capturing the HDV the footage natively in a separate project. Drop this on a DV sequence. It will appear as a 16x9 image (black bars on the top and bottom.) Double click to load in the viewer and click the motion tab. The scale parameter will be at less than 100 percent. Scale it up until the black bars go away and your percentage is a round even number. Then export as self contained Quicktime movie. Name it HDV to 4x3DV. Reimport this into the DV project with your GL footage where you plan to edit.
    This avoids the scaling issue and does the down convert in FCP. I suspect this will look better than the alternative, but I have not tried it.
    Hope this helps.

  • Having issue trying to import large (23min) clip into iMovie 08 and FCEx 4.0.1

    Through my iMac 2.0GHz 2GB ram, Intel Core Duo using OS 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard).  Try to no success to import a 23 min AVCHD clip into either
    iMovie 08 or FCEx 4.0.1.  I know my mac, OS and software are antiquated by today's current editions, but that said never had this issue before.
    Footage was shot with Sony NX5u camera using SDHC (class 10) media.  The event I shot has 54 video clips on the card.  All but this large clip
    will import. So I don't think it's some kinda of file structure issue.  Otherwise I think none of the clips would have imported into to either editing program.
    Each (iMovie 08 and FCEx) will begin the import process for this large clip. iMovie begins to import, but in the end only 11:28 of the full 23 min. get imported.
    FCEx after beginning to import eventually aborts the import.  I know in the past I've been able to import long clips (15-20min) with no issues.  Maybe
    someone here has a solution.  Dare I say I need to bump my ram up to 6GB, upgrade to Yosemite, upgrade to latest iMovie or FCPX.  Considered trying
    Adobe Premier.  Right now I'm wide open for any suggestions on how to tackle this problem.

    Hi M
    First thing that comes to mind is - Have You just installed FinalCut on
    Your Mac. There are a known problem with this so that You have to
    go to Library folder and move out FCE or pro files to make share back
    to camera to work in iMovie.
    my notes:
    This can happen with iMovie 3 or iMovie 4. This does not occur with iMovie HD 5.0.
    The solution is to temporarily move the following files from /Library/QuickTime / to the Desktop:
    Final Cut Pro HD
    ? DesktopVideoOut.component
    ? DVCPROHDVideoOutput.component
    Final Cut Express HD
    ? DesktopVideoOut.component
    Restart the computer and try exporting from iMovie to your camera.
    When you need to use Final Cut Pro HD or Final Cut Express HD again, drag these files back to /Library/QuickTime / and restart the computer.
    Yours Bengt W

  • Can't view a website, issue related to mixed content blocking

    I am having trouble viewing the website below in Firefox. This is Basic Talk, which is basically internet phone service, similar to Vonage. But it's cheaper and sold at Walmart. Was wondering why I could pull up their website just fine on my cell phone, but couldn't get it up on Firefox (or IE for that manner). In order to set up my account with them, I had to do it completely online via my cell phone. But after doing some research I came across some info in the Firefox Bugzilla support forums. And it appears this issue is related to the "Mixed Content Blocking" issues. I've tried viewing the site via "http" and "https" and neither way works in Firefox. But again, via my cellphone, just fine. If you all could please look into this and provide me further details with how I can view and access this site. I would greatly appreciate it.

    Firefox 3 versions do not have mixed content blocking features, so if this happens with the 3.6.27 version that shows in the System Details List and also in other browsers like IE then something else is wrong.
    You can try to reset (power off/on) the router.

  • I'm having several multiclip issues.

    Hello - I'm hoping someone with more knowledge than myself about FCP 7's multiclip function could help. I shot an acoustic duo performing the same song (the song was pumped through speakers as they played along with it) and did about 11 takes. This enabled me to get some wide shots, close shots, guitar shots, etc. The shot was done with a Canon Vixia HF S100 & Vixia HF S10. Same modes, same everything.
    First Issue:
    When I drag more than 4 clips to the timline, it's asking to render. Why? It doesn't matter which clips I bring in, if they are more than 4, it asks to render.
    Second Issue:
    When I use PluralEyes to sync, it syncs the clips fine. Again, it's asking me to render!?
    Third Issue
    I then drag the newly created multiclip file into the "Multiclip" sequence. Here's the real frustrating part. In order to play all of the clips and select which camera angle I want (thereby creating a marker on the timeline for editing), it will not play the multiclip files IF I have more than 5 clips. It just shows one clip and/or a window that says UNRENDERED.
    What am I doing wrong? If I do this with 5 or less clips, no issue, however, if I do it with 6 clips, I get the below issue:
    Here's how it looks with 5 clips! (which works)

    >When I drag more than 4 clips to the timline, it's asking to render. Why? It doesn't matter which clips I bring in, if they are more than 4, it asks to render.
    Well, that's not how you do Multiclip in FCP.  It is ONE way, but not the way to use MULTICLIP.  Look in the manual for that.  What you are doing now is STACKING the clips.  Now, what will make the renders go away...FAST STORAGE.  It is needing you to render because whatever drive you have this footage stored on, can only play back so many streams of video...layers of the same time.  It will hit a wall.  eSATA...MiniSAS...those are faster options.  You will not get 11 streams with firewire.  And it seems you have issues with four....
    >When I use PluralEyes to sync, it syncs the clips fine. Again, it's asking me to render!?
    Ah...yes, PluralEyes will stack.  And the reason you have to render is what I stated above.  Media Drive speed.
    Third issue...same thing.  Drive speed.  That's your bottleneck.

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    After hours and hours of research, I'm completely stuck. Here's the basic problem.
    When I plug in my Iphone to my laptop, windows pulls up a little window that says installing device driver software. After several minutes, the process fails and a message comes up that says windows found drivers for my device, but encountered an error and wasn't able to install them. In the device manager, the iphone is listed as an "other device" with a yellow triangle/exclamation point. Itunes never recognizes the device.
    When I plug in my ipod nano 4th generation, the exact same thing happens, except it's listed in the device manager as an ipod. (same yellow triangle though.)
    Up until today, both of these devices have been working properly, syncing without trouble. The iphone synced wirelessly and the ipod every time I plugged it in. I can't figure out what on earth happened to my laptop today that messed things up.
    It's also worth noting that I have another older ipod nano... second generation, I think, that plugs in and is recognized immediately, works perfectly.
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    1. I worked through every single troubleshooting guide that Apple has to offer. No change.
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    4. reset both the phone and the ipod. No change.
    5. I've tried various cables. No change.
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    7. I've used selective start up to see if another program is interfering. I've stood on my head and counted to one hundred. I've only said seventeen swear words.
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    Not sure if this is significant, but in a weird turn of events, when I tried plugging the ipod in this morning, the little message that pops up to install device driver software actually told me the drivers were installed successfully. However, in the device manager, it still says the drivers are NOT installed properly, the little yellow triangle is still there and the ipod still isn't registering in itunes, or my computer. So. Not really any improvement, but a different symptom none the less?
    I'm desperate, guys. Someone help?

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