Multiple sequential pattern match in a HSDIO acquisition app

I am quite a newbie about HSDIO apps and I would like to implement a
start-triggered app via Pattern Match. I wonder if I could recognize a
sequence of pattern matches (various samples) in order to start a
I use a NI-6541 device.
Thanks a lot.

Hello Matt,
Well, I'm sorry for the fact of being confusing. I'll try to clarify:
> ... Are you saying that you want to acquire on one port and then
> generate data on another port based on matching a pattern on the
> acquisition? ...
Yes, this is what I want to do. Also, sample clock is a external
signal (20MHz) connected to 'STROBE' pin. Generation and acquisition
sessions both use the same sample clock. Acquisition port has 2 lines/
inputs (dio28, dio29) and generation one has 28 outputs
Well, I have to do the following process (let's cross fingers):
1. When one '0' is detected in dio28 line, then device must wait until
dio28 is '1' and dio29 is '1'. There's no generation between these
2. After that, a generation of a certain waveform is performed at
once, up to a certain number of samples in lines <dio0..dio27>. then,
dio29 is '0'.
3. Finally, pseudocoded: 'wait until dio28=1 and dio29=1. Then, go to
step 2 with another waveform parttern.' Device ends when 288 diferent
waveforms are written.
> ... I also wanted to know what version of the NI-6541 you are using? PCI or
> PXI? ...
I hope to be more accurate.
Many Thanks In Advance

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    I'm still a newbie in using LabVIEW so pardon me if I can't understand fully
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    Given that the pattern matching VI is an IMAQ (Image Acquisition) VI, this question will be best served by posting in our Machine Vision forums.
    Blake C.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Hi tt_ni,
    Pattern I/O only allows the acquisition
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    user2544469 wrote:
    Thanks a lot Frank. This query worked wonderful for the test data I have provided however I have some concerns:
    - query doesnot include the column BOOK which is a mandatory check.Sorry, that was my mistake. It was a very easy mistake to make, since you posted sample data where it didn't matter. Instead of doing a cross-join between vn and got_must_have_cnt, do an inner join, using book. That means book will have to be in got_must_have_cnt, and all the sub-queries from which it descends. Look for comments that say "March 22".
    If you want to treat '+' in as '*', then the simplest thing is probably just to use REPLACE, so that when the table has '+', you use '*' instead.
    WITH     got_token_cnt     AS
         SELECT     cat
         ,     book                                        -- Added March 22
         ,     REPLACE (codes, '+', '*') AS codes                    -- If desired.  Changed March 22
         ,     LENGTH (codes) - LENGTH ( TRANSLATE ( codes
                                                       , 'x*+-'
                                      , 'x'
                             ) AS token_cnt
         FROM    test_cat
    ,     cntr     AS
         SELECT     LEVEL     AS n
         FROM     (  SELECT  MAX (token_cnt)     AS max_token_cnt
                 FROM        got_token_cnt
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= max_token_cnt
    ,     got_tokens     AS
         ,                                        -- Added March 22
         ,     REGEXP_SUBSTR (
                         , '[*+-]'
                         , 1
                         , c.n
                         )          AS token_type
         ,     SUBSTR ( REGEXP_SUBSTR (
                                       , '[*+-][^*+-]*'
                               , 1
                               , c.n
                   , 2
                   )          AS token
         FROM     got_token_cnt     t
         JOIN     cntr          c  ON     c.n     <= t.token_cnt
    ,     got_must_have_cnt     AS
         SELECT       cat, book                                   -- Changed March 22
         ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN token_type = '*' THEN 1 END) AS must_have_cnt
         FROM       got_tokens
         GROUP BY  cat, book                                   -- Changed March 22
    ,       vn.vn_no
    FROM       got_must_have_cnt     mh
    JOIN                    vn  ON     =               -- Changed March 22
    LEFT OUTER JOIN      got_tokens     gt  ON                  =
                                     AND INSTR (, gt.token) > 1
    ,            mh.must_have_cnt
    ,            vn.vn_no
    HAVING       COUNT (CASE WHEN gt.token_type = '*' THEN 1 END)     = mh.must_have_cnt
    AND       COUNT (CASE WHEN gt.token_type = '-' THEN 1 END)     = 0
    - query is very slow with 60000 records in vn table. Cost is somewhere around 36000.See these threads:
    When your query takes too long ...
    HOW TO: Post a SQL statement tuning request - template posting
    Relational databases were designed to have (at most) one piece of information in each column. If you decide to have multiple items in the same column (as you have a variable number of tokens in the codes column), don't be surprised if that makes things slower and more complicated. Most of the query I posted, and perhaps most of the time needed, is jsut to normalize the data. If you stored the data in a narmalized form, perhaps something like got_tokens, then you wouldn't need the first 3 sub-queries that I posted.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Mar 22, 2011 12:04 PM

  • New language feature: lazy local pattern matching

    <p>In the upcoming release of the Open Quark Framework, CAL gets a new language       feature: lazy local pattern matching.</p> <p>The new local pattern match syntax allows one to bind one or more variables to       the fields of a data constructor or a record in a single declaration inside a       let block.</p> <p>      For example:</p> <p>      // data constructor patterns:<br />      public foo1 = let Prelude.Cons a b = ["foo"]; in a;<br />      public foo2 = let Prelude.Cons {head=a, tail=b} = ["foo"]; in a;<br />      <br />      // list cons patterns:<br />      public foo3 = let a:b = [3]; in a;<br />      <br />      // tuple patterns:<br />      public foo4 = let (a, b, c) = (b, c, 1 :: Prelude.Int); in abc;<br />      <br />      // record patterns:<br />      public foo5 = let = {a = "foo"}; in a; // non-polymorphic record pattern<br />      public foo6 = let {_ | a} = {a = "foo", b = "bar"}; in a; // polymorhpic record       pattern<br />      <br />      Whereas a case expression such as (case expr of a:b -> ...) forces the       evaluation of expr to weak-head normal form (WHNF), a similar pattern match       declaration (let a:b = expr; in ...) does not force the evaluation of expr       until one of a or b is evaluated. In this sense, we can regard this as a form       of lazy pattern matching.<br /> </p> <p>Thus,</p> <p>      let a:b = []; in 3.0;</p> <p>is okay and would not cause a pattern match failure, but the case expression</p> <p>      case [] of a:b -> 3.0;</p> <p>would cause a pattern match failure.</p> <p>This laziness is useful in situations where unpacking via a case expression may       result in an infinite loop. For example, the original definition of List.unzip3       looks like this:</p> <p>// Original implementation of List.unzip3<br />      unzip3 :: [(a, b, c)] -> ([a], <b>, [c]);<br />      public unzip3 !list =<br />          case list of<br />          [] -> ([], [], []);<br />          x : xs -><br />              let<br />                  ys =       unzip3 xs;<br />              in<br />                  case x       of<br />                  (x1,       x2, x3) -><br />                      //do       not do a "case" on the ys, since this makes unzip3 strictly evaluate the list!<br />                      (x1       : field1 ys, x2 : field2 ys, x3 : field3 ys);<br />              ;<br />          ;<br /> </p> <p>The use of the accessor functions field1, field2 and field3 here is necessary,       as the alternate implementation shown below would result in "unzip3 xs" to be       evaluated to WHNF during the evaluation of "unzip3 (x:xs)". Thus if the input       list is infinite, the function would never terminate. </p> <p>// Alternate (defective) implementation of List.unzip3<br />      unzip3 :: [(a, b, c)] -> ([a], <b>, [c]);<br />      public unzip3 !list =<br />          case list of<br />          [] -> ([], [], []);<br />          x : xs -><br />              let<br />                  ys =       unzip3 xs;<br />              in<br />                  case x       of<br />                  (x1,       x2, x3) -><br />                      case       ys of // the use of "case" here is inappropriate, as it causes "unzip3 xs" to       be evaluated to WHNF<br />                      (y1,       y2, y3) -> (x1 : y1, x2 : y2, x3 : y3);<br />                  ;<br />              ;<br />          ;<br /> </p> <p>With the new syntax, the original implementation can be expressed more nicely       without changing its semantics:</p> <p>// New implementation of List.unzip3, revised to use the local pattern match       syntax<br />      unzip3 :: [(a, b, c)] -> ([a], <b>, [c]);<br />      public unzip3 !list =<br />          case list of<br />          [] -> ([], [], []);<br />          x : xs -><br />              let<br />                  (y1,       y2, y3) = unzip3 xs; // using a tuple pattern to perform a lazy local pattern       match<br />              in<br />                  case x       of<br />                  (x1,       x2, x3) -><br />                      (x1       : y1, x2 : y2, x3 : y3);<br />              ;<br />          ;<br /> </p> <p style="text-decoration: underline">It is important to note that in places where       a case expression can be used (without having an unwanted change in the       laziness of the expression being unpacked), it should be used instead of this       local pattern match syntax.</p> <p>Things to note about the new syntax:</p> <p>      - local type declarations on the pattern-bound variables are allowed, and these       type declarations can have associated CALDoc comments. On the other hand, the       actual local pattern match declaration itself cannot have a type declaration       nor a CALDoc comment.</p> <p>      - this syntax cannot be used for top-level definitions, only local definitions       in let blocks</p> <p>      - one cannot use patterns with multiple data constructors, e.g.</p> <p>      let (Left|Right) = ...;</p> <p>      is not allowed</p> <p>      - one cannot specify a variable for the base record pattern, e.g.</p> <p>      let {r | a, b} = ...;</p> <p>      is not allowed, but this is okay:</p> <p>      let {_ | a, b} = ...;</p> <p>      - patterns without no variables are disallowed, e.g.</p> <p>      let _ = ...;<br />      let [] = ...;<br />      let () = ...;<br />      let : = ...;<br />      let {_|#1} = ...;      <br /> </p>

    If you use just / it misinterprets it and it ruins
    your " " tags for a string. I don't think so. '/' is not a special character for Java regex, nor for Java String.
    The reason i used
    literal is to try to force it to directly match,
    originally i thought that was the reason it wasn't
    working.That will be no problem because it enforces '.' to be treated as a dot, not as a regex 'any character'.
    Message was edited by:

  • How to accelerate the processing time of pattern match

    How to accelerate the processing time  of pattern match
      If my camera acquire an image in 50ms, but when we analyze this image with pattern match, we need about 300ms. Except using queue to seprate acquisition
    and analysis to different loops, there is another way to directly accelerate the processing time  of pattern match ? Maybe compact rio with FPGA ?
    But I saw a paper in NI web, there is no this function in c-rio ?  
    Any suggersion will be very apperciated ~
    aa.png ‏65 KB

    what matching algorithm are you using? You can reduce time using the Gaussian pyramids algorithm.You can fine tune the parameters using the advanced options.
    What is your template size/image resolution?
    I suppose using a computer with better performance would also work...
    Best regards,
    "Kudos: Users may give one another Kudos on the forums for posts that they found particularly helpful or insightful."

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    Upper, lower case in Ename ????
    Try :

  • Gige + pattern matching

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               I am new to Labview image processing . 
               i need to achive pattern match. from that i need to find fiducail location . but here i am facing some problems like .
               1. aquiring image is corrupted like black lines (i am using GigE camera 5MP 2/3" ) . 
               2. here i am doing pattern match by live grab method ( like continous aquring) . so that my CPU uasge is reachs nearlly  90 %
               3. my task is to find fiducail using pattern match from that i need to assign ROI for main pattern  (is it possible to snap image -> pattern match - > result) 
                i have attached my vi code and image .. 
    6.png ‏75 KB ‏121 KB

    Hi please learn basics and then apply over...
    1)What are the black lines in image? you didn't provide any screenshot/corrupted image.
        -Are you getting images properly NI MAX?
        -Did you allow jumbo packets ?
    2)Please understand what is grab and snap by using built-in examples provides. And your cpu usage is not because of continuous acquisition.
       -I cannot comment on the cpu usage now, but sure it's not because of gab.
       -Use producer-consumer pattern to do parallel acquisition and processing.
    3)Once you understand the difference between grab and snap, this you'll understand automatically.
    Please Mark the solution as accepted if your problem is solved and help author by clicking on kudoes
    Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) Using LV13

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    A single audio clip from my Zoom H4n recorder
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    I'm an editing newbie but this was the very first task I needed to do, i.e. align multiple video clips with a single audio track. My setup is similar. I'm shooting with a Canon 70D, which breaks up video into 4gb clips, which are continuous and easy to align end to end. But the 70D like the 5D only shoots for 30 minutes continuously, so a second or two is lost hitting record again. My external audio was recorded continuously with a camera mounted Tascam (like a zoom) with a line in to the camera. So, in theory, the audio should be the same on the external audio and the audio associated with the video clips, which probably helps the software identify the identical wave forms.
    I found that I could roughly align the video clips based on the audio wave forms and then "synchronize" the audio as shown in the video (Merge clips automatically using audio waveforms | Adobe Premiere Pro CC tutorials). I found that this aligned the audio perfectly but separated the video from its associated audio track. But it's easy to select the video and snap it back into alignment with its audio. While it would be nice to have everything merge automatically, using synchronize sequentially did not take much time.
    Hope that all makes sense.

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    Waiting for a MacBook Pro...   Other OS  

  • How can I read a template and differentiate if it is a pattern matching template or a geometric matching template?

    Hey all,
    I would like to know how can I read a template´s information to know if it is a pattern macthing or a geometric matching template? 
    In my code, users provide templates and the algorithm must match them using pattern matching or geometric matching depending on the template.
    At the moment I am doing it by including a P or a G in the name of the file, but I would like to avoid this and read the information from the file.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance,
    Go to Solution.

    Hey Esteban,
    you can use the VI "IMAQ Is Vision Info Present 2 VI" to reice the information:
    IMAQ Is Vision Info Present 2 VI - NI Vision 2011 for LabVIEW Help - National Instruments
    Take a look at the attached VI
    Determine Pattern ‏13 KB

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