Multiple EPMA Engine Manager

Hi All,
We're using EPMA to manage dimensions in several ASO and Planning applications. Currently we are having problems with deployment due to a large number of members in the Entity dimensions (100k including alt hierachies). I'm looking for a way to load balance EPMA to minimize deployment failure. So far, I've vertical cluster (add 1 more JVM) to the EPMAWebServer component running on Oracle AS. However, this is still not sufficient since deployment kept failing which will only work after several server restarts. In the installation docs, I found out that it's possible to install Engine Manager on a separate server. Does anyone know if this will help with our performance / deployment issue? Also, are there specific installation steps for this? I can't seem to find anything in the installation docs. We're running EPMA

This is possible.You have to configure two connection points pointing to each of them. The TAFR has to be configured to Subscribe from one of them and publish to another.
Please give more information on your requirement. What difficulty you are facing on doing so?

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    Hi John,
    Thanks for the information..i have checked and came to know that the db server is down.
    It is working fine now.
    Could you please let me know..what all the services will not be available if Process manager service is not started?
    Thanks in advance

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    I'm fully aware that this is a user forum, but often you get better answers from users than from Apple.
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    Except as otherwise set forth herein,
    You may download and use an application from the Mac App Store (“Mac App Store Product”) for personal, non-commercial use on any Apple-branded products running Mac OS X (“Mac Computer”) that you own or control.
    (ii) If you are a commercial enterprise or educational institution, you may download a Mac App Store Product for use by either (a) a single individual on each of the Mac Computer(s) used by that individual that you own or control or (b) multiple individuals on a single shared Mac Computer that you own or control. For example, a single employee may use a Mac App Store Product on both the employee’s desktop Mac Computer and laptop Mac Computer, or multiple students may serially use a Mac App Store Product on a single Mac Computer located at a resource center or library. For the sake of clarity, each Mac Computer used serially by multiple users requires a separate license.
    (iii) Use may require sign-in with the Apple ID used to download the Mac App Store Product from the Mac App Store. Mac App Store Products can be updated through the Mac App Store only.
    And further down:
    This license granted to you for the Licensed Application by Licensor is limited to a nontransferable license to use the Licensed Application...
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  • Unable to start EPMA PROCESS MANAGER

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    Service cannot be started. Hyperion.DimensionServer.ProcessManager.Interface.ProcessManagerException: Cannot initialize the Session Manager. ---> System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
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    I believe this happens when you have a problem with your datasources or instances, if you have two conflicting ones then the process manager will not start up.
    Can you check your planning instances and datasources and remove any duplicates or ones that could be conflicting.

  • Running multiple Crystal engines

    Currently, we have an application that has worked quite well with multiple crystal engines installed.  A client can have a report that exports as they expect in say Crystal Reports 10 and also create new reports against Crystal Reports 11 (or Release 2).  The client specifies (within a table in the our DB) which version of crystal to use with a given report and we have a report engine factory that returns the appropriate crystal engine to use for processing the report.
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    Has anyone else experience this problem?  If so, is there a way to work around it?
    Thanks in advance any help you can provide,

    Thanks for the response!
    OK, so I still think this is a problem and I've proven it by only writing .NET code.  Here is what I did.  I created three C# projects within a solution:
    1. A Crystal 11 Release 2 project that simply implements an interface that has three methods on it (OpenReport, RecordSelectionFormula, and CloseReport).  This project implements the .NET Crystal objects from Crystal 11 Release 2).
    2. A Crystal 2008 project that simply implements an interface that has three methods on it (OpenReport, RecordSelectionFormula, and CloseReport).  This project implements the .NET Crystal objects from Crystal 2008).
    3. A Windows project that simply calls on both of the above projects (both are referenced in this project) and calls "OpenReport", then "RecordSelectionCriteria" (in a MessageBox), and finally "CloseReport".
    "OpenReport" - uses ReportDocument.Load.
    "CloseReport" - uses ReportDocument.Close - extremely slow process!!!
    "RecordSelectionFormula" - uses ReportDocument.RecordSelectionFormula (my interface implements a set/get)
    As you can see I'm using NO COM at all.  When running this test project, I get the "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID XXX failed due to the following error: 80000003." error even in this case.
    Below is an example of the "Windows project" code.  I have the entire example in a zip file that I can deliver to someone if they want to see exactly what I'm talking about.  I just didn't see a way to attach the example zip file with this post.
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    namespace TestProj
        static class Program
            /// <summary>
            /// The main entry point for the application.
            /// </summary>
            static void Main()
                    TestProj.CrystalEngine crystal11Release2 = new CrystalEngine();
                    crystal11Release2.OpenReport("Place your report name here...");
                    // You will see this error with a COM error even though no COM is being used in the project???
                    TestProj.Crystal2008 crystal2008 = new Crystal2008();
                    crystal2008.OpenReport("Please your report name here...");
                catch (Exception excep)
    Just to reiterate, I have no COM implemented in this example and yet the same problem occurs.
    Any assistance with this problem would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks again,

  • Cannot start EPMA Process Manager.

    I cannot start EPMA Process Manager on Windows. Here is the error from the Event Log:
    Service cannot be started. Hyperion.DimensionServer.ProcessManager.Interface.ProcessManagerException: Cannot initialize the Session Manager. ---> Hyperion.DataAccessLayerCore.DataAccessLayerException: Database connectivity could not be established. ---> Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException ORA-1017: invalid username/password; logon denied at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleErrorHelper(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection conn, IntPtr opsErrCtx, OpoSqlValCtx* pOpoSqlValCtx, Object src, String procedure)
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    at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection.Open()
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    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
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    at Hype...
    I have reconfigured, retyping the correct user and password many times now. I can log into the database from the server using SQL Plus with no issues. If anyone has an idea of what could be wrong, I would really appreciate the help.

    I had the DBA create me a new empty database user. I ran the config tool again using this user/pwd and selected first time configuration of database. This finished successfully, 213 objects were created in the database. When I try to start the dimension server, I am still getting the ORA-1017 error.

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    Dear Sir/Madam
    I am Vivek Gupta and I have done B-tech in Electrical Engineering from one of the reputed institutes of India - M.M.E.C, Mullana in 2004. I have been working with Trident Techlabs Pvt Limited. as a Sr. Design Engineer(Power Automation) . Presently I am working on  ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. I have total two years of experience in SCADA field.
    Please give a look at my attached resume and please consider it if there are any opportunities.
    Looking forward to hear from you soon.
    Thanking you in anticipation.
    vivek Gupta
    vivek[1].doc ‏41 KB

  • Multiple EPMA

    Hi to all
    we're wondering if anybody has experience with partitioning/segmenting EPMA Dimension library visibility.
    We need to delegate to our customers the redeploy of planning applications: basically they add new dimension members in the interface tables and then they need to update the dimension library. last of all, they redeploy the application.
    Not all of our customers should see nor use alle the dimension library but unfortunatly there is no ACL rights specification available INSIDE dimension and application libraries.
    1) do you know a way to achieve this result?
    if the only isolation level availabe is at EPMA level:
    2) can multiple EPMA be installed on the same amchine? I believe not
    3) can we install EPMA on multiple machines (maybe VMs) anche register ALL OF THEM with the same Shared Services and workspace?
    and finally
    4) do you have any reference/hint/api to help us automate user tasks so that our customers can deal with a custom jsp page (which hides the EPMA workflow) instead of logging into epma (a private administrator account would then be used to execute jobs) ?
    thank you all

    I dont think this is possible.
    What you can do though is create your app in Prod and then use the flat file generator to export your app to text file and recreate it in your dev environment. Its not too difficult.
    You could also try using the CopyApplication utility.

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    No matter what I try, only Yahoo and Bing search engines appear in the search box top right on Firefox. The Search engine manager only shows these two engines as well. I want to add Goggle and have not been able to. The default restore in the Search engine Manager is "Greyed out". What can I do to fix this ?

    If those search engines are also missing in the searchplugins folder in the Firefox program folder (C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\) then a (re)install should restore them.
    If they are present then try to delete search.sqlite and search.json in the Firefox Profile Folder.

  • Multiple Adapter engines

    Can anyone confirm if XI 2.0 supports multiple Adapter Engines on different hosts?

    Yes, the XI 2.0 supports multiple adapter engines.
    Only the RFCAdapter should be installed on the XI 2.0 Integration Server engine, but all other adapters can run locally on the business systems for example.
    Best regards, Silvia

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    WinNT4 WKS with JRE 1.3.1 - 1.4.2 loaded on it using IExplorer or Netscape.
    We don't have a need for the JWS download features because our clients (and their applications) remain static for the most part. However, we do require multiple JRE version support because our customers have written class/objet "fixes" (mostly for text rendering) and these fixes break if you try and run the application on a different version of Java from which it was written. Basically, we can't have a default JRE on each machine and hope that it will work with all customer applications. So we will load all necessary Java components on our workstations (in this case JRE versions 1.3.1 - 1.4.2). I know that browsers can be forced to load with a specific Plug-in version (providing it exists on the machine) through Object & Embed tags in the HTML and that standalone apps can be directed to the correct Java directory path. My question is, can JWS automatically identify the Java requirements of our customers applications and act simply as a multi-version management tool to provide the right JRE/Plug-In for either standalone or browser applications? Keeping in mind that all the JREs will be loaded on the workstions and it won't need to download any components from some site.
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    Does anyone know if I can use JWS in the scenario I described above? Thanks!

    JWS can manage the multiple JREs installed if you run the application through a .jnlp. This can not "switch" the default JRE. It runs the application specified in the .jnlp using the requested version specified in the .jnlp.
    JWS does not apply to applets. You should use the object tags as you mentioned below.
    ...can JWS automatically identify the Java requirements of our customers applications
    No. You must determine this and setup the .jnlp appropriately.

  • EPMA Prcess Manager not starting

    Hi John,
    I had gone thru the document you mentioned in the other post and increased the DimensionServerStartTime from 600 to 1200 and also to 1800 later but i am encountering the following error.
    Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion
    Please let me know what to be done

    Hyperion EPMA Server service does not start and displays an error "Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs" when trying to start the service . This issue occurs only in Windows 2008 server.
    The event viewer logs will have the following entry
    Service cannot be started. Hyperion.dimensionserver.Interface.Exceptions. EPMAServiceException:Cannot initialize the session Manager. -->System.Net.SocketException:No Connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
    This problem occurs in an IPv6 enabled server.
    When IPv6 is enabled on the EPMA server, the "Hyperion EPMA Server" service starts a process called EPMA_NetJNIBridge which communicates using IPv6. The problem is that the "Hyperion EPMA Server" is only listening using IPv4.
    This issue has been identified as a code bug in and is currently scheduled to be fixed in
    As a temporary solution, add the IPv6 loopback address to the host file on the server.
    ::1 localhost
    ::1 is the IPv6 loopback address. It is the IPv4 equivelent of " localhost"

  • Package has multiple "SMS Distribution Manager" entries on DP it is not published to.

    I have an issue with packages seeming to deploy to DPs they are not being published to.
    We have an aging SCCM 2007 system, which is currently being wound down, so we can migrate to Config Manager 2012.
    The 2007 system currently has 3 servers acting as DPs - one for general software distribution (DP1), one for OSD deployments (DP2) and one for Patch Deployment (DP3).
    DP settings for each package are configured so that general software packages are only published to DP1, all packages related to OSD are only published to DP2, and all Software Updates packages are only published to DP3.
    For historical reasons, DP1 is also a  secondary site server, however, this now manages site boundaries for the full estate, prior to migration to SCCM 2012
    I have just returned from a very pleasant annual leave to find that DP1 is flooded with site status messages for the SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER component; these are repetitions of the same three messages:
    "SMS Distribution Manager is beginning to process package ..."
    "SMS Distribution Manager is starting to distribute package ..."
    "SMS Distribution Manager successfully processed package ..."
    The package in question is an OS Image, which is only published to DP2. I am at a loss to understand why it is continually trying to publish to DP1 (over 33,000 entries for this component as I write this)
    Note that these messages are "information" level messages, not errors, but are causing the Site Status for DP1 to continually "red flag"
    Are there any logs etc I can check on this server to debug and diagnose why this rogue package is trying to process itself on this server? And any steps I can take to kill this?

    Looking at the error message "The Network Adapter could not establish the connection" , It appears hostname and port may be incorrect. Review the targets.xml under E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\SAP_solman_SDB\emd and under E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\SAP_solman_SDB\config folder to make sure host ( sap_solman) and port (1527) are correct.
    As far as setting the environment variables goes, you can go to control panel -> system -> advanced -> environment variables and set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID

  • Multiple adapter engine URL's found

    In the integration directory, when we tried to add a communication channel or change a currently existing communication channel we get an error " Attempt to determine which Adapter Engines are affected by data changes failed". We did a cache refresh and in AE runtime cache we find the AE name changed to "CA" with a new adapter engine name. The default was "AE" with the adpater name blank. Also in the cache notification of ID there is an "Unknown error" in red and in the cache instance we find 2 adapter engine instances.
    Where can we find the actual adapter engine set up for the integration server ?? and How can we revert back to the original settings??
    Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Murugadass,
    This link provides all details pertaining to adapter engines, expand them further to get information
    Also have a look at this thread:
    No adapter engine when Adapter type as File
    Hope these help and do not forget to assign points for helpful answers!

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