Multiple like patterns

what should be the SQL statement for multiple 'LIKE' patterns. I am giving the statement like this on a dummy 'EMP' table.
Is the above statement correct for multipe patterns which is using 'OR' statement for pattern matching. Please help in solving my doubt as i need it resolved urgently.

Upper, lower case in Ename ????
Try :

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    Crusoe wrote:
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    Hi Nagen,
    You can try the following:
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    template_12.png ‏150 KB
    template_11.png ‏123 KB ‏127 KB

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    Hi @Fureon,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I see that you are getting crack/scratch-like pattern on black with your HP LaserJet CP1525n. I am happy to look into this for you!
    Please take a look through this print quality guide. Resolving Print Quality Issues. If this guide does not resolve your issue, please call our phone support at 800-474-6836. If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get the support number for your region. Country-language selector.
    Hope this helps, and have a nice day!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Nathan - Certified LabVIEW Developer

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    Thanks a lot.

    Hello Matt,
    Well, I'm sorry for the fact of being confusing. I'll try to clarify:
    > ... Are you saying that you want to acquire on one port and then
    > generate data on another port based on matching a pattern on the
    > acquisition? ...
    Yes, this is what I want to do. Also, sample clock is a external
    signal (20MHz) connected to 'STROBE' pin. Generation and acquisition
    sessions both use the same sample clock. Acquisition port has 2 lines/
    inputs (dio28, dio29) and generation one has 28 outputs
    Well, I have to do the following process (let's cross fingers):
    1. When one '0' is detected in dio28 line, then device must wait until
    dio28 is '1' and dio29 is '1'. There's no generation between these
    2. After that, a generation of a certain waveform is performed at
    once, up to a certain number of samples in lines <dio0..dio27>. then,
    dio29 is '0'.
    3. Finally, pseudocoded: 'wait until dio28=1 and dio29=1. Then, go to
    step 2 with another waveform parttern.' Device ends when 288 diferent
    waveforms are written.
    > ... I also wanted to know what version of the NI-6541 you are using? PCI or
    > PXI? ...
    I hope to be more accurate.
    Many Thanks In Advance

  • Cm:select performance problem with multiple likes query clause

    I have query like <br>
              <b>listItem like '*abc.xml*' && serviceId like '*xyz.xml*'</b><br>
              Can we have two likes clauses mentioned above in the cm:select. The above is executing successfully but takes too much time to process. <br><br>
              Can we simplify the above mentioned query or any solution. Please help me in this issue.<br><br>
              Thanks & Regards,<br>
              Murthy Nalluri

    A few notes:
    1. You seem to have either a VPD policy active or you're using views that add some more predicates to the query, according to the plan posted (the access on the PK_OPERATOR_GROUP index). Could this make any difference?
    2. The estimates of the optimizer are really very accurate - actually astonishing - compared to the tkprof output, so the optimizer seems to have a very good picture of the cardinalities and therefore the plan should be reasonable.
    3. Did you gather index statistics as well (using COMPUTE STATISTICS when creating the index or "cascade=>true" option) when gathering the statistics? I assume you're on 9i, not 10g according to the plan and tkprof output.
    4. Looking at the amount of data that needs to be processed it is unlikely that this query takes only 3 seconds, the 20 seconds seems to be OK.
    If you are sure that for a similar amount of underlying data the query took only 3 seconds in the past it would be very useful if you - by any chance - have an execution plan at hand of that "3 seconds" execution.
    One thing that I could imagine is that due to the monthly data growth that you've mentioned one or more of the tables have exceeded the "2% of the buffer cache" threshold and therefore are no longer treated as "small tables" in the buffer cache. This could explain that you now have more physical reads than in the past and therefore the query takes longer to execute than before.
    I think that this query could only be executed in 3 seconds if it is somewhere using a predicate that is more selective and could benefit from an indexed access path.
    Oracle related stuff blog:
    SQLTools++ for Oracle (Open source Oracle GUI for Windows):

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    I want to create a horizontal scrolling website with a set of images, like a film strip.
    Under each image I want the user to input a comment and click like/unlike under each photo.
    I want that all users see others' comments and the like/unlike counter under each image.
    I do not know coding and I need this for a school project.

    It's probably easier to use a wordpress blog setup and a plugin.  You could avoid all the coding issues.  You could take a look at my blog
    here at Best Biometric Gun Safe I did this blog completely through wordpress and avoided all coding issues.  Hope this helps and good luck.

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    please check out the following tutorial:<a href="">Property UI pattern</a>
    It explains the use of a property editor pattern with an object editor pattern. It doesn't show directly the combination of the object list with the property editor pattern - however it shows the principle and with the help of this principle it should be possible to combine the object list with the property editor UI.
    Furthermore you find here another example for the combination of different UI patterns: <a href="">Using KM with UI patterns</a> (just ignore the KM part of this tutoral).

  • Search with multiple "like" strings

    I have a search form (table based on pl/sql block) with 3 textfields to insert search terms.
    I want to perform queries like in google, for example:
    Term1: Oracle
    Term2: Mangold
    Term3: SQL
    The result table should show ALL rows containing Term1 AND Term2 AND Term3
    My code gives me all rows containing Term1 OR Term2 OR Term3...
    Here is what I did so far...
    (textfields are named t1, t2, t3, search destination field is named x)
    select ...
    from ...
    where UPPER(x) like '%' || upper(:t1) || '%' and UPPER(x) like '%' || upper(:t2) and UPPER(x) like '%' || upper(:t2)
    My code is:
    q:='select ' ||
    't.TAPES_PK,' ||
    't.PROJECT_FK,' ||
    'substr(t.TAPE_TITLE, 1, 40) TAPE_TITLE,' ||
    't.TAPE_NO,' ||
    't.LOCATION_FK,' ||
    't.LOCATION_TITLE,' ||
    't.SHOT_DATE,' ||
    'substr(t.TAPE_DESCRIPTION, 1, 30) TAPE_DESCRIPTION,' ||
    't.VIDEO_FORMAT,' ||
    't.CLIPSCOUNT, ' ||
    f:='from "#OWNER#"."TM_VIEW_TAPE_LIST" t where 1=1 ';
    if :P201_SEARCH_STRING is not null then
    wstring:='and upper(TAPE_TITLE) like ''%' || upper(:P201_SEARCH_STRING) || '%'' ';
    end if;
    if :P201_SEARCH_STRING1 is not null then
    wstring:='and upper(TAPE_TITLE) like ''%' || upper(:P201_SEARCH_STRING1) || '%'' ';
    end if;
    if :P201_SEARCH_STRING2 is not null then
    wstring:='and upper(TAPE_TITLE) like ''%' || upper(:P201_SEARCH_STRING2) || '%'' ';
    end if;
    if :P201_SEARCH_SHOT_DATE is not null then
    wshot:=' and SHOT_DATE=to_date(''' ||
         :P201_SEARCH_SHOT_DATE || ''' , ''DD.MM.YYYY'') ';
    end if;
    if :P201_SEARCH_TAPE_NO is not null then
    wno:=' and TAPE_NO = :P201_SEARCH_TAPE_NO ';
    end if;
    if :P201_SEARCH_LOCATION <> -1 then
    wloc:=' and LOCATION_FK = :P201_SEARCH_LOCATION';
    end if;
    q:=q || f || wstring || wshot || wno || wloc;
    RETURN q;
    Thanks a lot

    Shouldn't your code be:
    wstring := '';
    f :P201_SEARCH_STRING is not null then
    wstring:=wstring || " and upper(TAPE_TITLE) like ''%' || upper(:P201_SEARCH_STRING) || '%'' ';
    end if;
    if :P201_SEARCH_STRING1 is not null then
    wstring:=wstring || " and upper(TAPE_TITLE) like ''%' || upper(:P201_SEARCH_STRING1) || '%'' ';
    end if;
    if :P201_SEARCH_STRING2 is not null then
    wstring:=wstring || " and upper(TAPE_TITLE) like ''%' || upper(:P201_SEARCH_STRING2) || '%'' ';
    end if;

Maybe you are looking for